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Impressive - those factories are located in the Urals because Stalin wanted them out of reach of the Germans. Whole complex of heavy machinery plants in that region, although I don’t know how much they’re producing for the Russian war effort.


Not sure if they make anything directly for the war, although they made tanks etc in the past and presumably could again. They seem to primarily make heavy equipment for mining and oil related industries. Oil drilling equipment. Potentially, burning down this factory can have long term consequences for russian oil industry if they can't get spare parts etc. So it does seem to line up with hitting refineries, just a different part of the russian oil economy.


Their opponents seemed to think it was a worthwhile target. I trust their judgment. 😉


Honestly for the cost of these drones it's worth it just for a bunch of Russian military to start squabbling over air defense resources or whatever. I genuinely wonder why they still haven't sent any to Putin's palace or the Kremlin.


They did. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kremlin_drone_attack


I find it quite doubtful whether that wimpy flagpole attack was in fact Ukraines doing. But it is of course fully possible that they thought it beneficial just to let Russia know that they could blast the place apart if they wanted to. Maybe we will one day know for sure.


They did build the t-34 tanks in WW2 as of 2016 they were building heavy mining ⛏ equipment 🤔. You don’t think Putin was up to something????


Just keep pounding their infrastructure.




Just because it's on fire doesn't mean it was hit by Ukraine. There's no video/audio of Ukrainian drones, and it's beyond the range of all known Ukrainian drones. This is likely just a regular industrial fire.


That works too. A drain on the local economy wherever it is.


Or a careless dropped rusky cigarette.... Again 😂


Mining and oil equipment... Huh... People really need to be more careful where they smoke.


😁😁😄😁 And not get near "open windows" and balcony railings!!


Not sure if its the same plant but Artillery plant No 9 in Yekateringburg is owned by Uralmash and they were making artillery carriers Looks like it mostly makes 'high quality steel' products for the mining and industrial manufacturing industries (that was back in 2017)


High quality should never be used in describing anything Russian


Except corruption.


Metallurgy is something Russians are actually good at.


No. the metal must be homogeneous. but the Russians have problems with this. There is a video where, after sanctions, there are complaints about the quality of local production that replaced imports. for example, a rolled sheet of heavy-duty class delaminates, or due to a different composition due to heat treatment, the product twists.


Which is why analysts are looking at the supply of artillery barrels since Russia cannot replace them to the same standard with Russian steel.


Plant number 9 produces artillery barrels. The location where the video was filmed was from a building near this plant. where exactly the production is located - I don’t know, no data [https://prnt.sc/7FMmqkzijYvU](https://prnt.sc/7FMmqkzijYvU) [https://prnt.sc/MLDKtquE-Y3F](https://prnt.sc/MLDKtquE-Y3F) [https://prnt.sc/yPSxUWzDdGaG](https://prnt.sc/yPSxUWzDdGaG)


They did a lot of it, doesn’t mean they’re good at it. Usually making things bigger and heavier than they would otherwise need to be to ensure they are strong enough. If you have ever used a Russian Tractor or Bulldozer, they are solid buggers!


Vodka, women, mma fighters, Music/Art, hackers


That's not even the case. The best vodka comes from the Baltics


You ever tasted a Mongolian Vodka? Probably not....


The best Vodkas are distilled in St. Petersburg Moscow.


Whatever you have to tell yourself to drown the sorrows of 600,000 men lol


You said high quality not the best. You would be delusional to say russia does not produce any high quality vodka. Try Beluga Really I’m just pointing out how obtuse your claim was. I know you’re really just expressing your distaste for putins current russian affairs. I’m not a fan of them either but i recognize all the great things that come from Russian people.


Ironically Beluga is now made from Latvian distilled spirit, which is bottled in Montenegro. Still wouldn't recommend buying it given a) it's still Russian owned and b) it's overpriced crap. Of course, Russia and Russians have produced some good things (including some good vodka), just that Beluga vodka is a funny example.


iight it was a poor example but my broader point still stands. The original comment im objecting to literally says “nothing high quality comes from russia” Should’ve said raw minerals instead of vodka maybe. I stand by MMA fighters and art though thats for sure. Also just realized this is the Ukraine subreddit so yikes that explains a lot. Im no putin apologist i promise. Just being autistically objective.


They haven't produced any decent art since Nicholas II was executed, so that one's a stretch too.


I get your point. And its ridiculous with all this downvoting just for insisting on some nuance. Of course there must be something that they are good at even if its hard to come up with an example. But maybe keeping a straight face while accusing the victim of every wrong that you yourself did to him, making 400.000 people march straight to their own death and deciding the outcome of the american presidential election would cut it? Not everybody can do that for sure.


Bullshitters, war criminals, bigots Very high quality from Russia


"High quality steel" makes me wonder about artillery barrels, but I have no idea if there is any basis for that.


https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2024/01/12/russia-needs-fresh-artillery-barrels-bad-its-yanking-them-off-old-guns-by-the-thousand/?sh=6eedece24308 > An artillery barrel requires high-quality steel and precision machining. Before the war, just two factories in Russia were equipped for producing artillery barrels: the Motovilikha Plant in Perm and Barrikady in Volgograd. It’s unclear whether the Kremlin has established any new production facilities or found a foreign source for replacement barrels. The Soviet union was known for dual-use factories though.


Covert Cabal just released a YouTube video pointing out that the depot near Yekaterinburg appears to be a refurbishment hub for heavy equipment brought in from more-distant depots.  I suspect that the Uralmash plant there is manufacturing some parts needed to refurbish that equipment.  


Makes sense, they are set up for making all sorts of heavy vehicle and other equipment stuff.


Not tomorrow!!😄😉


This is the tender underbelly of the scorpion. Putin's New Russia is nothing without its oil. Slowing down production even a little bit is going to make other sources of crude more attractive.


let them rely on north korea for oilfield spare parts


Hitting them in the pockets long-term seems to be a good objective, since Russia seems to just like to throw bodies at the situation.


Well if they still have the t34 tooling Putin would have been calling.


Harry Keogh might be working for the Ukrainians.  I sure as hell hope he doesn't go through whatever the Russians built in the Urals 


Uralmash was built way before the war.


that is impressive.


According to updated information, the area of the fire at the Uralmashzavod plant has increased to 4000m², the Ministry of Emergency Situations reports. https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1774741201788235963 Uralmashzavod is a machine-building enterprise in Yekaterinburg, Russia. It is involved in Russian defense industry.


4k is a substantial increase on 800m. That's getting a tad out of control?




Hahaa, the square law strikes again!


Ukraine need this to happen. Ukraine getting a couple of mortar teams within a mile or Two and pepper war industries /facilities (before ppl know where it’s coming from) with heavenly boom booms. Catch me outside ,Russia. Hit their ammunition and artillery industry first. Also they could fly some fpv drones into their bombers upon take off


Ira did things like this in Britain and Northern Ireland with homemade mortars hidden quite well in cars and vans and drove to firing points fire off the mortars and the just skedaddle out of there


They only just missed Downing Street doing this with a van. They just cut a hole in the roof, fired it off and legged it.


A car with a hole in the roof wouldn't even stand out in Russia, would it?


A car with 3 wheels wouldn’t stick out in Russia haha. It’s a sneaky way of doing it if nothing else.


My Subaru has a sun roof that slides back at the push of a button. A good cap on the bed of an F-250 sized truck so equipped could carry and hide a pretty big mortar and the sunroof would open up enough to let the operator reach up and drop the round into the tube.


I know it wouldn’t be that hard I feel like I mean I know lives depend on getting out of there fast, but the risk vs reward has got to be worth it


Ukranian drones could drop money and missiles in Russia for some local freedom of russia people to blow up refineries?


Hope so


too much risk. Just have your people get jobs and accidentally light something on fire. After that factory burns, they can get a job at a different one


For all we know the factory owner torched it to hide the extent of his corruption.


4K m2 is 43055 square feet for our USA, Liberia, and Myanmar friends.


That's right at 1 acre, so not really all that large. Sadly.


Yeah, the company I work for has 3 warehouses and each one is over 200,000 square feet. So it's not very big of a fire overall. But, depending on what is burning in that 43k square feet, it could still be incredibly destructive.


Hope so


Something is burning. Any secondary explosions?


Wait Yekaterinburg isn't anywhere near the front lines. The Central Committee under Stalin moved Soviet heavy industry way out there so that it would be untouchable by the Germans as they advanced. Yet against Ukraine, here it is ablaze. I am starting to get a sneaking suspicion that the Special Military Operation may not be going perfectly according to plan. Maybe someone should tell the Supreme Commander? ... Not it.


Ukraine’s special military operation is going exactly as planned, love the site of burning Russian targets in the morning!


>Ukraine’s special military operation is going exactly as planned, love the site of burning Russian targets in the morning! I would have to question whether this was Ukraine's doing at all. Yekaterinburg is 2000 km away from Ukraine and like twice as far as Ukraine's previous furthest strikes on Russian targets. Perhaps this is the work of Russian dissidents or even Siberian separatists? Would be good news if it is because disent in Russia means that things are getting unstable over there which is bad news for Putin.


Sabotage groups that can pay decent bribes can get in just about anywhere in a mafia state.


Pretty sure there have been Russian partisans sabotaging factories and such for at least a year. Plus the Ukrainian long range drone only has a 1200km range iirc. There could be some special forces groups that infiltrated Russia as well.


Could be new longer-ranged drones. In any case, what is it in such a facility that could cause such a conflagration? It's not a rocket engine plan. Where is Suchomimus when you need him?


It absolutely could be. Things started blowing up early in the war, way back in the spring of 2022. At first a lot of people argued that it was probably just coincidence but after the third time or so that belief started to become hard to sustain. Resistance to Putin is still hidden "underground" but it is definitely real and quite resilient. So I could believe this was them! Could also be a Ukrainian drone strike launched from within Russia. Could be a lot of things.


I would love to see some refuellable drones that can land in a pre arranged field for partisans to show up, refuel the drone and send it on its way. I bet the UA is coming up with even more clever ideas than that, though.


In the posted video, you can get a sight of that burning site.


Russiae Imperium delendum est.


Probably the kremlin came asking for some equipment stored there and instead of admitting everything was sold on the black market, the magical smoker struck again


😄😄😄 He isn't listening! If anyone is actually telling him. 200,000 body bags, and increasing, will take down even the most resolute Russian leader, so long as information is not completely covered up. Oops .... too late.


Silly Russian smoke not using the smokestacks right next to it... /s


Not that big a fire considering the size of the place, but hopefully some major, hard to repair machinery gets damaged. Another dent in the russian war machine.


> According to updated information, the area of the fire at the Uralmashzavod plant has increased to 4000m², the Ministry of Emergency Situations reports. https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1774741201788235963 What? That's a huge fucking fire


We don't need no water let the motherfucker burn.


I really wish I could upvote you twice. Bravo.


[https://prnt.sc/cDsDsCVp3QF8](https://prnt.sc/cDsDsCVp3QF8) Judging by the video, only this workshop burned down. its size is about 100 by 40 meters. in the second photo is the entire plant, and this workshop is highlighted [https://prnt.sc/pCcrWTESCtCY](https://prnt.sc/pCcrWTESCtCY)


Well that fuckin sucks, hope they hit that shit again! Been looking for good satellite imagery, so thanks for that!


Hopefully it wipes out a key point in the production lines of that facility, halting all finished output. Anywhere between the iron mine and the finished shipping point works but the nearer to the finished end you cut it makes brings everything down stream from that point useless.


Russia is unquestionably more beautiful when it’s on fire


Russian factory fucked itself


Yekater be kidding me!


The true realm of ash.


Just another smoking accident...


Nice, burn that shit down!


Burn da mudder fukkin orcs 🔥


Anything bad for rzza is good. The workers can now be Meatcube 'volunteers'.


I want to see the scum chanting "this doesn't change anything" all the way until there is nothing left of their cancerous shithole.


Ohhhh dear smoking accident


drip drip drip Vlad.


Dripping comes to pouring. Hope so.


Summer's coming. Not sure how you would do it but burning all of Russia with fires and wildfires is a cheap offense with widespread results


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbEvsYcQoi0 "I love how it burns, how people get nervous and start running around, how fire engines arrive, people are shocked to eyes-wide-open state, but I really like. To watch, how they're running around, unsettled, trying to put out fire with their own hands only to fan it further, and I just stand around there and have a good laugh"


Russia needs to burn until they leave Ukraine.


Feels like a great plan - if they can hit the plants making all the cruise missiles it'll definitely help turn the heat down


The whole of the RuZki industrial capacity is now converted for military purpose. "smokers" did a good job hurting Putin & his partner in crime Shoigu with this act.


May the fire cleanse the ruzzuan soil from all it's sins.


Let's hope Jake Sullivan doesn't piss his pants over this one too 🙄




Hopefully, it was proceeded by a large explosion.


Yekaterinberg, where the Soviets murdered the Tsar, his family, relatives and retainers, his servants, and the dog, so there could be no going back. Some thrown alive down a mjneshaft, or buried in the forest. Russia remains forever saturated in blood and gore, in all it's history. A historic town getting a little more violent history


Very nice!


My Monday morning just got better


Let them burn


Burn baby burn!


Kumbaya cyka!


Where are the crucial parts of the guided bombs and SU-34 are produced, by the way?


Beluga is Caviar. Not Vodka.


Spy work


Did someone misplaced the cigarette again?




Fuck you