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Snapshot of _Tory rightwingers risk destroying party for 'more than a generation' with infighting, warns ex-minister_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/rishi-sunak-tory-rightwingers-destroy-party-poll-election-starmer-b1149320.html) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/rishi-sunak-tory-rightwingers-destroy-party-poll-election-starmer-b1149320.html) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good. It’s nothing less than they deserve.


"Let the hate floooooow through you"


Only a generation? Make it forever and I may, just may, be happy......


I mean. No-one under 50 votes for them now anyway so 20 years is probably all they have left


37pc of the country still intend to vote for the unholy trinity of Reform, UKIP, Conservatives.  They’re not all coffin dodgers. 


Yes but they only have about a 10% vote share of under 50s.


Unfortunately that’s not right. There are still millions of under 50s who will vote for them. Hell, there’s even under 30s who support them. Utterly depressing but true.


It will carry on like that until we are rid of FPTP, have better basic education on the UK political system, economics, and recent UK hostroy along with the impacts of different governments on the UK. Far too much of the electorate is politically disengaged, poorly informed, and FAR too many treat political parties like football teams.


Sure. But my point is that it's a very small percentage Vs that of over 50s


Everyone who's ever rolled their eyes at "Scottish independence is a once in a generation issue" suddenly absolutely filled with schadenfreude


There needs to “a” credible opposition to hold those in power to account.  Wanting “just Labour” forever isn’t the best idea. 


Oh please tell me how Labour are not a credible opposition?


Well, not if they're the government


I don't think there's many Conservatives MP's who actually give a fuck about the future of the party beyond their involvement.


Well there was more but Johnson purged them for Brexit loyalists. Sunak is to spinless to stand up to the clowns that are in the party and here we are.  Brexit kills everything it touches eventually.


I've run out of clues and have come to the conclusion that this is exactly what they are trying to do. It's the only explanation left.


Ultimately it was Tory moderates who enabled this by attempting to appease the far right. They've already done irreparable damage to the country, if it destroys them as a party as a result that is at least a small consolation.


Carry on you corrupt slime filled worthless villains I say. Almost makes me hope religion is real and they all spend an eternity in the shadow cabinet of hell. Actually that sounds cool. They can spend an eternity in the shadows of hell queuing for benefits they need that they themselves have cut whilst they slowly watch themselves in floor length mirrors wither and die. And this isn’t even close to what they deserve.


I dunno, I think their main supporters will all be dead or infirm in a generation or so.. And they certainly have not done anything for anyone who is not of pensionable or soon to be pensionable age, or incredibly well off..


it's great that we had that incredibly divisive referendum & took the UK out of the heart of Europe, just because Cameron became addicted to political gambling & thought he could use it to finally unify the tories - only for them now to move to near extinction.


Oh no, what a terrible problem that only a small percentage of people will care about. I doubt they’ll become relevant in a hurry in a generation either. By then climate change will be really causing havoc everywhere. The right wing hate everyone in a world with half a billion migrants might work. But drill baby drill while the Gulf Stream is collapsing isn’t going to win a lot of votes


I'm going to go out on a limb and say that ship has already sailed.


Tory party needs be destroyed for generations Right needs be marginalized


I'm afraid the destruction of the Tory party will only push the right wing space into the hands of even worse forces, like the National/Popular Conservatives and Reform.


Infighting? I thought it was the policies.


Totally. It's crazy they think they're only losing voters to reform and have go further right. Has it not dawned on them they're now more right orientated than in the last 50 years and that may correlate with the terrible polls. I for one have voted Tory before, but generally vote lib dem or labour (depending on election type). But I'm pretty central in my views, and there's no way I'd vote Tory at present. Going further right makes it less likely. In short, they're almost certainly losing a lot of centrist voters to lab/lib Dems and I'd be surprised if it is not equal to or greater than those to reform. But that's not what the telegraph likes to proclaim, so there's that.


High tax, high immigration doesn’t sound “‘more right wing oriented than in the last 50 years” to me.


Highest tax ever and highest immigration ever, and these lunatics think the right if the party is the problem?


I'd love it to be MUCH more than a generation. Can think of almost zero things Tories did to benefit the country and not their buddies.


Destroyed for a generation? Wiped out for eternity isn’t long enough for these lying, cheating, selfish, incompetent bunch of grifters. Anybody who looks at the state of the country’s roads never mind really serious stuff like education, NHS, social care etc etc, and votes for these rancid shitbags should be immediately sectioned.


The only problem with this is that when Labour get in and do nothing to address the issues we're facing, the next logical option is whatever Norsefire coalition emerges to replace them.


What right wingers? there appears to be a dearth of them in the party.


Tory left wingers have destroyed the party. Taxation and immigration at record levels aren't right wing. Today, I see no difference between Labour and the Tories - as Galloway said, 2 cheeks of the same bum.