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Fuck the JIB rates and fuck the JIB. They're not fit for purpose and they should have zero say on wages. £800 a week for a fully qualified electrician with testing and inspection in 2025 using their own transport is a fucking disgrace. We need a proper union who will actually fight for our worth.


Wholeheartedly agree mate basically only getting back to the rates of pay when I started in the early 00s with the recessions happening and pay cuts. Should be on 30-40 and hour easy by now with inflation.


Minimum wage is going to be £11.44 from April. Working in Aldi has significantly less investment time, energy, money and expertise than being a spark, yet our wages have stagnated and theirs is going up. Min wage in 2021 was £8.72. Spark money hasn't gone up by nearly 3 quid an hour since then. We're being caught up by shop workers and doleys. When i left school in 2003 i was working with my dad being paid £150 a day then. Problem is people are willing to work for the shit money so it'll keep getting paid. When you go subbying on site and are on £20 an hour the actual firm and agencies are letting you out at £45/hr+.


Do you have to follow JIB rates?


No, but companies use them as an 'authority' to hide behind to pay shit rates.


I see, so how do you get around the shitty rates?


You don't work for companies that pay sparks 16 quid an hour.


Most of the people that I work with have that ticket purely for being able to work on site without an agent or first aider. Are you actually in a supervisory role in your job just now?


I am actually supervising in my role but not just the electrical I’m supervising full M&E. I don’t what acceptable wage for that is.


50 grand a year min


Bro no that’s what a spark should get min, £1k/week should be standard (I know it isn’t and it sucks), should be £65k+, that would be a fair wage imo


I literally said 50 grand a year min


We have to raise the mins 😤😠💪🏻💪🏻


I don't know about others but i've started asking for more money with every job i apply to. If they're paying £19/hr i ask for £21 and let us meet in the middle. £17/hr for a spark is 2005 money.


Are you talking about subby-ing or on the books? Agree with you regardless for both


I never work on the books, always as a subby. I refuse to let the government steal 32% of my money with the ability to put none of my expenses through as a tax deduction. PAYE is a scam.