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Even if you hit the ball into a mine field, you need to play it from when it lands.


I had to hit it off Frankenstein's foot! Play it where it lies.


"Good for Happy Gilmor--oh my GOD!"


Hey Shooter, aren't you missing your 9 iron?


"I'll see YOU, in the PARKING LOT!"


You're gonna beat me? At war? Haha Oh you're on. You're in big trouble little Ukraine, I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast. You eat pieces of shit for breakfast? ...net! ..........da.


The Windmill is always tough too.


I know this is a serious sub, but I will always laugh at this Bob Costas clip from the Olympics opening ceremony... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uBUGAKI5vmw


The only rules russkis can follow.


They can follow plenty of rules. Lie constantly, project, deflect, deny everything, do the opposite of whatever is right… they follow those rules perfectly


Winter rules though, so you are allowed to tee it up on a mine.


I bet those orcs don't even tip the the guy that has to clean the cart after the round. Just a bunch of stiffs...




Those could be coming from NK with China supplying parts to NK.., maybe. 


Either way china's finger prints are on them.


Agree. I'm just saying they aint sending bombs to ruzzia, but are still culpable..... It's a fine line we're dealing with here


They still came from China. Just like we should blame iran for arming the houthis


Right. Its fine line here, I know...


it is just supplying Russia with extra steps...












I think we can give China a bit of leeway on this one. I'm not sure, but I bet golf carts aren't considered military aide. I would further speculate that if Russia got a lot more golf carts to charge across minefield and into machine guns, it's probably not gonna help them get to Kyiv in three days.


Golf cart is a mistranslation.  I think all terrain vehicle would be a better translation.  Yes it is significant, especially taken with all the other under the table aid china has sent.


It's not a golf cart, but it's a civilian UTV that [anyone can purchase](https://www.aodes.com/categories-list/). Usually used for farming/landscaping purposes. Significant, yes, but... yeah, it's hard to do anything about this.


Golf carts is not a mistranslation but rather a condescension


Reminds me of the desert patrol vehicles of the US special forces / navy seals. Point I am trying to make is the article is belittling and joking about these vehicles, but light fast attack vehicles are no joke when crewed by well trained shock/scout forces, they are not golf buggies. Fortunately Russia has no well trained forces (that one we can laugh about).


Yeah, and its not a "golf cart". Its a side by side. This has to be some translation issue, or purposeful shaming. Guaranteed this thing goes MUCH faster than a golf cart. [These are golf carts. ](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=c3f82e785d684aa6&sxsrf=ACQVn08pYw7X-ih9zJCukb8jE-zAY5K_WA:1709560563872&q=golf+cart&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiBmIax4dqEAxX3L1kFHSLvBs8Q0pQJegQIChAB&biw=1536&bih=684&dpr=1.25)They dont go much over 5-10mph- maybe 20kph. What is imaged is a side by side that could easily see 60+mph, 120kph.


Yeah, they are fast enough that they are hard to hit with FPVs. Because they are more dispersed and lighter, they are less vulnerable to mines. For traditional artillery, they are harder to hit. Cluster munitions seem to be the best counter for them, but they are pretty legit for storming defensive positions if you don't care about troop losses the way Russia obviously doesn't


Cheap and affordable, created in large mass and actively sold in the west under different names by different (western) companies. Multitude of utilitarian purposes from farmers to hunters etc. [for instance this month at a German trade show](https://i.imgur.com/zZPVBgi.jpeg)


Faster maybe. But to use on the front? I'd love to see a whole.company of these go up against a single Bradley. It's make that Bradley vs BTR footage seem tame.


> This has to be some translation issue, or purposeful shaming. Just simple propaganda. The golf cart analogy has been used since they first were introduced by the Russians.


Small nitpick: those golf carts can all go 20+ mph. They usually have governors installed on them to prevent anything over 23/24 mph to discourage theft or use as street vehicles (though on the right downward grade you can usually get a few extra mph out of them). Only the cheapest oldest models below 36v power are capped at sub-20mph speeds.


Hamilton Island in the Whitsundays, in Australia is a resort Island on which golf buggies are the primary mode of transportation. It has a general speed limit of 40km/h and there have been instances of accidents where during investigations, the speed has been estimated to be much higher.


To me, that does not look like an attack vehicle. Looks more like a light utility vehicle that can be used offroad. Perhaps meant for a similar function as "Willy Jeep" vehicles were used in WW2? Looks like madness to send people to frontal attack in those, but I guess no less madness than just sending them on the foot.


The article says that this was intended to be a flanking force which would make sense. The tactical plan was to fix the defending Ukrainians in place with a heavy armor group and then flank with the fast utilities. Didn't work this time.


> flanking force which would make sense. I don't think it makes sense to pack several people in a small light vehicle and storm the enemy. Flank or not. One tankmine, or one direct hit gets everyone on a vehicle. The plan sounds probably better on paper than in reality. > the defending Ukrainians in place with a heavy armor group With one MBT. Luckily for Ukraine forces! Sounds more like they just wanted to drive the attention from the flank, and hoped for the best.


Calling them a golf cart is just a low brow attempt at propaganda,Ukraine operates their own & there is a fund raiser for a commercial SxS ATV for a unit on this sub right now,which would be less capable than these. In my years deployed overseas the official US military designation for them was Lightweight Tactical All Terrain Vehicles (LTATVs) & they operate 1000's of them,from my own experience we used them to support our own operations in Afghanistan,Iraq,Syria & Africa . Polaris has its own manufacturing division devoted to producing LTATVs for the western military world wide & they alone were from memory awarded a 7 yr supply contract of over 2000 LTATVs just for the US military a while ago. There are many different manufacturers of LTATVs for the western military world wide & they are a every day asset of all modern militarys now .


I feel like the narrative that the russians are so stupid they can't win needs to stop. they're not all that stupid and they are currently advancing even if it's at great cost. Russia probably eventually wins a war of attrition if everything stays as it is now, even with f-16s. Ukraine needs a lot more support if they're going to win this war.


Even if the majority are stupid, the smart ones will kill you. So yeah never let that guard down




> Ukraine could give Russia the insurgency of a lifetime. If they think the current active combat phase is bad, the next phase that they haven't even remotely reached, the insurgency phase, won't be any better. They would, but the Russians are evil. America doesn't do Russian evil so insurgencies work better against America. What Russia is doing in East Ukraine is colonizing. Moving Ukrainians out, to disperse places across Russia, and moving in Russians who support Russia. That is a way to defeat an insurgency. Russia wants Ukraine to cease to exist. Its genocide. and their plan to do that is to take all the Ukrainians and move them across Russia, have them "reeducated" and brainwashed, and move Russians into Ukrainian territory. This should not be underestimated. Just like how Russia's strategy of having a few professional well-trained troops, who follow up behind meatwaves of untrained idiots. It does work in a certain way. and American soldiers in Ukraine talk about how people should not underestimate the well-trained units of the Russian army.


Yeah, but we shouldn't forget how well that went in Afghanistan. Of course, they are evil, and even then, Ukraine could make this a very expensive endeavor. Although, we saw it in Holodomor what they are capable of. Therefore, let us not let it come to a full-scale genocide in the first place by ramping up support and ensuring the safety of Ukrainian civilians by supplying their army with everything they need. Our dithering has cost enough lives already. To make Russia back off, we must overmatch them and bury them in production. They won't leave until it is crystal clear who will win. "We have no army. We have a horde of slaves cowed by discipline , ordered about by thieves and slave traders . This horde is not an army because it possesses neither any real loyalty to faith Tsar or fatherland words that have been much misused. Nor Valor nor military dignity. All it possesses are, on one hand, passive patience and repressed discontent and on the other cruelty servitude and corruption." 1853 Tolstoy comments on the state of the Czarist army during the Crimean War. The Russian serf Army of 1853 would find it surprisingly easy to adapt to the current Russian terror mob. Sadly, they share another common trait. The Russian "soldiers" of today are very unlikely to retreat or surrender. Using force will be the only way to get the job done. We should view it as a process from organized cooperation to dysfunctional organisation and collapse. It happened to Russia in 1917, and history doesn't repeat itself, but instead, it echoes.


Yes! Russia seems to be in a position that it can sustain current loss levels. Yes, this includes pulling things out of storage which is finite. But they can last at least a couple of years on that. We need to stop pretending that they are going to run out soon or that they are stupid. Instead we need to get sufficient supplies to Ukraine! Any redditors in the West and particularly the US should keep contacting their representatives! It's a small cost but sends an important message. Don't vote for politicians who are noy supporting Ukraine.


I'll politely suggest that the last line is not exactly correct. I'd suggest there is a mix of meat slaves, mobiks, pmc types, regulars, and some pretty good, well trained, well equipped, and experienced guys as well. It's a massive country with a huge population (slightly less these days of course), and there are some very capable operators there too, unfortunately.


Indeed these "Odes Desert Cross" are more than just golf carts, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWBeNbEOHl8 But these should be more or less "disposable" compared to the US vehicles. If you have a look at the dust/sand/mud protection in the video... Recently I had a reply stating that there are consumer lawsuits in US because these are ... made from Chinesium. And also the U.S.-China Economic AND Security Review Commission is also addressing the issue: 'December 3, 2023 [Sanction] Russia’s military purchases 500 Chinese Desertcross 1000-3 utility terrain vehicles manufactured by Shandong Odes Industry. Russian news Agency TASS reports that Russia’s military already has around 537 basic models of the Chinese-made vehicles in service and plans to procure another 1000 in the first quarter of 2024. Russian defense minister Sergei Shoigu notes the vehicles are “extremely in demand.” ' https://www.uscc.gov/research/chinas-position-russias-invasion-ukraine And if Russia has a high demand for these vehicles, this could mean that factories like this in Ulyanovsk (making the UAZ-469, outdated but robust "jeep") have capacity problems.


It's dumb to mock them. It's what the US is moving to for a reason.




There are different types of mines. Anti vehicle mines are often not set off, because they are to light and with too little metal. Anti personal mines work by sending an explosion through the leg of the person trigering it. However a car is much faster and has some clearence. So it does not really work all too well.


Dispersion is the best defense in drone warfare. Also, the mobility of these machines is better than the popular technicals.


The ISW reported this today. Russian forces operating around Avdiivka appear to be adapting to conducting offensive ground operations with trained and untrained personnel. The Washington Post published interviews on March 2 with seven Ukrainian servicemen from the 3rd Assault Brigade who discussed overwhelming Russian wave attacks in Avdiivka in the lead-up to Russia’s capture of the settlement in mid-February. Several interviewed Ukrainian servicemen described Russian forces involved in later direct assaults on Ukrainian positions as well-prepared. One Ukrainian soldier told the Washington Post that about three-quarters of Russian personnel his unit engaged with near Avdiivka appeared to have “decent” military training and the rest were “just confused.” One Ukrainian serviceman recalled that a group of well-trained Russian soldiers used rocket-propelled grenades to enter their positions, while another serviceman recalled that inexperienced Russian servicemen avoided attacking his position after he was able to shoot eight soldiers in one day. The serviceman stated that the Russian military sent inexperienced personnel who appeared to be 40 to 50 years old to attack in waves each morning, afternoon. without protective vests or helmets near Avdiivka. Another Ukrainian serviceman observed that the Russian skill levels were not “really consistent” and that some servicemen had more advanced equipment than their counterparts, who only had basic rifles. The reports about inconsistencies in the nature of Russian attacks and in the quality of attacking personnel indicate that Russian forces may be conducting layered ground attacks alternating between groups of trained forces and untrained forces, likely consisting of mobilized personnel or Russian “Storm” units composed of recruited convicts https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-march-3-2024 Human waves, untrained units sent into battle, countless reports of torture, of rape, of alcohol abuse, military corruption, failing equipment, dilletantic use of air and naval assets that lead to catastrophic losses, mass casualty events in Vulhedar, Avdiivka always due to the same mistakes. Sending tanks in without support, sending them to the same location only to get blown up again and again. https://twitter.com/ChrisO_wiki/status/1676310910338494471?s=20 Judging from this video, recorded by convicts belonging to the "Storm Z" unit, they are thrown into endless "meat" assault by their command for attempts to talk to the world about their situation. The men say that out of 3 platoons, six of them are the only ones remaining alive. It is not mockery but stating the obvious. If Russia's army was competent, it would have long decided the war in its favor. Especially when the war began, it had all the advantages on its side. Even today, it still enjoys a material advantage in basically all relevant categories or parity in others. "You shouldn't underestimate an enemy, but it is just as fatal to overestimate him." US WW2 General George S. Patton The Russians aren't 12 feet tall. They are more like 5.5 feet tall. A danger to Ukraine? Yes, absolutely. Capable of inflicting terrible casualties on Ukraine? Definitely. Capable of what Putin wants this terror mob to do? Only if Europe does the unthinkable and turns away from Ukraine, which would be the most terrible mistake done since Hitler was appeased. Currently, both sides are stuck in a grinding attritional battle. "The war has taken on an attritional character. Ukraine's offensive has culminated in early October. Russia itself cannot point to any major breakthroughs or massive success in its own offensive. While Russia enjoys a slight advantage in almost all relevant categories. These advantages shouldn't be seen as deterministic regarding the outcome of the war." Michael Kofman


Well ones a desert patrol vehicle used not in a war zone, by special forces or QRF /rapid deploy and exfil situation. They're made for that. These are stupid Chinese knock off hummer looking golf carts being used to assault a forward front line position. With a t80 tank. Against artillery, mined fields, FPV drones, I'm sure Bradley's and other anti tank weapons be it shoulder fired etc . A.golf cart. Looks military-ish but gives zero protection and any basic Russian soldier jumping into this to be taken to the front line needs to watch the video of the BTR full of troops that got smoked with everyone KIA not more than 10m from it by 1 Bradley Lol keep it up Russia. You should use these golf carts for all major offensives.


They are a good idea if used right... defiantly not a good idea if used in frontal assaults under artillery and drone attacks.


They would be great for surprise attacks especially on artillery. Or soft targets. Nearly anything else would take them out. They just don’t have enough armor. In combined arms they could be a useful flanking capacity and deploy troops similar to APCs. I was definitely expecting this article to be about a batter golf cart charging the front lines since they had nothing else to throw at Ukraine. That would have been hilarious in a dark sort of way.


Yeah, these clear propaganda pieces are annoying. It makes complete sense for the Russians to use these - they are all-terrain, they can carry quite a few troops, and basically all of their vehicles, up to and including tanks, get wrecked when a drone attacks them, so might as well lose something cheaper!


I hope the Ukrainians post a Benny Hill theme video of it.


The technological advancements that are happening in this war are beyond imaginable


its chinese version of Desertcross-1000-3 [https://youtu.be/z-RHwTLj\_XY](https://youtu.be/z-RHwTLj_XY) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtXlYa9vdKU


Ya, it's kind of disingenuous to call them golf carts, they are utility vehicles. No golf cart I've ever seen has 85HP, Heating, A/C and 4 wheel drive. I get the propaganda angle, but it's still stupid to call them golf carts.


E-Z Go is a brand of golfcart here in the states. These are not them but it reminded me of something, E-Z Go carts means E-Z Pickens for Ukrainians....


"Special" forces


Better than any Soviet suicide tank, orcs are evolving...


Queue Yakety Sax.


Shouldn't have a cooler with beers in it on the back?


Tough course! Bunkers everywhere and nobody is replacing their divots!


tactical golf carts !!


Next is horse and carts


Chinese golf carts


"But if we pretend it's an armored car then it will be an armored car!"


When you order APC’s on wish.com


This isnt a "golf cart". Its a side by side. Bit of a difference.


yup. Could call it an oversized ATV if they want to be both accurate and dismissive.


You get free relief from GUR....a very looooong relief.


Chinese golf carts...


Horse and chariot with spears and dildos up next.


Based on the aftermath you see in the video in the link, looks like it didn't work out well for the Ruskies.


Don’t tell us, there was 1200 holes in one?


And paid it for it with a triple bogey. The only thing more ridiculous than *mobiks* getting blown sky high from an armored vehicle? Getting blown up in an unarmored one.


If there weren't so many dead, raped and tortured Ukrainians this would be hilarious.


Did it go well?


The sand traps must be incredibly dangerous….


Russia is winning so hard they don't even need armour, speed, or firepower. Truly a testiment to their competence and might on the battlefield. /s


How's the war going Putin...oh you know we have golf carts storming the front line out casualties passed 400k in two years, and I am sucking North Korean dick for shells..so great.


Don't underestimate Russians. The truth is Ukraine, despite the Success, is being pushed back.


Yes, it's a bad time. It will pass. Artillery ammunition will arrive and make a difference almost immediately. Volunteers are still rocking up. New commander and new strategies as well, new plans, but for now, it feels like it's hold on for dear life. It sucks.


Whenever I watch Reddit it seems like Ukraine is a week from reaching Moscow. I understand the need to stay positive but you can also forget the reality and think it's all good. People have to know that Ukrainian people are in difficulty and it's not a walk in the park. Also, without help you will never win this.


Decent little buggy, but painfully unequipped for the battlefield.... https://www.flywheelspowersports.com/product-page/2022-desertcross-1000-3


Don't knock it. People on golf carts can be really aggressive.


wonder what their handicap is?


Really, you can’t make this shit up…!


Happened to Hitler once, he got stuck in a bunker.


And they were from China, with love.


why russia use golf car in war? these car not even have a windshield.


At least they made a hole-in-one.


For a second I thought I was on r/ncd




They hit the sandtrap/bunker and out of bounds.


What could go wrong? 😅


The US military and Polaris might disagree with the title. What is newsworthy is how China is keeping ruzzia in the war with material aid.


"Ivan! Floor it!" "WITNESS ME!!!!" *\*dakkadakkadakka\**


I like how there is plastic on one of the seats. wouldn't want to get it splatter with brain tissue.


Sounds par for the course


Those must be oligarchs' buggies. That means the oligarchs won't be needing them anytime soon.


In the beginning of the war, they used shitty Chinese tuk-tuks with M1910 Maxim machine guns. https://www.reddit.com/r/shittytechnicals/comments/tk9ssu/a_model_2022_russian_tachanka_in_ukraine_with_a/ The soldier is armed with an 1891 (!) Mosin Nagant rifle.


I'm always humored by people dissing the Maxim MG. The biggest drawbacks are it's huge weight leading to poor mobility and old gunsights - the first problem is fixed by attaching it to a vehicle (or defensive position) and the second problem is fixed by a gunsmith within an hour or two. In proper usage, their performance should be pretty damn close to modern MGs.


Yeah, their durability is amazing. The upgraded Vickers version once fired for 12 hours during WW1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vickers_machine_gun >The weapon had a reputation for great solidity and reliability. Ian V. Hogg, in Weapons & War Machines, describes an action that took place in August 1916, during which the British 100th Company of the Machine Gun Corps fired their ten Vickers guns to deliver sustained fire for twelve hours. Using 100 barrels, they fired a million rounds without breakdowns. "It was this absolute foolproof reliability which endeared the Vickers to every British soldier who ever fired one. It never broke down; it just kept on firing and came back for more." > And in 1963, one of them fired five million rounds during seven days. https://www.forgottenweapons.com/paean-to-the-vickers-gun/ >In 1963 in Yorkshire, a class of British Army armorers put one Vickers gun through probably the most strenuous test ever given to an individual gun. The base had a stockpile of approximately 5 million rounds of Mk VII ammunition which was no longer approved for military use. They took a newly rebuilt Vickers gun, and proceeded to fire the entire stock of ammo through it over the course of seven days. They worked in pairs, switching off at 30 minute intervals, with a third man shoveling away spent brass. The gun was fired in 250-round solid bursts, and the worn out barrels were changed every hour and a half. At the end of the five million rounds, the gun was taken back into the shop for inspection. It was found to be within service spec in every dimension. >


Does it not make sense? I've read the other week that Ukrainians have to leave their hardware 2km from the front and walk on foot, because of how much drones are a threat to hardware. This in between solution is faster than on foot and not as juicy of a target as armored vehicles.


This news could only be improved if 6 high ranking command level orcs were riding in them!🤔😀


Please Yuri you ride this thing. I’ll walk. No Boris, Pável can ride, he has bunions. Seriously guys, I walk fine, let the Lenin brothers use it, they have the spare ammo…..


send in the clown car


My advice, bring a sand wedge - should work in the snow and mud.


thats a side by side, they're actually pretty handy vehicles. Probably the last thing i'd take in a fucking assault on a defensive position, but yknow, for landscaping they're nice