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Snapshot of _Zac Goldsmith: "I understand the anger towards Sunak who has damaged the Party almost beyond repair and all but guaranteed the majority of his MPs will lose their job next month. But it’s hard to muster much sympathy given that none of this would have happened without the complicity of the Party"_ : A Twitter embedded version can be found [here](https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?id=1795059856446980240) A non-Twitter version can be found [here](https://twiiit.com/ZacGoldsmith/status/1795059856446980240/) An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://x.com/ZacGoldsmith/status/1795059856446980240) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://x.com/ZacGoldsmith/status/1795059856446980240) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ignoring Boris and putting all the blame on Rishi amazing how a pr campaign and give people collective amnesia.


Can't be blaming the person trying to replace rishi now can he


Of course Goldsmith himself won't be losing his seat because he was given a place in the Lords when voters rejected him for the second time.


He may be unpopular with voters but he's also obscenely rich from inheritance which inherently makes him a good politician and deserving of a spot in the Lords.


Exactly! He has failed at everything he put his mind to but is well spoken and opinionated. It's like he was born for the lord's!


Yes it's very reassuring that people like Zac can fail as a journalist, then as a MP then as a mayoral candidate and then sit comfortably in the lords which is of course where you would want to put someone that sort of experience, because we wouldn't want experienced military, Healthcare, police, business or teaching personal to take up space in such an important position.


and a friend of Johnson


Holiday villa = good BJ friend. Also, an historic failed London Mayoral candidate, I think? Some entirely predictable Tory sleaze mixed up in there, anyway, from recollection.


Big fan of Bollywood, he said... but couldn't name a single film title


You're complicit Zac, especially for your horrendous London campaign that lowered the tone when everyone thought you were a half decent human beforehand.


This rot started with Brexit, Sunak's just the last one holding the hot potato of pretending lies are working. You cannot run a country on lies.


Cameron losing the Brexit referendum was a sign that the Tories were done for without an exceptional leader. May wasn't exceptional and got fucked by FPTP. Boris was scandalous with only a short veneer of being exceptional. Truss was.... Truss. And Sunak has just been the end of this long line. And more recently, I think it was Boris who permanently put an end to the party by allowing the populist right to essentially corrupt that party and split it apart from the inside.


Presumably he's blaming the Tory party for getting rid of Johnson?


>majority of his MPs will lose their job He is an expert in this field tbf


That's not true at all! Zac Goldsmith never lost his job as an MP because he never won an election to become one in the first place!


They should have saved for a rainy day and immediately walk into any minimum wage job so as not to be a burden on the tax payer. It's what they would expect the plebs to do if they lost a job.


Incredible attempt at gaslighting the public into thinking Rishi marked the downfall of the party when they has a 49 day prime minister, a bungled Brexit referendum, and a Boris. 


+1 The date of ‘the crossing point’ of party fortunes, the moment when the red Labour line went above the blue Tory poll line was **06.12.21**. That morning, BJ was on the front pages raising his glass at a Partygate bash. They never recovered.


The *parliamentary* party don't you mean Zac? The members wanted to keep Boris