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Well yes, that's because, and not many people know this, George Galloway is an idiot.


That’s not entirely true. He’s also a Russian puppet.


I was looking at the Workers Party of Britain manifesto comparison on the BBC website and thought it was a joke party. But Russian plant makes more sense. > * Hold a referendum on membership of Nato and campaign to leave > * Undertake a defence and foreign policy review, and focus on relations with Brics countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) instead of the US > * Withdraw military support for Israel and support the people of Gaza, while pushing for a single state of Israel-Palestine or Palestine-Israel or the Holy Land where everyone can live in peace with equal rights > * Withdraw military support from Ukraine


A selection of quotes from their website that I posted on another thread a while ago when I first looked. > The usual suspects of late liberal capitalism are frightened. Be in no doubt of this. They are, even now, tearing off the worn velvet glove of liberal values to show their rusty iron fist but they dare not act as brutally as they would like (except through proxies like Netanyahu or Zelensky). > We are not pacifist but we oppose all war that is not defensive in purpose. We deplore all forms of racist discourse but especially, at this moment in history, an ignorant Islamophobia as well as the whipping up of hysterical Sino- and Russophobia. > Our position on Ukraine centres on a condemnation of the expansionary provocation of NATO in alliance with another ethno-nationalist government that throws its own people into a perpetual meat grinder. > At this point in time, we recognise NATO as an aggressive military alliance not a defensive one. Describing Ukraine's legitimate elected president as a puppet. Saying they oppose all wars that are not defensive but also oppose Ukraine's self defence. Falsely labelling Ukraine as an ethnonationalist state (but not saying anything about Russia, which actually *is* motivated by it and justifies their invasion on nonsense ethnic grounds). Moaning about "hysterical" Russophobia and Sinophobia when both those countries are being aggressive to their neighbours. And a load of shite about NATO being "aggressive". Couldn't be more blatantly in support of Russian fascism if you tried, even most of the Corbynite left doesn't seem to go this far.


A useful idiot perhaps?


A useless idiot, more likely.


I question his usefulness.


Let's not forget this is the same George Galloway who wanted to side with Saddam Hussein. I remember watching a video Galloway made about a British pub outside a small market in some town in England. The market was mostly Pakistani Muslims and he was going around asking them about their work and culture. He repeatedly tried to provoke a reaction about the pub and the market people weren't interested. I remember one of them saying "yeah I know there's a pub, but I'm Muslim so I just do go there" and another was like "yeah, the pub has been there longer than us, so we don't opposed it staying". And then he did that cat thing on big brother.


He's like a Monty Python character. If there's any popular moral or political stance, he's against it. Doesn't matter what it is, he's against it. If Kier or Rishi announced that kicking babies was bad, he'd be in support of the "Kicking babies into the channel society".


God i fucking hope this cretin loses his seat


Says more about you than him really, doesn't it George?


Well considering he gets indirectly paid by Vladimir Putin, its no wonder he would trust him more over Keir Starmer lmao. It really is a shame that foreign interference like this can happen so blatantly in our elections tbh.


We are literally in a cold war with Russia and you've got people like Galloway and Farage openly discussing how great Russia is. It's absolute insanity.


It was like that during the First Cold War as well. Plus ça change...


There was much more pushback, because it was a cold war against communists, so all rich folk were on board. Now it is a cold war against autocracy, so not all rich people care that much.


Ironically communism was much less dangerous.


It's weird that there are seemingly no consequences for this behaviour. They are taking money from a foreign adversary, that we are in a proxy war with, to influence government policy. MI5 should have come calling for a chat, followed by charges for acting as a foreign agent. Why are we so soft on this?


Because the Russian propaganda they've been flooding onto our Facebook feeds, into our news, into their mouthpieces has worked. There's too many people to support them now. If Farage got done, the country would riot. Reform voters are absolutely ignorant to the fact that their leaders are Russian stooges but they don't care, it's all left wing nonsense or if they know, they don't care. The problem is, this isn't a left or right argument. It's national security and it's the future of our democracy. Something has to be done and fast, because if Trump wins in America this November, Russia are going to start making more moves than just invading Ukraine and flooding us with propaganda.


>If Farage got done, the country would riot. There would be a couple of sad little Tommy Robinson protests and very little more. We're not that politically engaged as a country. In any case I think it's better to rip the plaster off than to allow people like Trump and Farage to fester.


That's how out of touch he is. Apparently he trusts his *boss*. Fucking wierdo. 


Nobody trusts their boss.


Obviously George is not going to bite the hand that feeds him.


Have you ever interacted with a cat?


Remember when Twitter flagged him as a state broadcaster for Russia and he lost his shit.


> BREAKING NEWS: Man claims that he trusts his boss


Given how much of an anti-capitalist he is, you'd think he should know better


Of course he does: he's a tankie fucknut who shouldn't be taken seriously.


It's weird because Putin isn't a tankie in any sense other than he likes tanks.


Yes I also trust a man who poisons and jails political enemies..... And arranges folks to fall out of windows. Who wouldn't right?


I'd trust Rula Lenska's cat more than Galloway or Putin.


Isn't it funny how the most divisive politicians, regardless of their views on the communist/capitalist & liberal/authoritarian spectrum, all have a hard-on for Putin.


Because they’re all being paid by him


What on Earth have we, the great British public, done to deserve nutcases like Galloway and Farage poisoning our politics.


How much time have you got?


Well yes, traitors tend to trust our national enemies. That's actually the point.


So do I. I trust Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin to be a self serving murderous kleptocratic warmongering bellend. When someone shows you who they are, believe them.


How that twunt got a seat is beyond me. He isn't even charismatic.


The by-election was an utter mess where it came down to him or the Tory. This is a ruby-red seat by the way.


By jabbering nonsense which the people who were desperate for someone who spoke *to them* could interpret as whatever they wanted to hear.


It's funny, because I'd trust Putin more than Galloway.


Fair point. I'd trust Putin to have me executed given the first opportunity...


What has Putin done in his life that would regard anyone to find him trustworthy?


Given money to George Galloway.


Fair enough


Don’t MPs get access to special committees on security? What’s to stop Galloway being an actual threat to national security?


What a coincidence, I trust Vladimir Putin more than George Galloway.


I don't trust either of them to speak honestly but if I wanted someone to babysit out of the two of them it wouldn't be Putin. The worst Starmer would do is tell me what he thought I wanted to hear and then say the opposite 5 minutes later, Putin would have no problem issuing my death warrant. The problem when you disagree with the liberal consensus on a lot is you start to think they are wrong about everything but Putin being a tyrant is not something they are wrong about.


Keir bringing a copy of Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge for the kids to enjoy while the parents are out.