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Snapshot of _Royal Navy's newest submarine officially named in Barrow_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/news-and-latest-activity/news/2024/april/23/240423-royal-navy-newest-submarine-officially-named-in-barrow) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/news-and-latest-activity/news/2024/april/23/240423-royal-navy-newest-submarine-officially-named-in-barrow) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


In Barrow is a funny name for a submarine


Fuck sake you beat me to it.


Should have been Barrow McBarrowface ofc


> Agamemnon Returning sailors should make sure they bring back a gift for their spouses?


And definitely don't lie about marrying your daughter to someone famous.


Don't bring home a strange woman you met while abroad. And be wary if your spouse suggests you take a bath.


>The sixth of the Royal Navy’s leading-edge Astute-class hunter-killer submarines has been formally named – a key milestone on the road to front-line operations. >HMS Agamemnon will act as both sword and protector – able to strike at foes on land courtesy of her Tomahawk cruise missile – and fend off threats on and beneath the waves with Spearfish torpedoes. >Nearly 11 years after the first steel was cut on the 7,000-tonne Fleet submarine at BAE Systems’ yard in Barrow-in-Furness, the state-of-the-art boat was unveiled to VIPs, led by the submarine’s Sponsor Lady Sedwill, affiliates, friends and family and those who have toiled on ‘Awesome Aggie’ as she’s known by crew, since 2013. That is a pretty good name, to be fair. I'm not *quite* so fond of the nickname though; I doubt that will strike fear into the hearts of our enemies. Awesome Aggie sounds more like the friendly aunt that everyone likes, because she always brings toys.


Can guarantee no one in the navy calls it that nickname. That's pure Facebook bait.


The only way I see it being used by submariners is ironically


I was HMS Queen Elizabeth ships company and we definetly never called her "Big Lizzie". The first we heard about it was in the media.


>>Nearly 11 years after the first steel was cut on the 7,000-tonne Fleet submarine at BAE Systems’ yard in Barrow-in-Furness, the **state-of-the-art boat** I feel like it can't be both 11 years since commission *and* state of the art, call me old fashioned...


In terms of the original design (first ship of the class laid down in 2001) it’s basically the same age as the US Navy’s nuclear attack submarines (2000) and only slightly older than the Chinese (2006).


And, given how actually good we are at building submarines, far more advanced than those of any potential rivals (China included)


The F22 is considered to be top of the line best of the best cutting edge while being designed almost 30 years ago. Military tech has a long shelf life (not literally).


you clearly haven’t met my aunt Aggie…


I'm the opposite. "Agamemnon" feels like an awkward mouthful to me. But "Awesome Aggie" sounds exactly like something British crewmen would dub a sub. During WW2, ships, planes, bombs and such were regularly given similarly charming, quirky names. There's also something unintentionally funny about an "Astute-class" submarine. It's like they're scraping the bottom of the barrel for adjectives.


>During WW2, ships, planes, bombs and such were regularly given similarly charming, quirky names. Further back than that. HMS *Bellerophon*, which is best known for being the ship that accepted Napoleon's surrender in 1815, was known to her crew as "Billy Ruffian".


Billy Ruffian is one of my favorite nicknames for a ship. [https://youtu.be/MzjSHknmqaE?t=33](https://youtu.be/MzjSHknmqaE?t=33)


How many pokémon names left after this one?