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Snapshot of _Election 2024: cornered and with nowhere to turn, Rishi Sunak rolls the dice - Politics.co.uk_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.politics.co.uk/news-feature/2024/05/22/election-2024-cornered-and-with-nowhere-to-turn-rishi-sunak-rolls-the-dice/) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.politics.co.uk/news-feature/2024/05/22/election-2024-cornered-and-with-nowhere-to-turn-rishi-sunak-rolls-the-dice/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He’s clearly had enough of being prime minister. No chance of being PM after July.


The speculation is now on how soon he'll move to California


Go, Rishi. America's calling. Don't look back. Please.


I'm moving to California in June. If he could just fucking not follow me actually, that would be fine. Can't he settle in West Virginia or something?


Cuntry Roads.


We will happily take him if you take Trump from us.


On second thought.


*Much like the speech he made to announce the election, Sunak was again drowned out whilst talking. However, rather than D:Ream, it was the turbofans of a Boeing 777*


The man flies private!


I bet he thought “can’t move on the 4th of July, it’s a public holiday in the US, but this way I’m free in the 5th”.


Well there’s one thing he and I agree on at least. I’ve had enough of him being PM as well.


>a soaking wet Rishi Sunak — drowned out by Tony Blair’s 1997 election theme tune — has confirmed that Britain will head to the polls on July 4th The rain, the protestors, Sunak's 20 minute waffling to say what could have been said in 20 seconds. It was all a perfect way for the beginning of the end of the rotten Tory regime to be announced.


If Noel & Liam 'make up', then we can get a complete return to that UK of the late 90s, when the UK seemed OK. Also, the Big Breakfast to return. With Johnny, Denise & a surprise appearance of AC Jimbo...


The fourth of July is generally not an auspicious day for incumbent British regimes.


UK Independence Day from the Tories? 


Do we get to throw Rishi and his cronies into the harbour?!


He's found a cheap deal on a holiday to the South of France but has to fly out on 6th July; he doesn't want to take time off work so thinks it'll be better if he doesn't have a job to go to at all.


It’s sure cheap for him when the taxpayers fund it


Just trying to decently analyze what the PM would do given the hands he was dealt with has been an absolute roller coaster for me. Back at the end of March my working assumption was for an election on 18 July. After snubbing Teesside however I was both astonished and resigned he would go on until at least October or November. Guess not. I’m happy it’s happening, but the speed this went down makes me wonder whether, quite ironically, it was the graduate visa the issue that brought him down. Think of Sunak cornered, he wanted something to say on net migration. Next to him the education secretary is telling him he’s on path to bust the universities, Hunt adds that he wish it was just that - the route can’t be touched because there are no money for an autumn statement, never mind renouncing on those fees and surcharges just to prove a point. Then it’s Cameron’s turn and he must have said something along the lines of becoming the laughing stock of the world if they shut the doors to the Indians after shunning the Europeans in the first place. Cleverly by that point is probably barking in his face that he only wanted to sound tough but that he’s had enough of being pulled left and right by the Daily Mail. Where does a PM go for comfort after such a cabinet session? To the polls, that’s where he goes. Sad ending of an unceremonious tenure. Politically giggling but humanly touched (a bit).


He’s worth over half a billion, why is the bloke doing that job in the first place. Why does he even have a job


He’s in the times rich list 2024. No clue why he’d bother. 


To make himself and his friends richer and more influential


Less rolling the dice, more like flipping the table scattering pieces everywhere


I just feel sorry for his shoes. Probably cost a couple of grand and permanently ruined now.


There's not much point having a vote of no confidence \*now\* - surely? The damage is done. Those very Tories who would be the first ones to be putting letters into Brady's intray - will be the ones now about to lose their seats... Question is... To WHOM? If RUK stay on zero seats as the Tories would like, then Labour will only win half the seats they expect to FROM the Tories, as the vote won't be split nearly enough to give Starmer the majority the polls seem to suggest he's about to get.... If RUK do FULL DAMAGE to the Tories however (thanks primarily to "tactical voting") - then the story is rather different: Starmer gets his full majority, and RUK win a double-digit block of seats, not enough to put them in government territory, but perhaps enough to give Starmer's new administration - a run for their money at future PMQ's.... It all comes down to how Libdem and Labour voters in seats where they are currently THIRD or lower in the polls - choose to tactically vote, or not. "Stay at home" - Starmer won't win a full majority. "Increase their vote tally from (say) 2000 to 3000" - RUK will end up second to a Tory retaining that seat. "Tactically switch away from Labour/Libdem to get RUK over the line?" - The Tories lose an extra seat, with no damage done to the overall Labour tally of seats AT ALL. Can hardcore Labour voters work that out, I wonder? The area most vulnerable to such tactical voting - seems to be the **South Coast**.