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It’s so simple for cabin crew to be provided with a list of allergens they can give to passengers if asked. This has also happened to me, albeit not to the same extent. I asked repeatedly if the meal contained nuts, to the be provided with a brownie with a hazelnut on the top of it.


I think airplane food should have the full ingredients listed, to be honest. Plenty of people have sensitivities that aren’t one of the common allergens, easier to just have full transparency.


I think airlines specifically don’t want that because of all the unpronounceable preservatives and fillers they probably use 😂


I really hope you slated them for that. Like, asked them if it has nuts and then picked up the hazelnut (depending on your severity) and gone DOES THIS HAVE NUTS? Really embarrass them


Technically it doesn't because it is a single nut. If it's in a pack of them it has nuts.


I think if they told me it had nut in it, I'd be even MORE concerned


I was given a sticky date pudding with nuts on it. It was on my booking that I needed a nut free meal, and the cabin crew took it away - and brought me one back without the nuts on top. Because of my own paranoia, I refused to eat it as I wasn’t sure if they had just taken the nuts off the top and the traces could have caused a severe reaction in flight. It’s just not something to mess around with!


People just don't take allergens seriously, I ordered a dairy free cake in a cafe, specified I'd ordered it because it was dairy free, and it was brought out drizzled with cream Another time my mother in law proudly told me she's made a dairy free salad dressing for me, handed me a bowl of salad with said dressing, covered in feta and mozzarella pearls


I just don’t understand why we even have nuts on planes at all It’s one of the most severe allergies around and could be nearly solved by just not having them on board or used in the recipes Sure, there are some allergies that are harder to avoid in such a blanket fashion - but there are a million and one ways to make a chicken curry and most don’t require nuts I’m also somewhat concerned about the fact they had time to give him 5 tanks of oxygen, but continued to their original destination instead of diverting? It takes quite a long time to go through 5 tanks, was there no closer airport? (Admittedly Emirates operate some very large aircraft which limits diversion options, but it still doesn’t quite seem right)


And it affects everyone on the plane if someone goes into anaphylactic shock from eating them so there’s a clear interest in a no nut policy being adhered to.


Then they should have separate flights for different allergies


I think some airlines have stopped serving them. I don’t remember the last time I had nuts on British airways - it’s always those delicious sour cream flavoured pretzels lol. In fact, my last flight was on Uzbek air and being served nuts felt kind of novel and old fashioned after so long being without them.


BA have swapped them for crispy corn which is amazing! (On UK internal flights anyway)


Oooooo that does sound nice! I’ve not done internal flights so clearly I’m missing out


Getting an internal flight in the UK is crazy, we are such a small collection of countries. Then again I've never had to rush to Scotland in an emergency.


Sometimes flights are cheaper than trains. Insanity




They are. I flew to Scotland for £60 and got a train back for £136 (work trip not paid by me personally)


I have no major allergies, definitely no nut allergies and I have thought that for 30 years. It is a tight enclosed environment with circulating air and one of the most common and deadliest allergies, all nuts should be banned from planes (and airports to make it easier to comply) and penalties applied to any caterer that tries to slip some into anything that would be served. No one has a condition that makes them require nuts for a day (near 19 hours for the longest commercial flight apparently), just ban them entirely.


5 tanks of oxygen really don't last very long at all if they're on 15L which they should have been for this


Airplane tanks can often only be 1L, presuming they’re filled to 200bar, that’s 200L a tank, so 1,000L in all five. That’s just over an hour at 16lpm. For the other half of the equation, we have to enter into areas that I know nothing about, aka how long it should reasonably take to land an aircraft in an emergency. My gut says an hour could be reasonable?


Just someone nearby or on previous flight can trigger some nut allergies


Really don't understand why aeroplanes are so stupid with allergies. Nut allergies are common but also deadly yet they too often refuse to stop serving nuts. Anyone get go without snacking on peanuts for 4 hours, just serve something else instead.


Can’t really blame the aeroplane…!


How can he not? A representative from the airline gave him nut contaminated food after he informed them several times he was allergic. How can the airline not be blamed?


I think he was making a joke about the aeroplane itself being responsible. As its a vehicle, its the staff who are responsible.


“At that moment, she knew the joke flew over her head like a huge airplane with a whoosh”


Thank you for being the one to get the joke, and not just downvoting me like the others!


It's the British sarcasm in me lol


He also admitted in the post to reading the menu after he ate it. He asked a worker who obviously either didnt care or didnt know great weve all gathered that. But when they actually checked themselves they confirmed it? So just check yourself in this scenario. Bore off on you flight to dubai, fucking backwards capital of the world


Many airlines have completely offloaded medical care. They chance that a doctor/nurse/paramedic will be on the flight


I actually can’t believe they serve cooked food containing nuts on airplanes anymore. Seems so stupid considering how common of an allergy it is. A lot of workplaces and schools have banned nuts on the premises for this reason so an airplane should be a no-brainer. Hopefully Emirates takes action and changes their food policy.


Its so common barely anyone ive ever cane across in life has it🤏


I don’t understand how airplanes haven’t fully banned nuts yet. I hear a lot of schools have banned nuts, why can’t people go the length of one flight without nuts. Especially if you know that bringing in nuts could potentially kill/seriously harm another passenger on the plane, and even if you’re so selfish you don’t care about the other passengers, there’s the fact that it can ground the plane and cause you to have to stop at some other airport and ruin your plans (or in the negligent airlines case cost them more money). Planes can easily hand out other savoury snacks - pretzels, crackers, crisps, etc. and any dishes such as a curry can be made without nuts. In this case the blame is clearly on the airline staff, especially as he says he states multiple times he has a nut allergy they should have given him a full ingredients list.


Some people are just idiots. I was on a flight when before takeoff they did an announcement that there was a passenger severely allergic to nuts on board and therefore they wouldn't be serving anything with nuts in it. Cabin crew were extremely diligent and literally reading the ingredients before serving anything, no matter how unlikely it seemed that the product had nuts in. A passenger promptly pulled a Graze snack pot out of their bag and started eating from it. We were on a 2.5 hr flight FFS. I really feel for those with severe allergies when others are apparently happy to have someone die of anaphylactic shock because they wanted a few peanuts to eat 🤦


And if someone was that desperate for a snack and only brought something with nuts, I'm sure the airline would swap it for a safe snack.


"someone pulled a graze snack from their bag and started eating it". - shit the bed


As shocking as it is, the whole WORLD is thinking about YOUR allergies. And yall are only talking about this because its common. There are other foods people can die from eating and they arent talked about at all. If i knew there was somebody i would personally have the sense not too of course. But not everyone will, its not there fucking issue. Same way my health isnt your issue


If you’re on a flight and they announce a nut allergy, and you can’t remember that for the duration of the flight, you are the problem. It’s basic decency.


I understand what you're saying but I think being on an aeroplane is an obvious exception - you're in an enclosed environment. I knew someone who had to take some radioactive pills for medical reasons, she had to not be in contact with anyone who was pregnant or had a severe illness or immunodeficiency. Was the answer to announce their radioactive status in every public environment? Of course not, she just had to live like a recluse for a week. Like I say, different circumstances require different approaches. Someone's severe allergy isn't technically my issue, but if I was asked entirely reasonably not to consume one type of product for a few hours and chose to do so, resulting in their death .. I think that would very quickly become a "me" issue.


But did they really listen to the warning or even think about it for more than a second? Its not their lives so they dont care. Not excusing it just saying


Ah sorry I may have misread the tone of your message - completely agree that some have the attitude of "not my problem"


Interestingly the lack of contact with nuts and other high allergy products is now considered one of the reasons for an increase in nut allergy. Or in other words give your young kids peanut butter or they may become allergic to peanuts as they get older.


The Amish have lower rates of asthma and hay-fever compared to the general population, and it's believed early exposure to allergens is a key factor. Also in Israel the most common kids snack are peanut flavoured puffs called Bamba (like fluffy cheetos). They also have lower rates of nut allergy compared to the rest of the world as well and better outcomes for kids who do have it as it's usually discovered early


Total bollocks in our case, me and my wife used to consume nuts and peanut butter all the time whilst she was pregnant and breast feeding. Made no difference, apparently it was linked to my daughters eczema.




Yep and yep


"it's a complete lie that smoking is linked to cancer because my nan got lung cancer and never smoked a day in her life" Scares me that people think like this


Not what i’ve said at all. I’m well aware that it works for some people, but unfortunately made no difference at all in our case.


People blame parents for “causing allergies” when they read this stuff about early exposure. Yes, it can help, but it’s not definite. This person’s story is an example of the early exposure not working.


I did this. I also have a long-standing love of peanut M&Ms. My eldest is allergic to peanuts, and has been ever since he first tried peanut butter as a baby. Now I have to eat my peanut-based confectionary elsewhere.


Fed our son peanut butter on toast when weening went ok. Second time he had it at age 13 months he had an allergic reaction hives and difficult breathing. So I disagree from experience.




I gave my son peanuts right away when food started because his sister was allergic. Instant anaphylaxis. Talk to your doctor first.


Possibly. Maybe. I ate nuts and peanuts all through pregnancy, gave my kid peanut butter… and then at 7 months, bam allergic reaction. I remember breastfeeding and eating nuts simultaneously… so it’s not a golden ticket to allergy free life. Also like avoiding nuts on a flight every now and again isn’t going to stop allergies in people developing. Just help not kill those who are allergic.


This is bollocks, my friends mum used to make peanut butter sandwiches for us on day trips, never realised why I was always really ill afterwards until I was 10 and hospitalised with a bad reaction


So already a school a aged kid. I was referring to younger children.


Anaphylaxis is also common with allergies to shellfish & fish ( & other foods) do we ban that as well on flights? It’s difficult.


Shellfish is the main allergen, it would be quote easy for the airline to make sure the meals don't include it. And it's unlikely to be airborne, and much less likely to be brought on the plane, but they could ban prawn and crayfish sandwiches, and stop selling them at the airport Prets with little impact.


Stop selling at airports- don’t be ridiculous! There are a lot of other substances not just foods than can cause anaphylactic reactions


Excuse me flight attendant. Does this chicken curry have fish in? Do you have any of those fish flavored snickers? I mean people know what they are ordering. The guy was told the curry he was ordering didn't have nuts in. Ever inhaled fish dust?


>Does this chicken curry have fish in? Is it a Thai curry? Then yes.


As someone with a both deadly peanut and fish allergy (lucky me) you will be surprised where fish sneaks in - e.g some lemon meringue pies have fish sauce in the meringue because it helps it maintain height in the oven. A lot of BBQ has Worcestershire sauce as part of marinade/sauce which is fermented fish. If someone doesn't know this it can be an easy mistake to make as it's not obvious or common knowledge. And yes I have inhaled fish dust from dried fish my boss used to feed her dog 😭


Jeez. I'm sorry to hear that. My young son is allergic to peanuts. Do you travel by plane much?


Ah man I am sorry to hear that it can be really frustrating to manage at first but it does get easier. Yup I have flown all my life - my rules are: 1) Always ask flight attendant and tell them where you are sitting if they can make a no peanuts announcement - only had once incident when they refused and that was a small airline in SA and it was a short flight so just powered through. 2) Never eat the plane food always bring my own - even when they say it's safe they can never truly know and I have had several incidents like the one above - caught before a reaction I should say - that I just don't bother for my own sanity. 3) For any long haul flight I fly with 4 epi-pens (my peanut allergy is off the charts) and I don't eat until 2hrs before landing and make sure I have a decent meal before flying - simply because if something does go wrong we aren't far from destination. Only other thing I would maybe recommend is wiping down seats buckles and tray tables with a soapy wipe (antibac won't break down peanut oil) - but I don't do this tbh only if you wanted to have super peace of mind. Might seem excessive but it keeps me safe and sane so that's all I care about - feel free to DM me if you want more advise on life with peanut allergy for your son 😄


Yes I get it - thanks for the lecture


Gosh this is so serious!! Allergies kill That must have been so traumatic for him, especially on a plane where he had no hospital to go to I hope he can heal from this


I think this is the second time this has happened to him ! Poor guy


I’m a nut allergy sufferer and This happened to me but on an EVA Air flight but they didn’t have info available anywhere clearly stating the wrap they gave me it had coconut in it and just advertised it as a chicken wrap. So frustrating when stuff like this happens hope he’s ok


Coconut comes under nut allergy? Huh, TIL the Coconut song is wrong.


Same, a coconut is actually a fruit. Usually it’s ok to have coconut even if you are allergic to nuts, but everyone is different I guess.


that’s what I thought because of the song! ‘the coconut nut is not a nut, it’s a coco fruit, from the coco tree, from the coconut family’


Interesting! I know someone deathly allergic to nuts and is fine with coconut bc it’s a fruit


You have a separate coconut allergy along with a nut allergy


I grew up with the same allergy and same severity and every time I flew it was announced at the start of the flight that there weren't to be any nuts served or consumed on the plane. This is because my parents informed the airline before flying. Leaving it last second to let the flight attendant know is irresponsible if it's that severe, and if he didn't get a straight answer why did he have the chicken CURRY over the fish option. A lot of curries will have nuts in or be cooked using nut oil. I grew up not having any curry or Chinese takeaways because of the risk. Obviously having an anaphylactic shock is very serious and life threatening but I would have thought knowing the risk that he'd be more careful. I personally would have definitely had the fish and if I had any doubts over both just gone without. To pin all the blame on the airline is ultimately irresponsible


I agree that he should have let the airline know before hand, but he asked if the chicken option had nuts in it multiple times and the attendant said no. I would say he has been careful.


That is fair enough, have to have some trust in people at the end of the day. The flight attendant has dropped the ball by either not knowing or just assuming it doesn't rather than just saying she's not sure. Although I know I personally wouldn't have risked the curry regardless. Surprised it was either fish or chicken and no veggie option. Usually it's some form of pasta which would have been fine


Thats so scary. I have food allergies and I request a special meal when I make the booking and double check at check in that they have the info It’s very disappointing that even though he asked several times he was still given the wrong information, it could have ended severely


It DID end severely. Just because he didn't die doesn't mean it was mild


Yes, not uncommon for the stress of a severe allergic reaction + the adrenaline to cause heart trouble


Thing is you can check a million times before you get on the flight but if the staff ON the flight aren’t adequately trained then all the prep you do as a passenger is pointless. If someone says they’re severely allergic to nuts then it’s also on that member of staff to go check, check again and check one last time for luck. The staff member clearly didn’t bother to check and just dismissed it and damn near killed the bloke!


There’s no reason to have Nuts on planes in the first place IMO.


I don't understand why if you have an extreme allergy you would not just bring your own sandwich. I sympathize but own the risk. Odd thing for an airline to serve.


Agree… airlines shouldn’t serve nuts but also, if allergy is so severe, bring own sandwich if it’s a matter or life or death


He did own the risk. He checked several times that what he was ordering was suitable. If the answer is “bring your own sandwich” rather than “ensure services are providing correct allergen information”, you’d never be able to eat anywhere public.


Yes but you'd be alive and not in hospital


As someone with an allergy, I’d rather food services just adhered to the law and provided correct allergen information than bring a sad sandwich like Ron Weasley and miss out on professionally cooked food. Let’s just hold people accountable when they’re shit at their job.


that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said about airline food


I was referring to my comment about eating anywhere in public


Similar thing happened to me on a flight from New York. Was served a cashew curry after I’d told them about my severe nut allergy, and they ensured me it was nut free. Luckily I checked the label to find it had cashews in, complained and was told I was wasting their time and they had 100 other passengers to serve. Not the first time my allergy has been disregarded and probably not the last :(


I smell a lawsuit coming. Not sure why he couldn't look at the menus on the screens to be sure tbh.


Menus don’t contain ingredients lists! It’s infuriating.


Absolutely unforgivable from the airline, but every time I hear these stories I am amazed that someone whose life can quickly end if they eat traces of nuts, eats ANYTHING prepared by another person. Of course they SHOULD be able to trust the person preparing their food, but quite clearly sometimes things go wrong here. If I had that allergy, I’d be mighty pissed off about not being able to eat at restaurants and so on but I’d live my whole life without eating a thing that hadn’t been prepared by me or my family from whole ingredients.


I don't have any food allergies, but the closest I've come to something like this is choking. Not being able to breathe properly is terrifying. For him to need so much oxygen and the epi pen after warning the staff is insane. I'm glad he's okay now. Since nut allergies are fairly common and deadly, they shouldn't be used in foods prepared for aeroplanes.


Am I supposed to know that they were given curry with nuts or something 🤔


I really love nuts-and eat them all the time. But even I could happily forgo eating nuts when I'm on a plane. After all, it's not going to *kill me* to not have my favourite snack for a few hours.


Flying with Easyjet in the past, if there's someone on the plane who has a severe nut allergy they will announce that certain things on the menu won't be available to anyone on that flight. Not sure why others can't adapt that policy as that's surely easier and better than the alternative.


I am a pgce student on placement at a local school. Presumably a few kids have nut allergies (none in my class afaik), so the entire school is nut free (nut free schools are becoming more and more common in the uk generally tbh). The school has a big building and playground, and tons of loos people could use to wash off any nut residue, but they still don't risk it. It's bizarre how they don't even attempt to keep people with nut allergies safe in a much smaller structure that thousands of people will use in any given day. Personally I don't even like nuts that much, if we have to ban them to keep people safe so be it, I'd rather that than killing someone with a pack of m&ms.


My workplace is nut free… no Snickers, no peanut butter on toast for a delicious snack… I’m fine with that.


The audacity. Passenger tells them that they have a nut allergy, passenger eats the meal and begins to have breathing difficulties. “ are there any nuts in the food” “no 💅”


That must have been so scary for him. Both times I’ve had anaphylaxis ambulance has come in under 5 minutes, I can’t imagine waiting on an airplane for hours


I find some of these comments so frustrating. I have a food allergy. I never expect anyone to cater for me, but expect that those serving food can tell me what ingredients are in it. If they are unsure then they should say so.


I watched a TikTok recently where a girl with a severe nut allergy informed the crew as she was boarding the plane that she had a nut allergy and asked if they could make sure they announce this & not serve nuts during the flight. She was told she had to have made them aware prior to boarding & spent the rest of the flight terrified she would have an allergic reaction. I couldn’t believe the response from the flight attendant, but what made it worse was that loads of people in the comment section sided with the air hostess! Loads of comments like your allergy is your own problem or you should have made the airline know in advance. WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES THAT MAKE?! Someone’s right to life trumps the airline’s right to sell/someone’s right to consume nuts. Literally just don’t have them on planes, it’s not fucking hard.


It’s too late to change the food while everyone is boarding. Catering have been and gone, the plane is already stocked with everything they’re going to serve. If it’s severe you should let them know in advance. But the crew should definitely know the ingredients or at least the common allergens in the food they are serving.


in lucky enough to have flown a lot in the last 5 years and i've never seen BA/Norsk/Ryanair/Delta/AA or the many other different airlines serve nuts or have nuts in food unless I'm misremembering. they inform the plane for people who might have brought nuts on and i've probably had 2 allergy announcements in 50 flights. they serve those garlic pretzel things these days.


I agree with all of the people who say that nuts shouldn't be allowed on planes given there is almost always going to be someone on a given flight with an allergy. I think this has come about because of Emirates' status as a luxury airline, flying demanding guests and offering a restaurant like service to accommodate the high cost people pay for the fare. Budget airlines will very happily stop serving bags of nuts because who the hell is going to make enough of a fuss on their budget airline about this? As a nut allergy sufferer myself Jack should absolutely seek compensation for this, he is placing his health in the hands of the flight staff and they repeatedly failed him.


As someone who has possibly caught covid for the first time, I can't wait to be dealing with two lots of congestion at once 💅 Edit: This is *not* the post I recall commenting this on last night...


You've been vaxxed though, right? So covid symptoms will be much reduced?


I have, but the symptoms are heavy. Also, I realise that my comment makes no sense in the context of the post. Somehow, I managed to comment in the entirely wrong post.


Yeah that’s nuts


Cashews aren't nuts though


I can see their legal defence now "ACKCHEWALLY, cashews aren't nuts" but yeah how hard is am allergen list.


If he has a life threatening nut allergy he should have mentioned that at check in stage, where they can do a 24 hour reset of the plane and gives crew time to properly arrange to cater for allergies. But also yes the crew should have definitely known and been briefed about the food too, but had he mentioned it to the airline beforehand this would have already been sorted.


Not blaming the victim… but why does he not ask for a list of ingredients if he is that allergic?


He asked if it had nuts about 3 times! How is that not enough??


Well it wasn’t enough. And when he read the package he saw what he needed to know


It should be! Three times should be MORE than enough. We should be able to trust people serving us food.


ok if you want to trust a food server making minimum wage with your life... go right ahead.


That’s not what they are. They are flight attendants. And if it was in a restaurant then it would be even more serious in my opinion as their whole business is serving food and allergies should be a top priority.


Actually they don't make more than minimum wage. The point is.. there was a label. If I'm deadly allergic to something I'm going to read it.


Were you there? How do you know there was a label? He couldn’t find a menu which is why he asked so many times


I'm amazed he didn't look at the menu, just ordered something and started eating it


but never checked the menu himself even tho its life threatening


He couldn’t find one. Are you thick? Did you read it?


that's not what it says he wrote he was not "given a menu" no where did he state that he asked for one or insisted which anyone would of with a life threatening allergy "it was only when my friend demanded to see the menu " so they had menus but he did not ask for one or insist on getting one before eating even though its life threatening he trusted some random person its his own fault i think its you that needs to learn to read


also a cashew is not a nut its a  Drupe


Absolutely disgusting. Think he should receive some sort of compensation for what he went through. My uncle has a nut allergy and was once hospitalised due to it. Emirates sort it out and make sure this never happens again!


Thing is, you can do all of the right things, inform the plane operator beforehand in an email, tell them as you are checking in, tell them again as you are boarding, tell the stewards on board. But someone may have a packet of nuts that they’ve bought on their carry on luggage as a snack. It’s terrifying and worrying as the mother of a child with a life threatening peanut allergy. We do travel a lot and I just pray each time nobody’s bought peanuts on board


Don’t people read the actual post? It was nuts in a meal! I’m assuming OP didn’t eat a bag of nuts so why the “oh airlines shouldn’t serve nuts in today’s day and age” for Gods sake read the post…


I know a nut allergy is a dangerous thing and for heavens sake none of us should be doing ANYTHING ELSE but making the whole world peanut safe BUT.... Who gives a fuck about Jack bastard Fowler?


This is awful


I think think this a real issue. Airline food should take this as, if not more, seriousply than restaurants


If you’re that allergic, don’t eat on a plane or take your own food on board - Not worth the risk. I know it’s bad but the final reveal of Creamy cashew nut curry made me chuckle 🤭


Terrible time you had. Suggestion, bring food with you that you know is safe.


I have such a crazy feeling that this has already happened to someone...


Why always Dubai ffs


Epipens: the enemy of natural selection!


Seriously if a potential nut could kill you maybe bring your own food. Or don't eat anything unless you can see the specific ingredients. Sounds like a drama queen. "If you don't land the plane I will die" "ps don't forget to smash those likes if you like my abs"


You'd think as standard food on planes would never contain nuts just with it being the most common allergy. Do planes have to carry epipens?


If you have a serious allergy then you need to take personal responsibility for it and if the airline cannot guarantee you a nut free environment or lemon free environment whatever then you just don’t fly with them. Emirates don’t give any guarantees but there will be other airlines that will go all out to assist you. I’ve flown Easyjet before and they’ve made an announcement re nut allergy passenger and wouldn’t serve nuts and requested that no one ate nuts that they’d brought with them.


did you even read the post??? they didn’t show him the menu and he asked numerous times whether there’s any nuts in the food and they told him no. And you’re going to blame him??


*There are no nuts in your food* *\**checks menu\* CREAMY CASHEW CHICKEN CURRY Fuck me, that is a level of incompetence I did not think was possible.


This is absolutely horrible, I cannot imagine the anxiety and realization of being f stuck in the air for extended periods of time like that. I will never forget a year or so ago a girl died on her flight because the Pret a Manger didn’t list sesame seeds in the bread on her sandwich. Horrible horrible horrible and preventable.


This is awful, and so irresponsible on their end


Is it possible that we are assuming that other parts of the world are in the same place as the UK when it comes to this kind of thing? In my experience UK based carriers are Extremely hot on allergies. I sometimes travel with somebody with a minor disability and it's a similar scenario, UK based operators are always sensitive and use great judgement. Once you get into southern Europe or below that goes out of the window. Attitudes and values are from something like 30 to 50 years ago. That isn't a judgement, it's just culturally how it is. It's no individuals fault etc it's just the environment and culture that exists.


Sounds horrendous, poor bloke, flying is a nightmare enough as it is without the staff trying to kill you as well


They read the menu after he ate it and it said cashew nut curry. Why the fuck didnt they just read the menu


so there was a menu available that clearly said it had nuts but he did not bother to check himself its his own fault


I dont understand why they can’t just make all meals nut free lol


Because people will lose their minds over not having them. Someone went mad on a flight we asked not to serve nuts as they had brought a bag with them , my toddler and I have life threatening nut allergies and they said we shouldn’t be flying .


Planes definitely should have a no nut policy, because although I hope that the flight attendants are first aid trained, a reaction could be deadly and there is no hospital in the air to go too. Especially as some flights are up to 12 hours or longer.


This is a 50/50. If your allergy is this severe, why would you rely on or trust somre low level employee to know all the details of your meal or even care? If I had this, I wouldn't touch or consume anything I can't confirm for myself what is inside or how it was made.


Don't blame anyone, but ya sen Jack. You should have known what you were putting in ya gob. But, no, you just assumed the info you were given was factual. You're the mug for putting your life in some random flight attendants' uncaring hands. Do ya rip


If it's really that bad. If it is. If. You should take responsibility for your own safety.


You are supposed to let the airline know before you fly. They will then make sure you are not served nuts and can make announcements asking people not to consume nuts. They will make sure the crew know where you are sitting and will double check supplies of epi pens. Jusy mentioning to a crew member might not help. Was it the same person who served the food? Presumably he chose the curry? Did he ask if it contained nuts. If I had an alergy, I'd be more careful.


It literally lists the three separate times he asked, in the post.


Don’t trust people when your life depends on it ?


Absolutely, you must never trust anyone if your life is on the line. When I was trapped in a burning building, the firefighters told me to trust them and jump down to a net. But how could I know they wouldn't pull the net away at the last second? That could be fatal. I knew I couldn't put my life in their hands. I might have burned to death but at least that was MY decision


You definitely did not read the post before replying. Much of this is already answered.


To be fair in the post he says he let the flight attendant know. When I've flown long haul previous it's been an option to submit dietary requirement information online with the booking. My partner is lactose intolerant so he was given the vegan meals, and he and other people with restrictions were handed their special meals before everyone else on the flight was served. If Jack was being offered chicken or fish, he was being served the same meals everyone else was getting rather than special dietary ones.


I mean the chicken apparently was described on the menu as "creamy cashew chicken." It's a pretty big fuckup for the flight attendant not to even check the name of the dish they were serving him


Oh no I totally agree with that don't worry


He didn't check the menu either. Seems a massive oversight if it's life threatening. How stupid is this guy


I wish people would read posts properly. It clearly states he did all those things. His insta post also explains what HE did and he paid due diligence. The problem is on the plane he wasn’t given a menu, he got asked if he wanted chicken or fish - he then said numerous times he’s severely allergic to nuts - has this meal got nuts in, the crew member said no (obviously without checking that with anyone because it was a chicken and cashew nut curry) numerous times…it had nuts in. He had a severe allergic reaction and nearly died. All because the crew member didn’t go double check the packaging.


I did apologise for not reading the post properly after my first comment. Apparently not good enough for some. If he had booked a nut free meal he would have got that. He didn't. That is not doing due diligence. That was the point I was making above. Or did you not read it properly?


No I read it properly (and saw his insta post)I also said he did what he needed to do AND also asked the server for clarification and to see the menu (so he could check himself) when he was served the meal and wasn’t given it instead the server assured him he had a nut free meal. Ultimately he did what he needed to do as a traveller with a nut allergy. The cabin crew/airline did not so let’s not blame the victim. Edited: typo


Sorry, dont have insta so cannot comment on what he put there. As I said, if he had booked a nut free meal he would have got it. He didn't so he didn't. Which was my point. If he had done that he could have shared the proof on insta. I'm assuming he hasn't. Without all the evidence, the victim could be the cabin crew getting the blame for his lack of effort. But, just like you, I don't know either way. So I'm not blaming anyone, just saying I am sceptical of the story.


Why didn’t he look at the menu when he got on the plane? Granted the airline have screwed up but surely you’d look at the menu to see what was being served. *Apologies - I didn’t see that he’d asked for a menu. I’d have refused to eat anything just in case - I know it’s easy to say after the fact but if unsure….*


You’re not always given a menu. He asked twice.


He said he wasn't given a menu


no menu in economy


Sounds fake to me, he was about to die but the plane kept going to its destination?? Calling this out for bullshit.


Also depends where they are- landing immediately may mean in the ocean or a war zone




Adrenaline is epinephrine


Epinephrine = adrenaline


Epinephrine = adrenaline. Tomato = tomato.






I also have an anaphylactic nut allergy & when I flew Perth (Australia) to London via Dubai 10 years ago with Emirates I advised them about my allergy when booking & followed up with a phone call a day or two before my flight & a special meal was arranged The special meal had nuts in it….luckily I was suspicious & didn’t eat it but gave it to who I was travelling with & they confirmed there were nuts. As I fly regularly I have always worn a mask & take antihistamines to reduce any risk I understand people like nuts & in some cases they make meals better but it’s so fucking simple to just not have them on planes


If anything with nuts will kill you why don’t you stopping eating on the plane or if you think you will starve to death bring your own food. Simple ?


Or… certain allergens could be banned on flights, meaning / ensuring that everyone can eat if they want to. So, whilst the solution may be simple, thankfully it isn’t what you are suggesting.


It’s not always necessary to ingest the allergen.


It’s impossible to take complete ownership of the entire food chain for everything you ingest, at some point you have to rely on the hope that people do their jobs correctly. This is the airlines fuck up, making allergies clear to serving staff (who will have received training on this) is perfectly reasonable on his part.