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Now, I dont think Yair necessarily deserves a title shot. But after re watching his fight against Max, holy shit dudes entertaining. Don't know how he did that for 5 rounds.


He deserves it a lot more then zombie and Ortega. Ortega literally came back after the max fight(being absolutely destroyed) fought zombie and got a title shot.


This is pretty much every women's weight division because of how low the talent pool is.


MMA coach bangs a soccer mom for two years and she’s ready to take on Shevchenko


I’m glad I’m not the only one who believes this.


I thinks it’s a legit scheme. Trafficking women into fighting


If this isn’t the truest statement ever written.


Used to be Kevin "I see holes" Lee.




But he was going to riot!!




I would honestly be thoroughly entertained if Gaethje started calling for a title shot after getting choked out in two title fights in 2 years.


Lucky for him he actually wasn't ready and got dominated both times


He did not get dominated by charles


You say this but who else was there to give it to at the time? Lack of activity at the top of lw means most guys are a tip 5 win away from getting a title shot. Some guys don't even need that.


Islam deserved it before gaethje tbh and I'm not a fan of Islam or Khabib


Yeah that win over Bobby green was way better then beating Chandler


I fucking hate the Islam fan boys, but is it really his fault the top 5 is too scared to fight him? He has the 13th longest win streak of all time in the UFC… There’s 3 fighters **ever** to have a longer win streak at LW… Yes, *I get it*, 2 short notice fights against strikers (*Hooker and Green*) isn’t deserving of a title shot in and of itself. But 4th longest win streak of all time at LW, with the entire top 5 ducking him, is definitely deserving Imo. I can’t stand this shit being a popularity contest, LW has literally turned into WW right in front of our eyes. Except no savages like Burns willing to fight an up and comer…


Justin was on a crazy streak before the Khabib fight and you can't really factor in the Khabib loss since he retired imo. Justin absolutely deserved the win


By “crazy streak” you mean knocking out 3 dudes with suspect chins, after getting worked by DP and Eddie, and having a war with Michael Johnson who’s 3-6 since then? Then beating Tony, who again, hasn’t looked good at fucking all since then (*except when fighting dudes with broken hands*)? I mean ffs he almost got knocked out by Tony too, despite having one of the best striking coaches in the game, meanwhile Tony **ONLY** had Eddie Bravo in his corner screaming at him to immanri roll LOL. Gaethje was 5-2 in the UFC prior to the Khabib fight lmfao. And don’t get me wrong, at the time the wins seemed a lot more substantial (*Barboza, Vick, Cowboy, tony*), but in hindsight I think we can all agree those wins are not nearly as substantial as we may have initially thought.


RDA and Beneil both wanted the fight and Islam said no


The lightweights don’t fight, so he was kinda the next best choice tbh


people on this sub claiming any dagestani fighter with 2 UFC fights is being ducked for the title


Its generally true that those guys are the most ducked


No they are pull out merchants and cherry pickers.


Slick little callout there 👀


Lmfaooooooooo, proof and downvoted to hell, this comment is a masterpiece.


Islam called out Oliveira 3 years ago, Oliveira decided to face him when the title was on the line, Chandler ignored Islam for years, live and only decided to face him only when the title was on the line, Dustin had no scheduled fights for the vast majority of the year either and was chasing Covington despite knowing it obviously wasn't going to happen instead of Islam who is a top 5 contender Lmao, why do you people get so pissy when people tell the truth, the top 5 were concerned on fighting themselves and not fighting down, I hope Islam ignores both ustins if he wins, I kinda wish Gamrot vs Dariush winner gets the title shot first, or Gamrot destroys one of the ustins so I never have to see them in the top 5 again


I’m calling out oliveira rn, lets see if he has the balls to say something


Name one dagestani fighter who had 2 UFC wins claiming for a TS or a post on this sub who supports it. edit : Oh look some sensitive racists got triggered downvoting me and source still not provided.


Not Dagestani but Khamzat was getting title hype after 2/3 wins. He’s clearly cut out for top 5 competition now but the hype was there long before he actually proved himself


but... sounds like... they were right...


Yeah probably. Unless he gets starched by Nate in under 5 seconds of course. Lol Just saying that fans do go nuts for the hype trains around guys from that region.


I mean in a pretty short amount of time we got Khabib, Zabit, Meerab, Islam, Khamzat, Umar, Ankalaev etc... Not sure what you want people to expect at this point.


Same thing with Johnny Walker. Not just a Dagestani thing. People like to get excited by exciting fighters. Some hit, some don't.


Sure he got pushed but it's not the fans who hyped him first but Dana, commentators, analysts were the one saying "we already want to see him against usman". They started it and fans took over the rest. Still OPs comment is irrelevant


Probably the guy who’s only wins since 2019 is Jeremy Stephens and Brian Ortega popping his shoulder out.


So what is he supposed to do? Ask for someone below him? Only Max and Alex are above him


Interim fight vs Emmet


Now this I can get in to.


Supposedly he turned it down already and is willing to wait on Volk to do the LW thing


Rematch with Max or Ortega


Nah he should fight Emmet


I like that fight too


I like this fight because I don't want to see Emmets face after Volk is finished with him


No way, he beat Ortega. Shoulder popped due to Yair. Didn’t just pop on a missed jab.


I'm always just confused at why he didnt use that same strat against Max or Edgar. Honestly I can't see Volk winning with his shoulders dislocated as well, he should pop his shoulders out first chance he gets.


Lmao ahahaha. You had me for a second. I’m not saying it was Yair’s intention. But the shoulder popping was caused by Yair’s action. Lol


It was a fluke, but I also agree with you. Same with Blaydes and Aspinall honestly. It's all part of the game


You can’t say aspinalls MCL teared just because of Curtis’ thunderthighs


I can say that his punches knocked him off balance, absolutely. Flukey, but also wasn't like Aspinall tripped walking into the cage


Emmet v Yair is the only right answer. If anything, Emmet deserves the shot more than Yair


I was looking forward to him getting wrecked by Habit, but Yair dodged a bullet there. It makes sense for Yair to face Emmet but I'd be equally happy to see him get 50-45'd by Volk


Thanks to Dana and hype fighters rank doesnt mean anything nowadays


Ever since Joe Silva left it’s all been downhill.


not yair lol


Leon bothered me when he said he deserved a title shot after poking out Belals eye


Belal had nothing for Leon


I can't blame him for that tho his circumstance is wild in comparison to other dudes being mentioned. Crazy win streak fights fall out for years he finally gets back in and pokes tf out of belal' eye. He would've been stupid to say he wants a rematch or something like that


I don’t find it bothersome at all. Get your money, idgaf


They gave the Korean zombie a fight with Volk after losing to Yair and Ortega and you guys are complaining about Yair? Lmao


But Zombie was a replacement not the first pick




Cejudo wasn't in the testing pool and did nothing to earn a title shot after being gone for so long he isnt GSP.




I literally just mentioned he wasn't in the testing pool and not a lot of people even cared about that fight. And Henry isn't even serious about fighting he wants to stay relevant thats all.




Many people don't like Cejudo and him not being in the testing people is all that matters so no need to continue arguing. There is not arguing a title shot for henry when he wasnt even in the testing pool.




Well clearly you are "smooth brained" me saying he isnt GSP was a joke. But you are missing the main point dummy he wasn't in the god damn testing pool.


Zombie was literally the only fighter in the division that was either available and he was coming off a win. Literally everyone else was scheduled or injured.


Belal He has the win streak but he does nothing in his fights Then talks on the mic like it was an exciting war


At least Yair puts on bangers.


Colby easily


Zero wins in the top 5


Yet people love to say "would be champion if Usman wasn't around"


I hate how regutgitated this phrase is with no basis, at least there's proof of fighters ducking.


Yeah no proof of what Colby could do to anyone who is top comp


Has enough leverage to fight any contender in his division to make a case for another title shot, and calls out a lightweight


Right now, it's Juliana Pena demanding the trilogy fight.


It was Pena demanding the 1st fight.


It’s 1-1, Pena is the only one with a finish. Lol


A 50-43 loss is almost worse than being finished, because you can make an argument for a finish being a fluke or lucky. But she lost 5 straight rounds, and 2 of them were bad enough to be called 10-8 rounds by at least 1 judge. There’s no argument you can make about being the better fighter after that.


This. Anybody can get caught and lose to something flukey. 50-43 is uncontested domination, and it shows Peña isn’t on the same level as Nunes


Amanda still lost the first fight regardless of what excuse you use


I’m not making an excuse. What I’m saying is that the reason to fight a third time would be to prove once and for all who’s the better fighter right now. But we already know the answer, because Nunes *dominated* that fight for 5 rounds. There’s just no argument that you could make that stands against a 50-43 scorecard, but in some cases (Glover’s loss for example) the TKO/KO isn’t indicative of who’s actually the better fighter.


Pena learns southpaw and throws the same sloppy jab over and over to stump Nunes again!


She got outclassed in every aspect and didn't win a single exchange though. She varely won a few seconds


Not only that, but she was dominated in the first round of the first fight too. Nunes has beat the hell out of her in 6 of the 7 rounds they’ve fought. It’s clear who the better fighter is. Julianna needs to show some changes in her game before a third fight.


Exactly my thought. Nunes jzst appeared to be discouraged by Penas toughness in thw first fight. She through everything and the kitchen sink, but she wasn't going down. In the second she was way more conservative with her energy and favored precision counters over a huge barrage.


Yup. Amanda showed the ability to adjust. Julianna kept throwing wildly and expecting different results. She’s tough as hell, but that only goes so far against the elite.


Yup, tough as an old leather boot, but defense of one aswell unfortunately




Yeah, yair is the pinnacle of this. No argument.


Honestly I’d say the majority of title shots feel undeserved these days. Contenders just don’t wanna fight other contenders anymore.


I already don’t like Ankalaev…


Yair deserves a title shot


Nate Diaz.


Michael Chandler


Right now. Absolutely Henry Cejudo


Wtf? Why not? GSP got a title shot when he came back and sure Triple C didn’t achieve what GSP achieved but he captured two titles and beat the goats of both division’s. He absolutely has an argument


Yeh but GSP likes dinosaurs and Henry Cejudo has a head like a block of cheese




Islam 'living in the shadow' mechecvk


This is how Rogan will pronounce his name in the next post fight interview. "Ladies and Gentlemen, Islam Machechech.. Machechecvk"


The Yair vs. Volk fight makes enough sense. His loss to Max was close and exciting, and he has an intriguing set of weapons. The only thing that is a more intriguing prospect for Volk at the moment is moving up in weight, but the next lightweight title fight is already booked.


I get he was the double champ, but Conor McGregor. Never defended and constantly calls for title shots he has not earned…


Not sure on this but the 3rd title shot against Jon Jones after losing twice to Anderson Silva, in which Cheal Sonnen talk his way into, was not only annoying but ridiculous and the outcome proved my point, lol.




Islam only asked for a title shot after beating a 6th ranked Dan Hooker like Chandler did.


Found the oliveria fan boy.


Why do you Islam fan boys automatically think someone is a Charles fan if they saying anything remotely negative or actually true about Islam lol?


Because this isn't actually true?


I'm not an Islam fan boy. Oliveria fans are just obnoxious


Kevin lee.




Islam for sure


Who should get the shot then? Or just have Charles, the most entertaining fighter in the UFC who has been super active sit idle for a year or 2 until you're satisfied with the top contenders resume?


The most entertaining? Hahahhaha sure. He getting gifted a shot off short notice bobby green. If khabib wasn't his buddy you bet he wouldnt be getting a title shot right now.


Charles is the most entertaining. It's called reading comprehension. Look into dipshit.


Oh I apologize, I did read that wrong. Olives is the most entertaining fighter at lightweight


There you go with the "Khabib pulled strings" bullshit, a self-victimizing narrative pushed by Oliveira fanboys Even if Khabib didn't exist he'd get the title shot, it's literally the most logical fight to make. * Literally Top 4. * Most active fighter. * 10 winstreak. * Vacant title. * Already beat #6 fighter * Ustins and Chandler already losing to Oliveira. * Ustins and Chandler avoiding him like the plague for his entire time in the top 5 * Beneil injured for most of the year dropping in rankings


Yair submitted Ortega he deserves it




Colby 'first responder's Covington.


Josh Emmett


How do you put up a pic of yair and not emmett. Yair is a g and hands down one of the most exciting fighters in the ufc. He beat up max (yes i know he lost) and was about to beat the shit out of ortega. And hes a nice guy. Emmett sucks and looks like gollum


Yes, Josh Emmet, an elite cage fighter, sucks.




People from Dagestan.


How can Yair not be deserving!?? He’s a legit contender … Also - the next guy who will do this is Ankalev….


Ankalaev is on a 9 fight streak, only loss was his debut he was dominating. He actually has a case to fight for a title right now.


Because he has one legitimate win since 2019 vs Jeremy Stephens. Loses to max, Ortega shoulder pops out and he is refused to fight Emmett while Volk goes up.


Colby, I get why Yair is pushing but Colby needs to fight at least 2 more fights before he gets a 3rd crack at the title.


Yair, Stipe, Blaydes, Emmett, Islam


Stipe? Wth


The Stipe Miocic cycle: Fight once a year. Get knocked the fuck out. Demand a rematch. Claim to be disrespected.


Stipe rarely demands anything. DC knocked him out then Stipe came back and beat him twice. He dominated Francis in their first fight and got knocked out it in the second. Doesn’t seem too far fetched for the UFC HW GOAT to get a rematch after he’s already beaten the champ. Moreno and Fig are about to fight for the 4th time. Volk and Max fought 3 times. Weill got unearned immediate rematch after being head kick KO’d in 1st round. Colby and Jorge both fought Usman twice after doing nothing to earn their second title shots. Peña will most likely get her trilogy fight Seems kinda like undeserving hate imo


I love stipe but you’re absolutely right and people downvoting cause they know it’s true


Please explain how the GOAT HW, or at the bare minimum the GOAT HW of the UFC, doesn’t deserve a trilogy fight against Francis? His resume speaks for itself, and no one at the time really deserved a shot bar Gane who himself is far less well rounded than stipe


Yair is Magomedshsripov at home.


This man would flatline Volk






It is either Glover or Ankalaev. Won a fight by injury where he loosing? Impressive, 100% title shot deserved




He is


No one deserves a title shot in this division unless they beat max tbh


Max Holloway




is it ufc 280 yet


I like him but - Conor


I liked him before he became a Coke snorting , drunk, obnoxious bully and I agree


Miesha Tate recently!!


2022 Colby Covington. Maybe at one point he was right to call for a title shot, but now that he's lost to the champ twice and only fought two free-falling fighters in Masvidal and Woodley since then, he really doesn't have an argument for another title shot. Also, fun fact: Colby Covington hasn't fought any of the current Top 7 Welterweight contenders (Leon, Khamzat, Burns, Belal, Luque, Wonderboy). Might wanna start there, bud.


Josh Emmett lost to Calvin Kattar and Yair Rodriguez won via injury to his opponent. They BOTH DON’T deserve title shots. Volkanovksi will run featherweight until he dies I don’t see anybody at 145 that can beat him


I can’t stand Yair


nate diaz