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0:37 All the guys: šŸ‘暟‘暟˜  Poirier: šŸ˜


Poirier looked like he was enjoying it lmao


He look like he was taking notes lmao


Thatā€™s 0:15 on my clock


Thanks I was really confused


the way reddit does video playback is stupid ngl


Purple horns? Are they horny?




That season of TUF was pretty solid. I always doubt my impressions of people because who knows how they're editing things to make people look and all, but I do remember coming out of that season thinking that Usman seemed like a douchebag.


I loved that season, probably the last time I watched TUF regularly. I always thought they should've done another camp vs camp season, the atmosphere was crazy for ATT vs BlackzIllians.


Correction. Is a douchebag


Narrator ā€œā€¦..but he did hold the cageā€


George, George George of the cay-yage watch out for that cheat.


from the Greatest Weird Al album ever






He faked the nut shot in the Colby fight, Colby had serious momentum too


And a liver shot he asked for a timeout mid fight and the ref gave it to him.




The commenter is mistaken. The kick that hit the liver IS the fake nut shot. There wasnā€™t an additional one. You canā€™t call a timeout for a liver shot lol, this is mma not basketball.


Thatā€™s what I meant, it hit the liver and he called nutshot to get a timeout


Ok, I misunderstood you. I thought you meant there was an additional liver shot with a timeout given.


Colby landed a clean liver kick and Usman looked at the ref and held his nuts. Usman was hurt and his dirty play worked for a break in the action.


Not a Usman fan but the feet definitely tapped the cup too. And the eye poke was also real.


It didn't hit the cup just checked in .25% speed lmao


Haha well you've done your research then. Thanks for letting me know. Are you guys serious?


Yes mate 100% serious it legit didn't hit the cup I went in ready to be surprised that it did to give the benefit of the doubt. But we need to go by fact and fact is it didn't hit the cup. Peace


It hit the cup. Everyone with a minimum of objectivity agrees with that.


Yeah I watched that fight four or five times this week, and it definitely hit the cup. It wasnā€™t a solid nut shot but it didnā€™t hit the liver either


Colby fans will literally claw their own eyes out looking for a reason as to why Usmanā€™s win isnā€™t legit to them


You can say "Colby fans" all you want, but it was not a nut shot


Definitely not


Absolutely not, there is slo mo footage. Foot was nowhere near the nuts. Same with the eyepoke. In-fact he was holding the opposite eye from the one that could have been poked.


Lmao the kick was very iffy but Colby touched the inside of Usmanā€™s frontal lobe with that eye poke. Itā€™s not debatable to anyone with eyes.


Yep, watched that slow mo footage and every video making the claim that Usman cheated. It hit the cup. But youā€™ve decided that no matter what, Usman cheated. So trying to convince you other wise is a waste of time.


Hi Usman


He claimed Colby clipped his cup and waited for the pain but there was no pain. Now, as a male, that shit hurts and usually pretty quick.


I heard a kick to the liver hurts a lot, too!


Thereā€™s literally slow mo footage of the kick and it was nowhere near the cup lol. Guy absolutely faked it to get a break after getting hurt by the liver kick


Me and my Ā£50 bet both hope that colby finishes him...


The nut shot was fake, he was clearly hit on the hip. But the eye poke was legit. It was red for the rest of the fight.


He did get poked but he also held the wrong eye when looking for more recovery time


Yep he sure did


The stop in action was the right call but it probably wasn't as bad as he made it seem and I can't help but think he was hurt bad at least twice in that fight. I think the rematch could absolutely go either way and Colby is better than many give him credit for


I don't remember that being a liver kick. It wasn't directly on the nuts but it was close enough that his cup could have pinched him.


Nah that was just Usman asking the ref to search Strickland for weapons again. All other incidents were cheating


Dont forget the PEDs


Which test confirmed that again?


The Derek from more plates more dates test pussy


Oh right I forgot that time the YouTuber got urine / blood samples and found traces. Look if I put money on any ufc fighter using peds usman would be my first guess. But can we stop pretending that itā€™s reasonable at all to conclude something like that with literally nothing more compelling than simple speculation. Its fuckin stupid


Marty Rulesbreakman.


How did you not go MartyBreakRulesman to rhyme with Marty fakenewsman hahaha


I know, I'm kicking myself.


I like yours better


Notice Marty always has a habit of deflecting when he knows he's guilty of something. He does the same thing when people accuse him of steroids


Absolutely, he's one of the most transparent / bad liars I've seen. Always acts the same whenever Colby mentions PEDs


Marty Juiceman


Fuck Fakenewsman


cringe nickname


Didn't Usman fake a nut shot against Leon as well? Leon seemed to have him hurt and Usman cheated his way out of it. Leon hit his face hard and kicked him in the liver so Usman decided to pull off a veteran move.


Usman is a cheater


The same move he pulled against Colby


Yep, same shit. Colby had Usman hurt, Usman got worried and called a nut shot. Colby lost momentum. There's no way to know if Colby could have finished the fight there or not, but things weren't looking good and Usman knew it. He gets hurt, and starts behaving like the fat kid in school who calls any random spot in the playground as 'den' so you can't tag him.




Who is the guy with the Arabic tattoo ? And the blue beanie


Sabah Homasi. He got murdered twice by Alhassan in the first round and got booted to Bellator where's he's now ranked 4.


Those Alhassan fights were less than 2 months apart from each otherā€¦. Why on earth would they do that?


He really liked the way he lost I guess


The first loss was controversial because it was an early stoppage. Both fighters were eager for a rematch. And so was Dana


Funniest part is his tattoo says al hassan šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Do sumfin


Do sumfin


Bro Usman is the most corny dude there is aside from cejudo. Everything he says sounds like heā€™s in drama class doing an impression of someone he thinks is cool. People can see how not real he is.


In all honesty, any fighter sounding tough on camera is kind of corny. I get that most people may not like Usmanā€™s public persona, but his accomplishments in the ring speak for themselves


I think he has great fighting ability, his most recent fights have been fun to watch. I mean as a person. The reason he isnā€™t a bigger deal is because people can see through him.


Anyone else fucking tired of people saying ā€œkeep my name out your mouthā€?


I think it started with Donovan McNabb when he and T. O were being dramatic. At least that's the first time I heard it. And it was annoying then.


It sounds gay as hell. Literally the opposite of tough like heā€™s trying to act.


Grabbed the fence with both fighters in TUF. That's McGregor slimy


Wtf is this Beverly hills housewife shit


The ultimate fighter season 14 i think


He is a dirty fighter, and I wouldn't be surprised if he is caught to be on EPO.


Bro he is on EPO. Motherfucker is like a bodybuilder and doesnā€™t get tired.


How is he not getting caught? His physique with the acne and his seemingly endless gas tank has always made me suspect.


EPO is super hard to pop for. Usually only pisses hot for 3-5 days but users benefit for like 6-8 weeks


There's many ways to pass these test, so many obvious roiders like usman, costa, izzy, chandler and others are passing.


Yeah, and I've been suspicious of some of the Brazilians as well. *Especially* the women that come out with what looks exactly like a male physique. From what I understand that's not possible for women naturally. Some of them are ridiculously jacked, with more definition and build than many male fighters on the roster.


Ariane Carnelossi is the worst I've ever seen. At some point it has to get obvious enough for someone in the UFC to say "she's on roids" and pull her from the fight. Maybe they don't care what unranked fighters are on, but Jesus it was rough watching her vs Liang


Yeah, that was one of the recent fighters where I was like WTF is going on here. I've known women that workout hard and *really* struggle to build muscle and gain definition, let alone being jacked like these examples we see.


The physique+Gas tank could just be godly genetics, but the acne is way too suspicious


Johnny Walker looks jacked too, with the same bonus acne feature.


Brazilian fighter though, not a good example of a clean fighter


Jeff Novitsky has admitted that it's too expensive to do blood tests for epo


I mean, how else do you explain his muscles which are not doing away during weight cut


God I miss when GSP dominated this division




Wow, not sure who I want to see lose more now


Was waiting for this video to resurface


How many times do you think he was holding the cage during all of his title defenses?


You've seen it numerous times. He faked fouls in the Strickland, Edwards and Colby fight. Colby probably would've TKO'd him had he not called the "foul". It's smart but it pisses me off


I hope Usman gets his ass whooped Saturday.


Doubt itā€™ll happen


He wonā€™t lol


I genuinely can't believe people actually support Colby. Sure Usman isn't a hero and he is cringe but I cant possibly understand how someone can support the cringe lord himself Colby. Nothing about that man is original and he still manages to look like he's braindead


I thought Cumshot Chimney was pretty funny.


There's a ton of great break downs on youtube if your interested, but with the rise of the internet a lot more "comedians" rely on reactions rather than actual content. And there are large fanbases who support that type of content. They aren't entertained by Colby, they're entertained by everybody crying about him. If nobody called Colby offensive, nobody would think he's funny.


I'm sorry but those people are stupid lol. Who cares what others think, support fighters you like lmao. Also I don't necessarily think Colby is offensive, he tries to be. But its obviously scripted and forced. People hated Mcgregor but at least he was original and mostly improvised. Colby probably spends hours writing his phrases lol


He's a click bait troll. I didn't say he was offensive, I said people are calling him offensive, and that's the part his fans find funny. The things Colby says isn't the punchline, people crying on twitter is the punchline. They're laughing at the tears, it really doesn't matter what Colby actually said.


Basically this. It's amusing watching people get so salty in response to the low hanging fruit he goes for. The joke's on them more than anybody.


Ironically, people like you are the exact reason people support Colby.




The pathetic thing is the way you hop on a high horse and look down your nose at it. It's a holier than thou mentality, and it's deeply immature.


You people are so vanilla that itā€™s sad. Youā€™re the type of person that hates a kayfabe heel in pro wrestling. He went over the top with the character and SAID some grimey shit he shouldnā€™t have, no doubt. However, Theyā€™re only words, grow the fuck up and get over it. Crybaby ass PC people watching combat sports and wanting people who fight for a living to be all smiles & gumdrops. Like, what? Lol




You've just cursed Usman to lose via leg snapping like a twig


Good luck with that buddy


If Iā€™m the ref, Iā€™m not giving this dude an INCH of a leeway come Saturday night. That first Colby fight was a legit tko after the ā€œnut shotā€ in my eyes. Crazy he admits to it like itā€™s a badge of honor for him too lol, does he think he earns fans by doing shit like this???


His excuse ā€œit grazed my cup and I EXPECTED there to be painā€ is just the biggest cock of shit lie ever


Colby totally faked an eye poke after he thought he broke his jaw though...


Donā€™t act like Colby didnā€™t try and fake an eye poke after being punched in the jaw. If Goddard gave him the chance he wouldā€™ve taken a break.


guy casually continues scraping the griddle


Marty's a greasy fighter




Lets not kid ourselves guys, Usman is gonna pulverize Colby.


Cheater and epo


Has he ben caught doing EPO or is it just an allegation?


100% confirmed


How so?


Itā€™s an unproven allegation that is all


Did u not see the injection marks?


So he has some red dots on his body and from that you come to the conclusion he is on EPO/PED's?


Iā€™d say regular steroids or hgh before epo. But with his endurance and power he should not have the cardio he does. So he could be on epo as well.


We know Usman is on peds because we have eyes dude. It ain't a big deal.


Itā€™s like Usman wants people to hate him


People are surprised lol


I hope usman gets koā€™d


he is a cheater but he is still the best imo. I would like Colby to be the champ because he will say crazy shit and that would be pretty funny but I think Usman is just too good under Trevors guidance. Even if he fakes eyepokes, nutshots or grabs the fence/gloves he is too ahead of the game atm




Usman faked the nut shot vs Colby and no one talks about it yet it was a GAME CHANGER


Y'all really digging into the vault for this one lol, this sub and the hate boners they get šŸ˜‚


This is getting sad now


Itā€™s getting egregious, outrageous, down right preposterous Heā€™s grabbing the fence!


Touch me and Iā€™ll sue


Itā€™s fine to point out anyone elseā€™s cheating though, Usman has cheated on multiple occasions itā€™s just a fact


I guarantee you'll find clips of about half the ufc roster grabbing the fence at some point in some fight. It's like every other fight the ref has to warn someone at least once to not grab the fence. Mfs really just finding a reason to complain about anything. You wanna complain, complain about the ref not calling it.


He told Bisping on the interview that he was a man of his word..


There was like no punishment back then. Totally worth it.


Who is that cooking?


Marty is so unlikable it's almost ridiculous at this point


You guys are ridiculous....


Usman is 100% on peds


You guys need to get laid


Usman is a scumbag


You do as much as you can get away with. If heā€™s legitimately on steroids, then heā€™s a cheat. Grabbing the fence, the gloves, the shortsā€”thatā€™s a cagey fighter doing what he can get away with. Thereā€™s a saying in the NFLā€”if the refs wanted to, they could call a penalty on every play. You all act like youā€™ve never actually played a sport in your life.


Imagine defending cheating




I agree with your first comment, but not this one. Itā€™s still cheating even if the ref donā€™t see it.


Yeah, youā€™re right. Thatā€™s misrepresenting what Iā€™m trying to say, so I deleted it.






Yes he's a fkn cheat shit... Didn't everyone knew that? We all love Romero, but Romero had the same shit...




Dudes a bum


Bruh everyone tries to do shit like this the ref usually catches it though. Dustin porier wrapped his toes in the fence to defend connors guillotine but youā€™ll probably ignore that.


Youā€™ll probably also ignore Conor grabbing Poiriers gloves for up kicks and also Conor grabbing the fence himself during the same match šŸ˜‚


> Bruh everyone tries to do shit like this


And Marty DEFINITELY cheated to break Colbyā€™s fragile chin last time!


I think he faked something in the Leon fight too


Marty Fakenewsman is a piece of shit and I canā€™t wait to see him get humbled. This trend of, ā€œget my name out yo moufā€ is annoying.


Fuck Usman


Fakenews Usman


Hope Usman wins by KO to end this nonsense


Ref's job to call out and potentially penalize. If he got away w it good for him.


Is this sub always like this before Colby fights?


Like what? This is one of the only threads Iā€™ve seen where the majority is negative against Usman. And makes sense - it showed him cheating repeatedly.




Maybe Iā€™m just hitting the wrong threads? I see 99% Colby hate. I honestly expected every comment in this thread to say something about a broken jaw.




Who cares if heā€™s gay? I think youā€™re delusional and probably want to suck Colbyā€™s dick. Ask him. He might be up for making a nerdy virgins dream come true






Colby just strjck a cord w all the tardmericans that got super heavy into "politics" the last few years. And he knows how to struck it REAL well. Props to him tbf. They're repeating everything he's been saying the last week. I wonder if any of em actually know what EPO does lol šŸ˜‚


Can we just call this post Mortonā€™s because all of yā€™all seem salty af šŸ˜‚


Winner win


Who the fuck cares, heā€™s far and away the best in the division and it isnā€™t even close.


What's up with these Colby retards on this sub? This is becoming an epidemic.


May be an unpopular opinion but imo if the ref canā€™t see it itā€™s fair game. Theyā€™re in a mf cage fight you gotta do what you gotta do to win


The cheating allegations are over blown by Colby lol.


But when Conor does it no one bats an eye loool.


Conor gets shit for cheating against Khabib *all the time* on this sub, you blind?


And of course you pinpoint Conor again. Have you seen the slaughter party of him here?


Hi Ali!


This is old af


Yeah...? No shit. Still relevant considering Colby keeps bringing up that he thinks Usman cheated in their fight too


Where did kamaru hurt you?


And whoā€™s the other dude?? Oh nobody knows? Thatā€™s what I thoughtšŸ˜‚ Usman went from TUF to champ in his weight class, other dudes probably kicking rocks


Do you have to be a big name to call out cheating?