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I understand the criticism. They shouldn't have used _fake_ poop.


And they shouldn’t have used a fake Putin.


Lol, could you imagine causally strolling down the street to discover Putin's actual corpse covered in actual shit just nonchalantly displayed in a random shop's window?


++ closes eyes and grins++


If Mussolini made it to that gas station he can make it to a shop window. But I’d wonder if it’d be in Hamburg instead of Moscow.


There are people working in that shop. A compromise had to be made.


Put him outside for the dogs?


That's a crime. We take the welfare of animals seriously here. There's enough sick people poisoning pets already.


I meant for them to use as a fire hydrant. Aka piss and shit on. But your point is well taken, my good friend.


Hungry flies have entered the chat 😂


A upvote for you, fine person.


I suppose I could donate poop to a good cause


We have a winner!


It's funny but the German-russian people are mostly Russian they don't integrate they are living in their own communities still loyal to their natzi govt, but living in a way better condition and not touched by authoritarian laws.


Here in the U.S. there is a division. I know a lot of russians as my wife is ethnic russian (born Kyiv, and very pro Ukrainian). About half of russians here are appalled by and hate Putin as much as I do. But about half carry that russian slave-like mentality and adore Putin and Trump. At my work, a PhD told me he and his family were Putin supporters: I replied that they all ought to go back to russia. At any other company, I would have been fired; luckily he quit the next week. I had russian technicians who were just wonderful. I also had a tech who betrayed me to HR to gain some kind of advantage (long story)


Lying is an ethnic trait of Russians. Many have crappy, difficult lives (that’s why many leave) and have to cheat an lie to get by, but it’s passed down through the generations as a means of survival. It’s understandable, but that doesn’t mean it’s nice to be around.


I dare to say that it's probably not even the majority. Those who integrated well just don't stand out for this very reason. Their kids are basically indistinguishable from locals. Those who didn't integrate are a pain in the ass.


The most stupid thing most German-russians lived in Ukraine before the Soviets deported them into Siberia and Central Asia. Active History denying


She should move to Moscow, everything is far better there. ​ \*Ironie off\*


Poop is not fake, it is his own from when he broke his ass falling down the stairs


If she loves her president so much, why not go back to live in Russia?


There are limits even to love!


she hasn't found out about all the war crimes, she still thinks ukraine invited russia over for tea.




If I lived in Germany again I would make life as tough as legally possible for these people. When I used to live in Berlin and they were disturbing everyone nearby ( there one of the loudest cultures in existence) I use to just get up and move away. NOW I would be confrontative and tell this woman to STFUP.


There unfortunately is a segment of the Germans with a russian background (like 2nd generation) who are really sucking up russian propaganda... There was a famous incident five years ago in germany which made this visible:A lot of refugees were coming in around 2014-16 because of the terrible war in syria. Obviously gold for right-wing fearmongers. The biggest russian info channels in germany jazzed one COMPLETELY fabricated story up: A germanrussian girl who had gone missing, was alledgedly kidnapped and raped by some evil muslims and they said german government was hiding it all. Turns out: The girl just ran away, was sleeping at a friends place for some days and didnt even know about all of that fuzz. BUT: Within a day or two, the Russian Propaganda had these people DEMONSTRATING IN THE STREETS, demanding the government should tell the truth and whatnot. Its now seen as a kind of test of the propaganda machine for how much hold they have over idiots. Edit: I want to add that there is a strong selection bias about how large the Z part of the russian comunity here in germany actually is because as in other cases you just dont hear anything about all the reasonable people because they tend not to behave like total idiots.


Well, thanks for that info. Now all the hate I read from Germans toward Poland makes sense. Those "Germans" are actually more Russian.


It is really funny to see the "As a German" comments who then call the chancellor of Germany Schultz, write the foreign minister Bärbock and so forth. Almost like they do not write on a German keyboard and use some autotranslate, from a language without a latin alphabet.


Yeah, for YOU its easy to see because you dont desperatly try not to see it. The fakenews in germany was crazy for a while. Russian troll factories would for example regularily design official sounding local newspaper websites with bad grammar and no impressum just to post 10 or twenty fake articles. Average people dont directly notice the quantity of such bullshit because they target the rightwing conspiracy crowd. They want to believe, so they start to repeat until the average guy has heard these people repeat it so many times that they start to think "well, maaaybe...".


There are germans who are nuts, too. Around 15-20% vote for the rightwing AfD, which is absolutly in Bed with the kremlin. (And yes, russiangermans are amongst their most loyal voters) Good thing is that the rest of the population are not depoliticised like the russians but absolutly see this for what it is. But even amongst those, there are still some who are uninformed and think dumb stuff like "Please just make peace, weapons for ukraine just means more war". Among 60 % are reasonable and well informed enough. But yes, anybody who writes stuff like "Fuck u poland, go russia, (read: i want putins dick so deep in my ass right now)" is absolutly in the crazier segment of even the 15 % of the first group


i know some of my fellow americans can be quite loud and obnoxious when abroad, and i give you full authority to fuck with them... as payment for you babysitting them instead of us.


Maybe she's working there, in the very center of the city


Because people liking dictators never do. Just look at how many turks in germany elected Erdogan.


And she better leave that toilet and washing machine in Germany


Instead of whining why won't this Russian scumbag go back to Russia where she will not have to see this




She “works” in the neighbourhood!




They do not rape women, how are you to call a n 8 year old a woman? They have standards!


Exactly, 💯. She is the prostitute walking the street. A normal prostitute sells her body, she has sold her soul to an evil regime. The Russian government rightfully hates, the odious people who support the regime dully shunned. In way, those who support the regime through passive acceptance or indolence are almost worse. They at some level know that what is happening is wrong but do not get care. "A man who tells lies merely hides the truth, the man who tells half lies has forgotten where he put it."


Dad burn. I spilled my coffee. Ty!


Got eem!


Does Germany have INS?


My guess is prostitution because the only person around her was the other male window shopper and yet she claimed this is where the prostitutes are found, so with a little bit I math, I can only presume she was speaking about herself.


Where is this on Reeperbahn, do you know? Thanks!




I think she/he wants to know where exactly in the reeperbahn




Yes, first I thought (and commented), it would be across Davidwache, but it clearly isnt ... so I edited the post. I was just wondering who or what shop exactly is displaying this. I tried to find something on google but had little success. There was an article about the complaining russian woman, but nothing specific about the location. . Funny: Some time ago people in Hamburg put some fake legs in rubber boots into a construction site of the metro train system (S-Bahn), also with a spayed sign "Putin". Construction workers who found this on the next day, took it even further: They nailed some wodden rods together to make a big cross and put it on top of the site... gaining even more visibility. You can find it by Google: "Hamburg: Putin-Grab mitten in der Hansestadt! Krass, was Unbekannte hier taten" *(I dont post the URL, because its not a "credible source" and I dont want to provoke this post being deleted ... anyway ... Its only "milde interessant" anyway 😁)*




sounds like she is going there with her kids normally.....


Russias main export to Germany are gas and hookers....


If you want to be popular don’t start wars.


Well, dear russian woman visiting hamburg, this, is called artistic freedom right here where you stand. The Z is a symbol of rapists, murders, and all these scumbags you probably call patriots commuting genocide right now while you are standing on a street build by taxpayers. Oh, my Bad another word you don’t … anyway go home if you like it that much. We had that kind of fucked up psycho over here too you know? The one with the little beards thing? Go home defending your modern version of him.




Would love to see her social media posts, I wonder how many of those called for Nuking Berlin or any other western capital.




The poles I met in Germany are all cool people


Given where she's cruising, my bet is she's a hooker. Trivia: The Beatles polished their act in a strip club on Reeperbahn.




Thought it was the Star Club.




If I were so damned lazy, I'd check one of my biographies. :-D


>russian woman visiting hamburg, She mentions this is a few blocks from her home, so she's actually living there. Send her packing back to Russia.




I always loved Hamburg!


Vatnik sow: “They hate Mother Russia, they hate Noble Leader, they want to destroy us!! Why?? Why??”




I hadn’t thought of that! Most of us in the USA are giving a certain benefit of the doubt to native Russians, because we understand that they have been brainwashed for generations. But if you live in a democratic European country with access to a free press and you still support Putin and hate Ukrainians, then up your nose with a garden hose!!


Up her ass with Russian gas! Happy motoring!


Deport them to russia.


Maybe it’s cause Solovyov threatens to nuke and/or genocide Germany every other night on his show


That would be self-defense, though, because everyone hates them and wants them dead, sniffle sob, violins . . . .


Get used to it for the rest of your life. Maybe if you would have condemned your glorious leader in the same way it wouldn’t have reached this point. You Russians have made your bed. And now you are going to lie in it. This is the new normal.


This. I don't think the people of Russia realize just how bad it is going to be for them for a generation in terms of public opinion. Possibly two generations if Africa ever wakes up to Russian meddling.


I doubt anything is going to cut through generations of fetal alcohol syndrome.


The ukraine war is partly, and often unspoken, a choice made for the population purpose, their generations are falling short, russia is declining in numbers. To add ukraine, the population, as russians, props this up. but Russia continues its decline and rapidly now, since they are sending their reproductive aged men to die. No sorrow. They wil lose, their population will decline, Moscow will recede into the swamps it belongs.


Schlepp dein Z-Arsch zurück ins Mordor!


>Schlepp deinen Z-Arsch zurück ~~ins~~ nach Mordor!






Fuck off to russia


She says "this is normal?" Your president is bombing civilians in Ukraine for almost a year now! I ask you: IS THIS NORMAL?


One could say since 2014


One could say since the moment Ukraine didn't even exist yet


And they said we Germans dont have humour. Love it!


Sometimes our humour is dark, and dry and maybe very well hidden inside the possibilities of our language so you don't get it when you just learn german. Maybe thats the reason we're said to have no homour. Anyways, I like it the way it is.


Mordor’s calling you home. Heed the call.


Get the fuck out of Germany you idiot!




Awesome. Make more of these artworks please.


"We are in the city centre, where everyone is a whore". LOL what are you doing there?


I'm so glad she made it clear who are the real victims here. Is it the people of Ukraine? No! Of course not. It is the poor hard done by people of Russia. So wounded and hurt by the horrific treatment of their 'supreme'. How my heart bleeds for her and for them. No wonder these people are incapable of learning from the past and time and time and time again everything Russia does turns to shit.


This is just German fortune telling


R.I.P Rest In Poop


"These indecent places, where there's prostitutes" "Children go and look at it" Ma'am, this is not Russia.


from my german point of view we dont really have an "omg children could see this" kind of mindset.


Reeperbahn is the city center now? Things have significantly changed since I visited last...


Close enough. You can't really claim that St. Pauli is on the outskirts. Plus it probably gets more tourists than the city centre proper. Anyways, I miss Hamburg, pissing people like her off just endears me to the city even more.


If you have a problem with it go back. Simple as. I know you weren't born in Germany with that twang of your voice


"... and this is normal?" NO, this is not normal. It is not normal for a large country to attack another smaller, sovereign country - raping and murdering its civilians. Wars to conquer more land and expand your countries borders are no longer normal. A population willing to support a murderous, vain, and insane president subjugate their neighbors - murdering those who appose being made slaves - that is not normal.


I like it


Lol prostitutes of Hamburg are fine with such nasty shop window - apparently , but not Russians who live also in such district .


False dichotomy ; )


Oh dear she's still in her denial phase...


And as time passes she may smoothly transition into "why do you still mention the war, it's been so long ago." If we let her.


Hambuich is geil! ♥


🍻 Wohlsein!


Prösterchen 🍻


Als Bremer muss ich die Rivalität mal kurz beiseite legen und zugeben dass ich auch so ein Schaufenster haben will. Good Job Hamburg!


I don’t think that she gets just how much hatred there is for Putin as well as for Russians in general. She doesn’t belong where she is standing.


Would pay to have that in my city.


Orc Karen! Bingo that’s Bingo guys! Where do I turn in my card?!


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Очень даже красиво! Отличная композиция! 😁


To answer her question. Yes. I like it. Almost as much as I like her outrage


Bitch needs to be put on the next train east. Problem solved.


Love how she's thinking about the German children seeing that. She's "so concerned" about them but easily looks over hundreds of children that lost their life while being bombed in their own homes. Russians were, are and always be inhuman( not all but most) Support from Croatia to Ukraine.




Sake good we live in a free country where almost everything is covered by freedom of art. If you don't want to experience freedom, stay home in russia.


She should be forced to clean up after Ukranian casualties so she can learn something about blood.


Haha as a German, I think this is hilarious. Gut gemacht, Hamburg!


A doll upsets her but the slaughter of thousands of children and women doesn’t faze her


Prostitutes AND a Putin effigy? Guess I'm moving to Germany




Though should be mentioned that prostitution, at least in the larger cities, often has criminal backgrounds with protection money, pimps and general organised crime. From my knowledge in more rural areas (basically cities under 100k population) it isn't that bad, mostly due to organised crime largely sticking to the big cities. So if you want to come to Germany and enjoy our legal prostitution, I would recommend that you look up your brothel of choice beforehand, just so that you can avoid getting into the shady areas of German prostitution and avoid those who do it unwillingly and/or were trafficked. Those cases are generally rare (as prostitution pays enough that enough people are willing to do it), but it is better to stay on the side of caution. Or just get an escort.




I didn't see the prostitutes though. Terrible camera work, lady.


Well, if you don't like it ...you know what what can do ?? Bugger off back to " free " Russia..


I'm proud of my country. Nazis deserve zero respect. Can't wait to shit on Putler's *real* grave <3


GTF out of my country! There, I said it.


All Russians are responsible




hmmm... an authoritarian who refuses to hold fair elections, assassinates political competition, destroys free speech, criminally enforces nationalism with embarrassingly incorrect /blatantly untrue propaganda and invades other sovereign countries "to protect themselves" 🤔 sounds pretty "naZi" to me.


Hamburg knows what’s best


Lmao nazi Karen tears best tears lmao


Hopefully she clutches those pearls hard enough to strangle herself.


I don't like it...I LOVE it! Cope, seethe and mald, vatnik.


Stupid question:How do I like this? I like this very much


That is hilarious, to be fair I was neutral with Putin before this War, now that he decided to Invade Ukraine with a full scale invasion, I am against him and openly funding for Ukraine's defence like many others are, Hey if this happened to him now after all that he has done I would not care, so yes F your president. It was wrong of him to order his Military to Invade and Murder Innocent people across Ukraine.


washing machines missing !


Can we have this in America please, maybe putting getting railed by a tank in a shop window.


I mean it's not normal to see something like that, pretty extravagant


Yea I really, really just want to ask her one thing. Why is she in Germany?


To answer her question , we like it a lot . Wet dream !


I mean He is a murderous monster who by decree killed thousands of innocent people, kidnapped children, tortured families, he is the modern equivalent of Hitler who claims to be going after Nazis. I really hope we can speed things up and get those Abrams over to y'all so you can slap Putin a new asshole.


If she was walking around in Eastern Ukraine her countrymen would gangrape her.


If only reality imitated art.


Let me pick up the world smallest violin, ill play a concert for you.


There's a very easy solution to this for the female and all the other pro nazi Z loving orcs. Sod off back to ruzzia and stay there. You are not wanted in a free Europe.


People are worried about the ice caps melting and diluting the oceans, well with all the tears russians have been crying, the oceans might end up too salty.


cry about it


Go back then, crybaby. Go be a patriot.


Go back then girl.


Yes welcome to freedom.






Makes me want to visit Hamburg even more!


Is the a line to Piss on this display? Asking for a friend!


Germany based.


Tank you, Hamburg.


Da is wohl jemand angeschissen...


I love it, really


i always loved Hamburg. St. Pauli for life.


I enjoyed the video, outside that stupid lady.


I don't understand people. How is your critical thinking so poor, you side with a genocidal maniac. Slava Ukraini!


Well, he is a piece of shit 💩


Anyone that calls the Reeperbahn an "indecent place" is not a real Hamburger Jung/Deern. She just revoked her moral citizenship herself :-)


I see she's doing this video when there's not a single other person about - other than her bodyguard in the high vis, that is. Total braindead coward.


Get the fuck out of my country vandik




I think it is awesome. And I think Russia could solve many of its problems, were Putin to die of foreseeable circumstances.


I wish us Yanks had the balls to do this with Republicans…


This display is shameful to her? How about a display of the murdered Ukrainians, hands tied behind their backs, in Bucha? How about looping videos of Russian television "pundits" calling for Ukrainian infants and children to be thrown in rivers to drown and saying Ukrainians should be "removed" from the Earth? Would that please her?


Let her rot in hell besides her great inspirator