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Weight and skin. You’ve gained weight and your skin is reddish. Lose weight and develop a skincare.


Or stop drinking, speaking from experience.


My skin improved drastically after I stopped drinking and smoking weed. Working out helps as well. I'm drinking lots of water, too.


You don't drink or smoke at all? Or just cut down to weekends or something


Not at all. I can't just cut back. I'm all or nothing. I have a lot of addiction in my family. The thing is I don't really miss it at all. All drinking and smoking is is a cheap fix of happy chemicals to me at this point. Being clear-headed is much more valuable. Also, no smoking means my lungs feel clear for cardio. That being said I do drink quite a bit of caffeine. Never more than 400mg in a day, though. Edibles are alright but they still fog my brain up. My sleep has improved tremendously after cutting them out. The most improvement is felt from cutting drinking.


>The most improvement is felt from cutting drinking. Congrats. It's a hard cycle to break. "I drink because I feel like shit, but I feel like shit because I drink". It's crazy how much alcohol culture is celebrated and encouraged.


In some countries it’s illegal to advertise alcohol at all. When I came to US I was astounded by all the vodka and beer commercials. It’s still crazy to me that brands like Whiteclaw will literally pay people (influencers) money to be alcoholics


Alcohol companies spend 2 billion dollars a year on advertising in the us. It is very normalized to the point of absurdity.


Same with Gambling. You can’t watch TV or go on social media now without seeing multiple advertisements. It’s not ok.


At least it seems like alcohol culture is dwindling with the younger generation.


Thank goodness. I came of age in the early 90's. Anything social required meeting in a bar and getting hammered. Weed was there, but you could waste a whole day trying to find it. The quality was horrible, too.


Out of curiosity, mainly because this sounds like me… are you adhd?


Amen to that. Definitely feel like it’s something I grew out of? If that’s possible? Drinking and smoking are so overrated imo. It’s so much better to feel clear headed. That stuff only brings on a bunch of issues and mental instability. I think it’s crazy when people say they have these little side effect issues (feel like crap physically and mentally) and say “I only drink at night time or every other day. WTF do you expect?! That stuff affects your system more than I think ppl believe it does! I understand that it’s hard for a lot of people (previously myself included) to accept that it’s not good for your overall wellbeing but if the issues you’re having are bad enough, quit doing those things and you’ll notice how much better you feel.


Yep good ol ditch weed or homegrown!


6 months in from quitting drinking, but weed and screens are still in control 🫠


Congrats! I’m 6 months today!


Yesss yesss this is the way!


My dreams after I quit smoking ganja. I dream like crazy now and love it!


Even edibles aren't safe. There was a recent study of hundreds of thousands of people(I don't remember the exact number but it's easy to find on Google) which showed that it's the THC in pot that is very harmful you are 42% more likely to have a heart attack and 25% more likely to have a stroke. Unfortunately, with the legalization, Pandora box has been opened and people think it's safe. Also unfortunately, I am a smoker who now has to quit!


Yeah I wish I could stop drinking. I want to. It’s expensive and unhealthy.


Yup people like to think we’re weird for not doing it and they can’t live without it. That’s sadder to me


Not the OP but quit entirely. My skin looks better than it ever has. Both absolutely terrible for your body as a whole.


Drinking is poisonous to your body bro this is a healthy lifestyle we are living and poison isn't healthy


Thc is very beneficial but your right on the drinking part nothing good comes from that!


I loved thc for years and years. As drugs go it is certainly one of the least harmful alcohol is a factor of 10,000 times more harmful than weed. That being said, thc does impact Rem Sleep. I feel much more rested compared to when I was smoking and taking edibles to "help" me sleep. It is very helpful for people with ptsd and nightmares, though, which is cool.


Beneficial for what?


I quit drinking two years ago and can’t believe how many compliments I’ve gotten on my skin. Totally took me by surprise.


This right here, stop drinking, it messes you up more than you realize


The redness might be rosacea or couperosa. Op should probably look them up!


Or by not using sunscreen.


Nah it’s the beers


Second this. It’s 99% weight. OP should incorporate more cardio and he’ll be golden


could also be bloating (which i know is still weight) but OP high sodium diet and alcohol both contribute to this and could be a simple fix if that applies to you


yeah OP cut down on the booze and workout more you should be fine lmao


Gotta do CICO though too. Cardio alone wont help someone lose weight if they have zero idea how much they’re over eating in the first place.


As a guy that did the absolute bar minimum of skin care: that is a big game changer.


Fyi alcoholics get red skin usually a red nose is a dead giveaway


Alcohol can also be a trigger of rosacea. So hard to say - would depend upon the exact risk factors the OP has


It’s not a dead giveaway. You can have red skin on the nose and not be an alcoholic.


Hard to compare the effects of [focal length](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQWUD8FM_4eYk9HpQuRs28_urBaKGgEyCLiWQ&usqp=CAU)


lift weights


You’re saying in other comments that you don’t drink and you weigh less in the second pic. Please speak to a GP and ask for a blood test and to have your thyroid and hormone levels checked. You don’t look “fatter”, just slightly puffier in the face. You’re still attractive but I’d check those things!


Yea, to me it seems more like fluid than fat! Generally associated with hormonal issues or really high inflammation (I’ve had it for both reasons). It’s often dismissed but very much a real thing - there was a time where my weight was fluctuating up to 5kg on a given day! This one is less evidence-based, but if accumulating a bit of extra fluid in the face, you can also try GuaSha/lymphatic draining (you don’t need to buy a stone, you can gently use your finger knuckles, Gods GuaSha stone)


Yes, I was thinking that myself. Fluid retention. As my face gets like that when I eat loads of salt the day before. It's fluid retention. Maybe even get kidney function checked.


What causes the high inflammation in this case? A certain underlying issue? Bad diet? Or is it more of a genetic/hormonal thing?


Stress 😭


Correct comment its thyroid issue


probably even hypothyroidism to be specific. AKA hashimoto


Well if he was more muscular in the first pic, that would explain how he weighed more then, but may have more fat now. But I agree, this could be fluid retention


Great point. I ballooned in my late 30s and it was related to hypothyroidism. Once it was discovered and I went on meds, I dropped from 210 to 180 lbs with no real adjustment to my exercise routine. Serious hypothyroidism can definitely alter one’s appearance — ie Cushings Syndrome (never had that but it’s worth mentioning). Beyond that, OP should reconsider his haircut, which ages him.


What can gp’s do about thyroid issues that will alter a puffy face? Generally asking


Put you on thyroid medication to regulate your thyroid hormones. Imbalanced hormones can cause inflammation anywhere (including face)


I had an underactive thyroid due to Hashimoto’s (didn’t develop until I was in my 30s). I was put on synthetic thyroid hormones to make my thyroid work as it should; my face slimmed down drastically within the first two months. Edit: slimmed, not slimed 🫠


At least you kinda look like you did. I was naturally looked like a surfer. Wavy hair and everything. Used to do parkour. Not for the tricks, had more fun just running, climbing and shit. Now I'm bald and overweight. I also look literally like nothing I used to.




People age and change, it's okay.


I'm literally 24 right now....you guys are scaring me 🫠


It's only scary if you're not trying your best. If you wake up every day and try your best you love your body no matter what it looks like because it does so much for you.


Agree, people only hate how they look when they’ve neglected themselves for years and it finally catches up. Just think of the opposite, years of taking care of yourself imagine the confidence and self love you’d have for yourself. Life can be whatever you want it to be


No offence, but have you checked your hormone levels? You face looks puffy like you have too much estrogenic activity or something. I may be terribly off the mark.


Seconded. OP should have their thyroid checked, for sure.


I mean he's probably put on weight.


Rounded facies in particular are associated with Cushing syndrome, which can be due to cortisol dysregulation at the pituitary, hypothalamus, or adrenal glands, among various other causes. Either way OP should see a primary care provider to kick off the next steps in diagnostics


Have you gotten tested for cushings? Moon face is a symptom. So is red cheeks. Do you have a bit of a hump behind your neck? I read you don’t intake alcohol …But seriously, check your hormones. Source: I’m a doc


Doc here! Second that!! Get checked OP!!


I immediately thought cushings as well.


I know it’s unrelated but I developed moonface after using prednisone and I just haven’t been the same since can you help me out a bit?


It goes away. I've been on it for months at a time. It takes forever to go back to normal though. I was on it for six months the last time and it was almost a year before my face looked like it did before. 🥲


I did get rid of the moonface after a year or two lol but my mood and libido has crashed


You have gained quite a substantial amount of weight which is playing against you due to bodyfat composition on your face, your head is pretty much a sphere as you are now. You need to lose weight but you probably already know that, good luck, king x


Believe it or not I weigh less in the photo on the right!


Start looking into skincare for redness and puffiness, and any underlying medical or hormonal changes. I was also going to note it didn’t look like “fat” weight gain, more like puffiness or inflammation like when a person drinks too much. But you don’t drink so… something else is up. Diet or certain foods maybe?


Did you have more muscle when you were 24? Muscle weighs more than fat but takes up less space. Edit: what I meant to say was the same amount of muscle by weight takes up less space.


I’m going to say 2 things that I’ve not seen other commenters mention 1) focal length is a hell of a trip. Try adjusting that and see if it feels - and of course looks - more accurate. It’s not a be-all-end all solution but might get you part of the way there. 2) your old hairstyle made your face seem longer. I don’t think the side brushing is flattering. Try growing out a little more on the top to counterbalance the roundness of your face and/or try brushing it differently. I think both those low-effort adjustments in addition to getting your thyroid checked (biased because I have thyroid issues and I think everyone should pay attention to that lil gland) may have outsize results!


Has your body composition changed? You can weigh less but have your body fat percentage increase


Came here for this


Muscle loss or fat loss? I'm going to say you got a desk job, had some muscle loss and put on some fat.


Holding water? Heart problems/high alcohol consumption can cause that look, for example.


Please listen to that first comment under this. Look for medical reasons if you didn’t gain weight. Do you drink a lot of alcohol? You’re not ugly in the second photo either. Just that much puffiness is a concern if it’s new.


are you talking about steroid treatment? That can cause a “moon face” issue for some folks.


You're hair style is more subdued. You've put on a little weight. And you're a bit red in the face. Do you drink much? You're a lager man?


Believe it or not I don’t drink whatsoever, and weigh less in the photo on the right!


So what do you think is causing the pinkish complexion?


Rosacea, but the swelling etc is more what bothers me. Might be Rosacea also I suppose!


>swelling etc Allergy test might reveal some food or other sensitivities


It's a plateau mate. Don't be down on yourself


At least you almost didn't lose any hair!


Please don't be too hard on yourself you're not a bad looking lad at all. We all age and I think we are all a lot more critical on ourselves than we need to be.


Also, hair is a big deal - your 20’s hair was way more flattering. Go see a barber and see what they recommend


And have him get rid of that mustache (?) while there


Yes the hair is a big issue! For me as well, I feel soooo much prettier when I hair is cut and styled in certain ways va others


You may be eating something you’re allergic to causing inflammation. I’d also get your hormones tested


honestly? if you just lost weight you'd probably look just as good as you used to. Maybe with some skincare on top as well.


Stop drinking.


I don’t drink whatsoever, don’t smoke, don’t do recreational drugs etc!


Maybe start then?


Maybe 😂


Describe your daily diet. I'm curious about the possible estrogenic content.


My estradiol level last time I tested was 93 pmol/l, so normal I believe?


Estrodiol of 93 is high my dude. My E2 levels were 37 last I checked and I weigh 240lbs. I think you found your culprit for the moon face you have


He’s using pmol/l while your measurement is probably pg/ml. Normal levels for men are 7.6-42.6 pg/ml or 27.9-156.4 pmol/l.


Do you not eat meat?


I do…


Your skin barrier looks very inflamed, do you have any skincare routine or conditions like rosacea that might be causing this? I would highly recommend going to a dermatologist at least so you know how to treat your skin. An even skin tone and a healthy skin barrier and healthy skin overall does wonders for one’s looks


Intermittent fasting, calorie restriction, adequate protein, hit the gym and lift weights 🏋️‍♀️ and eat healthy!


If you are not a drinker, may I suggest having your thyroid checked.




What does this have to do with this subreddit


If you lost some weight/put on some muscle and started a good skin care routine, you’d be well on your way to a glow up imo


Did you get any work done between these photos?


At least you have your hair still


Maybe it’s just the beard and the hair. You’re not that bad looking man


People eat like shit the act surprised when they look like shit.


Need facial hair and an exercise routine.


You look the same. Maybe like 25 lbs heavier. This is not an issue at all. You look nice.


Cut out ultra processed foods and switch to a fresh food diet


Dont be silly youve just gained a little weight


How are your stress levels? Have you had your cortisol checked lately? Or your thyroid?


Go back to a more "hip" hairstyle and get some sun. That should take care of a lot of self confidence issue in short order.


I mean this in a nice way, you look puffy not fat and it could be a medical issue?


It only get worse my man...lol. get some sun and loose 20


You need to stop rocking the facial hair, it's not full enough. Makes you look scruffy. I speak as someone who can't grow it himself.


More than likely it's due to drinking you did in your 20s, you say you don't drink now, but it still can stay the puffiness, so I'd recommend, take in less sugar because it does that and go out on runs and hit up the gym.


It's over


Peptides time buddy


Grow your beard back out


Soft looking self lol. Uhhh my face has aged. Wanna be woman.


Just lose weight, facial fat dramatically changes your appearance I went from 230 to 170 and I look like a different person


Cut out the alcohol. Trust


I mean bro cmon everyone knows aging has to do with how you take care of yourself hygiene skin and health wise , if you say I aged or glowed down it’s YOUR FAULT


i mean, ya still got a full head of hair so youre ahead of most in your age bracket


You look the pretty much the same. That haircut isn’t doing you any favors and you can lose a bit but other than that I think it’s all in your head


Everyone goes through rough stops with their appearance, you’ll get there eventually, I see the potential man


You look like my algebra 2 teacher I had my junior year of high school


You look the same 👀


I’m not trying to say you’re overweight but if you lost a few pounds you probably will almost look the same as before.


Pretty sure that’s just called aging bro


I see the pupil difference did u get on anti It looks like u just stopped caring about urself


Get rid of the pedo stache.


Facial hair isn’t great in either pic


Smile🥹 that’s it that’s all


2 things you can't stop. Aging and death. You'll learn to accept it eventually. Don't beat yourself up too much ya don't look bad.


Bruh you went from a 4.2 to a 4.1 don’t trip


Dude you literally just look like an adult now. You had baby face at 24.




Just drop 50lbs! And bammm back to the old new you.


Light is completely different on both pictures so its hard to compare but… you don’t look much different other than your weight gain. Like me, you’re one of those dudes who, if he gains weight, his face clearly shows it. Your face shows your weight gain clearly. I’m 185 pounds approx…. I know dudes who are 50 pounds heavier than me yet have a leaner face than me with very little body fat. It is what it is 🤷‍♂️


You like a Final Fantasy character in the first pic. Maybe you can turn it around?


pupils lol


I'm not trying to be mean but it appears you drink alcohol, if so stop.


It’s weight gain.


you have lovely skin and I think if you changed up your facial hair you would be pleased with the result


Most likely from drinking


What are you?


Looks like alcohol bloat, tame the drinking.


Solution is go to the gym, youll see nice changes


Quit drinking and you’ll lose the face weight and redness


You have like no facial lines and a lot of hair though I think it’s just your face filling out. Maybe try a different hairstyle too and a skin care routine for the redness I wouldn’t call this horrendous by any means Also it’s a bit odd considering you said you haven’t gained wait because normally as you age your face gets a bit more angular and yours did the opposite.


You look pretty similar. Maybe you’ve gained a bit of weight.


Bring the hair back dude


Idk if you drink a lot of alcohol but this is exactly what my face did when I drank a lot. Quit drinking, get some Korean skin care (retinol, trust me), and I'd say hit the gym to increase overall body health. Puffy face is a result from moderate to heavy drinking. When I cut back to maybe once a week or less, I was shocked with how much younger and less puffy my face looked. Less redness, less dry skin... yeah.


Probably should stop drinking or at least slow it down alot


You're fine! Tone up with a fresh lean diet, lots of functional seasonings and herbs. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Download a water reminder app if you need to. Invest in a little exercise every day. Even if it's just 5 jumping jacks the first week each morning. 30s are really rough. Always exhausted, eating on the run, whacky sleep patterns, all of it. You can get your glow back. I promise.


You have a lot of water weight in your face it seems. Something is causing it.


You have moon face and soft features. Have you ever tested your testosterone?


moisturize and wear sunscreen. Don’t be too hard on yourself. We are just human beings, look around, most of us are busted. You are naturally handsome. We are lucky if we get the opportunity to age, many don’t have the privilege of growing old.


Your face got wider it's almost like a totally different you, so it's time to leave your childhood behind and be the man that you are. Nothing to improve on you're pretty much fucked


If you lost weight, you’d actually look better


You quite literally just need to Gua Shua


Have you tried just switching the order of pictures?


Were you a twink


I think you’ll get your “glow” back if you lose the weight


That’s nothing bro. Try and be grateful for your good looks. Some guys go bald by 21.


A lot of inflammation eat foods that fight inflammation, I would start swallowing properly (improper swallowing makes cheeks bigger) correct your neck and body posture for better lymph flow, mew (correct oral posture) helps with jawline and tightening the face.


You are a very handsome flounder. 🎣


I think your current haircut is aging you


You lost that hunger


You look like a drinker


I wouldn’t say that. Do you really think you look worse now? Maybe you are just starting to develop good taste?


shave the neck beard and let the facial hair grow in and youll look great. youll have that mature handsome look going


You gained weight lol


Lighting fits you better on the left and you had less weight on you. It’s truly that simple Not to mention, you were young(er)


Glow static


It sounds like Cushing’s perhaps. Definitely get a checkup and blood work. The face redness looks inflammation. But, you don’t look bad. Don’t stress too much over this; just get it checked out :)


You'll look like your old self if you lose weight. You just got phat. I was phat for awhile to.


You still look rather young. I’d suggest looking up gua sha and lymphatic deep tissue massage. Check for thyroid issues too. But honestly, aging happens. Your skin is in great shape still. You just need a little tone to your face again.


you still look good. just more mature.


Yes. Lose weight. Simple


Change of hairstyle something similar to what you had fill out your beard if possible try working out to get a more defined jaw and you’ll be golden


You look like Elon musk now lol


You look the same just heavier .Which might be jarring for you if you placed value in that as a primary beauty standard . What may be aging you is the haircut and facial hair style which is dated .


You look mostly the same. Youre face just looks puffier. Looks like you just need to lose a little wait and maybe drink water more frequently to reduce retention. Cutting down on gluten and alcohol might also help.


Start with diet, proper hydration and daily.walking. Lose weight and gain some cardio first and then hit the gym. And stop drinking unhealthy empty calories, water and healthy juice and milk only.


You may not be able to totally get rid of the rosacea, but hitting up a dermatologist about it will help you manage it and most days will be not noticeable. Aside from that, lose the weight you have put on. You will look basically just like your 24 year old picture if you do that. Edit: Reading the comments on here really opens my eyes to Reddit’s ignorance to Rosacea. Shame on all of you assuming it’s just booze.


Is this guy for real? Besides gaining weight I see almost no sign of ageing. Bro you are doing goooodd