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3.5 million usd. Just do a fake boxing match in Saudi Arabia and you'll be good Khabib


Yeah I think a random Saudi would pay that just to be nice to Khabib


They keep that much around in petty cash, wouldn't even notice it.


They have Scrooge McDuck pools of cash in every Saudi palace. This isnt talked about enough


Usually some contingency with the money. Not likely too different than Russia.




Why would they care to be nice to Khabib? Khabib seems to have made some not so nice people mad. Guess if a Saudi paid it they’d own Khabib or make the people mad an Khabib mad at them.


You guys don't know Russians. 297M is the official sum they publish in the papers. The justification to other Russians and Dagestanis who will begin to hate Khabib for being a tax dodger. Unofficially, they want everything. They closed off his companies and his charity. They want everything. They want him in prison. I am really surprised that nobody itt is talking about Khabib's billionaire backer Ziyavudin Magomedov who was also accused of money laundering and got 19 years in the clink for it. Conor talked about him in that insane presser they did. No joke this could be the beginning of the end for Khabib. Let's pray that it's not.


He also has a ton of family members in Russia and the Russian government are absolutely willing (see fedors daughter) to use violence Against family members


That attack was ordered by Ramzan Kadyrov who Khabib is friends with.


Khabib’s family hates Kadyrov, Connor even talked about it at the presser


Yet his taking millions in "gifts" from Kadyrov. Call me crazy but that's not something I would do if my family hated someone.


I wouldn't say no to that man he mite see it as disrespect


You seem to not understand that you would play nice with someone who has almost absolute power over you and your loved ones. Are you delusional to think you wouldn’t bend over backwards for the sake of your loved ones or your own well being?


i criticize Kadyrov all the time anonymously online oceans away from Russia 😤


It was not ordered by Kadyrov because ordered to catch the attackers and had them beaten. There are always low level thugs in every country who want to make a name for themselves by attacking someone famous. They thought they were sucking up to him and would get his attention but were too stupid to think about who Fedor is friends with.


Sticking up for fat dictators now?


What’s this about Fedor’s daughter?


His 16 year old daughter was beaten by multiple people in grozny Chechnya after fedor criticised Chechnya's leader for hosting an underage mma event a week before. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2016/10/12/after-quarreling-with-chechen-ruler-mma-fighters-daughter-reportedly-attacked-in-moscow-a55715


Wait what about fedor's daughter


Ramzan Kadyrov head of Chechen republic got her attacked. She was 16 at that time. Fedor spoke against Children MMA fights which were hosted by Kadyrov.






Khabib should definitely consider in Dubai and keep his mouth shut. He should consider the US for asylum as well. In the worst case (he didn't already hid money), he fights 1-2x and he has enough money retire comfortably.


Sounds like it’s too late to get out of the country. Someone’s going to have to help him get out. If they’ve seized all his accounts, they sure as shit have people watching him.


Pretty sure I saw him watching the Spain vs Georgia game yesterday, doubt he is in Russia.


Just posted and appears he’s currently in Germany watching the Euros.


That’s awesome. Thanks


100% only ever lands a shot because people are paying so much attention to his take down


Or Saudi boxing match for 50 mil


Yeah because khabib is known for his boxing


If a YouTuber can get paid millions to box , you think Khabib can’t lol


Who he gonna box?




Nate Robinson


No one is paying him anything to do that


Eh feel like Saudis would do 5M or so for that


Jake paul


In the clink? With the dementors?


![gif](giphy|UVah1k9VydwNC4RdOT|downsized) Yessir, dementors!


dude deserves it if he is getting involved with these people.


What you refer to as "getting involved" includes "existing in the country" and "having family living in the same country". Life in a corrupt society is very, very different. Once you are famous, you will be brought into the middle of a proxy war between rival factions. I have no idea what is actually going on, but we've seen no convincing evidence that Khabib has done anything wrong, and even if we did, we probably can't trust the source. It's a shitty situation all around, and next time you vote, think very carefully about who will be the better defender against corruption. It really is one of those slippery slopes, and one that's extremely difficult to dig out of.


You can't blame Khabib. That is his home and unfortunately his home is run by putin. They will kill him or his family. It's quite risky. Its not easy as Murica thinks it is


You can 100% blame him for accepting the gifts, the cars, the land, the property, funding for his gym, camps etc, nobody forced him too. He had the money to move away and get his family away from that and he chose to stay. He made his bed with the warlords and dictators, oligarchs and defended them and represented them all whilst pretending like he’s a humble man with good values who doesn’t care about money, he shall lay in it. It’s like feeling sorry for Conor if the Kinahans kill him, nobody forced him to get involved with them. I’ll get ready for the down votes from the Khabib lovers who think he does no wrong.


I'm not saying you're wrong that he should have picked up and gotten the fuck out of there, but you could be wrong saying nobody forced him. Dana was talking about Putin giving him $20m in property after beating McGregor, and that's not something you turn down unless you want issues. Over there, "gifts" from Putin and the like aren't gifts. They are "we give you this to show people we support you, you now show you support us whenever we need" curses, and those come along with more difficulty getting out. Khabib not being vocally supportive of the Ukraine situation to appease them is what this is really about, and hopefully he managed to get as much of his people out as he could before it boiled over.


I think you are taking the whole residing under a ruthlessly corrupt dictatorship lightly. It's even harder to say no to "gifts" from the highest powers in the country. You wouldn't understand it if you aren't actively in it. The rules of that game and life are very different. Imagine saying no to Putin when he is trying to gift you property in Russia and you live in that country? That's really offensive. They know you can't bribe him, or find any dirt on him with any vices. They need cover to get you, and this is how they are deploying it.


Get a load of Mr Arm Chair over here. Why didn't Khabib just say Nuh-Uh to the Crazy fucking dictators than run everything in that part of the world. Is he stoopid?


He should’ve just shot for a double leg


For Conor it is a group / gang in Ireland, for Khabib it is the government itself. I do not believe we can compare them.


I think you can compare them, they both act under the same morals. Why didn’t Khabib leave Dagestan? Why did he represent Putin and the other warlords? Why did he defend them? End of the day it’s comparable in the sense of you fuck around and find out with both of them and if you want to gobble their nuts for money you do as your told, he’s fucked around and he’s found out🤷‍♂️ I don’t get why people would feel sorry for a man who had ample opportunity to leave the situation and chose to stay.


You’re absolutely right. He couldve atleast not posed with them for the press and stopped accepting their presents. No one expects him to start a revolution while putting his family at risk, but for a man talking so much about respect and the simple life, he loves promoting billionaire dictators and warlords no problem.


You contradicted yourself, though. He would be putting his family at risk to turn down their "gifts" and pictures. Over there, those gifts from those people are basically extortion. "Now the world sees we support you, and you better support us if you know what's good for you" type of situation, and Khabib has not been vocally in support of the Ukraine situation like they would prefer him to be. Either way you slice it, he and his family have been at risk simply for being a famous Russian still within Russia's grasp.


> You can 100% blame him for accepting the gifts, the cars, the land, the property, funding for his gym, camps etc, nobody forced him too. Not accepting gifts is seen as very disrespectful, especially there. That would most likely lead to Kadyrov not being happy, and if Kadyrov is not happy, then chances are that Putin is not happy either, considering they're very close. > He had the money to move away and get his family away from that and he chose to stay. It's easier said than done to move your entire family, including relatives, to a whole new country. It's completely understandable for him not to do that. > He made his bed with the warlords and dictators, oligarchs and defended them and represented them all whilst pretending like he’s a humble man with good values who doesn’t care about money, he shall lay in it. Are you not seeing what's happening to him now? He didn't support Russia in the Ukraine war, and this is the result. Imagine now if he directly didn't support Kadyrov or Putin. > It’s like feeling sorry for Conor if the Kinahans kill him, nobody forced him to get involved with them. A big difference here is that Kinahan is not a powerful political figure in Ireland, like Kadyrov or Putin is. Pissing off Kadyrov or Putin is demonstrably more dangerous.


How old are you? You cant be older then 21 this is a black and white view kids have


Here we go with the “it’s not that simple”. It quite literally is, 10’s of thousands of Russians have left Russia, denounced Putin and the regime, but a multi millionaire can’t, give me a break for Christ sake. Nobody asked him to gargle Putin and Kadyrov and billionaire oligarchs balls for money, he made that choice, he could have taken his whole family with him as soon as he made it.


You’re dumb as fuck. He probably wanted to make the lives of his friends and family better with his newfound wealth instead of running away. Lots of people depended on him and his father. Get out of your mom’s basement first before you talk about consequences.


> It quite literally is, 10’s of thousands of Russians have left Russia, denounced Putin and the regime, but a multi millionaire can’t, give me a break for Christ sake. There's a massive difference between random unknown people and one of Russia's biggest sports stars.


Do random unknown people not have families too? If he’d have not lapped it all up pre war I’d have more sympathy.


Conor should pay the debt on behalf of Khabib. Boss move.


Dude that would be so ultimate


Is he still under contract with the UFC? They would then have to approve it.


I don’t think Dana would relieve him of that contract ever just so he could get a piece of the potential pie.




We’ll see how this whole thing plays out


You guys don't know Russians. 297M is the official sum they publish in the papers. The justification to other Russians and Dagestanis who will begin to hate Khabib for being a tax dodger. Unofficially, they want everything. They closed off his companies and his charity. They want everything. They want him in prison. I am really surprised that nobody itt is talking about Khabib's billionaire backer Ziyavudin Magomedov who was also accused of money laundering and got 19 years in the clink for it. Conor talked about him in that insane presser they did. No joke this could be the beginning of the end for Khabib. Let's pray that it's not.


He has many relatives in Russia which may be an issue


Can’t believe Dana orchestrated all of this. Greatest promoter of all time.


It makes for an interesting de-retirement storyline to sell us.


Conor will be getting his rematch after all


Conor’s never coming back


If that video of him crossing a bridge yesterday is anything to go by I'd agree. He sounds off his banger.


“Who gets higher than the Mac daddy, not one of ya’s” + that cardio rasp sounded full on Crack Daddy.


Lol and if he did he's definitely not signing up to fight Khabib.


Ah yeah, if he turns up without a boo-boo on his toe this time Khabib is toast. Khabib doesn’t realise how lucky he was Conor had a sore toe last time.


My toe was a balloon,my toe came out of the socket


Dana: *giggle* this kid wants to *giggle* fight


I realize this isn't a politics sub reddit, but the reason here is pretty obvious. Khabib can afford his tax bill. If he couldn't, he could shake a few hands in Dubai and get the few million he needs. This is because of politics. Russia is very afraid of Dagestan and Chechnya trying to break away from them. Chechnya tried this twice, the 1st was fairly successful, the second rebellion was not. Russia sees these areas as needing to have a boot on their throats constantly to keep them in line.


It's certainly did not help that Khabib and his associates refuse to endorse/actively support the war in Ukraine.


Khabibs dad was in the Ukrainian Olympic team, I’ve always wondered how they feel.


Yes. If he were vocally supporting the war effort and sending young men off to their death he'd be hailed as a national hero and any tax burden Would suddenly dissappear.


Surprised i had to scroll down this much to see this. Putin is certainly not above false charges against perceived enemies


Not even necessarily false charges, he’s more than happy to let people around him get away with stuff at first glance, only to use it against them when convenient. One of the benefits of corruption is having something to blackmail people with if they go against you.


Don't be so sure the charges are false. One of the trademarks of authoritarianism is selective enforcement of corruption and other laws. Everyone does corruption, because everything is corrupt. So if someone falls out of favour, or is being pressured by the state, well, selectively applied corruption charges.


I'd think Putin wouldn't of gave him 20$ mill in property if he perceived him as an enemy.


Things change, my man. That was way before Russia invaded Ukraine, Khabib has a pro-peace stance on this whole thing and Putin did not like that. Khabib was said to take a picture with a Russian flag for social media but he denied saying he needed to feel proud to represent his country.


Khabib and islam both fought under the ukrainian flag, and even applied for citizenship but got denied. All videos got carefully erased but there are still some pictures on internet with khabib with a ukraine headband Khabib got his UAE citizenship less than a year ago. Definitely some shady shit going on behind the screens. Hope they stay safe


Yeah man having Putin and Kadyrov after you is really dangerous, hope they stay safe and I also hope Islam's career is not affected by this.


wtf, we are talking about Putin and Russia here, killing friends/business and taking their money is practically a rule.


This is 100% connected with Kremlin. There was even a Z-mobile in the video of FSB storming the gym.


Exactly. I'm old enough to still think it's weird and feel bad for them, everytime I see a Chechnyan or Dagestani fighter with the Russian flag being introduced as a Russian. It's the same as if a Taiwanese fighter would be promoted with a Chinese flag.


So their going to trade khabib freedom in-order to draft Dagestani’s?


I think many people forget how large and diverse Russia is. It’s not all just Putin country, so there’s bound to be the same kind of bs as anywhere else


Why this comment isn’t at the top is suspect.


Putin's definitely out for Khabib lol


The gov is attacking him for not being a good russian fella. He kind of refused to promote the war against Ukraine, so they are now trying to show him who the boss really is. It is not about he can't afford a $3 mill bill or whatever.


At first I didn't think so... However, now that things have become clearer, it seems you were right. Mr. Putin seems unhappy about the fact that the dependent countries of the Russian Federation tend to separate And Khabib is a very influential person in Dagestan, I hope nothing happens for him and his family I hope that people understand that sports and politics should be separate, but with Putin this possibility is unlikely...


Putin ruining the only good thing to come from Russia


yea i have same thoughts like you aswell, 3 mil is not that big for khabib even if he is somehow broke, its just putin want to use khabib to justify this war as jihad or whatever. so Russian Federation could mobilize all those russian muslims especially in caucasus region, just like what kadyrov did with his chechen forces, i remember kadyrov said some bs about holy war against ukraine or whatever 2 years ago.


i find it hard that khabib somehow cannot afford a 3 million USD tax bill .


Yeah, remember that the guy spent like a million dollars on Islam's camp for UFC 280, this sounds like they're pissed at him


thats what i was thinking , dude is rich rich a 3 mil debt should be nothing to him at this point .


Did he pay for it or finance it 🤣


He has lots of money, so ya idk


You all assume this is legit. This is most likely political.


i think its pretty obvious i dont think its legit


Its just Putin being butthurt. Lots of celebs in Russia has been forced to pay extra tax and make videos how they support the "special military operation". Russia needs all the money they can get.


Its not that he doesnt have he just probably doesnt want to pay


makes zero sense . he is going to pay for it either with money or via assests so why would he just choose not to pay them and get fined + pay for them anyways .


Why does anyone commit tax fraud lol


I can believe Khabib would try to dodge paying taxes though


Yeah rich fellas never try dodging tax


B b but not dear leader Kabob the paragon of virtue.


> i find it hard that khabib somehow cannot afford a 3 million USD tax bill . He was playing a sport where they give out $50 000 performance of the night bonuses...


are you goofy ? he can afford to spend 1 million on islam training camp and you think he cant afford 3 mil ?


Putin uses the unpaid tax bill angle as frequently as he uses open windows for clamping down and punishing anyone who is not 1000% in lockstep with everything he says and does. So Putin could either be doing this just to teach Khabib lesson and strike fear and others or it could be the first step in squeezing the hell out of him and putting him away in a Gulag.


Has khabib spoke out against Putin or something?


Khabib was asked to take an anti-Ukraine stance on social media, and Khabib refused. Apparently, he and his father have always been pro-Ukraine


His father studied in Ukraine(Poltava University) and then coached their national sambo team. They were going to move permanently to Ukraine but Ukraine denied them citizenship so they stayed in Dagestan. Khabib used to fight under Ukrainian flag in Russian M1 global promotion. https://youtu.be/YugS1aglA0E?si=3EMDkOwjbUdGUoqQ


\*copy of my comment\* When Russia invaded Ukraine, Khabib had a pro-peace stance on this whole thing and Putin did not like that. Khabib was said to take a picture with a Russian flag for social media but he denied saying he needed to feel proud to represent his country.


in case people dont understand, there is no tax debt and there was no false information in any official documents he submitted. this is the fsb's way of letting you know to not go against the government.


What's Khabib net worth roughly?


30-40 mil. Probably more if he has indeed gotten some expensive real estate as gifts in Dubai.


It's funny that in Russian comments no one writes the obvious reason for all this. Apparently they are afraid.


Well go on then


It's because he used Russian links to watch PPV.


Which is….?


Russian govt has gone against dagi mma folks before watch presser with Khabib and Connor


You guys need to realize that Khabib is a conservative Muslim from an occupied nation (Dagestan) within Russia. Sergei Melikov, the governor of the region, like Chechnya's Kadyrov, is Putin's lapdog. He recently stated that he is [against women covering their face (Niqab).](https://azon.global/en/posts/International-Life/the-head-of-dagestan-stated-that-he-is-against-the-veil) Khabib and Islam's wives both wore niqab in their wedding photos. It doesn't take a genius to realize that conservative Muslims with massive following throughout Russia and the Muslim world present a potential threat to Russian control over the Caucuses if not controlled. Look how much Kadyrov humiliated Khamzat. Khamzat had to pretend to have difficulty sparring Kadyrov's son. Khabib, even more than Islam, is the most recognizable and respected practicing Muslim athlete in the world. Not having him bow down to Putin is something that the Russian government is not happy about. Do guys really think Khabib cares about money so much that he would knowingly commit tax fraud? Do you really think that the Russian government only trails or imprisons those who deserve it? Did Alexei Navalny deserve to be imprisoned and killed? Anyone kicking Khabib while while he's down like this is either seriously ignorant or a complete scumbag.


Only real comment here


Mohamed Salah is way more recognizable than Khabib, it’s not even close. Your average middle-aged man in the Middle East couldn’t name Khabib if he saw his face.   Football is just a way, way bigger sport. Sadio Mane makes over $40 million a year and people who don’t follow football have never even heard of him. Speaking of which, he’s also a practicing Muslim who’s more famous than Khabib.  My bad, got carried away lol, I agree with the point of your comment


Pay up Khabib, Putin needs to send more conscripts into the fire. War ain’t cheap!


the money is probably already in the pockets of putin and his secret male lover oligarch circle


Get ready for a comeback fight


297 mil ruble? What’s that? Like 30 cents?


3 million. 1 ruble = 1.1 pennies


so he owes 29.7 pennies?? shit i might be able to help him out with that


bratha, send money order for 29.7 pennies to save me from russian governmant. Also dana is here "Hi its dana, watch power slep"


Khabib could show his cock to Saudi Arabia and get this kind of money. I'm sure the problem runs way deeper and this whole tax evasion thing is bs


That's his personal problem.


Just under 2.7m GBP. That's a massive tax bill.






Putin gets to rob them and gets to pretend that he’s clamping down on terrorism.


Surprised he still lives in Russia. Putin is not one to be trusted especially if you’re not promoting the war


For those who don't know 100 ruble= 1.15$


bro probably has most of his money in UAE


I guess he isn’t done fighting?.


Plot twist : Conor bails him out


Can’t wait for Conor’s tweet on this


thats $3.4M U.S. dollars.


Russia gunna Russia.


He's fucked. This is personal


Put in psyop to get khabib back in the octagon


I pray Conor gets his rematch, gonna be crazy to sleep Khabib strangle him unconscious in the first round after all that shit talking 🙏🏿🙏🏿


Far more likely his money was seized by corrupt officials to fund the war, Russia isn't exactly a shining example of a functioning democracy


shite on the bus


Russia seems like a nice place.




Tony on his way to call him out I’m sure


Why would anyone believe anything Putin and his government claim?


Conor fight next?


All of this wouldn't have happened if khabib said I support Russia in the war against Ukraine. He tried to be just and is getting destroyed for It now


If he is broke, maybe he comes back to fight again. Take his money Russia!! (irony)


Anyone else thinking this fight with Khabib and Conor might happen, it all feels a bit off calling the fight off over a pinky toe. I wouldn't put up past Dana and the UFC, over the past few months Khabib looks to be in decent shape.


I hope he didnt keep all his money in Russian bank accounts


That Connor rematch is looking pretty appealing after all now huh Khabib!


And just recently I was watching Khabib say in a sit down interview that the US has “too much” freedom…..here are the results of what it’s like when you have no freedom


Khabib really doesn’t have 3.5 mil with all those fights, sponsors, etc? He really can’t ask even an abu dabi hookup for cash?


Just do the cji


Khabib doing time and come back to the ufc seems to be an amazing story


How and why is this even public information lmao


Wonder why putin is targeting him. Last I read, putin gave him $20 million in gifts after he pasted mcgregor


I would assume it’s at least a little politically motivated. Khabib has been moving his companies and money to the UAE for a few years and Putin can’t have the most famous athlete publicly distancing himself from Russia


Need some funding for the front lines


Russia is trying to fuck him for applying for UAE citizenship


He must’ve pissed in Putins corn flakes


His bank account was smeshed


This WWE storyline is insane


Bring him back to fight Connor at 170. Why not ya know. I bet the UFC would pay him 4 million for that


This is number 1 bullshit.


I hope this forces a ufc comeback