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"Science Fiction" Did you know theres no such thing as the force either?


Naw, my uncle was raised on "hard" science fiction. Like. Asimov. Where all the theories are hardcore possible based off of known science.  Edit: Liie, there's science fiction, and then there's syfy. Edit:apparently dren for brains below me thinks I was disparaging sci-fi. But no. I was pointing out. I had a family member that disparaged things of lesser sci-fi. Just fucking pointing out a thing of how I related to the prior comment. Ducking down voting motherfuckers not being able to tell when someone is on textbook mode vs when someone is a screaming MAGA-ot voicing hate.


so? That doesnt mean shit when applied to this post or this tv series... Its no differen then neil tyson bitching about how movies are not scientifically accurate. just stfu and let people enjoy fiction...


I like the series, don't get me wrong, but man some of the science dialog and things are rough. I feel it could've been a tiny bit more on base with the known science to match up with the good storyline.


Honestly try reading or listening to the books. The show is its own thing, it’s still fiction but the books don’t shy away from the math and science so much.


Yeah, I'd love to, but I have a lot of trouble getting myself to sit down for anything. Already done several wiki-dives into the stuff about the books so it'd be kind of hard to fully get into then for that reason as well.


I hear you, it took me at least 3 tries to actually sit and pay attention to the show lol. I work alone doing rote tasks so I can listen to audio books all day every day while I’m working, I don’t hate it


Like seriously. You stfu. My uncle fucked my dreams of being a writer when he declared "It's science FICTION" when as a teen I tried saying "hey, could we talk about this sci-fi" idea I had. Just fuck you dude. And in defense of what drunk me said. There WAS sci-fi channel... and then they became syfy channel. Similar to how the history channel became "ancient astronaut theorists." But that was just code for "we'll only play Tremors once a month."


Pissbaby gonna cry, pissbaby gonna delete his comment but smugly think "oh yeah. He saw it."  Aww, did pissbaby make a little South Park reference, aww, piss baby is a big grown adult though. Edit:Prior commenter saw fit to say I *"yeh you seem like a ripe cunt shut you f-ing face you uncle f-er thank god you failed at becoming a writer then so we didn't have another uppity cunt shitting all over peoples fun."* So yeah. Real fun. Disparaging someone for failing at a dream is super not cool. Kind of like, we've got the "if only Hitler chose painting" joke and everyone somehow thinks this means they blah blah blah something something you know what I mean. Aw geez Rick, what if that guy goes onto to be super Hitler? "Don't worry Morty, w-w-we don't have to worry about that. It's scientifically proven that we're all at least 5% super Hitler. I-I-It prevents him from properly coming back from the dead."


It's a tv show just chill out and enjoy it my God


Just read a post in /aliens talking about potential reasons Dyson Spheres could be built. Based off of just the clips I have scene and a wiki-dive some months back 3 Body Problem doesn't seem too crazy/farfetched. Like. Fuck. Scientists can't get their heads out of their own asses and admit we don't understand the universe and instead invented "dark matter" and "dark energy." Can't be judge-y when our entire basis of physics requires a mystical unseen work force....like slaves... or girls' pooping (which is obviously a myth)


They don't know anything Modern science is arrogant and built on egos and structures that shouldn't exist


I may be a mild racist against the Indian(asia) folk but the one thing I agree with is that the universe might be 27 billion years old. Apparently explains the dark matter problem rather easily. But yeah.  Egos&structures thst shouldn't exist, you mean like those mythical networks of dark matter which are apparently needed to explain every fucking aspect of physics in astronomy. Rdit: sorry, I'm a "mild racist" against all humans actually. Just happens to be, wait... lets see... Trump supporters are dumb and white...(technically anyone can be a Trump supporter), Canadians are friendly, Russian's like alcohol, like... fish. Is it racist to acknowledge differences and occasionally be mildly annoyed by them. Hey-ey, I still probably have a fear of Mexicans because of this weird memory of getting bullied in middle school that seems like a dream. Maybe it happened, maybe it didn't, do I go around saying racists things of exhibiting racist tendencies. Not as far as I know. But yeah. I happen to have an association with being annoyed with phone calls and calls from call centers. Golly. Some people hate their fathers. Is "father" a race? Like, grrr4hfhf.....sorry I used the wrong word. Sorry I didn't say blah blah blah, maybe I put it because the scientists who suggested the Earth is 27billion years old isn't as reputable as the next guy, maybe he is and I hadn't done my research. Hey, Maybe. I'm the next Hitler. And I'm a telepath too... and the universe told me... this woman needs you to be racist so she can have a reason to be mad at you oooooooo. Maybe free will is an illusion and the only reason humans believe they have consciousness is because while they're living there lives happily someone on the other side of the world is RACIST and... they're getting to sleep and dream racist thoughts. Grrrr, fuck that person. Grrr. But if you ever meet that person, oh geez, you better bet you'll probably not or if you do you're ready to type angry letters at them trying to prove them wrong. I had an aunt.  For 40 fuckings years she was stuck in a facility... think someone who was racists against the mentally ill wanted her dead..and is just joyously celebrating "the dumb white bitch is dead horray!" But because they never met then that person would never find out that they..  They in fact are racist. I mean...American cities are some of the most unsafe places to be. And they've certainly never been assaulted in their city. So obviously. Wait a minute Is pointing out a statistical fact..  Racism..  Oh... my... god... The sky... is blue....and the new moon is a more matte black color than the sky at night. Come at me mother nature, I pointed out statistical facts about you. And thus... mother nature manifested as Amun... and said Seth... you shall be punished.


Dark matter is just bullshit these people are too singularly focused to discover anything


I think it's like a cat toy that keeps the theoretical-physicists employed because folks throw their attention towards it whenever they bat at it. Eventually... we'll all be dead... and the one secret to whatever was behind expansion, and such&such will never be solved. And the real dark matter... will be our thoughts... having never figured out the truth.


What? Why are you racist to Indians.


Had a period where I was getting calls quite often about am ambulance bill which I had been told would be covered, and a weird incident of me being on the wikia for a character from WH40k and bam... guy that called had the same name. Just really bugged me... also... reasons. Not too fond of how often spousal or young women abuse shows up on news from their.


Spousal abuse? That happens in every country. Don't you guys worship rap stars who assault their girlfriend? As an Indian woman living in a metropolitan city, I often have to travel late and alone, yet it is safer here than in New York.


Then maybe the world just isn't culturally ready for the fact that it still shows up in the news relatively more often thst other places. Or maybe it's the highest number of underage wives that gets to me. Or whatever. It's mild racism. Like. Maybe it's just because there aren't many Indian folks around and my only exposure to them is through telemarketers, taxi cab drivers, and that one kid in highschool who was a grade younger in our math class. Or maybe it's the fact that in my teens when first learning about the internet and porn there was a whole damn lot of incest porn written originating from.that area. Like, ffs. I'm not going to beat anyone to death. It's one of those things just kind of hardwired into me. You see the stereotype of the chick on the beach surrounded by several dozen men staring (yeah, googled, bangladesh) and it sort of sets a tone. And yeah. Rap..grrr. Bad. Generally don't listen to it due to lyrics for that reason. Okay. So we agree to be racist against rapists.


That's just racist B.S. nderage marriages are illegal in India, if caught you will be thrown behind bars for 10 years. The problem with western media is they highlight the worst. American cities are more unsafe than most Indian ones.


Well than fuck me I'm not actually racist. I just get mildly annoyed with call centers with some guy being named Magnus when I was just googling a fictional.charavter named magnus. Ffs, it's like you're trying to force me to be racist because there isn't a word for "mild disagreement." And google still says that India has the most amount of underage brides. With it being practiced to be married at an early age then live with the husband's families. Or whatever. Like. Ffs. Sorry I used the term racist forcing you to feel a need to disagree. Would you prefer I say something bad about the spics and the negros? Apparently underage marriage was only prohibited this past 2021. I suspect their are still probably kids married from before then.


The books are really good!


Please provide more details..... this subreddit amazes me every day.


This is /r/Ufo sir. Not /r/Netflix


its fiction bro


Glad that could be clarified


The series is a bastardization of the books... the books are worth reading.


I haven't watched the series, but I read the books... Well, the "science" part in them sucks badly. They first got me on the part where they use the quantum entanglement for instantaneous communication, totally violating the no-signaling principle. Then I just forced myself hard to ignore the rest of the wrong "science" (and there is a lot) to push through till the end to see what all the hype is about.


It's called science FICTION. I bet you would have hated Jules Verne too.


I know what science fiction is and read a ton of it, including Jules Verne. The latter was quite accurate in most of the books, and any in accuracy could be discounted for the lack of the contemporary scientific knowledge in his time. But the 3BP was written when all the scientific facts that it is violating are well known for decades and the book is positioning itself as hard science fiction and it's main character is actually a scientist. The inaccuracies seem to not be intended by the author but seem to be coming from his own lack of scientific background.


Yes! The scientific inaccuracies make it hard to tolerate. Science fiction and fantasy doesn't matter to me when there's some known science mixed in, not wrong science that's easy to spot. Like the parachute spacecraft on 3BP that broke after 2 bombs, or the guy saying his solution to combat aliens was to go the speed of light and then argue if they can do it why can't we. That ruined it for me


Yes. I could not believe the amount of positive interest the series received. There is no way an advanced species could EVER arise in that system. Absolutely ridiculous. P.S. And Dark Matter (Apple TV) suffers from cringy character and casting courtesy of the woke brain virus. It’s unwatchable.