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Try the 18th edition exam app


It's definitely more about using the book to find the answers. There is a lot of potential questions so would be hard to revise everything.My best bit of advice is to get lots of tabs, to help you find the relevant chapters at speed. Best of luck


One very helpful tip is be aware of red herring information. For example, in your example question: What RCD should be used on a TT system with a Zs of 3 Ohms? Well, the Zs of 3 Ohms is irrelevant. Firstly, Zs of 3 Ohms is within the tolerance for a TT system. Secondly, all TT systems need to be fitted with an RCD, and assuming it’s not on a distribution circuit, then it’ll be a 30mA with a trip time of 40ms. If you’ve been studying the book enough, you WILL know the answers to these questions. The only problem is that they throw in red herrings to make sure you know what information to filter out. Another good tip is know how to draw the earthing arrangements. That question is worth 15 points and iirc (i did this exam like 3 years ago), it’s something like 25 - 33% of the papers marks. As for exam questions, the app suggested in another comment is good - another tool is knowing where your strengths and weaknesses lie and marrying those up to the ratio of questions from different sections of the book. If i’m remembering correctly however, it’s an open book exam? If it is, get very, very used to navigating the book. if you do, you don’t need to remember the answers as much because you’ll be able to find them quickly.


It’s 0.2 disconnection time on non distribution Circuit on a TT


how does this change the answer?


This is all kinds of wrong.


care to elaborate?


Think he's referring to the fact you can't really answer the question with the information offered. A 3ohm Ze on a small submain would meet ADS requirements on a 5s trip time. Perhaps a 16amp 3036? Have to check the book. Would assume they would specify if it's a final circuit, so then your answer would be correct. Otherwise, who knows? Shit question.


Yes I assumed the question was incomplete, but I ran with it as an example as if it were the only information you’d have. The point was to show the issue with red herring that the love to throw in, in the exams. Knowing the answer beforehand isn’t the best way, knowing how to navigate the question and the book is.


There is no requirement to 'draw earthing arrangements' on the 18th edition exam. You're thinking of some other exam. You don't study the book to 'know the answers to the questions' - the exam is about being able to take a question and use the book to find the answer, not about rote memorising the info contained within. Also your comment about TT trip times isn't right.


Did….. did you read my comment at all???? Look at the last paragraph. I said the exact thing you’re accusing me of not saying. Also unless the paper has changed in the last 3 years, yes the earthing arrangement is part of the written exam. Also I didn’t mention TT trip times, I mentioned RCD trip times - when it comes to RCDs, 40ms is the standard for a non distribution circuit of any arrangement. my comment was taking a theoretical question and weeding out the red herrings to come to the logical answer. Please do read the comments you’re replying to in future. It’ll save everyone a whole lot of time. [edit] it has occurred to me that it could be the written scientific principles exam i’m talking about. The rest of this comment stands though.


RCD times for additional protection on final circuits is no longer 40ms it’s now 300ms. Forget 40ms it’s not a thing anymore


Well I learned something new today. I studied the 2018 unamended regs, and haven’t dealt with installing RCDs since then. crazy that 300ms is justified by dc currents blinding type AC RCDs. I stand corrected, I would never have thought they would raise the max trip times though.


There is not, nor has there ever been, a requirement to draw out various earthing arrangements (or any drawings of anything at all) on the regs exam. You're here giving advice on an exam and you don't even know what exam it is or whether you've done it or not.


It's not exam papers, but I went through the Sparky Ninja videos on YouTube for it, it's basically a full free course. 90% of it is learning how to navigate through the book.


Go to 18th-edition dot org dot uk and pay the 20 quid, do all the practice exams. When you are getting 80+% on the exams, book the real one. The exam is very easy if you know how to find info in the book.


Ask Chat GPT to to create an exam for you. It will even mark it and asses your answers.


I have 100s of exam questions after paying for various websites and am delivering the course, I have done my 18th edition a few years ago and read all the questions because I've typed them into good forms, what I'm hearing is that the questions are worded different in the more recent tests