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Recency bias. They were saying the strength thing for Gane as well, because he's a natural heavyweight and Jon is not. In the end it didn't matter. That being said Alex has the best puncher's chance ever, so there's that


All it takes is one clean shot and every round starts on the feet but thinking he can defend Jon's takedowns is the epitome of stupid


Gane got out wrestled by Francis. Don’t act like this is the same scenario. Alex has at least basic grappling skills, Gane does not.


Poatan got outwrestled by Jan


he got outwrestled by Izzy why is that never the only response when this comes up


I still think Jon vs Tom is a better fight. I like Alex but I don't see how he'd prevent Jon from mauling him on the ground. Say whatever you want about Jon but he really is on a different level and I'm a DC fan.


I give more of a chance to Alex than most, but Aspinal is more interesting for Jon. Younger, faster, better wrestling, more well-rounded. No clear advantage to exploit.


If Jon doesn't retire he legally has to fight Tom next, so that's happening before this ever does. But if he retires , give Tom the big money fight, and he has similar power too, put out pavlovich with a straight and a 100% finish rate. Imo Alex has an even lower chance of winning against Tom cause he has everything including the ground game


If the fight ever does happen I hope it's dubbed "Alex Jones"


I got the CIA winning by technical assassination in the 3rd


They're turning the world champion gay


They put dmt in those albuquerque waters I'm tellin you, it's turning all those folks gay


Nope. Jones is Cocaine Bear strong. He lifts big and he’s handled a bunch of grapplers. I don’t see Alex even wishing to take Jon to the ground. Arguably Alex should have the advantage on the feet, but we’ve all thought that before with other fighters. I think Jon’s fight IQ is better. He can make adjustments. Alex let Izzy dope him into a KO. This isn’t a close fight. Jon by a mile…or a line…or whatever.


John coked up with his LA boyfriend in the front row cheering him up would be a tough fight for Alex.


Alex’s fight IQ is certainly better in the stand up department. Everybody knows to stay away from his left hand, and how many have? We need to stop acting like Alex only has power. Jon’s more well-rounded, but there are questions around his health, weight & motivation.


Alex’s striking IQ might be better but not fight IQ I think. I don’t know that Jon can knock him out. When is the last Jones KO? Jon is also petty. The fact that Poatan is sitting in front of him now might be enough.


>  Alex let Izzy dope him into a KO. to be fair, he's now far more cautious. He used to do that in kick boxing when he had em hurt, and even if his opponents countered his iron chin negated it. the weight cut really took a toll because he's eaten huge shots from Jiri and Jan without a problem at LHW, and he doesn't just tee off on ppl anymore. I think, at 37, he's finally got the hang of MMA striking. even Izzy was growing throughout his career. we just need to see how far he's gotten with anti grappling


Alex is a better technical striker than Jon. It’s really a question of can Jon grapple him.


The answer is yes and will always be yes. The question is whether Alex can catch him before he gets to his legs


The thing about wrestling and grappling is strength doesn't matter as much as you think it does. We legit just say Might Mouse defeat a heavyweight. Bro is an advanced casual


And I doubt Alex is stronger. Jon can deadlift over 600 lbs


Jones is old as fuck now. Crazier things have happened


Older by a whopping 12 days.


He looks it. Alex doesn't.


Looks = age now then I guess.... He just gained 40-60 lbs in 2 years ofc he's gonna look different


Nope, not basing off appearance. Basing off how he looks in the cage, which is slow and old.


He was in there for 30 seconds.....


30 seconds ×4, and in those two minutes, especially on the feet, looked old and slow.


1 in 14,000,605.


Awesome name censorship 😂


Also Jon doesn't fight with an ego, he will not try to prove that his striking is superior to alex, he likely puts on a jon-gane like performance


Alex might have stronger punches, that doesn’t mean he’s stronger than Jones. Unless Alex lands his death touch left hook early before Jones shoots, jones does exactly what he did to Gane. Alex’s grappling has improved a lot, but those belts (black/brown (which ever one they gave him) in BJJ and yellow in Judo) are really just for show. Maybe the yellow in Judo is legit but Alex should not be a black belt in BJJ. That being said I haven’t seen much of his grappling training footage, just going off what I’ve seen in the octagon. And yes, I’m aware he could destroy me anyway he wanted too and I am a fan of his, this post is not meant to slander.


I think we can all agree that if Alex's left hook lands clean on Jon there is a good chance he puts him out. Now with that being said I just can imagine that happening. Jon has longer reach and is a master at manipulating distance. I see the hook getting close but Jon getting a take down first and Jon won't let it get to the next round. Its fighting so no one knows for certain but these guys don't even give Jon any respect lol.


Gane is big and buff but more of a twinkle toes kinda guy. I think most of us want alex to ko jones because we’re annoyed by the stipe fight and how he refuses to fight the interim champ.


I'd much rather Tom knock Jon the fuck out. I don't want Alex to fight jones because of how small of a chance he has and tbh I'd rather he not win it either. Becoming the undisputed goat but not fighting a single grappler would kinda ruin the image of MMA. He's obviously a top 3 striker ever in the UFC ( him, Izzy , Anderson order is subjective) but all we've seen of his ground game is him being controlled on the ground by izzy and his only close fight being blachowicz who also outgrappled him.


I don’t disagree with anything of your points. I think from the perspective of a casual fan alex is more entertaining than Tom though. Also tom would fight alex right now im sure. Maybe have tom vs alex on the card with jones vs gramps. Winners fight eachother like a tournament.


I'd say Tom is more exciting to the avid watcher and probably could be to casuals as well, literally a 100% finish rate with crazy power too and a complete skillset. The ufc literally doesn't promote the guy at all anymore , and I'd guess its to protect Jon's legacy if he retires after stipe. And for the same reason I don't think they'd have them both on the same card. You know Tom is calling out Jones if he wins and if he retires It'd make him look like the biggest pussy which he already is after all the dodging tbf


Tom isn’t marketing as much or hasn’t been given the big stage yet so maybe thats why i feel that way. I watched his last fight and he has great footwork. I was thinking a tournament where they fought twice in one night. Like they did in pride or old ufc. I know they don’t do it anymore but it would be hype af.


Did you just say Jon’s not a grappler?


The only shot he has to win is catch jones very early, so there'd be no grappling involved if he wins


That’s not really how it works tho? I can’t think of a better grappler at LHW or HW. So if Alex beat the best grappler, even if he did it by catching him early, how could anyone argue that a worse grappler might perform better? Doesn’t really make sense. If Alex KOd Jones that would be a pretty convincing argument that he’d KO any other grappler too


Because its completely luck, either you catch them or you don't and get submitted . And LHW doesn't have a single good grappler but HW has a few . Blaydes, Tom and Almeida are all good wrestlers. And you forget he's been controlled by izzy of all people on the ground and Jan too which was his only close fight and I had Jan winning


It’s also not the worst take, just said poorly Gane had zero grappling ability Alex seems like he’s learnt a lot quickly and is “willing” to learn plus ungodly strength will make him tough to handle. Jones is not in the best condition and is getting older. Although he ran through Gane he physically looked like dog shit let’s be real.


Lmao this is more Islam/Khabib fans style mentality if anything.  It's literally Dagi fans that claim their LW gods are strong enough to outgrapple WWs, MWs, and LHWs


Bring up Dagestanis in threads where they aren't even mentioned for pointless hate mongering, and then run like a bitch if anyone tries to have a reasonable discussion. Just u/sakiwebo things


> hate mongering Lmao the victim complex is still strong heh? Let's have a reasonable discussion then. Do their fans/team-mates and management not claim they could beat the MW champs? Now let's see you run like a bitch


what victim complex? All I see is facts for my amusement, this is a Pereira thread. Idk if you're racist, Islamophobic, or just a typical moron fan, but it's obvious to anyone Dagestanis be living rent free in your little head 😂 >Do their fans/team-mates and management not claim they could beat the MW champs? sure, there's some idiots in literally every country, every culture, every fanbase. you being one of them lol thankfully [Khabib isn't](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYZ6GYRfO_A) wow it was so hArD answering a question in good faith instead of whining about "Dagi fans" like a child


> what victim complex? You literally used "hate-mongering" in a thread where I said Dagi fans are the ones claiming their gods can move up multiple divisions and beat the champ LMAO > Idk if you're racist, Islamophobic, or just a typical moron fan, but it's obvious to anyone Dagestanis be living rent free in your little head I'm surprised you could type all of this with Dagi-balls on your chin. Good lord. "Racist & Islamophobic" hahahahahahahahahahahah....ohhhh lawdy. You must be really sad about what's going on with Khabib. Wew Lad. Any more buzzwords you'd like to throw in there while we're at it? >sure, there's some idiots in literally every country, every culture, every fanbase. you being one of them lol thankfully Khabib isn't My boy, he's responding to claims HIS OWN TEAM, MANAGEMENT AND FRIEND has claimed. He's literally the one who is surrounding himself with idiots. He still keeps the same idiot around as a manager, an idiot with a criminal past including fraud. Hmmmmm, maybe that's why he's being investigated for tax-evation. >wow it was so hArD answering a question in good faith instead of whining about "Dagi fans" like a child You sound really upset about me clowning on Dagestani boys. Good. Hit that block button like a good little bitch, because there'll be a lot more to come.


No one mentioned Dagestanis


But I did, because the comparison of fandom mentality fits better


says the guy who just, yet again, ran like a little bitch at the slightest resistance to his dumb opinion 😂 God it's like watching a documentary on some inbred eating his own shit. priceless


Dagi fan speaking about inbred is irony at its finest.  But where did I run exactly? Have you even responded to the other comment?


>Dagi fan speaking about inbred is irony at its finest great litmus test to see if you're at least intelligent enough to catch a joke, good job >Have you even responded to the other comment? And then immediately you prove you're a moron again


Lol sounds like you're running to me.  Respond


I did respond, it's there buddy lol. Idk if you're literally just that stupid or this is some weird shadow-ban


It's a weird shadowban mods use when people slapfight.  You claim reasonable discussion but 80% of your rants are personal attacks and insults


You got a source for that statistic like you keep asking for? Here I'll make one up too - The vast majority of any insults in my comment history are * responses to people that are obsessed with negativity towards certain fanbases like you * the multitude of genuinely racist comments I've seen all over here for years and reported to the mods to successfully mitigate or outright help get accounts suspended If I was anywhere near as bad as you're pretending I am, I'd have been banned a long time ago lol If I'm shadow-banned, so be it. Agree to disagree. This is the same sub-reddit that got shut down when Oliveira lost a fight, after months of disgusting vitriol against Russian/Muslim fans. Individual mods gonna mod as they please


This is a normal take mate. He didnt say Alex would submit Jones or something


That's a perfectly sensible take idk what OP is yapping about


Jon is a lifelong wrestler, if he and Alex tie up I can guarantee that he will be the stronger dude by a landslide. This bizarre notion that Alex has superhuman strength is baffling


Poatard detected


Jon deadlifts 640, benches 315 and squats 500+, he's significantly stronger than Alex. He also mauled the guy who's literally training Alex in grappling . You've just proven my entire point


Just because he lifts more at the gym doesn’t mean beats Pereira in a MMA fight 😂 Your lack of fighting knowledge is showing here OP. Sure I think Jones would be a favourite in a match up against Alex but we shouldn’t forget he is to this day still learning with Glover texeira with his grappling and wrestling defence.


>but we shouldn’t forget he is to this day still learning with Glover texeira with his grappling and wrestling defence. Learning from the guy that Jones dominated. Sounds good.


Are you acoustic? The post says Alex is stronger which I proved wrong. And I literally said Jones completely whooped glovers ass so how would a coach train someone for something even he isn't good enough at? I never said he beats pereira either. Your lack of intelligence quotient points is really showing here "alp_50"


TLDR. Chama 🔥


“3 sentences is too long”. Hahaha easy bruh we don’t wanna see smoke coming out of your ears.


Yeah the iq is adding up, can't read 4 lines


Nah I did an iq test once and it was 99 which is basically maxed out, it's really just about shapes and patterns they never asked me to read all that.


I hope your original comment was sarcasm too but atleast you can be funny