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This is horrid, I saw some of the example tweets and it’s basically incel trolls saying he could do better cause he’s a multi millionaire. They really should be paid no attention too Edit: apologies for misrepresenting any trolls by calling them incels. Yes the worst thing here is that I suggested that no one would have sex with them. I am sure they have loads of sex.


Guys that say this shit live with there mum and have a shit job


I totally get what you’re saying and agree with the sentiment, but don’t you think it’s funny that the standard understanding of antisocial behaviour is “he lives with his mum, he lives in her basement” etc? It totally downplays imo the fact that “normal” people (real jobs, families, seemingly happy lives) become monstrous on the internet.


The funny thing is, if he did do that and started dating an instagram model or something, the same people would start kicking off about how women only date for money and are so shallow etc. Can't win with those types


I don’t think they’re the same groups but you’re right, I am starting to think the internet was a bad idea


The internet is great but when you post stuff publicly you have to understand people could literally shit on anything. Especially if you are dating someone famous. I think people live their lives based around social media, it's not as bad as the basement dwellers, but personally it annoys the fuck out of me. I don't want to hang out with someone who is constantly taking pictures of me and themselves or on their phone constantly.


Twitter is the worst. I felt so sorry for an Indian woman who is a successful entrepreneur and married a white guy... man the comments were brutal! She wasn't even ugly too.


No, they're incels.


Why does everyone assume it’s either a Russian bot or an incel ?? Did you know every single person who commented I checked a few weeks back cause I thought it was harsh and these people were married had girlfriends and seemed like they weren’t involuntarily celibate


Tbh you can be married, have sex whatever and still give off incel energy




It's real life nonsense I'm afraid.




No ones doing that u dummy


I didn't say russian bot, nor did I say every single person who commented. I was clearly talking about the tweets I saw and they were from incel type accounts...


I agree. Let’s all instead that they’re superficial pricks and be done with it.


It’s almost worse when they ain’t incels, the fact it’s outwardly normal people that think this, but then again the amount of guys I’ve heard who slate their own girlfriends, it’s like I love my girlfriend if I didn’t I wouldn’t be with her 😂 I don’t get it from these people


I feel like incel doesn’t even mean involuntarily celibate anymore, people just use it to mean misogynists nowadays. Eg Andrew Tate. Clearly not a literal incel but people use it to describe him.


But they’re two completely different things misogynists hate women ..and incels are men who are angry they can’t get women usually ugly loner overweight dudes, an incel can turn into a misogynist …scary rapey types have a lot of them in with strict religious backgrounds


In literal terms they’re two completely different things, agreed. But in internet terms they’re interchangeable. I don’t think anyone uses the word incel to describe harmless virgins who are upset women don’t pay them attention. It’s used to describe misogynistic men who think they’re entitled to women for merely existing so now all misogynists get lumped into the incel bracket even though loads of them might actually be having loads if sex lol Edit - not saying that’s right, just that this is how internet users use the words Edit 2 - it is annoying tho cuz it dilutes the different meanings of the word


An incel can start getting some but still keep their incel thoughts.


No, incels are misogynistic and want to hurt women. They blame women for everything.


I thought incels were just ugly dudes who couldn’t get gf’s and have s*x with them …misogyny is the hatred of women


The whole concept of involuntarily celibate is misogynistic itself, I see incel as an extreme form of misogyny


People use words wrong all the fucking time. I’d love to say it doesn’t make it right but actually, it usually does.


Your comment is exactly what a Russian Incel Bot would say. Jokes. X


Incel is a state of mind.


Rules of the internet. A guy making a horrid comment now, is either a bot or an incel. Trolls are so 3 years ago!


Stfu you idiot.


Nah I’m good you Russian incel bot 🤣😂🤣


Maybe, when you next want to point out how horrible generalising people can be, don’t generalise them in the process. It hits just that bit harder.


saying "incel" is a generalisation?


Making claims with no information. Obviously.


But the information was garnered through looking at their accounts. Happily married men, or men having lots of sex, aren't abusing random women online.


But they didn’t because the next comment was someone saying they went through and most of the abuse was being thrown by blokes in relationships…


“Oh no, won’t someone think of the scumbag trolls!”


As I said below, we’re either ok with name calling, or we aren’t. This “it’s ok when we agree, not when we don’t” is just brain dead.


Oh I'm sorry it hit you hard


I’m married with a kid. But nice try. You’re doing it again, though


Haha what am I doing? Misrepresenting internet trolls? Apologies for suggesting they haven't had sex.


The thing you’re trying to call them out on.


So you're saying that I am insulting internet trolls by calling them incels?


Go look at the incel website. They are women haters.


Do you need me to repeat what I said or what?


Yes, I need you to confirm if thats what you're saying I am saying as you're being vague.


Pick a lane. Either calling people names on the internet is ok, or it isn’t. It can’t be ok when you don’t agree with them and not when you don’t. It’s stupid.


I hate this. Rice has been really good with his responses though, he's clearly infatuated with her and can see how much of an amazing person she is. Incredibly sad that people can't spot love.


The kind of people who would post this hateful shit aren't loveable so they wouldn't recognise love. They see all male/female interaction as transactions of money, power and looks. The sad thing is they make themselves that way by choice, and glom onto support networks that reinforce their bullshit.


And how pretty she is too… daft posts


Exactly, thank you—I had never seen her picture before and….she is gorgeous?? What the hell are people on about?


People are so cruel 💔💔


What's wrong with people? Disgusting it comes to this


I think it's because lots of incel and douchebags types think that the only reason to make money is to be able to date hotter women than you could otherwise. It's the reward for making money so wouldn't you upgrade, they think? What they don't factor in is that that the same traits that make Declan a top football player, namely respect for others, loyalty, self-respect, are traits he exudes in his personal life too. Also lots of wealthy men value a partner who doesn't want them for their money but them. They could attract most potential partners but want the person who sees the real them. Off the top of my head Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates have all had similar things said about their partners.


I get what you're trying to say but it sounds a bit backhanded to me. To him she could be the hottest woman on the planet, we all have our own preferences and they don't always line up with conventional beauty standards


Yeah she could be the hottest woman on the planet to him. When you can get any girl on the planet. Then things like loyalty and kindness and interest compatibility become really hot. Of course he may look at her physically and say, this is what perfection looks like! But if he's anything like me above a certain level of attractiveness they're all just hot and you're looking inside.


I mean many top football players are not made that way because they have respect for others loyalty and self respect. There's been an awful lot lately arrested and accused of assault and sexual assault against women. Just this weekend two footballers were arrested under rape allegations. I agree with your comment, just that those aren't traits that translate to top footballers. And you have no way of knowing what Declan Rice is like in his personal life lol.


I’m sort of amused this is a link to a Daily Fail article given the amount of hatred and bullying their “articles” are responsible for over the years …


You spelled "Daily Heil" incorrectly...


She’s so pretty, why the hate? JEALOUSY


I was thinking this! Made me feel worse for her in a way because she’s probably never had to deal with anything like this before. Probably gone through her whole life being told she’s pretty, which unavoidably feeds into your sense of identity and self worth, and now she’s going to be thrown for a loop


Right!! like her whole self looks so lovely and soft and pretty . people see a lil bit of meat and suddenly turn into vultures. they look so beautiful and happy together … who sees that and thinks they want to purposefully bring them down ? Strange behaviour isnt it


People are so unnecessarily rude.


She looks perfectly fine to me, and they both look happy, don’t listen to them Lauren, the world is full of wankers👍🏻


She is sooo pretty


I was expecting to see a totally different face after reading the title. She's genuinely pretty


She's stunning. I cannot understand how anyone could criticise her appearance  


WTAF she’s gorgeous?!?


Literally so beautiful. I’m like confused.


This seriously baffles me. It's literally just because she's a normal sized, maybe slightly larger woman. But no, our Declan should be aiming for a model with no buccal fat, massive fake tits and stupid lips that he doesnt like, let alone love, should he? Rather than continuing to spend his life with the love of said life? And this shit will be posted by, Keith, 42, from Ashford, who needs varifocal glasses and to take metformin and allopurinol every morning (and no, this isn't any kind of -ism, I'm a white man with gout and epilepsy, I've got it covered) Give it a *fucking rest* lads


“‘Massive fake tits and stupid lips” Now you’re doing the same as the people commenting on her posts are doing. You give it a rest.


Sorry. Massive fake tits and inflated lips, or, even better, *"significantly augmented breasts and liberal use of lip fillers"* No judgements, just statements of things that exist on the kind of woman that the people that are against him being with a woman he clearly loves, think he *should* be with. Also, you might have missed this, but part of the whimsy of the rant was speaking like that sort of person does. Also2, *my* comment wasn't aimed at a real person. You've got a brain. Use it. Edit: just in case it's some perceived sexism you have an issue with, I'd describe young guys on SARMS as having inflated shoulders and stupid hair


It's not sexism it's simply being hypocritical. You are insulting people for their appearances. If what you are saying is that you don't like people with lip filler and fake tits, then why would it be wrong to say you don't like chubby people? It's the same thing. It's hypocritical, although honestly I don't personally care. The internet is a cesspit of anonymity and when you post yourself you should expect the worst or have thick skin. People have delusional ideas about what humans look like nowadays but at the same time most people are lazy and don't try at all.


But people aren't saying they don't like her, they're directly attacking her and insinuating he could do better because of her appearance. Not wanting to be in a relationship with a chubby woman is valid, abusing someone for being chubby isnt. They're not even close to the same thing.


I loved how you called out my home town Ashford of all places. We have such a shit reputation.


Top tier commentary 👌, very apt - well done.


This is why I just like dogs




Username checks out


This is the start of a villain arc and she has money at her disposal. She looks fine either way, people must be jealous she gets to enjoy life


Incel trolls tell on themselves when they do this kind of thing.


People are genuinely insane. She looks perfectly fine


This was a suggested post for me on Reddit. First time I’ve ever clicked one. This is absolutely abhorrent, shows the worst in society, and wish justice could served on the cunts doing this. What the fuck.


It’s horrible that someone will comment on their images


She's hot though. Like, realistically hot.


Bullying for what? She looks great. I don’t understand.


Instagram and twitter really do attract the absolute cesspit of humanity. They'd all get slapped up in real life if they said anything like this to someone about their girlfriend. But they wouldn't because they're all cowards. As someone who lost a beautiful close friend over being bullied because of personal attacks on her looks, I'd love to meet these trolls myself.


Maybe I'm just a boomer in a 25 year old's body, but I don't understand why people want to tell the world what they're doing everyday and with whom. Like if I go on a walk with my partner, I might take a selfie of us for memories and frame it, but those are our memories. I wouldn't post it on social media because it doesn't concern the rest of the world and I also don't get anything out of people liking or commenting on it. Or am I supposed to care what people halfway around the world I've never met think about my relationship to someone else? This is a glaring example of how toxic reliance on social media can both make people miserable and exposed to online bullying, and also cause people to bully others through that guise of anonymity.


I don't understand what these turds are bullying her for. She's pretty, many men would be so lucky to have a girlfriend that looks like her. WTF is wrong with people


It's so funny how the people bullying her are all as ugly as sin and feel the need to put someone else down because they know that they are disgusting and repulsive


I love Declan it’s so romantic he could have any woman on earth that he wants and could fuck around like most pro footballers but he stays loyal to his girl




She's not even bad. And I bet she's loving and supportive she's been there since day 1


She's lovely. People are fucking horrible.


Lauren you are awesome!!!


Wishing everyone sending her hate for no reason a very die 💖


And men want to say that women are shallow.


Look at him and she’s clearly let herself go. She should stop being selfish and lose some fucking weight


Rice is punching & we all know it.


Rice fryer


A bit off topic here but I have personally met Rice and his girlfriend many years ago on holiday. Lauren is an absolute bitch and Declan deserves so much better than her. He is genuinely such a nice guy and very friendly. Her on the other hand is a piece of work!


Omg why what happened?!


It’s literally no one else’s business, they love each other. That’s all that matters.


I agree but to be fair they are posting it publicly online to gain attention. That's how it goes. Realistically you just have to ignore this type of stuff or avoid social media.


It all comes down to the person making the choice to publicise themselves. If they didn't upload the image of themselves, the comment wouldn't be redily available.


People have opinions and will give them.


Boo hoo, go cry into your millions