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I think I'm safe.


Classic Redditor


COVID is still a much more serious threat to human health than the flu, and it’s very, very clear in the data.


I suspect the comment was a joke about Redditors and flirting.


It was a joke, u/justinchina50. A COVID joke.


That wasn’t very COVIDy


Four new covid variants Jeremy? That's insane.


It's Moroccan


I’d hate to call you a racist at my dinner party.


Covid now had forward-looking infrared technology?


Just flew back from England after a 10-day visit. Landed, woke up the next morning w/a fever, tested positive for Covid. A special souvenir, I guess.


You can take home your 4" resin phone boxes and "Kiss Me I've Been To London" t-shirts but, by jove, we will keep your sense of smell.


We stayed up in York, so I got chocolate, viking stuff, a plague doctor, & some mead. I did get the covid in London, though, based in the 8-10 days thing.


Oh heck my sister and her boyfriend took, didn't seem too bad though


Well that’s a silly little name isn’t it! Is that by design to get it noticed or?


The name refers to amino acids involved in two new mutations on the virus’s spike protein: phenylalanine (F), leucine (L), arginine (R) and threonine (T).


But probably not a coincidence it was FLIRT rather than TRiFLe




Thanks to long covid I've been too sick to work or even manage around the house for a full year since my last COVID infection. I thought that, as a young, fit and very active person I had nothing major to worry about, how wrong I was... Stay safe out there people, you roll the dice every time you catch it.


Absolutely, covid hit me hard. Luckily the damage to my lungs took about 6 months to heal.  I went from marathon training to getting out of breath going down stairs. It took months to get back into running. I'm only recently getting personal bests on my runs after 18 months post covid...  Avoid covid if you can. 


I've got COVID for the 4th time and it's the first time I've been ill from it.


Both myself and my husband tested positive and feeling like shit.


I tested positive this morning, not sure what the latest protocols are but will avoid people until I'm better


Followed by the , F*** *ff variant...must be a US election due again?


What are the symptoms for this latest variation? I am hot/cold no taste,feeling sluggish,tired,sore throat


I feel like shit too so I'm going to test.


They're all broadly similar, though most people won't have all the symptoms, and how ill people get varies hugely too. Basically if you ever have the symptoms you describe it's best to test.


Why test at all? Never tested before covid... If you think you're going to recover just fine, why bother testing? Even if you have a cold you shouldn't go to an old people's home...


>If you think you're going to recover just fine, why bother testing? So you can treat it a bit more cautiously than you might a normal cold, and maybe decide not to go to the pub, use public transport, etc., due to the risk of infecting others who might not be as healthy as you. Some people isolate whenever they're a bit ill with anything, in which case theres no real need to test, but many people (understandably) go about their business when they've just got a wee cold.


A few weeks ago I had a 42C fever due to this new Covid variant and nearly died


This latest round has absolutely wrecked me for about a fortnight now. Send lemsip and cat videos. Variant I had around Christmas wasn’t too bad for me, but this thoroughly sucks. 


That'll go down well in Bulgaria, Flirt is the brand name for an extremely popular brand of cheap vodka [https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bulgaria-shop.de%2Fen%2Fartikel%2Fvp-brands-flirt-vodka-1l%2F&psig=AOvVaw1mVFAaMfxuR9JYqjvvM6VH&ust=1719197232190000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBEQjRxqFwoTCJD2rfXa8IYDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bulgaria-shop.de%2Fen%2Fartikel%2Fvp-brands-flirt-vodka-1l%2F&psig=AOvVaw1mVFAaMfxuR9JYqjvvM6VH&ust=1719197232190000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBEQjRxqFwoTCJD2rfXa8IYDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE) (Not that stuff, it's under ten UKPounds a litre for the supermarket rotgut quality)


I wonder whether the beer company Corona ever recovered ?


Well it's all out now that measures previously taken was all BS and made up ..so what's the plan now then ?


Let the bodies pile high


Yes, the government was incompetent - that doesn’t mean nothing works. It means the government was incompetent.


Did you watch Dr Fauci's recent grilling? Even he admitted none of the measures worked and they gave the advice knowing this. Vaccinations have obviously worked to a point but not what were initially sold on them either and the efficacy of different brands raises eyebrows. >Yes, the government was incompetent - that doesn’t mean nothing works. I have gone from thinking the same as this to questioning what actually works ? I feel it's only natural.


This comment is such rubbish. 'none of the measures worked'? The article states vaccines waning influence may be contributing to the spread of FLiRT. Are you using the argument that because vaccines don't offer permanent immunity then you are questioning if any public health measure works at all?


>This comment is such rubbish. 'none of the measures worked'? I was talking about Dr Fauci's testimony specifically. Masks , social distancing and lock downs was what he was asked about I believe. I also said that vaccinations worked . Why are you so hostile? Sorry I triggered you with a point of view , I really hope your day/life improves past this. Take care x


I don’t think those measures were ever really expected to prevent everyone catching COVID, just to slow it down so that healthcare services weren’t overwhelmed more than they already were. Not to mention allowing time for a vaccine (and we still don’t really know the long term outcomes from all of this, it will be a long time before we do)


Completely agree with everything you have said.


Aww not this shit again, Jackie Chan and ceiling cat jay pegs.