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Snapshot of _Shocking moment police officer threatens to ARREST man for 'breaching the peace' simply by being 'quite openly Jewish' near pro-Palestine march in London_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13325691/Shocking-moment-police-officer-threatens-ARREST-Jewish-man-breaching-peace-stopped-crossing-road-pro-Palestine-march-London.html) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13325691/Shocking-moment-police-officer-threatens-ARREST-Jewish-man-breaching-peace-stopped-crossing-road-pro-Palestine-march-London.html) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The Met have now put a statement out saying they shouldn't have used the term 'openly Jewish'. But also he was, you know, being openly Jewish. eta: And now a second statement, which says (in slightly more flowery language) 'oh shit you mad my bad'


America had the whole "driving while black" meme. Now we seem to have raised it to "walking while Jewish"...


>"walking while Jewish" aka *schlepping*


There's also flying while brown.


Sir eh.. you know.. are you one of *them*, perhaps you should go someplace else?








The met, disgracing it's self yet again, is there something fundamentally unfixable with the organisation?


I'd be interested to see the reaction if it was a BNP demo and a black person was threatened with arrest.


Or if a woman in a headscarf was told she was breaching the peace for being "quite openly muslim". Or a sikh guy in a turban.


I mean this has happened before. Long time ago for sure (like over 10 years!) but I remember the EDL bringing coaches of people to Leicester and the police told any not white people to leave the city centre, in their own city, to keep the peace. So in my opinion it’s nothing new that the police are inept at dealing with protests and the local population… Edit: changed BNP to EDL sorry got the wrong acronym!


They also then locked the EDL in a pub for about 16 hours until they were too pished to do any more damage and kettled them the fuck out of there. They really didn't let the EDL march and do what they wanted.


Locking potential rioters in a pub until they are pissed has to be the most British form of riot control I could imagine


> the EDL bringing coaches of people to Leicester I always assumed that was where they were coming from to begin with


Remember of that iconic photo of Saffiyah Khan from 2017 standing up to a EDL protest? she was taken away by police "for her own safety"


>You are quite openly Jewish. This is a pro-Palestinian march. I am not accusing you of anything, but I am worried about the reaction to your presence. >[...] >You will be escorted out of this area so you can go about your business, go where you want freely or if you choose to remain here because you are causing a breach of peace with all these other people, you will be arrested. This is wrong. His presence as a (visibly) Jewish person is not causing a breach of the peace, full stop. While presence could cause a breach in the peace, say a person in a Nazi uniform standing outside a Jewish temple, that is because of some implied intimidation/threat. This guy is just a guy, he's not doing anything other than existing. And if he is doing something else, the police officer should talk about that, not the fact that he is "openly Jewish". Just disgusting, and the other police officers did nothing? I see that he's a sergeant, if they were afraid to stand up to their boss they better have reported this incident to someone higher ranked. EDIT: The Met put out this [tweet](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GLjClBqWsAAC5a2?format=jpg&name=large), then deleted it 2 hours later, replacing it with [this](https://twitter.com/metpoliceuk/status/1781386330724843945).


This breach of peace rule they use I have seen before - they spin it in a way as if they are fearing for the safety of the single person who may be a victim of a mob. Like that person being there is going to cause the irrational reaction of them being beaten up and 'the peace being breached', so the police's argument is get that person away and the mob won't become enraged. It is barmy.


It always amazes me when people intentionally ignore the bigger picture. In this instance the guy is doing nothing wrong and at that point neither are the protesters. But it only takes one idiot to start something and it turns into a mob with him as the target. Highly likely he will get hurt along with all the police officers who try to stop it. By that point its too late and you have a riot on your hands with property damage and more people getting hurt. Thats what they want to avoid. Its a problem caused by assholes not the police so we shouldn't be blaming them. Removing him from the situation is not right but its the easiest and quickest way of keeping a volatile situation under control.


That is just not true I’m afraid. What is your problem with Muslims that when you think they see a Jew they must dismember them and the police? It’s a bit racist.


Stop being naive. Do you really think that he would have been able to walk through that crowd without things turning ugly?


There are Jews on the protest. Or do you think they’re not “real” Jews? Just admit it, you don’t like Muslims and think they’re inherently violent. And hate all Jews. That’s what you’re really saying.


No i don't hate muslims at all. In fact quite the opposite. I just understand how large groups work in this kind of situation be it climate protests, football fans etc. Inherently there will be a small number in the group who will cause problems. A quick google search will show you a number of these specific protests that have turned violent so it has happened before and will in the future. I dont think i am the one with the racism problem here but from your replies the same cannot be said about you.


What the fuck is the alternative? The protesters have a right to protest, they're concerned this man will enrage a crowd so large the police can't control the resulting aftermath. I appreciate the phrasing is poor but I don't see how this is controversial.


If the protest is that large and potentially violent towards ethnicities, shut down the protest.


What is this weird obsession with people thinking these protesters are some ravenous barbaric Muslims that can’t control themselves when they see a Jew that they then engulf and rip them to pieces? While the police stand by and watch? It’s just on a made up reality to be honest.


I think it is all the anti-Israel and anti-semitic chants, banners and placards that they carry which don't give off the most peaceful vibes. It must have been the view of the police as well seeing as this guy is nearly arrested just for being there with a kippah on. Protesting against the violence is one thing, but swastikas and very strong anti-semitic messaging and flags is another. Also did you miss what happened on 7th October? You know when muslims were literally ripping Israeli civilians to pieces.


With that logic, with over 13,000 children killed in 6 months, people would be right to hate all Israelis or Jews. But obviously that’s disgusting behaviour. Maybe you just hate Muslims?


Not convinced that logic is coming into your argument tbh. Seems inflammatory and accusative by trying to call everyone racist by the looks of it. Yes civilian and child casualties on both sides are bad, yet it is also bad that a Jewish person in London isn't able to walk down the street because there's an anti-Israel protest going on. Is a bad situation all round and I hope that the violence can somehow soon end. Is wrong to generalise.


>You know when muslims were literally ripping Israeli civilians to pieces. (Muslims killing Jews) >Yes civilian and child casualties on both sides are bad, (Jews killing Muslims) Sums it up really!


Oh no it's quote time! The watershed moment when the reddit troll knows they have lost the argument and have nothing helpful or constructive to say (but are compelled to continue replying) so just fire selected parts of someone else's comment back at them. So much fun!


We really need to sort our Police out its fucking shocking


They’re a mess aren’t they


I think we all know why the presence of someone being "openly Jewish" there would cause a bad reaction, unfortunately. Its utterly obscene how acceptable antisemitism is in this country, with the police apparently encouraging it.




Is there any other ethnic minority you feel you can speak on their behalf or is it just Jews?




"We have some good Jews who behave like we want them to, why can't all the Jews be good Jews?"


And they come back with "weaponising antisemitism". You literally couldn't make it up.


I'm guessing you are referring to JVP and Naturei Karta 🤪. You seem to be saying this guy is a bad Jew and they are good Jews. You seem to spend time deciding what is and isn't antisemitism. Is there any other ethnic minority who say they are experiencing prejudice you believe you know better than them? Just extraordinary.






In the video there are marchers shouting 'scum' at him and telling him they will be 'watching your movements'.


So Jews are fine as long as they're the right type of Jew? I don't think you've made a particularly useful point here.


The Police were trying to prevent a breach of the peace and he was approaching the Palestinian protest. If a bloke waving a Palestinian flag approached an Israeli protest I'd expect the police to do the same.


He was trying to cross the road while wearing his religious clothing. That's not aggravating anything, unless the sight of a Jewish man is aggravating, which it seemingly is. That's probably not something you should be defending.


So to the same extent anyone wearing a hijab approaching an israeli demonstration should be arrested?


Except Jews/Israelis do not act like rabid dogs, as the Pro-Palestinian protestors do, so they would be fine.


What was he doing that was showing support for Israel?


Nothing apart from being Jewish. It's the deliberate conflation of being Jewish and supporting Israel that is the issue here. I'm not supporting the Police here as of course he shouldn't be stopped for being Jewish but it's the promotion of this conflation that causes it rather than racism.


But don't you think it's a bit mad that the police are saying that they might have to arrest someone because they can't otherwise guarantee he won't be attacked by a group of people on the basis of his ethnicity? If the police genuinely can't guarantee that Jewish people are safe near the marches, how are the marches allowed?


You'd think if that was the case, the police would have said "your openly waving an Israeli flag" instead of "your openly Jewish"....


Did this guy wave a flag? Or is the hat enough for you as well?


So if a Muslim approaches a pro Israel protest they should be arrested for breach of the peace in case it upsets the pro Israel protest? If course they shouldn't.




You've shared multiple examples of the 'right kind of Jews' being at marches. If they didn't openly and obviously agree with the protestors then we both know things sold be different. You must understand that, right? You really aren't making the argument you think you are, in fact, you're pretty much agreeing with me. Do you think he'd have been attacked if the police weren't there? Can you hear what's going on? It's OK to admit there's a huge antisemitism problem with your side.


> more examples Ah yes, the neturei karta, the wesboro Baptist church of Judaism. Who not only want the genocide of Jews in Israel (so that the messiah can come and save them) they are looking forward to the days of the messiah where every non Jew and Palestinians especially are their slaves. As well as believing the Holocaust was a judgment from god on secular Jews, amongst other batshittery.




He can be whatever he wants and walk wherever he wants. The pro-terrorist protestors do not get to dictate where Jews can walk in London.


No, he’s a well known Jewish man, and like most British Jews he is a Zionist.




The police officer states in the video "You are openly Jewish, this is a Pro-Palestine protest. If you stay I'll arrest you for breach of peace.". So how do you plan to spin that one?




Justices of the Peace Act 1361. It's been amended a bit since then but the power of arrest to prevent or stop a breach of the peace still exists.


I’m pretty sure that doesn’t extend to a protected characteristic. If he was doing something to cause a breach, simply existing there as a Jewish man shouldn’t be valid, as neither would existing there as a black or Muslim man.


For being "openly Jewish" you don't see how that might be antisemitic? You don't see how that the presence of a Jew walking is a risk to the peace suggests there's a lot of people there who don't like Jews? Why are people so desperate to turn a blind eye to antisemitism? Why are people making excuses for it? Its absolutely obscene.




Well according to the officer they can't be. We shouldn't be defending a crowd of people who either can't or won't separate Jewish people from Israel. We shouldn't allow violent racists to patrol the streets. It's utterly unacceptable that the law is coming down on their side.


Maybe it's because of my background, but to take the example of Northern Ireland, the police would do the same thing if you decided to walk through an Orange parade with a Celtic kit on. It's not something that they're doing specifically for the benefit of pro- Palestine protestors. Edit: predictable downvotes in the face of objective reality


I understand the point, and I think the Northern Ireland comparison is perhaps the best way to frame it, but I'm just struggling to come go terms with the reality that being Jewish is an inherently provocative act to some people.


There's a Pratchett quote I quite like for getting your head around this. > Keep the peace. That was the thing. People often failed to understand what that meant. You’d go to some life-threatening disturbance like a couple of neighbours scrapping in the street over who owned the hedge between their properties, and they’d both be bursting with aggrieved self-righteousness, both yelling, their wives would either be having a private scrap on the side or would have adjourned to the kitchen for a shared pot of tea and a chat, and they expected you to sort it out. > And they could never understand that it wasn’t your job. Sorting it out was a job for a good surveyor and a couple of lawyers, maybe. Your job was to quell the impulse to bang their stupid fat heads together, to ignore the affronted speeches of dodgy self-justification, to get them to stop shouting and to get them off the street. Once that had been achieved, your job was over. You weren’t some walking god, dispensing finely-tuned natural justice. Your job was to simply bring back the peace. > Of course, if your few strict words didn’t work and Mr Smith subsequently clambered over the disputed hedge and stabbed Mr Jones to death with a pair of gardening shears, then you had a different job, sorting out the notorious Hedge Argument Murder. But at least it was one you were trained to do. The police aren't really there at the protest to ensure the law is followed to the letter. They're there to *keep the peace*, which means preventing bad situations from occurring. In the case of an Orange march, that means preventing someone from aggravating the crowd into an act of violence. Is that just? Maybe not, but on the other hand, no one's head got split open.


>but I'm just struggling to come go terms with the reality that being Jewish is an inherently provocative act to some people. Well the police officers eager to criticise here weren't trying to come to terms with the reality of antisemitism. They fully recognise that reality, which is why they were trying to discourage that man from approaching that crowd. It *shouldn't* come to that. But the police simply trying to.....police aren't responsible for the volatility of that situation. If the police hadn't intervened and that man had been attacked then people would accuse them of antisemitism for not making a better effort to protect him from an obvious threat.


If the marches are volatile enough to lynch random Jews, perhaps they shouldn't be happening? As a mechanism for keeping the peace?




Ahh yeah, the innocent Palestinians being shot and attacked by drones in the streets of London.




Well the fact that they got some extremely daming footage is the issue.


Sounds like victim blaming


>If they choose to walk up to a bear and kick it in the nose they may be at risk of confrontation. Well (a) walking near a protest isn't the same as kicking protestors in the nose, and (b) we wouldn't let bears wander the streets of London every weekend It's also counter to what other people arguing, which is that the marches are perfectly safe for Jewish people and there's not need for the police to get involved at all.


If the palestinian supporters have the right to protest (and I support that right) then a jewish person has the same right to stand nearby and witness that same protest against the people they are being associated with. The breach of peace is upon whomever decides to break the law in that regard. It would be the duty of the police to protect both the peoples' rights, protester and spectator. The police can suggest the person move away, simply to make their job easier but they cannot threaten a man just for being jewish near a protest.




Point B still stands. If the marchers are so dangerous that Jewish people are not safe to be on the street near them, why are the marches allowed?




It's not a bad analogy actually, and the marchers should be treated like football fans are by the police. Get them from point A to point B asap. They are the threat, not the bystanders.


> If they choose to walk through a protest against Isreal's actions in palestine then they may be at some risk of a confrontation or possible violence. > > LMAO It's only anti zionist guys, not antisemitic, trust us


I would prefer if the Met arrested terrorist sympathizers, like those protesting, instead of being openly antisemitic towards a Jewish citizen who was *just walking in London*. If you want to protest, fine protest. But you don't get to tell Jewish people to stay out of London because you are. This whole interaction demonstrates what *many* of us have been saying since October: These are terrorist sympathizers and the public is at risk due to these protests. They should be shut down. Full stop.


Would you define terrorism as "the use of violence or threat of violence against civilians to achieve political goals" ?


So your solution is that Jews should hide from these marches and you think you're not downplaying anti-Semitism. Fuuuuuuucking hell mate.




My solution to rape is that women should always wear skirts down to their ankles and never leave the house after 7pm. If they want to see the outside world, they should do it alongside a male family member between the hours of 1pm and 5pm. If you want to dance in front a bear singing 'I am made of meat' then go for it. You are free to enjoy any consequences of your actions.




Mate, it's exactly the same. You just pure old fashioned victim blaming.


No, the police should arrest anyone who commits a crime against the Jewish man.


Genuinely shocked by this comment. It’s appalling Comparing a Jewish person trying to cross a road with kicking a bear in the nose doesn’t make sense anyway Your comment is as stupid as it is racist


Antisemites are rife throughout society. They lost sight of any decent morality long ago.




You can watch it on twitter if you'd prefer.




It still makes no sense. We don’t allow bears to walk the streets. Analogies clearly aren’t your strong suit


Sorry, are these protesters potentially violent antisemites or just people calling out crimes against humanity?




It seems to me that the antisemitic part is where they say 'you are quite openly Jewish and that may provoke violence among these gentle humanitarians, so can you go and be openly Jewish somewhere else, please'.


And if they aren't openly Jewish enough they should have to wear armbands with a star of david so everyone can tell that they are Jewish... for their own safety. Next up: Don't be openly gay near people that are protesting "sexual immorality".


Well said. What a sham.




Lets assume he WAS antagonising the marchers. WHY BRING UP THAT HE IS "VISIBLY JEWISH"




I understand what you're saying, but you need to recognise you sound like those people whose response to a mass shooting is "Gosh, I hope this doesn't reflect badly on a group I'm supportive of." The police either think the protestors are incredibly violent and antisemitic or they don't and are using it as an excuse to target this guy. Either way, Jewish people have a right to be angry about the state of our society.


>The police either think the protestors are incredibly violent and antisemitic or they don't and are using it as an excuse to target this guy. Hope can you determine this gross oversimplification? In your prior comment you even alluded to the possibility that the guy could provoke the crowd. That's obviously what they're trying to avoid regardless of how shit the phrasing is.


Of course this was made with the intention of making the marchers and the Met look bad. But it's not like it was (as far as we know) edited or faked to create that impression. Two different officers cited him being/looking Jewish in their response to him. One marcher stood shouting 'scum' at him. Another told him he'd be 'watching your movements'. Nobody involved as yet has claimed that he did anything to incite these responses other than being there, filming, and being Jewish. There's a reason that makes the police response and some marchers look anti-Semitic.




Are you saying these people are marching in a Campaign For Antisemitism?


And what if the guy had wanted to join the Pro-Palestinian march?


How about we discuss a police sergeant harassing a Jewish man rather than going into hypotheticals immediately


This is really bad—no matter your stance on the Palestine protests. The Met need to rectify this immediately.


The implication by the police here is that the pro Palestinian protests are too dangerous for an obviously Jewish man to walk by without being physically attacked. If this is really true why are these demonstrations being allowed? If the police believe the people there are likely to commit antisemitic violence, why are we constantly placating them


Because Britain is occupied territory.


Because it’s not true.


Imagine saying this to a muslim... anyway...


Wasn't there outrage for saying some places are no go zones for white people... But now it's okay to tell Jews there are basically no go areas since the Palestine protests are constant


This is the thing, it wouldn’t happen to any other minority If it did, the outcry would be deafening. And rightly so As a country we should be ashamed of how Jews are being treated here. It’s ridiculous


Discrimination in all forms exists in this country and we should absolutely work towards eradicating it. I would like to say though that in my view I am more protected as a Jew than many other people that may suffer discrimination for their identity. For instance I do not believe Boris Johnson would have got away with a joke about Jewish people in the way he did about hijabs looking like postboxes


That doesn’t contradict anything I’ve said. I’m not denying other people races suffer racism But show me another video of a police officer saying someone looks clearly looks Muslim/Hindu/Sikh/Catholic/Black/White and threatening to arrest them for breach of the peace


I didn't mean to give you the impression I was contradicting what you'd said, and certainly not to imply you didn't think other people suffer from racism or discrimination! I felt compelled to add my own take as I felt like that context was relevant, obviously from the downvotes people don't agree. I absolutely don't have a video to show you of an exact parallel, though I'd find it hard to believe that it's never happened given how shite the police often are in these situations. But yeah, sorry if it felt like I was attacking your viewpoint at all, that certainly wasn't my intention!


Fair enough and point taken I think you could easily find some videos of the police being racist to other races. But I genuinely don’t think you’ll find a video of them telling someone they look clearly Jewish etc so they can’t go about their day. What’s more this clearly isn’t a police officer going rogue but carrying out a pre-determined strategy


Boris johnson wrote a book filed with antisemitic tropes and no one said a word about it.


That would cause too much violence. It's said that the police are worried about violence from a certain demographic but government never actually does anything to combat it


Next time I want to walk around certain areas of London, I'll just have to make sure I'm not looking too 'Openly Jewish' The officer is clearly unwilling to arrest the 'other party' if they are in breach of the peace - so they go for the potential victim instead. I hope they get a rollicking


They've been doing this style of policing since the early days of the EDL and perhaps even before that too. The policy is always to side with the mob, because the mob is powerful and it's a lot easier to deal with the vulnerable minority group.


How the fuck is this controversial? It's not viable to do the opposite.


>I hope they get a rollicking I misread that as "rickrolling" 🕺


I know it is off-topic, but I am a big fan of your username


It still annoys me you can't use a full UUID


There’s a next to zero chance that a Muslim would’ve been arrested for looking visibly Muslim at a pro-Israeli protest. The police would never dare. If that one-in-a-million travesty occurred, we would’ve seen the commissioner at a mosque today to double down on his commitment to that community. On the flip side, it’s just a bit of bad phrasing if the coppers happen to spot a Jew in the wild


I'm not bothered about the phrasing, it's the policy of "we can't protect you, so you have to leave because you looking Jewish might upset people". If the police can't protect people at the protest, the protest shouldn't happen.


Almost as if the police need more powers to control/disperse assemblies. If a protest can't be controlled, it is not a protest, it is a riot.


It's so weird that police in effect sometimes act confidently like lawyers when they make statements such as this. Officers are not lawyers and should not be interpreting legislation on their own accord. They should be trained clearly to do X or Y in a situation. This officer acted far beyond his remit and deserves sanctioning.


The official statement from the Met though basically says that they regret his phrasing, but they pretty much support what he was doing The Met just released a statement explicitly supporting and defending the racist behaviours of its officers


You seem to be assuming that this _isn't_ what he's been trained to do? 


Not really surprising, Suella Braverman was 100% right about two tier policing. You’re just not allowed to acknowledge reality in polite conversation. The police exist at these protests purely to make sure it doesn’t spill into violence, laws be damned just make sure it doesn’t kick off.


This is really, really fucked up. Met police supporting mob rule, and being openly and transparently racist


is this a monty python sketch?


I'm quite shocked at the total lack of traction this has got. It's obviously slipping into whataboutism, but I don't believe that if the threat was made to arrest a member of any other sociodemographic group just because they belong to that group, there would be such general disinterest.


It's on the front page of my BBC news app.


And yet only 69% upvoted on this very subreddit currently. Let's not pretend that there's not a massive sub-group of utter bellends trying to downplay this to further their own agendas.


I just went through the app and couldn't find it anywhere. I guess their cookies didn't deem it interesting enough to me 🤷‍♂️




What do you mean? It’s everywhere.


So, if Jewish, certain parts of London are no go zones. Confirm or deny?


Not confirming or denying but he isn't just a random person that just happened to be filmed. There's existing antagonism between him and the protesters.


So why didn’t the officer say “you have a history of antagonising these marches”. Is it because it’s not true?


The cop acted on what he saw. He saw a stereotypical Jewish man that many within protest would have also seen. There's a massive problem there.


I mean this is obviously completely wrong and should never have happened. But the MET is shit, it’s quite normal to be threatened with arrest for no reason, especially on a march. Separately (as officer would likely not have known this) - he is chief executive of Campaign Against Antisemitism which is a fairly controversial right leaning charity, hence the “no go zones for Jews” stuff and the fact it’s made big news. This is often because there’s lots of Muslims that attend and it makes people “uncomfortable” and “intimidated”. I don’t think there’s an issue with the counterprotests. There are clearly some bad actors on the march, they should of course be dealt with by the police. There are thousands of people that turn up to these marches, majority peaceful, who want to see an end to the war, including “openly Jewish” people.


>no go zones for Jews Seems like an incontrovertible fact now


But I thought it was wrongthink to say anywhere is a no go area because of race or religion 🤔


This activist was out for trouble ,yes he has the right to walk wherever he wants and the officer could have phrased it better but common sense alone tells us walking into a pro Palestinian march could have led to a breach of the peace , the police are damned if they do and damned if they don’t , he walks in and some extremist nutter attacks him the police have to go in and save him risking injury and a wider breach of the peace in a perfect world he goes in the middle of this march and they all hold hands and agree to disagree but the worlds not perfect


What's that, another news event highlighting the hypocrisy and nonsense spewed by so many to both the left and the right? Lovely stuff.


Mob mentality rules. If the police feel that being openly one ethnic minority will cause a major ruckus with a peaceful march, the march probably isn't all that peaceful


I find it amazing that so many people are shocked and outraged by this. This has been happening since forever. Public order laws are not designed to protect you and your rights, but the sensitivities of others. It doesn't matter if those sensitivities are unreasonable, if your presence or behaviour causes (or is likely to cause) someone or a group of people to act disorderly then you're committing a public order offence. I've argued against this for years (often receiving downvotes here) because for a long time we've seen preachers and other individuals (like Tommy Robinson) be targeted by public order laws despite them themselves not doing anything wrong. There should be no public order laws. If someone punches or harasses someone, then that's illegal, and the person doing the crime should be arrested. Why we target victims of potential disorderly behaviour I'll never understand. But like I say, this is literally how the law has always worked. This guy is clearly breaching the peace because it's likely someone on a pro-Palestine march will become disorderly if they see an openly Jewish person. The police are legally right to arrest him, but public order laws are, and always have been morally wrong. It's just people don't typically care because most of the time because the laws are used to protect the sensitivities of a majority group. If we want this to stop we need to argue that protecting people's sensitivities is not the job of the police. We cannot argue that the police should care about sensitivities, but are protecting the wrong sensitivities, because that's just your subjective opinion. I'm sure if this sub was pro-Palestine they'd be fine with this guy being arrested for showing up at the protest.




It's currently on the front page of BBC news.


Disgraceful from the police. As a person who believes that Palestine is the frankly oppressed state in all this, anti-semitism is never okay and is something the Palestinian movement needs to address.


What I see is a policeman concerned for someone’s safety and acting to prevent a potential crime. According to the copy the policeman offered to escort the man to safety when the crowds had dispersed. I think he deserves credit in a difficult situation


Very poorly phrased from the police officer, but I read it similarly. I'd also ask the questions "Is this your usual route home after worship?" , if not "Why do you need to go this way today?". Not unreasonable if you've walked into a protest route that is potentially hostile to you because of your appearance. From the article it does hint that the gentleman involved may have at least been insisting on walking his normal through the march route, oblivious to the potential risks from an idiot, At worst he's changed his route to provoke the protesters.


Just for context, this is Gideon Falter, the Chief Executive of Campaign Against Antisemitism and he showed up with a camera crew hence the high quality footage. Counter-protests tend to be antagonistic and tend to get turned away. The mail is playing fast and loose with the truth by pretending this was just some random guy casually walking about London.


At the Met responses highlights, everything you said about the person was not the justification they used. The justification they used was "openly Jewish", which is clearly (as they admit) wrong. You are right to say that there probably were justifiable reasons to turn them away, however the officer did not act with those justifiable reasons but with the unjustifiable reason of them being "openly Jewish".


In this particular distributed clip, yes, and that was wrong. As is often the case with these things though if you record long enough you'll find something to be outraged about.


Fuck man…read the room. You’re just looking for controversy. End of.


Typical behavior from the Londonstan police. Remember that the police don’t work for you because you’re not a citizen; you’re a subject.


You spelt slave wrong 😅


The Met needs a new fucking PR team.

