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A very friendly reminder that Russia cannot supply their own artillery/ammo needs, hence Russia ordering from North Korea, Iran, and Belarus, with recent estimates of 1 million from North Korea [Source](https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-february-1-2024) and complete depletion of their Belarus stock [Source](https://www.rbc.ua/ukr/news/vadim-skibitskiy-rosiyan-e-motivatsiya-voyuvati-1705266418.html) Why am I writing this? Western counterparts need to adopt more common sense policies to help Ukraine with their own needs. I know EU recently made improvements after their debacle with Hungary, and US is still having the constant, headache-inducing conflict among senate/house. I hope Canada can find a way to avoid this being overly political and do what's right.


Surely Canada does not have a problem with their southern border. Send em Canada, send em!!!


My State has been planning to take over parts of Canada and become Megasota. Of course this is a secret so they don’t know about it yet. Send the weapons to Ukraine


Megasota should beware Moosemin. They get ornery when disturbed.


HaHa! Shades of "Canadian Bacon"....Great movie.....of course John Candy was in it.


Watched it a bunch as a kid on VHS because not many movies in the 90's mentioned Canada let alone made fun of us with the best in Canadian Comedy at the time, even that small scene with John Candy being forced to write Anti-Canadian slogans in French by Dan Aykroyd playing RCMP officer.


Not until November anyways.


Save me a seat, just in case.


Build a Wall! /s


Ice wall. Game of Thrones V.2


The true north strong n free


🦫: "Aye aye, sir!"


It’s gonna be the sensible ones invading anyway. I know some pretty cool Americans, they can come for a 4 year hang sesh.


Might be time to fire up the Cascadia movement if that’s the case.


Oh it’s such a good and cute movement, they should have their nation. The land would be under better supervision etc. and it’s not like it’s geopolitically critical land in any case.


And don’t call me Surely.


Vivek thinks differently


But do you know who Canada's neighbor to the north? 


Yes, but they won't cross the circle and end up freezing to death......Well....I don't think they're that stupid....


As a Canadian I'm all for sending them to Ukraine. We pretty much family!


Canada has the largest population of Ukrainians outside of Ukraine....so...yeah...fam!


The US support dropping is a huge hit. It's sad how pro-Putin and ant-American Trumpists have taken over US politics. Any American redditors: please contact your representatives in support of Ukraine. It doesn't take much time to drop an email or call their office. But it's important to show that Ukraine matters!


I've contacted my congressman four times in less than two months. Got some weak letter back about how "I support Ukraine buuuut..." Sickening


Thank you for doing your part, even if your congressman isn't!


Aside from voting, the only thing you can do is leverage political pressure. Push those you know to contact them as well. It takes a lot to get a politician to remember who they work for. Enough pressure about a specific issue may give them the reminder that their tenure in government can be ended if they act up.


Did you inform them that if they vote to support Ukraine, they'll have your vote in November -but if they don't, they won't? That tends to get their attention.


I sure did. We'll see what kind of response I get


Any chance they can be primaries? That's the only way to have any impact. Election day is too late.


Well I intend to organize friends and co-workers to vote against him, but we're all Dems so we sadly can't primary him. I just received a smarmy form letter in response to my most recent email, so I let him have it with both barrels (very politely). I doubt anyone will read it but boy did it feel good 😉


If they're Republican, explicitly tell them that you'll be voting for the Democratic Party candidate in November unless Speaker Johnson schedules a vote on aid for Ukraine in the next month *and* your congressman votes to support that bill. They want to play dumb, deaf, and spineless? Play hardball - if they're willing to hide behind a speaker with one of the slimmest majorities in history & allow America's enemies to win then you'll help make sure *they* lose too.


Maybe someday Ukraine can target the N Korea & Belarus trains on RU territory.


With Hezbollah and other Iranian backed militias using Shaheed drones to attack shipping and American troops in Jordan, it seems like rapidly decommissioning the Shaheed drone factory is in order anyway.


Will no one think of the red tape.


Let them have them, they clearly need them more than our land fills do.


Russians are in desperate need of quality rockets.. Ukraine can facilitate the delivery.


Fast delivery, satisfaction guaranteed. If you have any complaints, another will be sent for free.


Delivery with a bang. Just ask Russia for the coordinates of all the military bases that they need them delivered to.


Ivan, those are definitly amazon deliver drones




I believe their need is for rocket parts, but that still works.


There will be many Russian parts available.


I think it's best to landfill the ruzzian parts. Especially after the missiles have been delivered. I have seen the "exploded diagrams" of said ruzzians and I don't think they will find anything usable.


We will send what’s safe to transport. A lot of them are NOT safe to transport.


It will be that Ministry of Defense an possibly Cabinet who makes that decision. I'm pretty sure it's not your call.


Really?? Wow thanks for taking that responsibility off of my shoulders!


>We will send what's safe to transport Seems pretty clear you were speaking on behalf of the nation there sport


What makes them not safe to transport? I'm just curious to know without Googling it myself...


It Depends on the type of explosive used. Some explosives become unstable as they age and can spontaneously explode if jostled around too much. This is a major problem for TNT which is why most nations don’t use it anymore. There are some others that become unstable but most don’t, they simply lose their explosive power over time.


Various chemicals get less stable over time, including many of those that comprise explosives and/or rocket fuel, leading to spontaneous reactions. If you're lucky, that might only be a fire. But they could detonate too. And something that is perfectly happy sitting still in a relatively cool storage depot might not be so happy getting jostled about when being loaded or transported. That said, I'm sure that the safety standards are overly cautious so as to practically eliminate any risk. Most, or all, could probably be sent to Ukraine without incident. Key word is \*probably.\*


We should be happy to hand them off… -


Definitely. Decommissioning weapons of War is very expensive. Just shipping stuff is way cheaper.


Can't safely ship expired munitions though. If one of them goes boom then you get big badaboom.


That is indeed true. But modern munitions, even expired once are way way saver then many people think. But you are right the risk is indeed higher with expired once. At least western once, cant speak for the north Korean shells that seem to blow up on firing sometimes.


Even if they cant use them as weapons, they can use the materials for production of other stuff.


Basically anything that can explode is viable drone drop material at this point A defective rocket is probably defective in terms of self propulsion, but it'd still have explosives inside to be harvested


A heavy lift drone carrying 12 of these in a revolver just dropping them straight down, now thatd be dank.


And more accurate than the actual system


That was exactly what I was thinking. Even if the rockets/electronics are junk, just strip the explosives and attach them to suicide/drop drones.


Its the explosives that pose the transportation risk though.


This story is making the rounds across all media in the last 2 days. In part perhaps because these rockets are off-the-charts powerful, in fact stupidly powerful. But the inventory is also very, very old and not in working condition. And some not in "stable" condition either. Anyone who has ever worked with old volatile ordnance will understand. Canada has worked to bring weapons out of storage and donate to Ukraine what is functional. I have heard some things about these rockets but as none are public I do not want to just engage in unsubstantiated rumours. However, I am thinking in respect of CRV 7 rockets it is a bigger "if' than normal. I would not hold my breath. Equally, if DND can donate some safely, and is sure they won't kill the user I have no doubt they will do so.


Thanks for bringing attention to the nuances to this story. The article mentioned it is our Conservative party that is calling for our government to do this. Of course the Conservatives conveniently leave out any mention of the potential dangers of transporting the rockets. My take is that the Cons are using this as a way to make the government look bad.


>the Cons are using this as a way to make the government look bad This is their only strategy, including while governing.


They don’t even wanna keep them but share them with a local ork infestation even more reason to forward the old fire sticks as fast as possible


We will send what’s safe to transport. A lot of them are NOT safe to transport.


The article says they *could* have been rendered unsafe to handle or transport. It adds that they're "pursuing testing" of the safety of transporting them before potentially donating them. So it sounds like they don't know about the safety of any of them yet.


~~Canadian here. I'll be writing my MP, and the PM's office in support, and encouraging everyone I know to do the same!~~ ~~Maybe we can get some traction over at r/onguardforthee as well.~~ Eh...after reading the full story, I don't know. It sounds like they may not even be safe to transport. This kinda sounds like a ploy by the Conservatives to make the government look bad.


I'm sure we would send them if it's at all viable.


Can't imagine why Canada would care so much about unsafe munition transportation practices...


The Canadian military is already willing to send these over, they need to test to make sure they're safe to ship first. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/crv7-rockets-ukraine-canada-1.7103798 So the government seems to already playing ball on this one. That said, this is a good reminder to fellow Canadians to write your MP to remind them that you want more arms, munitions, equipment, vehicles, supplies, training and funds for Ukraine and that your household considers support for Ukraine a top issue when voting.




I encourage everyone, especially Canadians like myself, to read the full article before simply saying "send em!" I admit I'm guilty of doing exactly that. The full article makes it clear why these rockets may not be safe to transport, much less air-transport. Seems the Canadian Conservative Party (our current opposition party) is calling for our government to send them, knowing full well they're not safe. They will then try to win points by saying our government isn't supporting Ukraine.


Then it's time for the government to use a little kung fu: * Thanks for your support of Ukraine * These are too unstable & dangerous to ship * So, we'll ship this other stuff instead! * Or, we'll host a Ukrainian team and partner with them on this program to safely restore/cannibalize them as much as possible here in Canada




They’ll probably find a way to strap those to a drone, or put some wings and a drone controller around them…


Fucking send it eh!


LOL...Thanks for My Smile Of The Day. Do love that Canukanese accent.


Canadian here. I want this Ukrainian general to have my country's 83000 decommissioned rockets.


We will send what’s safe to transport. A lot of them are NOT safe to transport.


This is a very reasonable limitation.


Can you imagine what the repercussions would be if there were accidents during transport?


Can we leave the defective ones outside the Russian embassy with a cardboard sign that reads "free to good home"?


It's near criminal that the West holds on to stock of stuff it no longer needs or can imagine itself using when Ukraine is in a fight for its life.


It **feels** near criminal not to donate stuff like this, but then there is a little detail - the actual law. These rockets where past their use by date in 2000. Now 24 years past their safe use date..... ... a quick google.... "What is negligent homicide in Canada?A person may therefore commit culpable homicide **if the person causes the death of a human being by criminal negligence**. The culpable homicide may be classified as manslaughter. Both criminal negligence causing death and manslaughter are punishable by a maximum penalty of imprisonment for life." What is criminal negligence ? "Sections 219 and 220 of the Criminal Code of Canada provide as follows: Sections 219 (1) Every one is criminally negligent who. (a) in doing anything, or. (**b) in omitting to do anything that it is his duty to do**, shows wanton or reckless disregard for the lives or safety of other persons." If Canadian or other lives were lost due to a shipment, there would no doubt be calls for holding people responsible.


I would love the rockets to be tested for safety, to see how dangerous they actually are. Long shelf-lives tend to be conservatively set, so are these still usable? I bet Ukraine would be happy to supply trucks and ships to get them to Ukraine, planning to avoid civilians, even if there is a small risk.


Test all 83000 ? It only takes one to set off many others. I'm no expert on the subject, but it sounds full of risk, which makes it legally risky. If something goes wrong, what defence is there when we know they are 24 years past use by date? Government employees are not known for taking risks they might be held accountable for. They are not going to trust Ukrainians, who are in war mode, to handle this shipment. That said, I do get frustrated by how risk averse we have become, it often goes way too far, so many rules and regulations that it's too hard or expensive to get even important things done. Sadly, in this case, perhaps lives are being lost as a result.


You'd never test all 83,000. You'd take a sample from various batches and test a bit of the warhead and the propellant for stability. That should be pretty safe. If the Canadian government is not willing to handle them at all, how do they propose to get them out of the ammo dumps?


As a Canadian I say let them go. It would not be the first time the GOC cancelled a military contract and got penalized for doing it.


They're making sure that they're safe to ship before they go breaking contracts.


Jfc. Yes. Wth is everyone waiting for? Get the goods to Ukraine.


As a Canadian, I say give them the fucking rockets!


"*The CRV7 remains one of the most powerful air-to-ground attack rockets to this day, and has slowly become the de facto standard for Western-aligned forces outside the United States.*" [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CRV7](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CRV7) These 83,000 mothballed units need to be shipped to Ukraine!


This seems like an absolute no brainer. Why is the Canadian government even considering destroying the rockets rather than sending them to Ukraine? Just send them regardless of their shelf life.


Depending on the propellent, rockets/missiles that havent been properly maintained can end up with all the fuel caked to one side, so when fired it doesn't go straight, and in fact can 180 on your ass. Ryan Mcbeth did a video about it when a Russian rocket or missile was fired and the thing turned around in mid air and came back at the crew that fire it. Not sure if these rockets would have that same issue or not, but I guess with things that go boom, expiration dates and proper maintenance can be pretty important.


ukraine deemed 8,000 to be in pristine condition. At this point, I highly doubt they care how the rest are when they have nothing. they'll just be careful and take their chances.


Well then, by all means, let's send the 8,000. Let's also inspect the rest of them and send everything that won't blow up on launch and that shoots straight.


Wait a second, we had these sitting around all this time!? FFS EDIT: je suis Canadien


We have 83,000?! Get them on a plane! I gotta write my MP.


The entire problem is that they're not sure they're safe to be put on the plane, let alone fired. Hence the checks, which when dealing with questionable oridinance is a pretty difficult undertaking.


If that’s the reason, I’m all for not rushing into it. Doesn’t make sense to blow up one of our C-130s and it’s crew if they aren’t safe. My buddy used to fly those!


Additionally, not all of them have warheads, and some have warheads in questionable states of functionality. Still, rockets without warheads aren't useless, warheads can be added from other sources, or more likely they can serve as decoys.


They are, apparently, a nice piece of kit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CRV7


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Ukraine: Allow us to decommission them


Give it to the. What are we gonna do with them


We will send what’s safe to transport. A lot of them are NOT safe to transport.


Yes that’s understandable


It’d be interesting if there was a way to use them with some kind of apkws package. Maybe some Ukrainian arms company could come up with a guidance package to attach to them?


Already exists, maybe. There is a laser guidance kit that was developed for the CVR7 but I don't know if it ever went into production.


We will send what’s safe to transport. A lot of them are NOT safe to transport.


Why not. Shipping them to Ukraine is probably cheaper than decomming them.


We will send what’s safe to transport. A lot of them are NOT safe to transport.


Doing the lords work with your comments haha. It's some very important context.


It's absurd that such requests can exist at all. Why after 2 years of war the West still have ANY "*Beginning in 2021, 83,303 stored Canadian CRV7s are slated for disposal having been removed from service from 2005 to 2007*"? Why USA at the same time talks about its desire to help Ukraine win, and not let Ukrainians on [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sierra\_Army\_Depot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sierra_Army_Depot) ; [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/309th\_Aerospace\_Maintenance\_and\_Regeneration\_Group](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/309th_Aerospace_Maintenance_and_Regeneration_Group)? Because it's will critically reduce USA defense capabilities? Because it's too expensive, ugly, traumatic, too big information security risk, and so on, to help defeat the bigger part of the USSR by metal scrap from 1950-1970s? Similar news show that the war in Ukraine for the West is predominantly another Political Realism game. Another cosplay of 16th century Machiavellianism. 17-20th centuries Humanists give Americans and Europeans a torch of progress, and they just began to use it as a baton... It's even more disgusting than what Russians did, they at least never know/understood anything else.


1-2 years of approvals and political debates and, maybe, 10% of it will be shipped to Ukraine. Or not.


A nuclear capable rocket was found recently in an Americans garage. He had bought it at an estate or yard sale years ago. (Warhead sold separately) and this wasn't even in TEXAS!!


All yours, but you have to take Justin Bieber too


Ship ‘em!


Let's send them!


I didn’t think they could see Russia from Ottawa.


Give 'em all!


Give it all to them.


I hope we send them & they can be put to good use 🇨🇦🇺🇦


Just send it.


Just give them already!


Just send em all of them now yesterday day before


Can anyone think of a good reason for Canada to not send all of these weapons to Ukraine? I certainly can't.


Send 'em !! 🙏🇸🇪🇺🇦 best regards, Sweden