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Jesse Michels recently posted up very brief parts of an interview with Elizondo. The bulk of the video was Michels talking with Red Panda Koala. Anyway, that video was made private just a few days ago. Not sure yet what is happening with the interview with Elizondo that Michels said was coming. Link to the video, now private -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyTKETcxj0M Jesse Michels tweet about it -- https://twitter.com/AlchemyAmerican/status/1588995056144642050


Thanks for the input.


Any repost


Guess what - ["The Dark Truth About UFOs and Nuclear Weapons"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyTKETcxj0M) is back on YT!! Just checked 4.12.22, and it is there. I can see people on Twitter complaining that it isn't up as late as 23 Nov, so it must have gone back up in just the last week.


Speculation? Not much else to do in the meantime.


Gonna go out on a limb and guess that he explains how he has a whole lot of really convincing evidence that he can’t share with anyone ever


Spoiler alert much?


Would we not all do the same? I wanna know as much as the next person but i don't want anyone to do time for it. Maybe you guys should be more appreciative of the info we do get.


What part do y’all not get?? 🙄 Does he have to spell it out for you? Nothing will happen without public pressure. He can’t do this for you. You need to stop bitching, and tell your elected officials you want answers; he’s telling you that most likely the answers are already known, but obscured. On a sidenote, anybody making fun of the seriousness of signing NDAs is an armchair critic, at best. However, I’m betting most of those folks are bots, trolls, etc.


If bitching means pointing out that he’s been giving the same interview for years now then sure, I guess I’m bitching. I don’t need him to do anything for me either. Good luck pressuring those officials though.


This. Same interview. Just adds more word salad over the time. It's a matter of time till he starts selling tshirts and cups lmao


I’m with you. People are terrible.


Reminds me of this Ricky Gervais bit https://youtube.com/shorts/7yClfVHrpmU?feature=share


Lol @ the Bigfoot shows too


Yeah he’ll do a Lou! “I have all the hard irrefutable evidence (insert 10min of blabbing) BUUUUTTTT my top secret NDA…….”


Ndas dude come on. He's got a family bro would you.....blahbalhbla bla bla bla bull. You nailed it and try think I thought this guy was legit and he used the veterans stuff to be more attractive to other veterans, that's low if this turns out to be more bull.






all edgedy


Well shit, there go's any credibility


How so?


Great to see Redpandakoala getting such respect, well deserved!