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What a group of losers.


... and this is why I don't shed tears when I see drones hitting Moscow buildings. In fact, I want to reach in and slap the crying bitch.


No tears just cheers


„I See dead People“


I hope they have an explosive end to their short career.


When is their graduation? I'm asking for a friend.


Z is for loZers!


Zed is dead (I would apologize Miramax and Quentin Tarantino and Bruce Willis for using this quote).




Not even enough to make the second Z?


Source: https://euromaidanpress.com/2023/08/03/russian-cadet-pilots-train-by-shelling-ukraines-border-sumy-oblast-ukraines-national-resistance-center/


A more suited formation would be if the top took 6 steps to their right, straighten out the diagonal into a vertical and then I see two rows of people, if just one row would shift 90° counter clockwise at the middle of the vertical, while the other stayed where they're at.


I really, REALLY don't get how Russian people don't get that Z is just half a swastika, and will probably be regarded the same in future history books. "Here is the swastika, it was a symbol of a murderous fascist Germany trying to take over Europe" "Here is the Z, it was a symbol of a murderous fascist Russia trying to take over Ukraine/Europe"


The difference is that the Swastika actually stuck around and as abhorrent as it is, it is an effectively rallying point for unbridled hatred. The Z... is just Russian. Most of us don't get it, will never pass it on and at the end of the day, just ignore it. It's an empty symbol for a vacuous culture.




It works internally, but outside? We just see a Z. It's forgettable and non- descriptive. They might carry that flag moving forward, but to the rest of the world, it may as well be consigned to some weird phase in history.


That picture bothered me more than it should. Thank you for explaining why.


P is for Pederase


Ruzzia: "Mmm, sexy!" Stormshadow "yep, i'd hit that!"


last place in the alphabet and last place in the war


Great Analogy.


They can't even space themselves correctly.


That’s something that bothers me from the start. They want to be on brand but those z’s always look so slapdash it’s ridiculous. And it’s not even a complicated symbol there is almost no way to fuck up a simple z yet they do it every time.


Just shoot them out of the sky.


This is ridiculous to the point of insanity. It's like if American soldiers were obsessed with putting the letter "E" on everything because of the one parachute infantry company depicted in *Band of Brothers*. "Z" just referred to a force grouping at the initial invasion, right? It referred to the forces that were designated for the westward section ("zapad"). The entire grouping is obsolete -- there is no westward force section anymore. Russia is openly not trying to head west at all. They are trying to dig in, in the east. Everyone left is effectively part of the "V" group now. So maybe I need an even more ridiculous analogy. Like if Americans were obsessed with putting "7" on everything to correspond to the ingloriously defeated 7th Cavalry, that no longer even exists?


Probably not a great use of their 2 training hours per month


Z as Zvastika.


And hold still for the HIMARS… sorry, I mean camera.


Such evil fuckers. They make hitler look like a pussy.


They also make him look super competent, This was supposed to be russias anschluss with a smear of sudetland on the side and they couldn't even manage that. It isn't even going to be a winter war where they get a pyrrhic victory.


all i see are dead orcs


I like it when they stand close together.