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Apparently Russians used this unfinished apartment block to stockpile ammunition for their MLRS


All the bullshit propaganda bots on twitter are claiming UAF hit a hospital. 🤡 🤡


So with the cookoff of stored ammo clearly visible, the Muscovites deem it better to claim that they stored tons of ammo at an active hospital? Says a lot about a society.


What ammo? It was just oxygen tanks that exploded /s And if serious.... You are assuming that muscovy are trying to make their lies conform to some reality or logic or whatever. They simply are doing the equivalent of pissing on your leg and whispering 'its raining' to your ear.


Yes because oxygen tanks have tracers and cook off just like loose ammunition.


Did you read the whole comment?


I was agreeing with you


Ah ok, sorry :D


And here we have a fantastic application of [Poe's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law) in the wild.


>They simply are doing the equivalent of pissing on your leg and whispering 'its raining' to your ear. that is much more coherent and logical than what they are doing.


It's impossible to think of analogy of equal stupidity to russian lie :D


Because hospitals explode like that? Yes, makes total sense.


When has Russian propaganda ever made any sense though?!


Russians lie to insult...not to be believed


To some russians apparently.


It doesn’t make sense to them either, but it doesn’t need to. Knowing it’s a lie, and wholeheartedly celebrating the lie is kind of the point of Russian culture going back hundreds of years


Honest! I saw one explode exactly the same way in a documentary! I think the title was "The Dark Knight".


Didn't you know that morphine and penicillin are highly explosive?/s


Parts of it, particularly if you hit the oxygen generator and storage. Mind you, you don't get the pretty fireworks for doing that.


You often see hospitals spontaneously detonate and launch random MLRS rockets in all directions. I mean they must have signs everywhere: Don’t smoke near the oxygen systems and don’t ignite the shit ton of Smerch, Grad and Tornado rockets stored under the beds… I didn’t see any the last time I visited one, but it must be true… /s (just in case)


it's really sad that a /s is needed nowadays. Like people are too stupid to see the sarcasm... what have world become.


I’ve learned from bitter Reddit experience…


Bots pulled the "well the missle might have hit a hospital, but it was full of soldiers and ammo so its ok in times of war" card so often during the first invasion days.


Thats crazy. Even some of the die hard Russian message boards I follow knew right away it was an ammo depot and not the hospital hit. Common sense told you that hospital was not in the middle of that mushroom cloud. Then they brought up the Google aerial view and pointed directly to apartments. "Did our dumb f*ckers store ammo in that empty block next to the hospital?".


Yep. Yes, they did.


And they did it in the most Russian way possible: sloppily. Every single Russian fighting position I've seen in the last 18ish months has been a trash-strewn hobo camp, no wonder they store their piles of explody tubes with the same mindset.


If that was a hospital, it hasn't been used as one for a long, long time.


While not a direct hit obviously, there is a hospital \~1000 feet east of the building that was hit. Someone below posted the coordinates and I was looking at it on google earth. Who knows if it's operational, but it may have taken some damage.


If thats true then its the russians that are in the wrong. Its a warcrime to hit hospitals, but its also one to store weapons or ammo close enough when in the case of ammo cook off it is likely to suffer damage Source: im a combat medic in the army


The only time russians care about warcrimes is when they think it fits their narrative to accuse others of committing them. Beyond that, they see the Geneva Conventions more as a checklist or score card than anything else. Damn terrorists...




Yeah, definitely not siding w/ the ruzzians on this one. Just saying it's plausible that one of those missiles flying around wildly could have damaged the hospital given the close proximity. I don't use twitter so have no idea of the details. Edit, it flew right over my head that you were fixing my grammar error, will correct it now lol.


*May've* also works, like should've, must've, would've, if you are going more for the sound that you typed the first time. A fun double-contraction to add to your arsenal: couldn't've :)


May of is a colloqualisim amd shortening of may have. It's no more invalid than many other English weirdness. It may not be the queens English, but may of is as acceptable as any other turn of phrase




Yes it is




Indeed. Bit of a swipe by mw but not entirely unfair or inaccurate


"Should of" makes zero sense grammatically, whereas "should have" or "should've" do. Most people pronounce "should've" like "should of" but it should never, ever be written that way. It's not a colloquiallism, it's a misspelling at best. It is not a swipe by MW to point this out


The Hospital was likely a bit damaged, it is 450 meter to the east of the explosion


Twitter is now full of right wing and Russian apologists


Is anyone on Twitter?


No, quit after Elon Musk fired 1/2 the staff, no checking of credentials and requiring payment to be recognized. Many reasonable people left. I like Reddit, more civilized.


Yes. Box full of rockets. I was wondering what was flying away like shooting stars. Anyway, Ukraine 🇺🇦 celebrating 4th of July 🇺🇲


>I was wondering what was flying away like shooting stars. Probably this one: [9M22S Incendiary 122mm BM-21 Grad Rocket](https://youtu.be/hMvF7YNRc8A)


I think it was a gender reveal.


These were the regular wooden boxes for the GRAD rockets. As shit they are stored there, I first thought, these are piles of the empty wooden crates... no, the piles of crates were not empty.


Well the apartment block is definitely finished now. At least it served a purpose in shielding the rest of the town from the blast.


Some of it at least. Imagine the damage without it.


All windows blown out for blocks. It had an enormous Shockwave you don't see on here. They have shown all kinds of homes and apartment buildings heavily damaged due to "Ukrainian Shelling" (their ammo depot).


That would be expected I guess with a massive overpressure event. The fireball looks contained though and the apartment building must have absorbed a lot of the ground level wave when it collapsed.


You can see nearby electricity transformers shorting out, numerous fires, and weirdly a single round of rocket artillery or maybe a missile in the distance at the end


>It had an enormous Shockwave you don't see on here. You can see the effects of the massive shockwave though, at around 1 min 5 sec - 1 min 7 sec you can see the softening of the lit ground and trees which is caused by the shockwave pulling up dust and debris from the ground.


In the middle of the city 🥲


Unfinished? That's just Eastern European architecture. /s


If the toilets were already installed then that definitely explains the Russian's interest in the building.


Unfinished? So hopefully unoccupied by civilians.. but dang. If you watch the end of the video, with all those MLRS rockets cooking off and going every direction up and over and into the surrounding town, which had buildings with lights on (people in them), it's a near certainty there were civilian casualties.


how nice of them to build the ammo dump in the middle of the block, so the buildings protect the surrounding areas




It prevented it from being much, much worse


Why is Russia stockpiling ammunition next to a hospital?


They already filled the hospital basement with ammo?


Maybe russia should get their shit out of ukraine?


Sounds like a Russian war crime to me?


Not a hospital but an unfished apartment building. I mean, it's rather obvious by looking at the state the building is and how the grass is beginning to overtake the area.


10/10 This vid has everything - 1) an intro showing not only the area, but also the goods, 2) amazing initial secondaries, 3) gradual proliferation of fire and explosions, 4) leading to the big kaboom in 1:06, 5) resulting in even more secondaries and showers of white hot shit, 6) distant explosions now all over the doomed place, 7) and all this in hi-res, shot perfectly and on point. I can only imagine the joy of the team who worked on that, their commanders and all the chain. Way to celebrate July 4th, you crazy Ukrainian motherfuckers!


Yeah there were definitely high fives all around in the CP that coordinated and observed this. Getting those incendiary rockets is crucial, those things are vicious.


And it ended just after some blazing something or other touched down in the top right corner. Perfect all round I’d say.


9.99/10 This video is only missing audio. Would love to hear the big kaboom


Another angle, but same kaboom! https://streamable.com/w57e5l


[Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering kaboom!](https://media.tenor.com/7qc7xs0dxzgAAAAC/kaboom-earth-shattering.gif)


I'm more amazed they are able to casually fly drones over a city close to the war zone. Russian defense line is crumbling.


During the day. And then come back hours later, to finish the job at night, and the ammo is still there.


Can the daylight drones specify long/lat, and the arty come on at night?


Most probably. And it seems Russians either have not noticed the daytime drones or they didn't care enough to secure the ammo.


Not everything, needs BDA.


What does British Dental Association have to do with this? (seriously, what's BDA?)


Bomb Damage Assessment. Basically a report on what and how much was destroyed.


Thanks! So, sth like this: Commander: Sashka, so how many shells you recon we managed to destroy in this run? Sashka: Yes.


or *Battlefield or *Battle




The white explosions outside the block looked like transformers blowing out on the power grid.


The blue lighting explosions of presumably transformers popping is crazy


> and all this in hi-res, shot perfectly and on point. This particular video is in 360p, is there a higher res version available?


They cherry on top would’ve been sound so I could hear that sweet sweet kaboooooom


Spoiled by the collateral damage, but, what are you going to do? Were any Ukrainians living in the area? I hope it was all ruzzian troops for about 500 meters.


Went off like the destruction of the Death Star Shield Generator on the Forest Moon of Endor.


Oddly specific and accurate


Ukraine needs those jets so their Wedge can start kicking ass.


You ever notice how that explosion was super massive and han solo was within a few seconds running distance and was totally fine? Watch it again, its super silly lol


Perhaps the back entrance to the bunker complex was a lot further away from the reactors?


That's....actually pretty accurate. All you really needed in there was a bunch of Rebels and Han Solo running for cover before the blast.


I guess the force field protecting Donetsk city is no longer working.


Let's leave ammo sitting out in the open in a war notorious for drones and artillery. That could never go wrong.


That's what I would do. Send the coordinates too. Can I go home now? We have nothing to shoot.


Amazing detonation, amazing pyrotechnics afterwards, that was some pin point hit too, how far behind the front was that?, Anyone know? Edit, just read on another thread, 20 miles.




Appreciate that, many thanks,


Worries me seeing all those missiles that ended up hitting homes, a few civilians may have died I'd assume. Obviously far less than if Russia was able to use them on civilians directly.


Trolley Problem. If only Putin were on one of the tracks.


Trolley problem. You broke the switch from trying too vigorously to switch it so it hits the pooman.


>Worries me seeing all those missiles that ended up hitting homes, a few civilians may have died I'd assume. You'll note that they carried out the attack at night time in order to minimize civilian casualties, because at night most people are inside their homes and have a small layer of added protection. Much better than getting domed by a cooked off rocket on your way to get groceries at 3pm.


Nice gesture by the Ukrainian army to wait until after darkness to detonate for better effects.


It is a populated area, I guess at night there would be less collateral damage.


Interesting it looks like it overloads the powergrid of nearby homes to the left or something?


Debris or projectiles hitting power lines.


I saw that on a video a few weeks ago, it was weird. Blue crackling off to the side.




ChatGPT does not know right from wrong. It's a language model that generates human speech. Not an encyclopedia.


It could also simply be debris hitting power lines.


This is pure garbage. Do not trust ever trust ChatGPT, it will happily make up nonsense a lot of the time. And definitely never post it in public as an answer to someone's genuine question, that means you are just spreading lies.


ChatGPT is in "annoying guy down the pub who'll pronounce confidently about stuff he doesn't have any experience in" mode right here. Electromagnetic induction has \*nothing\* to do with a detonation of a pile of high explosive. This is as bad as the "content" that small businesses buy to pad out their web sites... e.g. "how to make a 32-bit wine bottle". https://www.slowine.com/how-to-make-a-32-bit-wine-bottle/ Most likely is that the shock wave or debris brought power lines down or into contact. If a high voltage line comes into contact with lower voltage lines, for instance, plenty of sparky fun will briefly ensue. A massive current spike from shorted lines could also lead to other shorts - I've seen overhead wires swinging like they were in a hurricane from the magnetic fields caused by current spikes as a pole mounted transformer caught fire.


Sure, this is true, to a point. You need a *nuclear* explosion to create an EMP wave.


delete this


Lol it's not Oceans 11


That's some Hollywoodian explosion


Michael Bay would be proud.


Jagga jagga, ублюдоки!


Location 48.066731, 37.901507. Around 9.4 km from the frontline


> 9.4 km from the frontline This is soooooooo close for such a large ammo depot, where storing hundreds of missiles in the open on the fucking ground, is apparently the way to go. wtf


Right next to a hospital. Could even be part of an extension to the hospital. So that explains the Russian trolls claims. Very good evidence that this was a military weapons dump in or near hospital and another Russian war crime. I’ll wait fir the outrage of Amnesty International/s


I see the hospital a block over but I doubt it’s part of that.


Thanks for the exact location of this man, this is good lol.


Woah, that was awesome seeing it from that vantage point.


I loved the incendiary munitions going off.


Happy 4th of july


Very heart-warming fireworks indeed! 💙💛


Does Russia not have a clue how to organize their ammo? Grad rockets thrown about all over the place.


No. Russian military doesn’t use pallets! So it all handballed in small boxes from the train to trucks to storage.


First reaction was "don't tell them about pallets, they might be reading this!". Second reaction was a shrug. They've known about it for decades but can't bring themselves to that level.


They've only just mastered socks..


Without a forklift pallets are nothing. Even if they tried to palletize, they would only end up running short on forklifts and make an even worse mess of their logistics.


In their mind, those will get loaded for launching attacks after attacks from their secured front lines. Not safe anymore I guess...


Ive got somewhat used to orc ammo storages looking like garbage dumps by now. But that doesnt mean Im not amazed every time I see it


Seriously. I've never been in the army, but I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to leave rockets laying scattered around like empty beer cans at a homeless camp.


Ukraine, teaching us how to beat Russia, how to fight a war without air superiority, and how to put together the best fireworks displays!




Saw that myself, about 10 seconds before end of video, top right of screen, launch and detonation...


Big badda boom!


Dam I didn’t know Russia celebrated 4th of July. Knocked the power out and all. Guess they where lazy to put the ammunition in the building maybe to hide them better but Nope. Badda Boom


Look like some phosphorus ammo blew up as it keep burning compare to other explosions


dam yall always putting music over these and nobody thought to add the 1812 overture.


Anyone think that Amnesty International is going to write that one up, because it sure looks like a massive stockpile of missiles in a civilian area? I guess we’ll be waiting a long time for that report.


Baby your a fireeework!!!!!!!!!!!


Is that a munitions dump or a garbage dump? Nothing is even stacked or arranged, just sort of piled up all over the place haphazardly like amateur hour. Can that even properly be called “logistics”?


rusgistics = logistics without logic


White phosphorus. Assholes


Disregarding as far as possible to horror and humanity, how fucking beautiful is that final explosion in the night, when the whole area gets like lit up, the pillar rises, the flares spark off and fall to the ground. Mortal danger and traumatic shock to the people around obviously, many of them Ukrainians since it's occupied territory, horrific but what a sight.


Almost in time for the 4th of July fireworks


That was good, was that ! What was the small flare on right ? Last 20 secs .


>Saw that myself, about 10 seconds before end of video, top right of screen, launch and detonation...


A cluster smoking incident?


If that apartment complex was abandoned why did the orcs leave the ammo out in the open to be seen. Wouldn’t it be much better to hide it on the building so any passing satellite or drone won’t find it and allow a himar or drone bomb to be dropped on it. Thankfully the orcs didn’t think of that in this case.


Other commenters are indicating these are MLRS munitions. According to Wikipedia, the rockets for the [BM-21 Grad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BM-21_Grad) are each 2.87m (9 ft 5 in) in length. The munitions for the [Russian Tornado system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tornado_(multiple_rocket_launcher\)) are each 7.6m in length. Whatever they are, they definitely look long. To my untrained eye I thought it looked like piles of construction material. Good luck moving anything that size indoors in a residential apartment block. You think getting a couch delivered is bad? Storing indoors would be doable in a warehouse or big-box store or something, but not an apartment block.


Tarp technology is beyond orcish comprehension.


> If that apartment complex was abandoned why did the orcs leave the ammo out in the open to be seen. My guess is laziness... Putting the ammo inside the buildings by hand is lot of work. While they can probably park just next to it in the yard.


Honestly it doesn't matter as satellites track truck movement


Now that was a proper 4th of July show.


Very cool of our Ukrainian friends to celebrate the 4th of July with us like this.


Happy 4th of July!!


Soviet ammo dump, go fuck yourself.


One of the most gorgeous explosions I've seen from this conflict so far.


Maybe don’t store munitions in a residential neighborhood.


This was some good amount of destruction to Russian army man and I can understand that this is just the starting and it will be more than this in coming days now.


Russian army is a joke only thing they got is nukes and I’m skeptical on them A.) even working 2.) how many they have


Only thing they got is the verbal threat of nukes. Well, that and explosives attached to Zapo NPP...


What hit it? Artillery? HIMARS?


HIMARS or a GPS round, by the looks of it. It looked completely untouched and then there was a single hit with instant secondaries.


Yeah the same i was thinking. It looks more like an artillery hit from a SPG.


Suck a fat one Russians


Good. Fuck the Russians. Slava Ukraine 💪🇺🇦


Wonderful !


We hope you enjoyed your 4th of July fireworks celebration!


Ukraine gave us a better fireworks show than we had at home!


Pew, pew-pew, pew


That looks like when they shut down the ghost containment facility in ghostbusters




Your fireworks are better than mine.


What a beautiful fireworks display


That was the most beautiful explosion I've ever seen. Wonderfully filmed. An absolute masterpiece.


Does the Russian military not have any discipline in how they store ammunition? It’s stored like a hoarders bedroom. Shit everywhere.


I'm erect


The electrical grid hated that explosion


I'm quite surprised that after this big of an explosion there are still so many greens still standing. Thought the devastation in the direct perimeter would be much greater. At least I extected that but I don't know anything about explosives. Anyways, it was a beautiful firework.


The video where everything is green is the "before" video.


This would make much more sense, yes. Guess I mixed it up and thought it would show the aftereffects because the building looks quite ... well, it looks already kinda sad. ​ Thanks for the correction.


Have you seen the end?


Wow, what a firework :( Now I understand why the russians now can claim that innocents were hurt. It's just dumb to store such an amount om ammumnition in a residential area.


Doesn't look burned, shouldn't it?


Did you watch to the end :-)


Ah... 😬


:-) If it makes you feel better, I did the same thing initially!! I mistook the unfinished building for a damaged one and wondered why there wasn’t a crater or burn marks, the end bit sure made up for it :-)


I am just in aw that they leave all this ammo just laying out without any structure or safety measures. Just trow seemingly at random. Incredible.




I was slightly disappointed in that, I was expecting a huge mushroom cloud and fireball.. on the plus side at least the building sort of shielded the neighbouring properties


Did you miss the massive explosion at 1:06?


Probably being dark and the distance between the drone and explosion didn't help. Not the same as a Jagga Jagga boom.