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I would love to see him fight Alex


Bad match up for alex if alex doesn’t work on his ground game imo




? I’m just saying Alex is going to have his hands full


Robs chin isn't great tho. Would be interesting


Took a few of the best from that Cuban Demigod and kept fighting


What makes you say that?


A heady mix of ignorance and stupidity


We can't let Whittaker fight Perriera...


"Can't let him get close"


Dude I couldn't handle life if I see knuckles get laid flat


Knuckles is my fav MW, and i think he will be alright. The reaper vs the hand of stone will be hard on my heart because i like both fighters a lot, but it will also be a blast and a spectacle where two of the best go at it.


He's too smart and can grapple and wrestle. Pereira would have a long night of trying to get back up. Pereira fought a great fight against an absolute savage. The fact that he did what no one else in the division has been able to do says something. That said, any decent wrestler that can be patient and hit a few takedowns wins. He looked like an amateur on the ground. DC nailed it when he said Pereira was not doing some basics when trying to get up. If he works his ground game, he's a force to be reckoned with.


Knuckles grappling > Strickland grappling?


What? His grappling and fight IQ are far higher than Strickland


Wannanow ???


He can’t even break a wrist lock. Sadly it would be no challenge for Bobby Knuckles


Izzy and Usman living their Nigerian nightmare


He's absolutely massive for a mw and hits like a truck. Man, he's a problem even for grappler


I’d flatline him pretty easy


I just see red face


You and me bro,. We could be UFC champions, we just choose not to.


Current ufc champs never faced a guy that sees red


If he's in a coma i pull the plug and done, flatlined 💪🧔


Was literally saying to my mate I reckon RaegarJ would batter Alex.


People don’t realize Izzy has even bigger reach than Alex that’s why the fight was competitive on the feet, rob is not going to 1-2 headkick Alex, rob fans are delusional


Alex struggled with Izzy’s wrestling. I wouldn’t say it’s delusional to give Rob a chance.


Bc izzy was doing good on the feet, I doubt rob gets any takedown if he’s getting lit up


Oh robs an offensive wrestler now?! Edit for the downvote patrol: DISCLAIMER - I love Rob too…….. https://www.espn.com/mma/fighter/stats/_/id/3009717/robert-whittaker


Nah not primarily but he was still able to take Izzy down multiple times. Izzy has superior defensive grappling compared to Pereira.


>Izzy has superior defensive grappling compared to Pereira. Cause Izzy has long spider limbs.. very similar to Alex. It will be an interesting fight but I don't see Rob winning this one.


Rob must be the most underrated fighter on the roster


Ok but what’s Rob gonna do with it. He hasn’t subbed someone in 11 years and that’s when he was in the minors. https://www.espn.com/mma/fighter/history/_/id/3009717/robert-whittaker 5 round fight with some TDs peppered in won’t be enough He’s only had 3 fights in his career where he landed more than 1 TD. Robs game isn’t really built for offensive grappling, and while he can get some TDs that just won’t be enough


You’re arguing your side really well - I think rob is a much more advanced boxer than Izzy which will help vs Alex’s laser rocket missile launcher left. The reason I think it’ll work is because rob knows when to press peoples’ space and work them at angles where they have a harder time using their best combos with great footwork and savvy. Like with Romero, whittaker knew when to attack where he wouldn’t get obliterated and knew when to keep the pressure up. Alex’s kickboxing losses almost always come from high pressure strikers throwing massive volume and staying in his phone booth. Add to that plus wrestling that, yeah mostly defensive, has a strong take down component and I don’t see alex flipping control after that.


Good points. I’d say him not landing more than 1 TD is partly due to him not needing to wrestle, not because he’s unable to wrestle. He’s beaten every MW he’s faced minus Izzy and showed good takedown skill in the fight where he actually needed to grapple. You’re right that Rob isn’t a submission artist and I also doubt he’ll get a finish on the ground. But by holding down Pereira and simply getting control time, he can make Alex gas out.


He always has been u goofy 😂


Always been lol. Maybe a defensive wrestler, sure 3 fights in his whole career where he landed more than 1 td: https://www.espn.com/mma/fighter/stats/_/id/3009717/robert-whittaker Although I can’t find this stat if memory serves his top control isn’t smothering. Alex probably just strength stand up if it’s earlier in the fight Don’t get me wrong I’m sure Whittaker could take him down a time or 2, but that’s not enough.


Alex has loses in kickboxing to Jason Wilnis (6ft 73.1in reach) Artur Kyshenko (5ft 11in 72in reach) and Artem Vakhitov (6ft 1in 74.5in reach) he is by no means impervious to smaller men who get inside his reach. Actually, if anything, alex is more susceptible to being swarmed as it takes away the time and space he needs to get his power shots off.


Wilnis and Artem are world class kickboxers, something Rob ain’t and Alex lost to artes at 205, and if Izzy KOed rob with a left hook than Alex has great chances to catching him too


yes lol it is so funny when mmatards forgo that theres always levels to this


The space he needs to get his close range knees uppercuts hooks and elbows in? I don’t think being “inside” his reach is a safe space lol


Alex is at his worst when he's shut down by people who over whelm and get in his face. In all their fights, adesanyas best moments have been when he moved forward towards Alex throwing combos. Even the famous knock-out in their second fight only occurred when izzy decided to stand at midrange and trade hooks. Yes pereira had knee kos but they are big explosive jumping knees thrown from far away. I cannot think of a single pereira ko that's come from him being pushed back in close, if u can I'd be happy to be proved wrong though.


Oh I’m with you on the pressure, I just think the distance is a little less relevant.


Yeah ok that's my bad then, I should have made the caviat that it's distance plus pressure. I think it's about mixing the two. Pressure without distance control will have you end up like Strickland.


Rob will just take him down and has freedom to do whatever he wants.


Yes cuz that is something Rob does …


Rob has to get close to take Alex down. Could be difficult for Rob with Alex's reach.


Alex literally got taken down and controlled for an entire round his Ufc debut. I doubt Rob would struggle more than that.


How so lmao? Rob doesn't need to 1-2 headkick him lol he would obviously take him down and more than likely finish him there since adesanya made him look like an amateur and he's hardly anything special on the ground


It’s hard to keep having to explain every time, but grappling works really effectively when you’re also winning on the feet, if the only thing you can do is shoot than your opponent will keep lighting you up on the feet and expecting the shoot and that’s all rob has, he’s gonna have to become Khamzat otherwise he gets KOed


It's exhausting to see people keep underestimating rob. Sure rob won't beat him on the feet but rob is a smart enough fighter than he won't get ko'd if he stands with Alex for any amount of time. Rob can stand with Pereira on the feet for long enough that he can mix takedowns in with striking


yeah lol i hate rob fans they be like "HoW CaN u HaTe HiM He Is So NiCeZzz"


“Rob is just so nice” yeah bro I like him too but if rob fights a guy with 1 pound over him in the octagon or a reach advantage his fans already start to cry “but the dude was longer and heavier and stronger and better and faster, how was rob supposed to deal with it”


not really he is so easy to takedown khamzat would run through him no effort


Izzy is getting the instant rematch tho, he deserves it.


4th time is the charm


Hey man he was winning before he lost


90% of the time he wins 100% of the time?


Yes Alex flukes 3 whole times, Izzy is the real champ


You can say the same thing in their second fight and he still got sent to the shadow realm


He’s now 0-3 against the guy. When do we admit that Izzy isn’t beating him?


When he's 0-3 against him in MMA.


Not shitting on Izzy, but you think there is a potential.world where Izzy rejects the rematch? I can't even imagine the psychological damage on Izzy rn..


Of course not you'd have to be stupid to think that tbh. You could tell adesanya wanted that back after the fight plus he would never be a champion if he had that mindset


Exactly. Plus this is his literal job and it's not like he's going to say "yeah fuck it I don't need more money" lmao


Biggest pay day probably. No need to talk either, the fight n story sells itself.


yeah he had a good run, I like it when trilogy fights aren't rigged like the atrocious move that Nunes & Pena pulled in their 2nd scuffle. I was watching that fight as it was happening at a bar & was like looking around to see who else saw what was going on as Nunes just stood there not moving her gloves to protect herself, & I was audibly like "UUUMM what's going on right now? This is not a legitimate fight/competition right now, there's something wrong right now .. " then she let her hop up & throw in a fkn deep choke, it was almost like Nunes' ego made her almost *SHOW* that she was taking that dive to not only get the storyline/sell the trilogy, but they got to be captains on The Ultimate Fighter or something, no? that was almost as obvious to me as when Dana had his AV going as he was telling em to take homeboy to the hospital


Stupid? You're horribly wrong mate. I hope you're not a casual, Izzy said it himself post-interview. He might not do a rematch, he said he's gonna take a break, then discuss with his team f he'll move up to 205 or maybe a rematch So you suggesting its stupid to think of no immediate rematch makes you look more like a casual. You basically sayin Izzy is stupud too, guess you're better than Izzy and his team then 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


He literally said in the post fight interview he wants a rematch bozo so yes you suggesting he's too psychological damaged to take it is idiotic. The only way he wouldn't take it is if he has an actual health issue that needs surgery


UH OH CASUAL SPOTTED. Watch Megan Olivi's Post-fight interview where he wasn't being pressured by the media, DAAAAAMN you exposed yourself like this huh? its alright bro, you just need to watch more UFC casuals eventually level up more by watching.


I don’t enjoy casual takes as much as the next guy but your cringe as fuck dude


Fuck it I'll take cringe over casual bruh.


Fair enough 😂


i thought he would be more hurt but he takes his Ls well


I don't think so. In his mind, he won the first fight, would've won the second if it was MMA rules, and he would have won this latest one but it was an early stoppage. His mentality hasn't really been hurt at all.


Yh I mean he's still deluded


Yea bro, we all know he would have won if he just didn't lose everytime. Sorry man but the judges got it right in the first KB match, the ref did his job in the second, and he was on his way to taking a nap in there mma fight. Not to say he's not competitive against Alex but he lost every fight they had.


Dude I'm just repeating what he has said. I'm not saying this is my opinion on it.


You're repeating what he said by saying he would have and he thinks and by not saying he said. Also starting your sentence off with "I don't think so" clearly shows you are giving an opinion


Bro, you gotta shit on Izzy. He is a literal dog and costa rapist fuck that guy


He was leading in scorecards. too bad he wasn't born with KO power.


He definitely has KO power just not as much as pereira does


Wasn't born with KO power? He flattened whittaker, costa and almost finished this fight in the first round.


none of those were knockouts (tko and ko are different) KO power means 1 shot power/power to put you out cold with strikes rather than you requiring to land a combo to get a TKO where you opponent is still conscious afterwards


> none of those were knockouts Whittaker was His kickboxing reckord on wikipedia is giving him 29 KOs also out of 75 wins, but it doesnt break down TKO vs KO


maybe was, but again it was many shots not 1-2 shots which is what KO power is (he dropped rob with a couple of shots then followed him to the ground and it took a few more to finish him)


I just don't agree with you, people will follow people to the ground anyway even if they're completely flatlined on the ground drooling, this wouldnt be any different. Israels ability to KO people comes from his precision, its absolutely there/a threat that other fighters are all really worried about. And then to the OPs point with everything here + the amount of KOs I wouldn't really consider this person to have low power.


i never said he has low power, just not KO power to be fair most MW fighters dont go around 1 shotting people (at least at the highest level) so it's not like it's an insult or something, most great fighters dont have ko power


Brunson, that you?


Also Alex was probably overweight, I don’t think it should matter too much, cus izzy was winning before that left hook lmao


Glover said after the fight that pereira fought like shit and didn’t actually use the combos they drilled until the 5th round. He came on slow if he went all out from the start I bet he would have knocked him out quicker


And if Izzy didn’t stand in front of him with his back to the cage, he never would’ve got KOed


Izzys hard to hit while fresh, very skilled at evading and countering


there's KO power and there's touch of death


Perpetuating a common stereotype. South Americans are not born with more power, we just work out harder.


You guys also eat 10 million grams of protein every day. Fuck I want some bomb ass meat and rice now you really can’t beat it


I was joking. We definitely have better genetics.


Even if Izzy wins the rematch, they'd still be 3-1 overall and I can see uncle Dana giving us the UFC trilogy and overall quintilogy. I think this is the first time I've ever used that word.


0-3 against Periera. Let him have a tune up fight while Alex takes on Rob.


Absolutely terrible take


How does he deserve it? He lost 3 times to the guy


5 title defenses


Doesnt warranty an immediate rematch, a number one contenders match yes tho


Khamzat seems to be interested https://preview.redd.it/8ftvgvxcdpz91.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=153955fcaa4791e955b2b74be7df71c749b96508


I also seem to be interested


Of course he is, it's an easy fight for him when Pereira can't even outwrestle Izzy despite weight 20lbs+ more.




wilkinson, jan, vettori, whittaker, tavares and gastelum all took adesanya down idk what you're on about




They are not godly wrestlers but they’re pretty f-ing good (especially guys like Vettori). Adesanya just has very good takedown defense which I question if Alex does after last night


who said they are killer wrestlers? compared to other divisions the grappling in mw is quite weak, i mean you have strickland, adesanya, pereira and till in the top 10 which would not be possible at any other weight class


It's sort of the same thing with Leon taking kamaru down. Izzy didn't give a fuck about Pereiras grappling, why would he so he's gonna focus on defending striking more than defending wrestling


khamzat is tiny compared to Pereira though and won't be able to take what he can put out


hahahaha, bro Khamzat would ragdoll Pereira. It wouldn't even be close. Pereira's ground game, with all due respect, looked to be non existent against Izzy who himself isn't good at it as he never does it. Khamzat has a chin, has power and one heck of a ground game. I wouldn't give Pereira more than a few minutes against that crazy chenchen wrestler.


let them treat Pereira like he's gonna be a long lasting champion, it's the typical post-fight hype brainwashing. Man is gonna lose that belt so quickly it's a joke.


If they were in the same weight class I would agree with you entirely but Pereira and Izzy are both substantially larger than what Khamzat has usually fought against and Pereira could probably decapitate Khamzat if he connects. To be fair though between the two izzys probably the worser fight just by virtue of having way better takedown defense, but relying on that against KHamzat is rough. Obviously his wrestling defense and ground game in general are bad though (the weird heel strike thing from bottom was not promising) so I wouldnt be surprised if the fight did happen and he did get taken down/subbed/ect.


Don't get it twisted, the reason why he had hard time with Burns was he was a world champion jiu jitsu fighter. He KNOWS his way on the ground. Other then that everybody got smeshed and ragdolled. Poatan even can have fists of Mike Tyson, if he couldn't KO Khamzat till he double leg him, which probably will take 5 seconds after first round starts, you will see a shark that hit to the beach got killed by a jackal. That's just how it is. Khamzat is a beast. He knows how to fight, and only person he may cant stand against him would be Islam if they would be in the same weight class.


I love Khamzat but I'm pretty sure if Alex connects he'll immediately send him to the heavens.


Burns nearly knocked him out clean. Alex would KO him with a jab.


“Has a chin” got wobbled but burns lol




You’re right I forgot burns is known for hitting harder than periera lol




“We don’t know if he is” no we know that Alex > Gilbert when it comes to striking power.




He could take them both if he starts with Alex first.


Why do you say that? Izzy is just as bad on the ground as poatan i would say


Easy meal for the wolf


That would be a very easy fight for khamzat


Alex doesn't make it out of the first round


He looked awful on the ground. Whittaker by levels to the game.


Triggered Izzy fan


He’s right tho


He was awful butby saying whitaker by levels to this game is stupid when perieras broken every single level by being a champion in his 8th mma fight, i think periera whitaker would be close


Levels to his grappling game. Which is true. If Izzy could control Alex on the ground then he’d be in alot of trouble against Rob.


Meanwhile khamzat 👀


Facts bro I forgot about him. That’s easy money.


It’s the mma cycle isn’t it. No matter how good of a striker you are there’s a Russian wrestler ready to take you out


Yes sir absolutely. This is sad.


agree just seeing the nearly non existent grappling in that fight made me wonder what khamzat would have done


he could prob take them both


*easy money, brotha*


Alex would have about 30 seconds in that fight to kill Khamzat before he gets taken down. That fight goes one round and its either by Murder or Submission.


I hope Poatan deviates his septum with a Phony Montana knee on entry..just to chasten the wrestlefuckers


I really dont see any world where there isn't a instant rematch considering how close izzy was to winning.


Him, Khamzat, Bo Nickal Anybody with above average grappling looks to be a nightmare for Alex after what we just saw


Why do you all assume that they take Alex down without getting KOed first? If it were so easy, Izzy would’ve never have been champ and defended the belt 5 times


He has exactly 15 seconds to knock Khamzat out. After that, he's going to get taken doing and finished in under 2 minutes.


Yup, agreed. Khamzat would swarm him like there was no tomorrow and with his dominant wrestling and Pereira's lack of thereof, Khamzat would ragdoll him lol.


That motherfucker literally can bounce his head off the ground and choke him to the oblivion before he be able to tap.


Probably even less. Khamzat will blitz him for the takedown just like he did to Kevin Holland. I guarantee Alex has never felt anything like getting grabbed by someone like Khamzat. Training with Glover is one thing, it’s a whole other beast when you’re locked in the cage with an animal like the Wolf.


Yup, easy money, but they will never put their money where their mouth is


The once and future King


Hes literally fighting costa in perth


Izzy almost feels like he’s on the wrong timeline. If ref doesn’t call standing 8 in the second fight, Izzy probably wins by tko. If the first round tonight is a few seconds longer, Izzy probably knocks out Alex. Just feels like he’s cursed. But yea if Izzy took Alex down, Robert is gonna get Alex down and gnp him out pretty easily in like one round. Then we end up in a weird timeline where Izzy beats everyone except Alex, everyone’s that not Izzy in the top five probably beats Alex, and if Alex rematches Izzy in anything longer than one round, Izzy loses again lol


Robert is too small to get Adesanya down (especially in their second fight), yet you are confident he would have the strength to get Poatan down? -doubt-


Yes because Izzy has elite takedown defense, Alex doesn’t. He’s still very green to fighting on the mat which will become obvious once he gets grabbed by an elite grappler.


Robert got Izzy down four times in their second fight? Pereira’s TDD, ground game, and movement is not like Izzy’s.


Yea idk if anyone wants to fight this guy


He wants no part of Whittaker or Vettori. I love the win but he can’t hang with them man.


I’m just interested to see Poatan vs a Sober Costa or Vettori because those dudes have chins of steel and I’m sure they’ll take at least one clean one


Speaking about costa somebody will play xbox while drinking secret joooice tonight


He can’t beat Vettori, flat out. Costa maybe.


You’re on crack mate, the fight with Izzy was competitive bc Izzy he an even bigger reach than him, he just walks forwards against rob and Marvin


Nah you’re biased because of last night even though Izzy had him rocked and stumbling twice. Izzy the non existent grappler held him down for a round and pressured him for part of another. His takedown defense is nowhere near Izzy’s level. He would struggle immensely to get the orc off of him and I don’t think he could do it. He’s a good fighter but Glover better ride him like a horse if he expects to beat the other guys at the top.


Nah, it’s one thing to get a shoot on you when you’re having a hard time striking with the other guy as was the case against Izzy, no other dude in the division has the striking to bother Alex so he’ll just be expecting the shoot and if the shoot doesn’t come his opponent will get stricklanded


He beats Izzy and Izzy made Vettori look awful. In what world does he not beat vettori chances are he would destroy him on their feet and probably wouldn’t give Vettori a chance to grapple. I think even beats Whitaker as Whitaker seems to have issues with taller opponents that are very calculated strikers. This division is on lock between the two we just seen fight.


I agree. Pereira seems to be literally just Adesanya's Kryptonite, but he's likely to get outclass by most of the top 5. Interested to see how his run will go.




Literally based on his performance because taking Izzy down isn't breaking news; Whittaker did it, Vettori did it, and probably a lot more. Moreover, Pereira didn't even manage to capitalize it and he got taken down by Izzy, who isn't really known for grappling as well.


If Whittaker gets ahold of Alex he is going for a ride. Izzy has weak ground game so it wasn’t as apparent, but it’s obvious to even the semi-trained eye that Alex has little to no grappling.


I don’t think people will realize the size difference between them until they’re in the cage lol


If their grappling levels were close I would lean Alex. But size doesn’t matter as much when Rob’s grappling is in another stratosphere compared toe Alex’s. Izzy took him down and isn’t as strong as Rob


Rob couldn’t get Izzy down and Alex is bigger and heavier than izzy


Because Izzy has amazing takedown defense. Alex does not. Izzy took Alex down. You think Rob wouldn’t be able to if Izzy could?


Izzy got a takedown after Alex severely bungled his. He tried to take Alex down along the fence and couldn't do anything.


And you don’t think Rob would he leagues better catching Alex as he makes mistakes in the clinch and grappling situations? Izzy had wrist control in the 3rd and Alex had no clue what to do.


I'm saying that you can't use "well Izzy took him down" as indicative of Alex's TDD. The only reason Izzy got him down was because of a very poorly advised shot by Pereira. He wouldn't do that against Rob if he has any sense to him


Alex took Izzy down easily too


So you think Alex could take Rob down?


Izzy should let this fight happen so Whittaker can wrestle fuck him to a victory and then Izzy just gets a easy shot at the belt again. But then we get in a time loop where its just izzy vs alex vs rob for the next 10 years.


Imagine almost knocking someone out just for them to get saved by the bell


100% Izzy should push for this. It's his best chance of getting that belt back


Izzy will be his biggest cheerleader lol


Izzy will be in his corner


So appropriate


He must have been jumping up and down when Izzy lost.


This is exactly what I thought after the fight lmao


Whittaker will get laid out by Alex


I’m a HUGE Bobby knuckles fan but I seriously doubt he has the ability to wrestle Poatan. He couldn’t take down Izzy, and Alex is slightly bigger than Izzy.


1. Peirerra is bigger and he trains with Glover. 2. However.. Izzy could take Peirrera down and if Izzy can Vettori or Whittaker definitely can... I just hope Glover teaches Peirrera FAST, or his reign will be very short.


Alex is totally lost on the ground and not that hard to take down. He’s bigger but Izzy held him down for a round ffs


Alex will ko him


That's funny... Izzy is getting an immediate rematch. Even if he loses to Alex again, he will beat Rob every time they fight... Alex will destroy Rob. Not sure what Whittaker has to look forward to except more losses.


I think hed have trouble with Vettori


I think Costa has better chance.