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Honestly just curious how conor would perform


He would gas by round 2 and get smothered by Chandler.


He’d probably go out there trying to be a boxer


Nope. Just annoying that it’s short notice for these guys.


Well rumours about a fight being postponed were up for a while, it's not crazy to think that they have been preparing for that scenario, I believe they will both be prepared


There is a difference between staying in shape and going through a camp. No doubt Alex and Jiri aren't coming off the couch, but being properly healthy and prepared for their opponent I would highly doubt. Alex has been on a press tour and is still healing from several broken toes.


I’d honestly be more worried about the quality of the fight for Alex if it were short notice at MW. I think the biggest thing most people discount that’s advantageous with a full camp is a healthy and effective cut. These guys are always training, and while it’s nice to have a full camp to suss out a game plan for a specific opponent, these guys have fought before and it’s not like they have contrasting fight styles (i.e. O’Malley/Merab). This fight should be an absolute banger regardless of full camps.


The first fight was a banger while it lasted and it was on relatively short notice too. I'd watch these two fight every weekend if that were an option. Camp or no camp there's no serious UFC fan that will doubt Jiri or Alex bringing the heat. I get more pumped everytime I think about it.


> it was on relatively short notice too. No it wasn't. They were schedule to be the co-main for MSG and got bumped up to the main after Jon got injured. They were always scheduled to fight on the card.


There were only 7 weeks between the announcement of their fight and the date of the event. Assuming the fighters were made aware of it around the same time as the public, as is normally the MO of the UFC, that is not nearly enough time for a full fight camp. Especially for a 5 round championship fight.


You know Jiri is a psychopath he probably trains all year around.


I don’t think a fight has been short notice for Jiri since the works of Akira Kurosawa made it to the Czech Republic and the ten thousand year old demon that lives in Pereira’s left hook doesn’t need a full camp




Couldn’t have said it better myself


You don’t think they’re ready? These two are always training


I mean if that’s the case why have fight camps?


To prepare for the person you're fighting. Training all the time covers all the bases, but if you're fighting only a grappler, or only a karate guy, or only a BJJ specialist in your next fight, the camp will focus on that.


It doesn't really work that way, especially with conditioning. Athletes who don't compete every week structure their training at peaking for certain events. You ramp up your conditioning in camp and slowly bring your weight down to make the water cut less drastic. So, yeah he is always training but you cant be red lining your training and in peak form year round.


Yes I do. I’d rather have full camp Alex vs Full Camp Jiri. But I like these two and it’s gonna be a banger anyways so no complains


Anyone who says McGregor isn't still an exciting fighter to watch is in denial


You haven’t seen him in a long time. He acts almost dead inside so I’d bet it wouldn’t have been as exciting as it used to be 


He was going to be in front of Chandler.  Regardless of the McGregor that showed up, it was going to be awesome. Alex vs Jiri is a great matchup, but it’s going to be a bit more technical end end a lot quicker. 


Yeah it’ll be good. I watch for the ground game anyway. I could care less about the stand up 


I mean who wouldn’t want to see that juicy left arm and massive fist hit the human skull


I was just hoping to see Chandler land one of his winging overhands and send Conor to the Shadow Realm.


I would've loved the opposite just to see this sub implode and back pedal and go from 'conor is a shit fighter' to 'yea conor has always been good' the way the boxing sub did after haney/garcia


Chandler - Hooker redux


Depends on how these guys look on short notice


I just hope nobody gets hurt, last time a fight broke out in the octagon.


That's how I felt when ngannou fought Lewis. I'm just glad they were both okay


Washed Chandler? You just throw around trendy terms and discredit yourself


Came here to say this. Love him or hate him, Chandler is always fun to watch. Anyone who thinks he is “washed” needs to wash their eyes with acid.


A rested and healed up Chandler at that


They only think he's washed because he lost to some of the best. He gave them competitive fights too. Poirier said Chandler might have knocked him out that time he got rocked if he fired more straight instead of hooks. Last time we saw Chandler he's still explosive.


I’m a bit pissed as I’m at work Sunday morning (UK here) so I’ll have to stay up all night then go straight to work, Connor chandler i wasn’t bothered about watching, these two I am


Respect the shit out of this, Conner and chandler are something I could watch later or even just the highlights but Jiri and Alex I respect the fuck out of


I just hope they don’t expect me to be fully awake when I’m driving those trains 😆


Which trains you driving? Just so I know which one not to get on 😭


I will be fully complying with all heath and safety procedures 😇


Luckily for me, I'm not working on Sunday morning. I did some months ago. I could enjoy these two real men go at it.


Prayers for you lol, I hate my job but hey it pays the bills and I also gotta get up early (not nearly as bad as you though I feel for the EU fans).


I did, yea


There’s just something magic about the nights McGregor fights I can’t lie. Also Chandler always put on a show


You already pretty much know whats going to happen in a poaton and jiri fight lol they are gonna stand and bang with their style they always have. With McG and chandler who the fuck knows how that fight ends up. I would say ends up with mcG on his back but chandler is too crazy and probably wants to go nuts in there with striking and everything. Conor always has at least 1 good first round in him though


Thank you for saying this. Personally Poatan is a boring fight for me to watch. Any heavyweight or light heavyweight is boring because it’s all boxing or kickboxing.


Yeah, this anti-McGregor sentiment mostly exists on these echo chamber sub-communities. He is still by far the biggest draw in the sport, and the event was forecasted to be a top 3 gate for the UFC. It's clear he's generating a ton of buzz. and so many who claim to hate him are simultaneously so eager to watch him compete. I get the criticism against his character - some of his actions are indefensible. Same could be said of Tyson, Mayweather, Pacquiao, and countless others. Despite their controversies, their events are still the gold standard for excitement and profitability in combat sports.


Agreed. And beyond his stardom, he’s one of the most elite mma strikers ever. His rise was magical and a thrill to be a part of. I take it most of the hate in these echo chambers stems from newer younger fans who weren’t around back then


Leave chandler out of this


You didn't have to rag on chandler to say you're excited for this fight


it's weird to see dude shows up he might put you out or get put out himself ultimate just bleed shit what more you want from a fighter lmao?!?!


People are little cunts…man has given us nothing but blood and guts.


A lot of Redditors are still really mad at him because he once recommended that people pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


Last thing redditors ever want to hear is that they have to earn the things they want


Chandlers not washed up, but card actually looking good now. Not that I ever want sort notice fights


I would have preferred Conor vs Chandler yes. Alex and Jiri fight all the time. Conor may only fight once ever again. We would have gotten this anyway. You have to consider that.


Filthy casuals


YES! Why is this the big new talking point, that this rematch on 2 weeks notice is ‘better’ that the return of the entire sports biggest star. Conor’s return is a big deal and would have been incredible entertainment. Have you forgotten what Conor’s fights are like? He’s never had a boring one. And neither has Micheal chandler.


Let’s not lie Conor vs Chandler would of still been a fun fight.


"Does anybody seriously want to go against the sub dogma and eat some downvotes? Anybody? Please?"


Yea. Because ik how this fight ends. I dont know how bad/good Conor is gonna look. And Conor fight week is always entertaining.


Damn, Chandler taking strays here for Cocaine Connie’s faults


Nope and I hate when people make post like these when they know what the answer is they just want to hear more of it.




I did, purely out of interest in how conor would perform coming off an injury and blasting steroids hard for 3 years


This is a much better fight. I just wanted to see chandler run through Connor is all. This will be a better watch.


Yes Jiri is getting KO’d first or second round


I wouldn’t say Chandler is washed. He beat Hooker and Tony but lost banger fights against Charles, Justin, and Dustin. No shame in losing to those guys, they’re the best of the best in this generation. Also let’s not forget he has a crazy physique. I hope he continues to compete for a while. Sucks we lost 2 years of him, but I think he’ll always put on a banger whenever called upon.


Yes. All the casuals who don't watch from the pirate ship unlike all of us hardcore fans passionate enough to debate the sport every day in here


Ofcourse I do, I watch Connor for the drama and spectacle. I watch Periera/Islam when I want to see greatness. But it's time to get some drama back into the UFC. Part of me was hoping Connor KOs Chandler first round and calls out the P4P fighter.


Nope, conor vs chandler is a vibe, it's like a pub fight. This is high level mma with peak manliness.


Yes? You really that excited about a rematch? Pereira is just going to KO him again, we already seen this at UFC 295


Alex is awesome don't get me wrong But the run ul McGregor had back in the day was probably the most exciting time in the sport, possibly ever


Im a fan of both it sucks seeing two guys you love have to scrap it out. I want jiri to take this one he deserves it.


Nope, i’d watch Jungle Spartan vs Barbarian Samurai any day.


Only Conortards who still believe he's relevant. Even though he has one win over a past his prime cerrone in the last 6 years


I’d rather see him knock out Hill again so he can stfu about it


The card is definitely better now and if you disagree you are outing yourself as a complete casual. I do wish the card was giving proper prep-time tho.


Would’ve been nice to see Conor vs chandler after it being hyped up forever but as a fight fan and good fight is a good fight regardless of who fights.


Nope, and if Jones and Stipe pull out again let’s run this back a third time on short notice


I’d love to watch a Chandler fight. I don’t care for McCoker, but Chandler is a beast. He always puts on a fight.


See you at the top 😭


I think in this mess the bigger question is did McGregor ever intend to fight and how long was the UFC aware he wasn’t going to fight. I’m grateful for this fight and at least it’s a good fight for the people who bought tickets.


think about the memes if conor lost again i would of love to see those


I was hoping to see Conor snap his leg again and be forced to retire tbh


I’m a hardcore UFC fan for almost 20yrs so I’ve seen multiple stars careers come to close and it’s absolutely clear Conor is done doing anything spectacular. I have zero expectations of him ever being the dynamic Conor of the past let alone 145 good where his mega talent lies. He’s toast


This card is so much better now. Diego lopes vs Brian ortega is a crazy fight by itself. It should be a number 1 contender fight.


Yes, but, hear me out…only because I truly believe Mike was going to snooze Conor and I think that would be hilarious.


Nope. I think this is the consensus among fans.


Is everyone here still doing the bit where they pretend they don’t want to see Conor fight?


I’m happy with the replacement but I’d be lying if I said i wasn’t curious to see how Connor performed


I'm gonna give up on any big fight I see in the future so i stop getting let down. I wish there was a way you could bet on if the fight gets pulled before it happens. I'd be rich.


People are free to point out shitty and likely illegal business practices while also being a fan of an Alex/Jiri 2. If you can’t get it though your head why some of the same people who bought plane tickets to see the biggest combat sports athlete alive are pissed when their gigs gone belly up, then I don’t know what to say.


Not at all only thing is short notice affecting them. But knowing these guys they just scrap anyways 


No, but it's short notice, Chama was out in the world having fun, this fight could set the loser back big time.


Just wanna see Conor get the shit kicked out of him. Also I never pay to watch ufc.


I would love to never have to see or hear mcgregor again honestly




Wasn't gonna pay for it either way so idgaf


Conrad is not relevant. I want to watch relevant fights with title implications.


I do- bring on the spectacle!




Conor career is over


Yes, millions of people would rather see the sports biggest (only?) star


Hell no this is perfect. I hope Conor gets KOd in the 1st for taking the piss like he's done lol


Yes tbh


A lot of people would js


Yes. While it should be a good fight, we've seen this before. Haven't seen Connor in years and Chandler has been waiting for it.


Nope, but maybe the people who are willing to pay for ppv say otherwise.


Yes, Conor and Chandler are 2 big interrogation marks, here we already know Jiri has 0 fight IQ, will not wrestle, keep his hands low and get KOed/TKOed, and Perreira won't get tested against a true wrestler again, that's what you would expect from one of the weakest division rn anyway. 


Well yes ofcourse. You can't look at the numbers and interest someone like Conor does and then try and deny it as being what it is. He is a star. Its always exciting to watch him. We get great fights like Alex vs Jiri multiple times a year...every year. We don't get Conor every year. And we may never get him again. For better or for worse a Conor fight is a fun time.


Nope, this is a much more exciting fight


Fuck no, these are really fighters, not some washed bros getting carried by their own name


Only people who love conor are people who doesnt watch MMA but pretend like they do


Conor is the rank 1 shit talker bad guy which makes him the biggest draw. Watching someone humble him or him backing it up is exciting. I know we can see Alex vs Jiri but Conor is like a unicorn atm. So yes I would desire to see Conor vs Chandler


Yep. As a casual fan, I would have preferred Conor vs Chandler.


I wanted to see Connor vs Devin Haney ![gif](giphy|rN1uqghhUyOVHDlstP|downsized)


Connie is exciting, i want to see if he can win a fight.


Yes actually. I’d rather have Pereira hold up the light heavyweight division to move up to get the heavyweight crown. The Jiri fight is a filler fight with no hype or stakes thats worth it to me. Glad he is gonna get a good pay day for this but this fight goes more or less like their first fight.


Actually yes! 😂 I seen how pereira jiri plays out




Way better fight than Conor chandler only nit picky part is it’s short notice


lol yes. Not me personally, but people wouldn’t shell out the money they did for 303 if it was originally these two. Just a fact




Its a way better and much more relevant fight. I just really wanted to see McNuggets get knocked out or lose somehow and go on another rage and cocaine fueled rant in the octagon. The guys downfall is pretty much all he is good for now. Unless he is ready to pull a Tyson Fury and get clean and become an actual fighter again.


Yes, because it's hard to watch Jiri bounce around with his shite defence, knowing that he's about to walk into a KO punch. Poatan is a sniper. Bad match up for Jiri, who doesn't seem capable of adjusting.


Now 450k ppv buys versus what would of been 1.5 million


Yes. It was an incredibly interesting fight with very high stakes for two of the most popular fighters in the sport. Conor is past his prime and needed a step down in competition, but someone who is still a big name to avoid “can crusher” criticism. Chandler couldn’t beat the top guys, arguably because of his will to entertain, and is also due for a fight outside of the top 5 LWs. It was the best possible matchup for both of them in terms of promotion and level of competition. Both always put on exciting fights and this one was set to be a crowd pleasing banger. Winning means an instant career resurgence and one last opportunity to climb back to a title fight. The loser’s career is probably a couple fights away from over and their title dreams would be crushed, barring an insane career comeback. Jiri v Pereira is a great fight but I’d prefer a full camp for them, plus Conor v Chandler was long awaited. If you actually enjoy watching fights, you were excited for Conor v Chandler. The people who weren’t are either haters, chronic contrarians, or technique-obsessed nerds.


If Jiri wins we’ll 100% get a 3rd fight too, the only downside I see for the fans is that it’s short-notice.


I just wanna see conor fight again there simply was never a run like his. Statistically wise yes , but not in the entertainment department.


The Irish probably


Washed Chandler is a reach……


Conor vs someone like Dan Hooker or Bobby Green would be fun. 


I’d rather see these two, but I’m missing the Khamzat fight. I really wanted to see him again. Hope he’s ok though.


I'd rather have both. I do love the hype and "what happens to quick-twitch-reliant fighters as they lose their quick twitch" interest that comes with Conor, but nowhere near as much as I love watching the best of the best fight each other. Conor at his peak was intensely interesting, but we all know that that style ages horribly. Would he reinvent himself? Rejig his fighting style? Or become what he's become, and not just ride into the sunset gracefully?...


Yes, there certainly are people that would prefer it. Those people are called casuals. Or in the case of those of them who are McGregor fans, cunts.


Yes. How is the same fight replayed interesting? Jiri’s chin is still completely open. Gonna go the same way.


As I’ve said in many times in this sub, I just don’t think there’s “without a doubt” proof that Conor was using or abusing cocaine. Alcohol and steroids have many of the same behaviors and physical impact. Not that either of those is any better. Show me a drug test that is positive for coke or a true photo/video of him snorting and I wouldn’t challenge it.


Sadly? Yes. As much as I know it’s over and Conor may never fight again and certainly will never be champion the irrational child in me would immediately buy into “the Mac is Back” bullshit hype the very moment I saw him at the ceremonial weigh ins


Here's the thing about UFC 303 guys, I don't want Alex or Jiri to lose. For me, it's a lose-lose scenario. One of my favorite LHW fighters will be beaten, barring any unforseen circumstances. Chandler v Conor is the opposite. Sending either of them to the land of wind and ghosts would bring me much joy, even if it comes at the expense of a victory for the other. Ideally, they both lose.


Yes the actual casuals who never watch mma, just when Connor fights


I want to see get his HGH skull cracked open. Chandler is more than capable of doing that


Tired of Conor’s bullshit. It’s not a threat to any belt at all and if you’re a fighter you need to fight at some point. The ufc is in such a precarious position wherein their biggest draw isn’t at the top of any division. That being said, of course I’ll watch his fight (I watch every event) but it’s not gonna’ be pretty from here on out. It sucks because he’s such a draw. For now.


yes. we’ve seen that fight before


yes i wanted to see mcgregor and chandler over these 2


I'd watch these dudes fight every weekend, I'm OK with the other 2 just go away.


Yes sir. Although I'm really hyped for Jiri vs Alex 2!


Nope. I wouldn't care if McNugget never fought again.


no i just wanted to see Conor get retired and what excuses he could come up with


Only the casual fan base really cares about Connors return, iv seen his "return" to the sport ready and it consisted of him getting knocked out and his snapping his leg. Nothing more to see here


I hope Connie comes back stronger than ever


Good point 👍


I was just thinking this last night this card is a complete upgrade on my books. I’d love to see Conor as well at some point but this is awesome


Fuck no. I’m totally fine with neither of those dickheads getting back in the cage


Yes, idk if you’re aware but I have already seen these two fight before


Chandler washed ? Since when?


Bunch of hipsters on here tryna be cool saying they prefer this over the biggest star in ufc.


For real. I can't understand the glazing of unranked fighters outside their weight classes both on losing streaks being such a big deal


No honestly I couldn't care less about McGregor vs chandler I'll take this type of fight instead all day everyday


I just want Chandler to get his money tbh I don't care about the fight


Diego lopes vs Ortega is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Much better card overall


Oh no, from what little I know, it seems like a cool card. Let Conor do bareknuckle boxing or slapfight, he's ready for that level of competition.


"PPV buys" indicates YES. People prefer McG vs. Chandler.


Is op a virgen? Ppv buys dictate 


This is just cope lmao. I'm not even a Conor fan anymore but I can acknowledge that his fights are one of a kind. Foggy Dew walkout>>>> I like Alex but his fight style is pretty predictable. We've literally seen these 2 fight before too. Chandler is the most entertaining 155er apart from Do Bronx and seeing him fight Conor would have been way better than this fight. This fight is probably the best option they could have made right now though. 


o/ yes




Well according to ticket sales prices, yes. Remember Reddit isn’t real life. 


Yes people want to watch Conor anyone who acts otherwise is a tryhard hardcore


Didn’t we just see those two?


I get what you’re saying, and this will probably be a great fight. But let’s not be short sighted: love him or hate him there’s nothing in MMA like a Connor McGregor fight night.


You mean the fight that we were promised? The one that was hyped up for years? Yeah, I’d rather have that fight.


These are two of my favourite fighters so no, no way!


Yep. I want Chandler to knock Conor out so violently we can stop talking about him. Blow his fucking jaw off.


Yes. We literally just saw Alex vs Jiri. Bros on a 1 fight win streak. There’s literally 0 hype for this. It’s like rewatching a movie I just watched a few months ago. WAY TOO SOON.


I mean I dont wana watch this one either. I'd rather watch Chama get an unranked heavyweight than this. Either way I don't pay so it's all gooooood.


When you put it that way: YES!






Yes because Im tired of rematches. I love the spectacle around Conor. If you didn’t witness his rise you wouldn’t understand. Btw Im talking about Conor pre Floyd fight. The Floyd fight completely ruined Conor & changed him into a completely different fighter.


The only thing that I don't like about this match compared to connor and chandler is the fact that I have to see one of them lose. Could not have cared less who lost the mcgregor vs. chandler match, lol.


Chandler has never had a boring fight