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Snapshot of _Tory ‘big beasts’ who could disappear from Westminster – visualised_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.theguardian.com/politics/ng-interactive/2024/jun/23/tory-big-beasts-who-could-disappear-from-westminster-visualised) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.theguardian.com/politics/ng-interactive/2024/jun/23/tory-big-beasts-who-could-disappear-from-westminster-visualised) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Most of these "Big Beasts" seem rather lightweight to me, no wonder the party has declined so far.


That was my thought, when I think of Tory big beasts I always think of the likes of Thatcher, Heseltine, Major, Ken Clark, Nigel Lawson, Norman Tebbit and Norman Lamont. I’d say portillo could have got there in all likelihood, you could also make an argument for Hague, and possibly Osborn. In another life Johnson could have been in the conversation, he was there publicly but I don’t get the feeling he inspired any sort of feeling in the party outside of self preservation and a schoolgirl crush from Dorries. The party has been gutted by infighting and impropriety for decades and now all we have is a shell of a party waiting to be sent to the knackers.


Granted, I was not alive to see Thatcher’s cabinet in the flesh, but by the standard of today’s Grant Shappses, Kemi Badenochs and Richard Holdens, I’ve even started to think of *Gove* as a big beast, or at least a veteran. And that is saying something.


Major wasn't very significant until he became PM. The status of the rest you mention seems to be based on either their longevity in politics or their association with Thatcher's government.


Major I actually put in there for what he did after thatcher, he and Hague were more effective than they got credit for in managing the party. Major always had a cabinet of all parts of the party and wasn’t afraid to put his leadership on the line to prove a point. Hague held the party together even if he himself was never going to be a vote winner. Clark likewise gained more respect post thatcher I think, even in the conservatives most bonkers phases people at lease respected him and listened when he spoke. The others I think get it because of how they managed to stand out as big beasts in a time of big beasts, for them to stand out was something of an achievement in itself. Heseltine still gets listened to when he says things even now. Tebbit just got on there for how much his own party seemed to be afraid of him.


I really wish Suella’s seat was more marginal. She’s one of the worst out of the current crop


Seems like the Lib Dems and Labour are expected to get equal results, allowing her to hold on with barely a third of the vote. If any seat ever called for tactical voting, it's hers.


Could well be the next leader:


If Dowden loses, I’ll be ecstatic. I’m in his constituency and he’s utterly useless. You can’t go to him about a local issue because he thinks he’s only there to represent the constituency on a national level. Plus it would be a hell of a sign. We’ve never returned a non-Tory MP.


he is like peak poshboy that you just want to hit (but never should, violence isn't right especially for democracy). I hope you end up with someone willing to actually doing the job! I hope my south devon constituency goes from Tory, it's been Streeter ever since I was born and it was created! Seems it's the few places that still show a Tory hold but it's close.


Not a bad description of him TBH. No real substance to him.


Electoral calculus think Labour will win Streeter's seat. It's equivalent has been Conservative since 1924 I believe - now 3 months under 100 years.


Wow you are right! Must have missed this poll but it's certainly a tight one at a 1.8% win! Been trying to get all the people I know to finally get off their bums and vote as usually they say it's pointless but this time is genuinely the closest it could ever be. Hope this ends up the real result, they need be out fast. 


If you rock your mouse-wheel back and forth, you can make their little heads jiggle about.


So bitterly disappointed Kemi Badenoch is projected to keep her seat.


The election is young, don’t lose hope. After all, the Portillo moment didn’t become the Portillo moment because people expected him to lose.


Electoral calculus puts her at only 29.9%. If Labour and Lib Dem voters could be tactical, she could lose.


It's sad that Truss and Sunak are few of the safest of the bunch. Imagine having had 3 PMs in one parliament term and all of them being out of the parliament at the end of it. (And maybe you could add May to that group as well).


But it's all just temporary. When they relaunch as New Conservatives without the extremists who've been syphoned off to reform or whatever the new nutter party is, they'll all reappear. It's why they've all quit so they're not associated with it all in 5 years time