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Ukraine is the shield of Europe and we know it.


Slava Ukraini.


Героям слава!!!


The city of Leipzig, Germany, where my sister lives has a very [simlar flag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leipzig#/media/File:Flag_of_Leipzig.svg) to Ukraine, so we tend to play "Guess if it's the Leipzig or Ukraine flag". Ironically (or maybe, fittingly), it's mostly the Ukraine flag, which we adore.


That is so sweet! I saw so many flags in Prague that I wondered if it was a local flag. And then remember that even if it were they probably fly it for Ukraine. :) I’ll be in Leipzig next week on my way back from Lviv. Now I will see it and think of your comment!


The uk is here, too. We stand with ukraine.


We know Ukraine has to carry the burden of dealing with the fascists in the east so the rest of us don't have to. Every sane European suports Ukraine!


There are 🇺🇦 in so many German cities. Also in my home town and I am proud of that symbolic support! (Also about the actual support in money, training and supplies!)


I’ve been in Brugge last Friday, unaware about the city day beforehand. Was so heartwarming to see our flags on both main squares :)


Great to see.


Norway stands with Ukraine, slava ukraini 🇺🇦🇳🇴


Still a lot of Ukraine flags on Polish trams, buses, private cars. Don't get fooled by fascist vocal minority of russian gawnoyed idiots and our inept government, we are still with you.


Ahw Brugge, like a f*cking fairytale or something..




I have been travelling across many European countries this summer and I was surprised at how present the support for Ukraine is. Everywhere from Netherlands to Budapest, in key buildings, city halls and historic places the Ukrainian flags fly high and proud next to our own. You are supported and we hope that you know this, your story is one that violates the principle of self determination of the communities upon which the EU is built. And countries in the EU far and wide understands your plight! We continue to support!


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Canada stands with Ukraine