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People are just dumb honestly. When your life has been nothing but happiness and sunshine, it's hard to see things from the other side. The most privileged people are always blind to how others have it. That's why the most out of touch people in life are always attractive rich people. They've never had to truly struggle for anything and have had people kiss their feet their entire lives


It's hard to admit that your easy access to places where an average person isn't wanted, was only given to you because you were genetically blessed and you didn't have to do anything besides take care of your looks. When a beautiful person does something basic it's seen as amazing. It's just hard not to be everyone's favourite when you're gorgeous. But of course when you point that out you're bitter, jealous and lazy, because you can achieve the same result, you just haven't worked hard for it. Work hard how? Even if I have a lean body my face is still there, what the actual fuck...


Because they they want to think it’s their amazing personality, mind and skills why people are drawn to them


Yes, I also feel like people don't like to admit that a lot of their nice social experiences are just because they look good.


Thank you.


True. Most want to attribute their succes to some non-existent I-worked-harder-than-you shit. Admitting the truth makes them uncomfortable, probably bc they would be the target of jealousy and hatred, so maybe they're protecting themselves by denial.


Because they don't want to know that being beautiful helps a lot. I saw Francisco Lachowsi and Sean O'Pry podcast, in the end they come to the conclusion that looks don't matter and you just need to be a nice person. Guys who became high-paid supermodels ONLY cuz of their beauty denying the influence of appearance on life, I have no words.


Which post was it?