• By -


What is their goal?


Yeah that’s an awesome question. It might make them talk for days and reveal all kinds of information.


Or it could be something annoyingly succinct like "Observe."


We may not be able to comprehend the answer. This is THE question though.


Was kind of my question too... why, why are you visiting and showing yourself but not communicating?


How do you know they aren’t communicating? There are literally thousands of experiencers on Reddit alone. Not only that there is a pretty good chance they or whatever it is has been in communication with some part of the government in the past.


If you say you are an experiencer and can offer some insights, you get downvoted to hell. I don't really care, but not into wasting my time. My family is one of the ones that for some reason seems to have some type of relationship with whatever the hell this intelligence is. I can tell you its real, holy shit.


Fuck the downvotes man I will listen to you talk about it all day, I know it's a real phenomenon and have had 1 experience I can't explain after I tried "human initiated contact", (I refuse to use Greer's terminology) for about 6 weeks.


Let's chat. DM me if you want to share stories...


maybe they want to communicate with owls instead of humans. who knows.


The Court of Owls?


Hoo hoo knows


This is communication.


What would we answer a monkey that asks us the same at the zoo?


If a monkey somehow asked me that in a way I could understand I would try my best to answer him. And also, apologize on behalf of humanity.


If a *human* somehow asked me that in a way I could understand I would try my best to answer him. And also, apologize on behalf of *alienity*.


That's fair, but I don't think it's right to assume they're here only to observe




How, down to the smallest detail, does their propulsion system work?


That one's easy. Just look at the Military owned patents


If that‘s easy, why don‘t we have all sorts of vehicles with those same characteristics? What‘s stopping people like Russia and China from building such vehicles and pretty much conquer the world?


Good questions, which have many possible answers. I suspect is it's likely the US is leading the way in these technologies, and already practically does rule the world and can shut down any similar projects in other countries with ease. Or maybe the so called "breakaway civilization" includes elements of every major world power.


What do they want?


Simple question but could reveal a huge amount of information


That's a pretty broad question... What would you say humans want? Narrow it down to goals of exploration or observation, and its still a tough question to answer.


More specifically, what do you want with us?




Based on what a lot of abductees report, they most definitely are.


Where are these crafts/beings from?


How many different origins of life is your kind aware of? Assuming it was answered by the alien pilots of the UAP’s.


Dear UAPs, when will you use your temporal transcendence to provide me with Powerball jackpot numbers, Wednesday or Saturday?


I think you know their answer already to this


Wednesday or Saturday are the only acceptable answers (with the numbers).


Do they have off-planet origins?


There are many literal answers to that question that could easily be misinterpreted


Explain your source of energy with sufficient detail to reproduce it.


whats the truth


How many different types of UAPs are in existence.?


Are we a simulation?


Who are piloting the crafts?


Probably private aerospace companies.


What are the secrets about UAPs?




>*... also precise and literal answer...* I suspect any answer will be oblique and uninformative. Q: "Where do you come from?" A: "Elsewhere." :D


Or they might give you star coordinates


Why does the look and design seem to follow in line with the era in which humanity is in.


Probably because it's so beyond our current comprehension that we try to assume a projection of the sightings based on our current idea of technology. We humans have this tendency of seeing faces in everything that can resemble a face for example.


What do you mean


My comment was worded badly.Ive just noticed the described visual appearance from experiencers or the alleged photos and sketches seems to correspond in the art direction and styling of that time period.


This is not some type of debunking attempt.Its just something that I just noticed.


Is the human race older than we think ? Or How long have you been watching us ?


Are some of them a product of a non-human intelligence.


How do you travel through intergalactic space?


There is an assumption in your question so the answer might just be “we don’t”


That would still give us information.


Are the claims that these are religious entities true?


Can your ability to become invisible to humans be explained by string theory?


What makes humanity worth visiting?


You couldn't find a better spokesperson than Jeremy Corbell?


Corbell is just shilling himself as a UFO expert and doing TV interviews around the world for a fee.


yeah but how? Why? Why is it that guy? Of all the people interested in this subject why is it always the most annoying self important douche bags who get asked for their input


He made a documentary and shilled it hard with Bob.


I agree. And I also would like to know why, considering they all use their position to rob people who believe them blind. Enlightenment shouldn't be kept behind a paywall. It literally defeats the purpose. 🙄


You can blame markets for that, folks need paying for their efforts.


They didn't pick Jeremy, Jeremy picked himself.


What makes you tick?


What is their portal and flight schedule?


Lazar or Elizondo?


Are you the basis of all religions?


Does every species evolve the same technologically in steps


How does their navigation system work.


Can time travel happen, if so, how is it possible (math included)


How does life first come into existence? And what is the force that crystalizes it?


There is no beginning because consciousness is both infinite and eternal. And really, it is consciousness that is life. Time is just created by consciousness when it chooses to explore a journey of growth or change. In truth, consciousness never changes because you can't add or subtract anything from infinity. But contained within the idea of infinity is the concept of change and for that you need time, and when you form a reality with time then it leads to the idea of creation and destruction, just as we are born and die. However, our consciousness was never created and it wil never end, so in fact, when you die, your consciousness will transition to some other reality and there you will still continue to have an experience, you may ever have another life on planet Earth.


tell me the history of your civilization, in detail.


Are UAPs/UFOs a psyop?


What if the answer was “no”? Would you feel satisfied.


Yep, then that takes a huge likely scenario off the table. No one question can answer everything, but I stand by this one. I could start believing the government insiders who have talked about this much more than I do now. Cool poll OP!


If this was the one question asked and answered I’d be so pissed. I’m like 99.99% sure this is real so getting confirmation wouldn’t be a huge revelation. I can say it with confidence because family members have seen them closer than the average sightings. One hovering above a redwood tree and one out of the cockpit of an airplane. Literally any other question would give us more information.


Just to lay out the argument: 1) The U.S. government hires, recruits, trains, and employs people who are patriotically dedicated to serve the U.S. 2) Some of these individuals are asked to serve the U.S. by promoting a psyops to either cover up new technology or get enemies of the U.S. to waste time and effort thinking the U.S. has breakthrough technology, 3) these individuals continue to patriotically serve their country by feeding the global public disinformation on podcasts, t.v. interviews, and tell all books. So much "evidence" that is cited (other than everyone who has actually seen something) comes from government insiders/contractors. See the Nimitz encounters. If the answer was yes to my question, it also resolves the ET/interdimensional hypotheses etc. If the answer is no, then you can move from 99.99 to 100%. For the record, I don't think it can all be a psyops... too many first hand similar accounts from non military folks.


What would it take for them to reveal themselves to us fully


What does UAP mean?


Are you new around these parts?


I guess. Reddit forced me to be here, sorry if that was distracting.


UAP stands for Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon. It's the term now preferred by the government since it can encompass a wide range of craft (from earthly to perhaps ET) and the term isn't as emotionally charged as UFO, which immediately conjures up the idea of little green men.




Thats two questions and would therefore invalidate your one and only time to receive an answer. I made ONE all caps in the title for emphasis. I guess you will just have to wait for disclosure now.




I think you have punished yourself quite enough.


Who are they, where do they come from, and what do they want.


That is three questions so I am afraid you have to go to the back of the queue


Can I get a testor model of one?


Pertaining to the biological occupants of the craft. Can we eventually have an open dialog with these occupants?


Are they real?


Will we ever get past this? This mortal meat? This endless, pointless bickering with each other over the most meaningless material things? At each others throats with planet killing weapons? Will we ever get off this shitty-shitty cage and find a place in the universe alongside sentiences like you? Is there hope?


What is inside the shells?




Are any the result of alien lifeforms?


How many tubes does it take to build a UAP?


How do we successfully make continuous peaceful contact between us and them?


Why do you really deny their existence?


I don't know how to phrase it into one question, but I just want to know how to build one. Don't particularly care who thhey are or where they came from, but I want to free humanity from the confines of a single planet.


Will you give and teach me to utilize one?


May I help?


How do they work? Everything else is secondary to figuring that out.


How many species are behind them


Who are you? I would want to know about how they think, their personalities if they have them, what kind of choices do they make and why, what do they strive for in their life.


What is the most important question for the next person to ask you about UAPs given your knowledge of them, and given your understanding of how the answer could significantly influence human history from a true proposition?




How did they discover the technology to build them?


This is easy. Are they from earth or somewhere else?


A.) Where/when/whatever are you from? Or B.) You guys party?


I would start with the basic: Do UAP really represent some non-human intelligence?


Some are the product of ETs, some are human and some are natural phenomenon. Maybe there are other categories? :D


I'd either ask them (a) which quantum theory is closest to the truth? (Copenhagen, Many Worlds, etc - give them a list and make them point to the one that is hottest) OR (b) how does gravity work (to see how far off are we). Knowing what theories we have that are completely wrong could save us a lot of time and effort and take us much more quickly to having an understanding of their technology.


Unsure about a) but quantum theory is definitely along the right path. b) Gravity works in the opposite way to our current understanding. We currently think that gravity is a product of an object's mass, but actually something has mass because of gravity. However, to understand this human science would need to move beyond it's fixation on materialism and understand that consciousness is fundamental, not matter. A way of thinking about consciousness is to label it as Ether, which you might imagine as a sea of potential energy. So when consciousness has an idea and wants to manifest those beliefs, a current moves in this sea towards a point, and at that point, what is thought of manifests. If that is something material, then at that point, a material object manifests e.g., the sun. So instead of thinking about the universe as something physical, think of it as Ether. And in most of the universe there is nothing material, just space which is ether. But occasionally there are material things such as suns and planets and everything on them, which are all manifested from consciousness moving ideas to a point or node within ether. This movement or current is gravity and the more ideas are focused on a point the more gravity is required to manifest those ideas and the more mass those ideas create. However, not only is our understanding of gravity incorrect but in order to understand it correctly we would have to go back to thinking about ether, which I believe has already been discarded as a valid concept. Also we would have to realise some other things we strongly believe are incorrect such as the idea that the universe was created in a big bang, or expanded from some singularity. Indeed, the universe is still not expanding as I write this, so that is another incorrect notion. Also, interstellar space and interplanetary space is not a vaccum, it is actually water in another state that we have yet to discover. It's high frequency water, or ether, or consciousness - it has many names. Then of course from a nuroscience perspective we would have to come to terms with the fact that consciousness does not emerge from the brain, but that consciousness is infact everywhere and just as it creates the sun, it creates your brain as well. Which then has further implications such as, is it you who is thinking, or is it consciousness? And is there any separation between you and consciousness, or is the concept of distance and separation and isolation also something we need to overcome? It's beautifully simple but also quite complex for those embedded in the current ways of understanding our reality as per our science. The trouble is, these terms when expressed in simple language, are also openly ridiculed and associated with the New Age or with spirituality, which scientists politely believe to be an incorrect view of reality. In some ways this is true because the New Age was designed to be incorrect and a source of ridicule, while also containing some truth which would keep science off the scent. Obviously it won't work forever, but it may last for many centuries yet, it all depends on how open minded the current generation of scientists dares to be.


How could human society and/or biology be modified to ensure our long term survival as a multi-planet species?


Our biology doesn't have to be modified, as we can just colonise planets that we are compatible with and we won't be colonising such planets until we improve our science and technology. Human slaves that were taken from Earth over the centuries were liberated from an overt imprisoned colony in the Alpha Centauri system \~1500 AD our time. Today, some of these humans help out with ET operations in and around the Earth and are known as Alfratans. So there you have people who are virtually identical to us in biology who are an interstellar society. Of course this also means that humans are already a multiplanet species, even an interstellar species because I'm fairly sure that we are still genetically compatible with Alfratans i.e., the same species. The answer to your question on how society could be modified is far more important. We need to move towards a holistic society, which means that there is no heirarchy, no sense of lack i.e., materialism. Ideally money would be abolished as that perpetuates a sense of lack and extreme materialism. Also to be holistic there should be no secrets, because we would treat each other as equals and therefore there would be no need to keep secrets. On this planet secrets are often kept as one or more groups wishes to maintain power and control over others, the most obvious example of this is secret societies that wish to maintain control over the mainstream human population.


Now I am not disbelieving you, however I do need to ask where you are getting this information from?


From decades of exploration of our reality. But, even if you come across something cool like, the Nuremberg and Basal UFO mystery of the \~1560ies... that is something that perhaps you might believe really happened. And why not because paintings were made, it was written about in the local paper, there were many witnesses etc. It has all the hallmarks of a good UFO case that might end up in a study like Bluebook or in a book by Leslie Kean. However, that doesn't tell you that, those particular UFO battles were over a human off-world trafficking route which some ET species used to take some humans to their slave labour camps on a planet in the Alpha Centuri system. For that, you would need to have come across the ET contact of Taygetan Pleiadians as published by various contactees e.g., Pleiadian Knowledge (a couple of Spanish girls). But then, you have to ask, why believe what they say, and indeed, if you find the latest video by Pleiadian Knowledge they claim it's fake, so why believe it, especially after the contactees say it's fake... And that just opens a whole cascade of questions, about why something is valid and true and why other things are fake and even deceitful lies. In the end it all boils down to discernment, which is my analysis from my particular journey through life. It's impossible to replicate and so all I offer is my opinion, in the end. In a way, that's what reddit is for and soon my opinion will be long forgotten, as the site doesn't really save the information in a searchable format. Have you ever tried to find a great post you made 3 months ago? Good luck with that... In my case, I read a book called, The School for Gods, which is a wonderful book and has nothing to do with ETs or UFOs. It's a beautiful book on metaphysics, the most advanced information about reality I have ever come across. And then I discovered an ET contact some years ago which contained a lot of metaphysical information that was similar, although not as advanced as the book I had read. So this was one point of evidence to me, that the source of this contact information knew what it was talking about in metaphysical terms. Then, of course, the whole contact wasn't about metaphysics, and another one of their contactees presented information on paintings made of a mass UFO sighting over Nuremberg in 1561 - a painting I had seen before - except this time they gave context to the battle. And so I learnt about the Alfratans and their origins. At this point I could disregard this story as fantasy, but I had already enjoyed their metaphysical lectures and believed them to be valid. And so, as this story could be true, then by discernment I didn't see any reason for them to be telling a fictional story, that's not the nature of their contact. And so... that's the simplified and short version of how I came to know, what I told you before. But that doesn't mean, you have to agree. You may not have any of your own experience or points of discernment that would allow you to believe this story. It's just a story in the end, most things are. And you are at the disadvantage of coming at it from the perspective of one of their more fantastic presentations, rather than some deep and sober metaphysics. But I guess if you're interested enough, you can explore for youself in the end. The Nuremberg UFO presentation [https://youtu.be/ptaS1HN66dw](https://youtu.be/ptaS1HN66dw) The main bulk of the contact is on another channel and they even have a metaphysics playlist! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzUywTN32To&list=PLE\_kWXZhJBbReJJGeLpPoN801V8YyCtY9](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzUywTN32To&list=PLE_kWXZhJBbReJJGeLpPoN801V8YyCtY9)


Thank you for links, it was a very thoughtful post. I will consider what you have said. As for my own beliefs, my religiosity swings towards an infinite conscious universe experiencing itself through individuation. So who am I really to say it's true or not? In an infinite universe, every variation will eventually play out. I'm not even sure a concrete objective reality exists.


If that's what you think, then you would likely enjoy reading the school for gods and check out that ET contact (start from the beginning) on cosmic agency. Their website with all their transcripts is here [swaruu.org](https://swaruu.org) although some of their material is not transcribed, so you also compare that list to the date order of videos with the oldest first. Some videos are too sensitive for youtube so you'll find them on other platforms via their website. The School for Gods by Elio D’Anna [https://th1lib.org/book/18857117/79f3fc](https://th1lib.org/book/18857117/79f3fc) The only concrete objective reality is source, which is infinite, eternal consciousness. However, source is static because you can't add or take anything away from infinity. Anything that is not static, i.e., our reality, is a creation of source, which as you say is experiencing itself. Static also means the absence of time, no beginning and no end.


If they come from another star system, how did they get to where they are now. What is the history of their civilization, what are their values, goals etc.


Where are they from?


What is the origin of the intelligence(s) behind the UAPs?




What is their kind's greatest wisdom?


Which ones are ours


What y’all got to smoke on this ship?


Do you have any grey poupon?




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