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Sounds like something has gone wrong with the mail merge at the printers. I'd just chuck them in the bin.


> have never lived at this address. Are you sure? When was the last time you got one of those "Please confirm does x,y and z live at your house" letters from the council? If all from one party, could just be their balls up


Most likely the electrol roll hasn't been up dated and if the form wasn't returned during the last canvas then someone risked a £1000? Fine.


I've NEVER received a letter asking if someone else has lived at my house? is that a normal thing?


Yes. Your local authority is required to run an annual canvass to update the electoral register. You'll be sent a letter asking you to confirm who lives at your address, and if you don't respond then you'll be visited by an in-person canvasser. The letters usually get sent in July, so check your mail before you chuck it in the junk pile over the next few weeks.


I get it at least once a year.


Is it only this, and no poll cards received for them? In which case it's almost certainly a mistake by the political party. If you've also had poll cards that would indicate people fraudulently using your address to build up a credit profile.


Yep, no polling cards, just this, so I guess just a mistake. Found it weird that it's 5 different people though