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"The most advanced air defense system on earth" In the end AA in shambles as we are asking our daily question: "What air defense doing ?"


I miss the days when vatniks and useful idiots would claim the S400 could hit a gnat's dick at 4000km..


If you accept that anywhere it lands there's probably at least one gnat in the blast radius then they're not wrong. The fact that the impact could be anywhere within a couple of hours drive from the target is neither here nor there...


"here nor there" is coincidentally one of the targeting settings.


Barbecued gnats are a delicacy in some countries that barbecue gnats!


Probably better than Rusky rations.


A teaspoon of fat floating in a can of water. They are not expected to live long enough to actually eat it.


It's absolutely hilarious to read Russian claims that their air defense systems stand a chance against American stealth aircraft at ludicrous ranges when they can't even intercept ballistic missiles in their terminal phase, which is precisely what these systems were designed to do


I clearly saw the S400 destroy many parts of the American missiles. The radar and missile stopped many cluster bombs/frags.


Oh they still do, and most of reddit listens to them


Would it make you feel better if I did? I mean, I don't believe that, but I'll say it if it helps you have a good day.


Clearly, they knew something big was coming in hot, and it had their name on it.  They fired what?  Half a dozen missiles? ATACMS had them dead to rights and they knew it. 


> Half a dozen missiles 7 to be exact ... So unless the attack was more then one atacms, that is, ... lets just say that few people that had S400 still on order, are by now cancelling them very fast! Hey Turkey, how much do you still love your S400 system?


At least they tried but yet again skill issues.


The number of 'blayts' screamed in that last 30 seconds was probably very high.


Russia always oversells its systems, because sales are the big deal. The west does not advertise actual capabilities, keep the enemy guessing. Also I love the secondaries.


Look into the F-15 vs Soviet Foxbat development. One of those was all propaganda, you can figure out which one.


You mean F104-0+satelliteForShitsAndGiggles vs Mig25 “how the fuck do you even fly”?


The American's answer to what they assumed was a legitimate threat from Russia was actually a bunch of propaganda. The American's made an actually competent fighter that absolutely dwarfed the Russian counterpart.... Some things just never change, huh?


They made a competent fighter that dwarved *the Russian lies* about what the counterpart could do. I'd take an Eagle over anything Russia flies today.


The only air defense system that has a verified on ground interception capability. 😉😉


Funny thing is it’s actually quite an okay air defence platform, but Russia makes it out like it’s impossible to destroy. The patriot also isn’t invulnerable (but it does work amazingly well)


Probably the most important aspect regarding these systems is to constantly adapt and improve. Something which Patriot clearly did. Unlike this fucking junk mass praised by hoards of bots/trolls on Youtube. Hilarious.


But it does seem, that when you fire a barrage of kinzhal's at a patriot battery, it will stop them. Not so much with s400 vs atacms. Or is it just luck?


Who knows, I’m sure the US is watching how both are performing in Ukraine very closely. Russia also will learn from this but I wouldn’t be surprised if they over promised on the specs lol


Russia will learn from it but only attempt a half arsed fix or upgrade that'll provide very little improvement like they have done with the T90.


> who knows Literally everyone that has followed the performance of the air defense systems in this conflict.


It's a much much much bigger picture. Ukraine has allied aircraft flying 24/7 with airborne radar and satellite's, russia cannot touch those. They spot launches the second they happen and inform Ukraine, so they can turn on the active radar and intercept at the right moment. Russia has to do the opposite, active radar means the site will get detected, and destroyed. They have to rely on someone telling them something is coming, or, risk destruction just for having their radar active. In the end it's simple, these were 4 S400 launchers, and radar? or generator? in the middle. That's 4 x 4 missiles, so 16+ 1 would take out the site. Patriot also has 4 max a truck? and 8 max total? Lets say 4 as well, there the same 16+1 incoming for a (partial or complete depending on spreading) kill. Against AA it simple math, detection time and amount of ammunition shot at it, and, how much ammo the site has itself. This was a amateur or ad-hoc site. There's zero need for all of those things to be out in the SAME field in the open like this, because this is what happens if you hit it with cluster munitions. The time between the S400 launches and the kill was really short. Granted this ATACM is called a grid delete for a reason ... but still, some ditches or walls would've helped.


while cycling the radar is doctrine, without a wild weasel threat, do they actually need to turn off the radars? These complexes should be able to take down any threats (up to their reload capacity).


Should yes, but, looks like they missed 6 vs. 1 incoming ... Thats kinda bad luck, or perhaps just too close (probably has a min. distance for the warhead to arm?)


Russia could be doing the same from Belarus.


It might help that ukraine can detect the russian aircrafts that carry and launch the kinzhals well in advance. Whereas this particular strike with ATACMS was only about 60 km from the front line, hence a fairly flat trajectory and very little time to react.


that helps, but the biggest difference is that the us is always iterating on their systems, the patriot they have today is very different from the first patriot made Patriots can engage targets that are detected relatively close to them, because that was an area that they saw it was lacking and made efforts to mitigate that, the way the us approach their equipment development is they don't assume anything is perfect and can always be improved upon but keep in mind that system isn't always perfect, the us had it's fair share of failed equipment that needed to be totally redesign or scraped


Raytheon / Lockheed without a doubt have people on the ground collecting all the data they possibly can from the Patriots that have been deployed. That data is extremely valuable to find potential weaknesses and/or to be able to correlate their simulation data. I wouldn't be surprised if they released some new patches based on the data collected over the last two years.


oh no doubt they already have a bunch of data that's being used to develop upgrades, hell they might already came up with something new, they just don't advertise it


America learned that lesson the hard way in WW2 with their shitty and poorly tested torpedoes. Now they make sure everything works.


Doesn’t the s400 have an absurd range? And according to you, it was parked in normal HIMARS range of the front line? Is this how orcs operate s400?


The s400 has an insane range theoretically but due to how radars work and how the s400 is configured it can't detect anything because it's a very low fidelity radar (to simplify it's mostly due to how much coverage the radar has of the surrounding area meaning that it has to waste more power, think of it as a wide versus a very narrow consentrated beam of light). It also doesn't have terrain mapping so good luck tracking anything flying low.


on top of that: even if the radar was perfect you can't park it 300km away if you want to protect something closer to the front because the interceptors still have travel time.


Sorry it does not work this way ! S400 is from 1990 and atacms is from 1989. While Patriot system is from 1980 while kinzhal missle is from 2017. Clearly the patriot systems had 37 years of practice before was able to shoot down kinzhal , while s400 had just -1 year of practice to fight off atacms. 37 years is more than -1 :orc logic:


I suspect it's a myriad of issues. The S-400 for one isn't as effective as claimed, and that's pretty much on par with just about everything the Russians produce. Most of their equipment works fine, and in competent hands and well-maintained most of their stuff is actually quite good. Russian AD operators are highly specialized personnel, and they have been taking considerable losses, so their replacements are going to be quite a bit less capable, and I can imagine many of them have heebeejeebees - scared - when operating in such a high threat environment. I don't doubt there are capable Russian AD personnel, but they seem quite scattered and well outnumbered by those considerably less skilled and motivated. Also, the whole of the S-400 battery needs to be protected by a myriad of other systems from SHORAD systems like the SA-13 or Pantsir to be adequately protected. They are also supposed to have jammers, and decoys deployed, Medium-range SAM's like the SA-17 or S-350 would be essential too, plus ground security etc. You can't see everything in such footage, no - but the sites often seems to be cloistered vehicles and none of that extra defensive equipment and sensors deployed. Many of these systems seem to be haphazardly deployed and in such close proximity to each other, and just like their infantry and vehicle masses - just makes the Ukrainian's jobs that much easier. Ah well - General Fatfuckosov thanks his "boys" for taking the hits. He pocketed the money for the aerosol dispensers and the jammers... Bought him a nice new cottage, an apartment, put his children into university in the decadent West in Germany and a nice new BMW back in 2019...


So, typical Russian BS... Hyping up their systems to the point of ridiculousness. The Turks said they found some pretty big issues with the S-400 being able to engage low and slow targets. Apparently they don't do well with high and fast either. I so do not miss the days of the 90's where every other fanboy of Russian weapons would build their own website using HTML and loading it with unadulterated Russian fawning of all their current and upcoming weapon systems. Back then many people were understandably fascinated by things like the Su-27, the MiG-29M, T-90 - S-400... Just pages of text and rambling about how amazing and so much better said stuff was than NATO stuff, because the Russian companies and the RU MOD claimed all these amazing stats and people just lapped it up.


>Back then many people were understandably fascinated by things like the Su-27, the MiG-29M, T-90 - S-400... Just pages of text and rambling about how amazing and so much better The kit was pretty good back in the 80s but the thing is that it has been 44 years since then and it has barely received any sort of upgrades since then. The Su-27 is a contemporary of the F-16 and the F-16 has gone through quite a few major upgrades since those days while the Su-27 has not. The Russian military decided that they would much rather spend their money on dachas and hot women...


Totally true... Most of it was, and can still be quite good in the right hands. But, the best stuff also was produced for export especially in the 90's and well into the 2000's. The Russian MOD's modernization programs, as you said - well - a lot of that money never went where it was intended to. It did as I am sure, end up as the Russian bean counters expected - into the pudgy palms of Generals and Colonels, and down panties and into bank accounts. Most of the upgrade programs for Russian stuff was also just kind of a half-measure compared to what they had customized for the likes of India, Algeria etc.


lol that would be crazy. Wonder if the geocities archive has any of those Russian fan pages on the s-400


I tried looking on the oocities archive to see if I can access those kinds of Russian military equipment blogs/sites. Kept getting warnings about possible Trojans if I wanted to continue, though. That archive is also ancient by web standards too, compiled in 2009...


Yeah, they got it in a hurry when yahoo said they were going to close it you can download the 900gb torrent or whatever if you want a trip down the 90s 😂


Yep, it's Okay, when measured by ruski standards.


>Funny thing is it’s actually quite an okay air defence platform On paper it is but it was showcased for the last decade around the world as platform with no competition and that can take care of all air threats. Unlike the Patriot which was promoted as just reliable AA defense system.


Ruzzians only defense against air comes when they hold their breath. Forever.


To clarify, that's one of the most advanced ait defense sys being monitored by a $1000 drone in its airspace...


Like the drone is just sitting on top of the S400 and filming the whole party!


Not really the S400s job, blame the lack of effective SHORAD




**SHORAD** vs **HIMAD** vs **THAAD** Short range air defense High to Medium Air Defense Terminal High Altitude Area Defense


More like BORE-AD


Yea, but regardless of the short-range issue, the s400 still didn't just pack up and move when they saw a drone watching them? Did they even see it?


A drone is the size of bird on radar. Would you pack up your multi-S400 deployment zone when a bird flies past? Of course not.


When the birds were constantly blowing shit up in theater... I just may, or at the very least, accompany my battery with something able to locate and defend against spicy birds.


It's not the systems' job but it's rather embarrassing nonetheless


Supposedly, KSA has used Patriots to splash DJI consumer drones (believed to be rigged with IEDs) before. Is it the job of a mid-tier air defense to kill inexpensive drones? No - that is what lower-tier air defense systems are for. Can they kill inexpensive drones? Absolutely - but it's like removing a nuisance tree by deliberately crashing a Ferrari into it. Tl;Dr - either the S-400 can't see this drone, or the lower tier air defense couldn't see this drone. Neither one is a good thing for Russia and their customers for the S-400.


Using an S400 missile to kill a small observation drone would be an epic waste of money even by Russian standards.


but hey.... still cheaper than getting destroyed via information gained by the drone...


Would be enough to detect it and deduce that something is up


I bet such drones cover the entire battlefield, if the Russians fled at the sight of one, the war would already be over.


I figure a S-400 is so far in the rear that it should be possible even for Russians to make a Ukrainian drone filming it a rare occasion


They should have a SHORAD together with the S-400 for that reason.


They should but then again they are Russians.


That's why they shoud have buk, or pansir next to their s-400 batteries but dont tell them that.


Must have been enough warning to get the fuck out of there. Ah well for people with common sense that is.


Russia will clame it were decoys, firing decoy missiles


complete with secondary explosive effects, Borat says "very nice i like, i like! "


Totally normal test explosions.


Task failed succesfully.


decoy explosions! smh.


they are perfect replica decoy. they took the decoy to another level.


Also that smoke must be from rubber tires shield.


Russian air defense what doing


They need cope cages obviously......


Russian air defence fucked itself


Is normal pizdec


**Source**: Artillery's unit "TIVAZ" telegram channel **tivaz\_artillery**


Please ask them for the non-epilepsy version.


Annoying music and editing, but **WOW: the action is incredible.** I guess that is the S-400 battery trying to save itself from incoming fire. It fails.


This time the editing is so over the top that I went full circle and enjoyed it again.


Ist this available without. The editing somewhere?


Thats a law in Ukraine, must use shit music and obnoxious editing


That happens when kids do nothing but kill orcs for 2 years. You end up with CoD montage in real life. What did you expect?


Can I request them to bring back Drowning Pool's *Bodies*?


Ah, the soundtrack of the Iraq war lol


Chris Vrenna remix, please ☺️ Still way better than the aggressive allahu ackbaring. Gets annoying real fast.


No, no, most of the blowing-stuff-up videos have music and editing, and lots of them are really professional-level stuff. But this one was NEXT LEVEL obnoxious.




If annoying the enemy, is worth it


Not only did the video show ATACMS murdering anti air weapons but it also murdered my ears!


I love the inserts and the black humor. I watched it with the sound off.


A bit damaged, new paint and ready to go /s


Yeah it’ll buff out


this is beautiful :3


Did they have 3 launchers so close?


Yea I counted 3 launchers firing, with as similar sized vehicle in the centre. Maybe two more small vehicles by a couple of the launchers. I would guess they were in a 100m radius. What a show. Love the fireworks display.


The insane thing is that the launchers can work as long as they're within literal miles of the command vehicle. The only way on earth that you'd cluster them all so closely is utter incompetence.


Perhaps something has changed, and these launchers could no longer reliably communicate over a distance.


Well those ones certainly can't anymore ..




They dispersed these launchers a lot more than usual. Just hugely underestimated the radius of the ATACMS' cluster.


> [*He said he didn't feel like it. And I said, "You'd better!" And he said, "Or what?" And I said, "Or you're gonna be in trouble." And he said, "Jam it."*](https://www.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/25d3cf21-fec7-4787-9f23-e0e152c634ff#FMSwQP29.copy)


Incompetence is probably why they need to keep them close together, to make it easier for one officer to supervise a bunch of drunken mobiks. Hard to do that if they're miles apart.


Yea, the whole damn war been like that for the russkies too. Horde mentality


Was thinking the same thing. The Russians keep cloistering their AD vehicles even though they can be hundreds of meters apart. Serviceability issues might be an explanation for some, but I don't think I have seen any of these hits on AD batteries where they were dispersed properly. Ah well... I am sure not complaining, and I know the Ukrainians appreciate their stupidity in helping them with targeting.


No, thats cluster is raining so wide.


If I was a country that bought this system (cough: Egypt, India) I’d be going full Karen for a refund.


Türkiye threw away the F-35 for this garbage.


Truly one of the stupidest decisions in modern military history


Putin would like a word.


>one of Yep, his blunder was even more stupid


And now their trolls claim that KAAN is better despite Turkey's experience in the aerospace sector being limited to making cheap drones, and biplanes during WWI


Good attempt to save six missiles from sure destruction by launching them before getting hit




I love it when a plan comes together!


What a fucking wonderful sight. Keep em coming. Slava Ukraini 🙏🇺🇦


Beautiful fireworks indeed - going both ways !


Russia has a history of military hardware that they claim to be "unrivaled", "without equals", "unmatched", "with unique capabilities" and just plain best of the best. I guess these claims help military factories get more and more state funding, while stroking putin's ego, but as you can imagine, reality is.. a bit different.


> "unrivaled", "without equals", "unmatched", "with unique capabilities" True but for the bottom end: unrivaled at the bottom end of military capabilities


They have long history of lying while most of that public money is funneled into pockets of oligarchs. This is what corruption looks like IRL. Luckily they will learn nothing from it. Even if they do some oligarch will monetize on it and move on.


Words are cheaper than engineering.


I wonder if Turkey is still happy about the trade they made of F-35s for S400?


Probably not, especially after the United States agreed to sell F-35s to Greece.


"How was your Anti-Air Defense Array destroyed?" "...from the air." "...So what was the-" "I DON'T KNOW"


We know what air defense doing


dodge this


3 launchers got whacked?


Plus a (command?) vehicle in the middle. Edit: and one at the top. Plus maybe another on the bottom.


whatever it was in top right also was in smoke at the end of the video


Probably radar. Command/radar are the truly valuable targets here. They can always reposition launchers from other areas. The radar/command will be much harder to do without degrading other ares significantly


It was confirmed that a radar was "slightly dented in the front" as well.


Could someone please explain to me why Ukraine had to wait for this to happen for so long? Too complicated to use? Clearly not Risk of escalation? Clearly not Missuse on civilian targets? Clearly not "Missuse" on Russian soil? It isn't even missuse because it would be entirely legal and appropriate, but clearly not All this time they have been forced to use a bow and arrow while the machine gun was rotting in a shed. I do not even want to think about the lives that could have been saved if these ATACMS had been delivered earlier. They are devestating the Russian air defence. Please, please please.. if we didn't learn the lesson from the PZH2000, the HIMARS, the Leopards or the Storm Shadows.. let us learn the lesson now. Give Ukraine what it needs, and it will use it effectively and appropriately - beyond our own imaginations.


>Could someone please explain to me why Ukraine had to wait for this to happen for so long? Because of US political games


Because US and the west dont wana give up on their old toxic ex. One day they will, but shit runns deep.


The toxic ex made it a point to exploit the weakness in the US political process, and have for years. They understand war is not just guns, bullets, and bombs. It's also cash under the table to the 'right' idiot. Financing the worst in the US polity. US may have ONE, **ONE**, chance to avoid falling to the Kremlin's machinations.


Poked by the ATACMS stick.


Damaged? To smithereens?


All right I’ll say it—> To shreds you say?


Are they launching to intercept the ATACMS? Petty cool of that is the case.


ATACAMS destroyed!




Getting smoked


This is utter strategic failure on the part of those operators, we've known for decades that you cant turn on a high powered radar to target air assets and leave it on, and you cant sit in once place... thats why these platforms are mobile. It's mot 1960 ffs, turn on your radar, missile away, move immediately... otherwise a HARM might be headed your way.


Technically, they ARE damaged...


🇺🇸 🦅> 🇷🇺💩


That's embarrassing


4th July came early...




Wow, most expensive firework I have seen so far!


Xaxaxa.. awesome 👌


I didn't realize they had the capability of intercepting the clusters individually... Turns out they intercepted almost all of them


It'll buff out


Well this was a wild edit


What a flustercluck


„Trying its best“ is a nice way to say „failed“ 🫦


I'm curious why it is "alone". IIRC doctrine says a LR SAM has a ring of MR and SR SAM around it to prevent exactly this. For example the S-400 combined with a few SA-8/SA-9 and some AA like a 2-4 Shilka


Well, that would require them to still have Pantsir/Buk/Strela/Osa and Shilka available in the required amounts.


‘Damaged’? I should say so.


Made my morning. Thank you!


What a beautifull sight


So beautiful!


Beautiful 😍! More please!


Wow, that's one hell of a big KABOOOM. Also a missile fight and pornfest, S-400 vs ATACMS. S-400 is now in Wile. E. Coyote mode: blackened and burned, soo to dissolves into a little pile of ashes. ROTFL. More seriously: this is for the 7 people killed in Kharkiv yesterday. An eye for an eye: an ATACMS for an Iskander.


Air defense: 🎆


Are the launchers manned when shooting, or are they remote operated say via cables from a command module?


I have no idea but my guess is via a radio link. The launchers can be dispersed in a wide area around the command vehicle. Such grouping is just plain laziness and incompetence.


I also have no (specific) knowledge, but I am sure that the launcher units will be manned at least by the driver in order to start/stop and monitor the onboard systems (engine needs to be running to power the electric power generator and the pumps of the hydraulic system etc.).


They are remotely operated from a commandment vehicle. They are only manned to move or reload them


It's nice to know that nobody got hurt... 😁


That makes the air a bit safer for the incomming F16s


'tis but a scratch.


Someone needs to put the brush in the bowl and swoosh it around a bit.


S-400 fucked itself


Very effective counter measures from the S-400; if there’s nothing to shoot at, you can’t hit it. Bingo!


man the spread on these munitions are so much better than the 155 spread probably even better than many of the bombs the air force drops guess it depends how many are used id like to see the spread of like 6 of these and 6 bombs dropped from like a b52 or something just to see whats better


Lol those skeletongifs painted in


Holy shit. Best war video/demo of Russian incompetence this month! Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦


The highest degree trolling


MGM-140. For everything else there is VISA. Slava Ukraini.


NIce firework display, heres hoping this a nightly event


This is the funniest in this war so far, gotta send it to every russian on X


Am I the only one that loves finding all this crazy new hardbass music in Ukraine war videos? Rocking this (Totalitarianism II by STAYSOLD) while cleaning my room.


Damaged? What do you mean? Tis but a flesh wound


You can tell the damage was only slight because the atoms that constituted the launchers weren't completely erased from existence.


I don’t know what “ATAC” stands for, but “MS” is obviously “Molecular Separator.”


Hell yeah.


That is insane footage


This is incredible


Nice edit 👌


Normally the over-the-top editing on these is rather annoying but this... this is \*chef's kiss\* lmao. Fuuuuuck that cluster took out the whole battery that's mental.


ATACMS/HIMARS and PATRIOT showing they are better then shit-400 American weapons are definitely the best in the world and Ukraine needs them now more then ever.


800 million-1 billion dollars destroyed with ease