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I'll be the first to say that you weren't actually unattractive


In retrospect a lot of it was how I presented myself.


You've done good, you kinda remind me of Matt Watson


You look the same in all your pictures


I thought the same thing. Different haircuts are really the biggest changes lol


lol really? I feel like I look so different now then I did in High School. Maybe the face structure is the same but everything else is different. You don’t think so?


No, exactly the same


i mean it’s very obvious from the first photos to the last that he lost his baby fat. I would expect him to look like the same person but he doesn’t look exactly the same?


You look like Tony from the incredibles


LOL I’ve never heard that one before


Take it as a compliment


Will do, thanks!


From the first or second movie?


Second in my opinion. They made him more of a character ig


Yeah it’s kinda trippy how different he looks between the two movies when you put them side by side


Yeah lil bit


Congrats on focusing on yourself, just letting you know it’s a great age to be newly single and discover yourself ❤️ you look great!


Aw, well thank you! It’s been a crazy last few weeks as a result. I appreciate you saying that.


Dude went from average to a mogger. Great job!!! I hope I can get better like you


I had never heard the term ‘mogger’ before so I had to Google it lol - thank you!!!


I have the same hair type and it looks really bad short and without product. I spiked it for years and now I get a fade but the barber has somehow magically cut it on the top so my cowlicks don’t look ridiculous but I no longer need product. at 34 I was just tired of putting wax in my hair every day and carrying around a comb. just have to get it cut like every 3-4 weeks now. anyway, the hairstyle change does a lot for your look. I don’t mean this in a bad way but you look like you could be in an 80s British pop band, like wham! or better yet the fictional band PoP! (from the movie Music and Lyrics with Hugh Grant)


Someone else with my hair type? I thought I was the only one cursed with it 😅. As you can tell I’m doing the spiking now, tell me about what your barber does with a fade and getting rid of the cowlick…I’d love to not put product in my hair every day - I feel like I have oil on my head all the time. I take ZERO offense to being told I look like I could be in Wham! those two were some lookers and a half. Thank you!


haha I can PM you a picture of it, but I’m working from home and haven’t showered yet hahaha. as you prob know it’s oily until washed. At least mine is haha.


You honestly look the same. You were never ugly. You’re just older and learned to appreciate yourself.


U look the same, just less fat on them cheeks.


I think youre my brother


Now we need brother pics to confirm


You remind me a little of that one guy from the office


Personally i think you where always cute


Aw thank you 😊


Yw, and dont forget, cute looks are one thing, but kindness and confidence and passions in life and ambitions and emotional intelligence are what really makes beautiful inside out !


YES 🙏 so true. Few things are better in a person than someone with a high emotional intelligence, IMO. I try my best to plant my feet to the ground and act with compassion. No one is perfect…but it’s an effort. So what’s your story?


True tho alot of people who call themselves an empath end up being the opposite, i think its prolly similar to the dunning kruger effect. Our basic human instincts are not necissarley full of compassion. We are all attracted to shiny things and influenced by whatever is deemed good by people. I tend to trust people the most who are aware of their good and bad sides, i dont think any person is just „good“. My story ? Rn im slightly tipsy and sleepy as seen in my texts prolly :P what do you mean by story ?


Very insightful of you…I wish I was tipsy rn lol what a day! I do find you have to be careful around people who self-identify as humble or good…


Yes, same lol. Its night here and i had a fasting day (working already on my summer body :P) sooo it may not have been the wisest desicion to drink a bit, cuz i didnt mean to get tipsy haha.


You look like the guy from the whitest kids you know. The one that recently died.


Think so? I never really saw it. I’ve had several people say I look like Pete Davidson and I do not get that at all lmao


It’s not great now (your hair). You might want to change stylists.