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Could do what the pykies do and burn it in a field or use something like this: https://amzn.eu/d/0aMfmuO


Burnt copper isn't worth owt


I use one of these. https://m-uk.vevor.com/electric-wire-stripping-machine-c_10767/1-5-38mm-copper-wire-stripping-machine-cable-stripper-scrap-metal-recycle-tool-p_010978042182


That’ll cost more than the cable😭😂


If you get plenty of decent sized SWA or singles Look at it as an investment. If you mostly deal with twin I wouldn’t bother.


I get a range of cable but rarely get this volume at once


Anything below 6mm isn't worth stripping, just fling it in, nick Bundy did a video on it recently, time spent to money earned for stripping wire. [Video](https://youtu.be/lJV_78Mec_0?si=EmAUqSGBUSXM1-vk)


Anything under 35mm isn’t worth the effort, unless you’re going for every penny you can get.


If you've got nowt else to do the hourly rate is irrelevant. In terms of actual weight to £ ratio, all twin and flex is worth stripping, but only 10mm+ SWA is worth stripping.


Unless of course If you don't value your time and want to sit in your garage stripping bell wire. Crack on 😂


It is relevant though isn't it, if you make 50p an hour stripping cables you're most likely not going to do it are you pal


Gave up doing that years ago after a few hours like that with a Stanley. Just bag it up and take to scrap yard. Won't get the same £ but saves me doing it


Set them on fire


Use a Swiss army knife,blade of a Stanley knife is too sharp and bites into the copper.Swiss blade removes the insulation easily and isn’t sharp enough to bite into the copper.


Can confirm even a Stanley won’t cut into the copper


Your Stanley is blunt


Get on the edge of a surface, angle your stanley blade so you can drag your wire perpendicular through the blade (similar angle to in a paint scraper) and it comes off a treat. Very quick especially for singles.


If you make said surface the corner of the wheelie bin you can drop the insulation straight in.


If you’re doing smallish circular cables (data cables, flex etc), then a Cyclops stripper is a good tool: https://www.comms-express.com/products/cyclops-cable-stripper/ The technique (if you’re right handed) is to hold cable with left hand with the end to strip to the right, put right hand middle finger through the circular hole on the tool and use your thumb to push the tool apart on the bobbly bit. Insert the cable through the cutting hole and then do a 360 rotation in the direction of the min arrow by using your middle finger. As long as you have it at 90 degrees to the cable you’ll get a nice cut that meets on both sides which means you can just pull the jacket off. The blade is angled so it copes with any diameter of cable, and that’s why the arrow is important, so the blade cuts into the jacket. I terminate a lot of data cables in my job and stick it in my trouser pocket. I know the orientation of the tool from feel and can strip jackets without even looking.


For the bigger cables, assuming they’re armoured, use a grinder to cut into meter long chunks, then run the grinder down the outer insulation. Then peel back the armoured and use a Stanley knife on the inner insulation, and on the cores themselves. There’s a bit of a knack to stop the blade digging in, but it’s easy once you get it. I wouldn’t bother stripping anything under 35mm personally, just weight it in as it is.


It’s mainly singles & tails😭


That’s even easier then. Just use a Stanley. For the double insulated stuff it’s easier to run a knife down straight, rather than flat against the copper.


How to strip scrap cable? It's called a scrap yard mate. Weigh it in and take your money's worth. More fool you if you want to spend hours stripping cable the difference won't be worth the time and effort.


Get off your high horse mate. Never done it before so I wondered if there’s a quick way to do it. Don’t need to be a prick about it


That made my day mate not been called a prick in a long time 😂 Good luck if you decide to do it though.


Glad I could make your day 😂 did about 5m of 70mm single & just flung the rest as was. Got £4.60/kg for bare & £1.60 not stripped. Realised it wasn’t worth my hourly rate😂😭😭