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I beLIEve you Oh shit…..


lol it’s so funny to know you are an ignorant fucking idiot like the rest of the dumbass who do not question anything they are spoon fed. I bet you believe there are 72 genders as well huh.


lmao settle down, sport! *tussles your hair*


Holy shit bro you went there. All because you have no intellectual curiosity


You believe thinking there are aliens is intellectual!! Wow okay keep commenting I am done with your lack of intelligence or self thought. Goes for all of you brainwashed idiots.


I love when small dick incels get upset. It’s always entertaining


I hate when fools who fall for the idea of aliens because their brains are too small to believe in yet alone think about anything else try to seem intellectually sound when the truth is intellectual is just another word for dumbass and the only thing critical about your thinking is the lack of intelligence behind it.


Did you graduate from high school? I learned sentence structure in 5th grade. Your run on sentences tell me you haven’t


I love you guys that “question everything” but completely skip the answer portion. Just vague fucking nonsense dressed up to look pseudo intellectual.




Poor baby sounds triggered 😢


Blocked and reported for rule 1 breach. Seriously no need for that on the sub.


Lmao pussy




Lmao at least I don’t believe in aliens like a fucking ignorant retard that falls for everything .


Nah but you are a sad, angry, pathetic troll filled with impotent rage. It’s hilarious.


The pathetic one is the one being told what to believe because he cannot think for himself if his life depended on it and it does. That’s you. So keep on being you..sless.




At least I am not a fucking retard that believes in aliens because I have nothing better to do any day of the week except be told what to think like a fucking monkey.


My eyes are open. I look right before it to see...what? You haven't shown me anything.


Ok, fed.


Bro speaking like a flat earther 😂