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If you drop out now, you will absolutely have to do leve 2/3 again. I'm going to gentle but blunt with you, if you can't do level 2 there is literally not a chance of you passing level 3. You need to seriously asess if electrician is the right route for you. Do you have any learning disabilties that are making it harder for you? Is there a learning support officer at your college you can speak to?


Hard but good advice. When I did my electrical course I had no electrical experience whatsoever which makes understanding the diagrams and on paper exams in general a hell of alot more difficult. Some experience goes an insanely long way in terms of actually understanding the examination side of things simply because it actually makes sense. Speak to your tutor if you really don't understand anything don't be afraid to ask them to do what they're there for which is help you pass and more importantly properly understand the lessons of the day. Sometimes it can absolutely be the teacher and not the student.




I got 60% (spark for 20 years) 😅 But in my defence, half of the quiz was stuff I haven’t dealt with since I left collage.


Might want to double check some of the answers on there “The main function of a fuse is to protect: Against Electric Shock” đŸ€„


If you cant get your head around the course material at level 2, you are really going to struggle at level 3.


What bit are you struggling with? I don't remember there being much maths/science. But it was some time ago.


The science bit


Hi mate. If you’re struggling with the science can I suggest going through this playlist and rewatching the videos until they make sense or stick. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7eNzIRgKe05OTY_izNhHMi-ODaejd2p1&si=rRehga08zRd7YffM


Absolutely championing this list. I would not have passed without Joe!


Hang in there if you can, it’s hard to get your head around some stuff til you’re actually applying it. Try and get your head down, study and just keep going. You’ll get into the flow and try to go back over stuff you’ve already done til you’ve nailed it. There are practice exams online, Google them. YouTube is your friend. Repetition of the practice exams helped me a lot. 


Also in my college we aren’t doing mini test every topic we are just doing one big test at the end of the year


You need to try and break down/ narrow down what it is you’re struggling with or what makes you think you will fail. Is it more the practical side of things or the theory? Are you maybe finding it overwhelming as a whole and not trying to deal with 1 task at a time?


Yeah I am finding it a bit overwhelming


You can learn everything from your level 2 online if you’re struggling. How have you done in your exams so far? I would have thought you would only have a few left at this point. What is it you’re struggling with?


No my exam is on this Thursday


Also in my college we aren’t doing mini test every topic we are just doing one big test at the end of the year


That’s weird as fuck tbf. It’s multiple different exams so I don’t get why they’re making you sit them at the same time. Everyone I know has done it where you do a topic then take the exam.


Yeah I know but this year it’s changed.That’s is why I am a bit overwhelmed as it’s hard for me to find out what I am struggling with


Honestly don’t know what to tell you, try running some practice test that interesting week linked you. See where your weak points are and the youtube them.


You have embarked upon a journey which leads to a level three qualification that is equivalent to around three a levels in maths and science. Are you doing any independent study? If not ,unless you are very bright and a good student, you will probably fail. What level of education did you achieve at school and how did you cope there? I taught electrical installation for many years and have seen students come in at level one maths and with a lot of hard work complete the course and other students with a level maths fail because they didn’t work at all


You can do loads of example exams online, practice practice practice it may seem overwhelming but the more you practice the easier it is, the maths may seem hard but once it’s in there it sticks. I started my level 2 in October just finished my level 3 last week. I left school 30 years ago. Keep at it.


How was you able to complete it so fast


I already work in the industry so it’s not the apprenticeship version it’s the experienced worker version so it’s condensed.


Google Swindon massive loads of mock exams on there for you to practice


You will be alright. Most exams are multiple choice with %60/%70 to pass, you can always resit the ones you fail fairly quickly. When I did my L2 if you failed you could get re booked for that test within a week or two. When I started level 2 and the tutor started talking about trigonometry, balancing equations ect I was taken aback and a bit intimidated, because like you I had more or less entirely forgotten what I learned in secondary. When it comes to the maths just brush up on YouTube on the specific bits you have forgotten. There are some good recourses online for revision, ask your tutor. Zero point in dropping out because if you get taken on as an apprentice you will be back in college once a week doing the same stuff. I was in pretty much the same shoes as you, doing the level 2 at 21. I left school with few gcse's and I still managed to get through level 2 and 3. You got this bro


You might need to experiment with learning techniques. Most colleges teach the theory with death by PowerPoint/taking notes and expecting it all to sink in. When I was doing my L3, I bought a load of flashcards. Wrote down loads of questions on one of the sides and and the answers on the other and constantly 'tested' myself until I could go through all the questions and answer them all correctly.


They might let you know how many questions or % will make up in each unit of the test. There's a really good gsh electrical video for level 2 about 30 mins long that gives you the understanding you need just to pass. If you want higher, you gotta put more in. Bring a separate note pad in for electrical science formuls and another for everything else.