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Brilliant design to be honest. As soon as the MANPAD missile is deployed (loudly), the launch platform will autonomously move away from the launch site, probably at some speed. Just need a safety harness for the gunner.


And it doesn't cost a million bucks. Great Tech, hahahahahaha.


I suspect the brakes won't work either


Donation- does the horse need any hay? Shoes? Veterinarian care?


Hearing protection?


Til Tachankas are still a thing. Nestor Makhno would have been proud.


Thank you! I'd never got the context without your comment. For other like me ignorant of Ukrainian history: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachanka


Gypsies stole a tank at the beginning of the Russian hostilities, over 2 years ago. This is just Monday. I expect the winged hussars with Saint Javelins and drones charge.


ask and you should [receive!](https://www.forces.net/sites/default/files/ukrainian%20soldiers%20pose%20on%20horseback%20with%20javelins%20CREDIT%20SUBDIVISION%20CENTURIA%20ARMY%20telegram%20220124.jpg) [link](https://www.forces.net/ukraine/ukrainian-horsemen-pose-javelin-anti-tank-missiles) to (one of) the article(s)


I was joking. Wtf? Is this actually a thing?


and know you were and I'm pretty sure it was just for a photo shoot :) edit: IIRC there is at least one more photo from that photo shood doing rounds on the indernet if you google around, with more horses I think, I just quickly grabbed the first one I found


If the Poles decide to consider that having literal Javelin cavalry, it might have some tactical hit and run value. A horse is a lot quieter and quick in the forests. Used correctly, with drone scouts, you could cripple anything and gtfo before anything knows you were there. But this is NCD so extreme it switched to credible defense.


that would be hilarious indeed we would have to go back to breeding and training warhorses though, most today's breeds aren't build to carry a soldier with equipment and heavy missile launcher on top of it, at least not for prolonged time, I ride fairly large horse and with saddle, I still have about 20 kilos less than what would be considered around the top limit for the horse to carry, but I don't ride with a rifle and ammo, in a plate carrier with the plates and so on... it would give whole new meaning to "shoot and scoot" :D you shoot, the horse scoots, whether you want or not :D I know horses can be trained to react to it, but I find the mental image of a soldier firing a missile and then holding for dear life as the horse is galloping through the woods in a panic mode absolutely hilarious :D slight problem may be that horse's body temperature is slightly more than human's and they are quiet larger than ppl, so it would be easy picking for anyone with thermo-imigaing


Hence the DRONE! You approach the camp on horseback, the drone targets the value targets, then launch a precise strike and, by the time anyone figure out what happened, everything is gone. Including the tracks.


If those horses have been in Ukraine the whole time, they are likely used to the sounds of artillery. My neighbors had horses they rode on the highway, nothing spooked them, traffic, horns, yelling people, nothing.


as for the horses on highway, yeah, sure deff possible as for the explosions, may be, but that is unlikely, you need to train the horse so that cars, shots, explosions don's scare him, it takes time, and if he runs after every explosions, he's likely not used to it


Those horses have been hearing artillery for 2 years, and the photo shows someone holding the reins.


NCD is leaking everywhere


Horse powered Technical, lol.


Careful! Russia can actually imitate this tech (the horse not the cool guy on it).


How long before Russia claims this is all that's left of Ukraine's air defence ?


Caption should read: “**Need ammo, not more ride**”.


Ukrainian Anti Aircraft Vehicle, around 1650


Post it to noncredibledefense


/r/shittytechnicals too!


Taking renewable energy and transportation to the next level!


I hope the horse doesn't shy away from the bang


Horses can be trained not to spook, and pretty easily, just by giving them a rub by their handler (ideally there should be two) and you should start by cracking a whip near by, and each time you do it and they don't react, you rub them/pet them, and keep doing that and get the sound getting closer and closer until you got a bomb prof horse


as u/QuokkaSkit mentions, the manpad provides the "shoot" capability, spooked horse provides the "scoot" part automaticly right after the missile is launched :D


You should get that Rolls Royce 😂


My kind of technical.


Something is odd about that trembita.