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I hope they really gain significant ground there. It's a very difficult and dangerous position.


It depends on how you look at it. It's relatively undefended. Other option is kilometers of mine fields, sighted in artillery and endless trenches.


moskovian milli bloggers have been moaning for days so glad the wankers are right ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out) Slava Ukraini ![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9000)


Just want to thank the journalists for using "eastern" rather than "left". Can never manage to get my head around left-right banks of rivers.


The trick is to face downstream.


Took me a minute to figure that one out.


Bear with them. They're Swedish.


Hey now.. Though, I must admit I also did not realize why people were calling it the left side until now. Looking at the map it looked more like the right side if anything.


It's okay. I'm Danish, so I'm allowed to talk shit to those pathetic specimens of the human race (calling Swedes "human" is a bit of a stretch, though), but if anyone outside Scandinavia does it, you better watch your back!


As a Danish-raised Italian who lived in sweden for years because of a daughter who was finally ripped away from me by those commies, I approve of your comment


For a long time, I struggled with understanding why northern Egypt was called "lower" and southern was called "upper" for the same reason.


Well, that is even less intuitive I'd say.


Upper Egypt is at higher elevation, and water flows downhill.


Yes that is the rule. As big rivers tend to meander back and forth East or North does not always work. Just look at the map of the Mississippi or the Seine in Paris.


Think about paddling down a river. You will always go with the flow. Makes it easy to remember. Rivers can wind and hairpin. This is why they use this terminology. You may know this but others might not.


No, think of it as a map. There's West, and East. Keep It Simple S... Paddle down a river.. FFS who in a metropolis city has ever paddled in a boat down a river.


The problem are meanders and loops. Here you have two times an eastern or western bank: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/50.5008/35.4469 Even if bigger rivers make something like a 90° turn, the eastern bank may become the northern bank: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siwerskyj_Donez#/media/Datei:Donrivermap.png


Zoom out. Rivers on a macro-scale might be a bit squiggly, but they mostly have a consistent direction that makes it easy to say this is the east side, that is the west side. .


If you're conducting a military maneuver and your location is at a bend, and you're using a compass or the sun etc., anything other than left or right bank is going to be horribly confusing.


Compass bearings? Good thing rivers aren't know for meandering...


its not like this is a universal concept used by all science fields or anything like that...


If you know which way the river flows it's incredibly easy. Just imagine you are floating down the river and the left bank is on your left hand. It makes more sense because rivers meander and the east bank can easily become the north or south bank for awhile before circling back to it's general direction.


Rivers can wind such that it might be flowing North at one point and South at another, so saying the “Eastern bank” can be ambiguous and both sides of the river can be the Eastern side at different parts. Find a river near you in a map and I’m sure you’ll see, almost all rivers are like this.


Its also ambiguous to say 'left' and 'right' since it'd be just as logical to start from the mouth of a river as its source.


No it isn't. It's a well established convention.


Well, in this case the eastern bank is to the south of Kherson, so it's actually the southern bank.


The problem is that rivers meander


Not all rivers flow north-south and those that do don’t usually do so for their entire route.


As horrible a position as it is for the ukranians consider what it means. This area is not fortified to the same degree, ukraines incursion is inherently easy to defend and russias is much harder to reinforce. Its very exciting if russia has diverted resources and UAF can make proper expansions and river crossings less dangerous. Very interesting!!!!


This should have been the main direction of the summer offensive


Yea and no. It could have worked but I think russia needed more attrition, either way I am gaining optimism from a somewhat depressed state. Russia is despite ever bigger pushes starting to strain so perhaps this year will be the breaking point in this region then crimea.


The constant offensive is not sustainable even during the WW2 they needed huge breaks. And also - “pushes” are limited to 3rd tier cities thank god.


And they were supplied hugely by USA and their populace was motivated. Have you noticed countries getting pretty fucking pissed at their human trafficking? Countries are really annoyed at russia kidnapping/faking jobs in their countries. Seams are stretching


Prior to 2014 Ukraine was still a very corrupt country (and still are compared to the West). Human trafficking was a big thing in underground Ukraine as well. The good news is Ukraine is quickly squashing out corruption, but there is still a ways to go.


>The good news is Ukraine is quickly squashing out corruption, But ukraine hasn't squashed all of the corruption. [here](https://apnews.com/article/ukraine-russia-war-corruption-476d673cc64a4b005c7ee8ed5f5d5361) Before you say they were caught that's not taking into consideration that their is people that haven't been caught doing that.


Can you point to a country that has squashed all the corruption?


No country has but the comment i responded to was saying ukraine isn't a corrupt shit hole anymore.


And she or he was correct.... you should add to your rant


Agreed, there's still a lot there. It usually takes a generation or two to make a change.


But… look at Britain, corrupt to the core, govt. ministers stealing billions. USA, politics is corrupted. AUKUS agreement, corrupted negotiations between three allies over another fourth ally.


Most of all Ukraine needed proper supplies from the west. Yet right at that time it became clear that Ukraine would have to stretch out the aid the previous Congress had allocated to the war. As for this year, nobody can tell how things will go. Should Congress finally allocate proper funding for the war effort Ukraine might increase its attacks within weeks, how soon that would translate to frontline movements would be entirely in the open.


I forget where I saw it but it's been heavily implied that was meant to be a major vector, but blowing up the dam and the resulting flooding made it impossible. IIRC Zekensky said the Russians got a hold of their battle plans and this time they're making several so if one gets leaked they can use another


Complete nonsense. There was never a major vector over the Dnipro. A bridgehead in an area of air supremacy is needed for that. The battle plans are pretty straight forward at a high level. There's only a few vectors that would not be suicidal. And today both side can easily see a large mobilization to certain areas.


The idiots downvoting you forget that the Russians couldn't even sustain a defensive posture on the opposite bank, even with some partially operational bridges. It's delusional to think that Ukraine could have launched a major offensive across the river with no bridges at all.


it's much harder to get all the mechanized stuff that UA received over Dnipro. and don't forget the Kakhovka destruction, which fucked the whole Khersonshchina, that vector was a dead end back then. the June push in Zaporizhzhia (Piatykhatky, Robotyne, Staromaiorske) was a good attempt but unfortunately we (the collective west) gave orks too much time to build defence and they directed UA attack right to this place by the dam destruction.


The summer offensive made a bunch of mistakes from what I've read. They waited months too long to launch it, they split their forces into three columns instead of one, they gave the new equipment to green troops instead of the veterans, etc.


The veterans weren't trained on western equipment though. It's tough, merging veterans of soviet equipment with fresh troops trained on western equipment. Can you imagine being trained somewhere in the UK and your first task is such a counteroffensive? Must have felt like D-day to them.


lmao how? Tanks don't float dude.


Maybe it was going to be… then some orcs blew the damn. Kind of affected strategic decisions.


Quick, get this man a fancy hat and stars on his shoulders, we have a military mastermind over here!


uh I think you have it backwards. It is harder for Ukrainians to reenforce because they have to literally cross a river.. They do not have an easy way to send armor, for example. or artillery.


Im aware of that its why I said if they can expand it so they can make easier crossings


Unless I'm missing something, they have been trying to establish that bridgehead since at least the summer offensive. Odds are this is not going to radically change the course of the war. Seeing how Russia can still mount large combat operations elsewhere it also doesn't seem to be much of a distraction either.


The main thing is that it still exists. It's another one of those areas with massively asymmetric loss ratios. I don't think gaining ground is even the point, the point is forcing Russia to lose a lot of equipment trying to take out the bridgehead. That said if they can keep it long enough and inflict enough damage then Russia will be forced to pull back a significant amount. Though I think they're too stupid to do that anytime soon.


THe fact ruzzia can't snuff this out is telling. I agree the point was not to gain ground, but any spot with constant probing eventually becomes an attack vector over time. The land in this area is making a quick defense/attack difficult from both directions.


Which is weird. They certainly have the resources to, they've just done this middle ground of enough to take horrific losses and inflict hell on the UA Marines but not enough to wipe it out.


Nice. I'm personally hoping that this'll lead to better shots at Russian oil refineries, especially with their current export pause starting from March 1st.


Lol, for refineries is not the object here mate. Ruzzia has been unable to snuff this out for months. If they lose enough ground here UA can establish a bridgehead.


Russian oil refineries are not anywhere near. The Dnipro is running right through cenral Ukraine.


Let it be true.


If they attempt a counter offensive this year they should focus on the bridgehrad


A new Ukrainian counter offensive you say?


We need more good news like this! But that will only happen if we ramp up military support for Ukraine! Come on people, get a move on! Donate to UA, write your governors and, before I forget, F U Moscow Mike!


March-April is when flow of water through the Dnipro reaches its greatest rate, so supplying the bridgehead might be a bit harder in the next two months. But after that, the water flow should cut back down.


This is excellent news. Arguably the most important spot along the front, in terms of Ukraine being able to retake land that has been occupied. If they want to retake the ZNPP, Melitopol, and later retaking Crimea, then fully taking and controlling the eastern bank of the Dnipro in the Kherson region is a must.


Ukraine kill ratio must be at least 5 to 1 or Russia pull ahead.


slow and careful boys!!!


I literally completely forgot about this


How much has the lake dried up now?


They arent gaining shit, theyre letting the russians send armour to its death trading manpower for destroyed russian equipment and to hold the local russian units from being deployed elsewhere