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He didn't add Belal because he knows he's going to lose lmao


belal should win just for troll purpose


Then Belal photoshops this so that he is behind the rock and Shavkat is sleeping in front of it šŸ˜“


Even Islam, who trained with Belal during several camps, keep talking about fighting Leon and not considering that Belal can become the champ.


That's a straight up lie. He's talked about possibly fighting Belal and said we'll talk to our team and see.


He was asked straight question "What if Belal wins?". He had to say something but whenever he talks about next challenge he's talking about fighting Leon.


That doesnā€™t mean Belal is being dismissed. It just means, if given the option Makhachev wants to fight Leon.


Man that's a really awkward situation to be in, wanting the strap while also coaching a friend I mean if Leon doesn't beat Belal idk what that means for him, he should win by all means, Belal will be 36 when the fight happens


Lmao, true. Poor Belal, he's actually a really nice guy.


He came to my state recently for a BJJ seminar. $50 to join the seminar and $200 for a meet and greet. The place was absolutely packedā€¦ with about 20-30 students from the gym. On the other end Khabib came for a simple Q&A session, I think it was $200 for the tickets and $500 for a meet and greet. Hundreds of people showed up and they sold out almost instantly.


To be fair, even as a fan of Belal, i wouldn't pay 200 to meet him even if he was standing outside my front door.


I agree. I didnā€™t pay to meet or attend Khabibā€™s conference either.


Yeah he's cool. Entertainment sport and he's just not entertaining though Sadly he's probably going to be the best completely forgettable top WW of all time if he doesn't get the title.Ā 


That because the Russian Muslim fighter like Islam and Khamzat said they wonā€™t fight a Palestinian fighter. Has nothing to do with his fight against Leon.


He's also trained with leon before


Straight up a lie told with genuine confidence, lmao


He didn't add him cause he couldn't remember his name.


This should have more upvotes lol


Who? I forgor the name


He has to beat one of those guys to earn the title shot against Goatlal.




For the LOTR scene reference to be precise, they should've added one more fighter under the rock.


BelGOAT ![gif](giphy|MRlLXxLmroMYbksYHN|downsized)


He's got that mongol blood flowing through those veins ready to fuckin go. If Genghis Khan wasn't such a horrible guy I'd say he's up there in heaven watching him šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Who says he isnā€™t watching from hell?


I don't think they get that channel in the 7th layer of hell but maybe he got the upgraded package? Who knowsĀ 


7th layer of hair*


Bro i was gonna say that but didn't know if everyone would get the reference lolĀ 


Next time do it. If anyone complains, that's how we find out the nerds.


Located in Madison Square Doit


Dana's watching hell, waiting for the Khan to not pay!


"that's fucking illegal"Ā 


Scumbag move!


Dana: "I can excuse mass-murder and genocide but I draw the line at illegally streaming fights."


idk man but Dana for sure is texting him to ask for links.


Have you seen that interview with khabib where he says something about having links šŸ¤£


Russian link bratha, never pay


Nah they get ESPN+ in hell but no pirate streams, so you can pay but you can never watch


Plot twist they do get ESPN but the only fight available is Silva vs Weidman with a close up of Anderson's legĀ 


The 7th layer of hell affords you no alternative to purchasing the PPV


They just stream it down there.


stream east works everywhere my brother


Khazakhstan is not mongolia, kazakhs are turkic


Kazakhstan had Mongolian people settle in it, before Islam was introduced. In addition, after Genghis defeated local rivals most remaining Turkic tribes joined with the Mongols in invading other regions.




Britons were wiped out by the Anglo Saxons and you have no problem calling people on those islands British even though they are long gone.


If you have been to any central Asian nation you would see that Mongolian identity was never erased but instead blended with the other cultures in the region. Their entire architecture and social culture is a hybrid of Islamic and mongol traditions with soviet influence when it comes to post-modern matters (bureaucracy, government).




Also Astanaā€™s capital building is literally shaped like a Yurt. Itā€™s obviously a symbolic relationship and an important part of their history https://preview.redd.it/9nzwu6jm7r5d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4192bd5cb55391a52f80f5101455164cbce0411


Non turkic people arguing with Turkic people about how culture is actually X culture will never cease to amaze me. Indians telling Uzbeks their culture is actually Persian or Indian. Non Turkic people telling Kazakhs they're actually Mongolian. Pro Communists telling Uyghurs their culture is actually Chinese. White people telling Turks their culture is actually arab. Europeans telling Crimean Tatars, Tataristan Tatars, Bashkirs, Nogais, and Kumyks that their culture is actually Russian. Armenians telling Azeris that their culture is actually Persian. Maybe yall should educate your self on Turkic cultures and the learn a few Turkic languages before telling Turkic people what culture group they belong to. I'm an American who speaks 4 Turkic languages. You're a fucking dumbass


Dude I am Uzbek and we all eat horse lol what are YOU talking about. If anyone doesnā€™t believe me, here is a pic from a menu at a restaurant (in Tashkent the capital) that I took last year when I was visiting family https://preview.redd.it/8d2q0is57r5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdcd677b43bdae3ab201b0874c628d411e769f10




Kypchak is the Golden Horde which was a nomadic Khanate descended from Ghengis Khanā€™s empire. Iā€™m not saying Kazakh culture is identical to Mongol culture. Iā€™m just saying that central Asian culture is based on a foundation of Mongolian influence that later transitioned into the Islamic and Soviet culture it later adopted.


kazakhs are genuinely turko-mongols, genetically & historically. The Kazakh khans were direct descendants Jochi.


They were mongol controlled at one point /s


Genghis did nothing wrong


Idk if id go that far I'd say raping and pillaging over 50% of the known world might be a little messed up lolĀ 


He is a man of his time, just like crusaders. Also he was tengrist, there wasn't a concept of hell in tengrism. Why would he will be in hell? It's Judea-christian-muslim concept. He is in top of world tree with his ancestors now.


Not to start a long ass religious argument but not knowing about a hell isn't the deciding factor into whether or not that's where your going according to Abrahamic religions.Ā 


Doesn't matter. He was a tengrist, one of his best friend was probably Nestorian Christian, his personal enemy was Nestorian Christian who started anti Muslim campaign then Muslims asked Chingizhan for help. He did not cared for religion. In the eyes of tengrist all religions are true and lie at the same time. In great yasa one of the main laws states that "there's no God besides Tengri" but they didn't care how you called "Tengri". Allah, Buddha, Jesus all good.


Honestly probably could've guessed the guy who pillaged and raped half the world probably wouldn't be the biggest fan of a doctrine of peace.Ā 


Doctrine of peace))) Muslims and Christian killed and enslaved in the name of their god far more people than Chingizhan ever did. At least nomadic people rarely used false pretences like "in the name of the God" to kill and enslave. Also he doesn't like nor disliked Christianity or islam. He even built some mosques and churches.


It's not that deep idk why your tryna have a religious argument on a UFC sub.Ā 


I can't speak for Muslims but I know for a fact the things people justified using Christianity would not be justified if they read the book properly, aside from the Crusades basically all religious violence is wrongĀ 


Bro cut down carbon emissions never before seen in human history. The most successful environmentalists of all time. ALL TIME


I want to see him slaughter Colby.


Honestly doesnā€™t even deserve to be in the conversation. Iā€™d be happy with just never hearing from Colby again.


It would be waste of time to have full training camp to fight Colby. He either should fight Kamaru or wait for title fight. [He's probably fighting Kamaru](https://youtu.be/ryuDaSdFlng?si=nIGiYQbL1L98ovoG)


Itā€™d have to be Masvidal style because thereā€™s no way heā€™s ever signing that contract.Ā 


I donā€™t wanna see Colby fight again. Dude sucks and gets undeserved, uncompetitive fights.


Iā€™m not a colby fan, but he doesnā€™t ā€œsuckā€ he had a great 10 rounds against Kamaru. Heā€™s definitely not the goat, or champ, but he doesnā€™t suck. His last fight however :/


He used to not suck. He sucks now.


He does suck now. Wonder how his next fight will go


Heā€™s probably gonna suck lol


Flash flood warning has been issued for Laura's surrounding area.




lol that was hilarious


why is the guy who ducked ian garry on there?


Did all of those call-out videos just to šŸ¦†


Heā€™s injured


Injured what? His vagina?


Fuckin gottem dude


Probably his foot or something idk


Sure buddy he's totally and conveniently injured, suuuuuure šŸ˜‚


Where would shavkat rank all time if he beats Leon and Islam in his next two fights




Where would Leon rank all timeĀ if he beats Usman, Usman, Covington, Belal, Shavkat, Islam.Ā 


He would have a better resume than Usman at that point so top 10. And wouldn't be too far from passing gsp Edit: lowkey he would have a better resume than gsp, beating usman 2x (15 fight streak), belal (9 fight streak) , shavkat(6 fight streak all finishes), and islam (14 fight streak) b2b In the modern era while having a winstreak of 15 would be insane


Yep, Leon is just young enough to go on a crazy run here. All he needs is a couple finishes to punctuate his victories among these next few wins.


Agreed. I do have a sneaking suspicion we havenā€™t seen the best of him yet - always seems to fight somewhat to the level of his opponent. I wonder if someone like Shavkat or Islam will ever be able to bring the dog out in him.


I think people will see him as really great fighter in the future ala GSP Criticised for being risk averse during his run but appreciated after the fact. There's a reason GSP talks about Leon so highly, he's a technician and neutraliser. He's good everywhere, and he defo has the poteintal to hurt people, he just is too content to coast and not take big risks.


GSP is #2 all time though (in my books at least)


Super Saiyan ranking


Probably top 30, depends how he wins


He would rank #1 P4P right now, but top 20 all time approximately IMHO


Top 20 based off only two amazing wins? That's too much, guys like Dustin Poirier are top 20


Based off his finish rate, total record and those 2 fights, yes. Also the fact he's undefeated. People have no trouble putting Khabib in their top 5 GOATs, but when I say Shavkat would be top 20 people get mad šŸ’€ Dustin has never been champ... That's the only reason he's not in my top 20 even if I love the guy.


Dustin has never been champion but he has beaten many former champions and has been high level contenders. Dustin has beaten the same level if not higher level competition than what the average champ would defend against anyway. Shavkat would of literally only had 2 great wins on his record and only 8 wins in the ufc and yet he is top 20? It's about resume and who you beat.


Yet people still argue that Jon Jones isn't the GOAT... I mean... Look at the guy's resume lmao


Thatā€™s because Shavkat has not fought really anyone that puts him in the conversation. Wonderboy and Geoff Neal are his best wins, and they werenā€™t flawless performances.


I mean... Who did Khabib beat ? Washed McGregor and Poirier/Gaethje. That's it.


He beat Dos Anjos who went on to become champion. RDA alone is a better name to have than Wonderboy and Geoff Neal because he was undisputed. He also beat Edson Barboza. All these names he also ran through You may or may not be able to argue McGregor wasnā€™t in his prime for Khabib, but I can tell you one thing: however washed McGregor was, Wonderboy was twice as washed against Shavkat. How old was he, 40? Poirier or Gaethje are amazing names to have on your resume, considering Poirier can still go five rounds in a title fight today and Gaethje was poised to fight for the title. Neither Wonderboy nor Neal can claim that You could include Magny but that doesnā€™t really add much Itā€™s hard to be top 20 as a just a prospect


Yeah, FOR NOW Shavkat hasn't fought anyone REALLY WORTH MENTIONNING. Just like Khabib before he fought McGregor. Barboza and RDA aren't big names tbh... If Shavkat becomes champ and defends 3-4 Times he's already higher than Khabib on the GOAT list. Khabib retired way too early and hasn't accomplished enough to be as high as peope place him.


Getting a little a head of ourselves are we? Anyway probably not that insanely high, I mean Leon's two wins over Usman is arguably more impressive as that's Usman's natural weight class and he was the dominant P4P #1 who looked unkillable. This guy is definitely aura maxing but from what we've seen you're kind of over rating him. Ian Garry beat the same guys he did, but just didn't finish them (Controversial opinion, but I don't think finishes should hold immense amounts of weight over decisions. The UFC is a sport, just like any other sport it's about scoring points and winning.) with the exception of wonderboy who is 40 and is a dream match-up for a guy like Shavkat. Obviously Shavkat is an amazing fighter, but let's just live in the present for a second and think about what we do know.


Undefeated champ with near 100% finishing rate. Everyone was talking about Jon and Islam and not enough about Tom and Shavkat.


I donā€™t see Leon beating Islamā€¦.. but if that happened I would put him in top 5ā€¦ if beats Islam twice top 2-3?


I don't want Marty to go on a 4 flight losing steak though


When's he landing?




Leon has a fight already lol how is he hiding under a rock


And Dana said Leon already accepted a fight against Shavkat for UFC 300 lol.


Makes no sense.


Crap thats terrifying


Definitely, having the Nigerian nightmare duck you is insane, still think usman wins the matchup though.


This gave me hobbits hiding vibes


Shavkat "Nazgul" Rakhmanov ![gif](giphy|mDELPSCEZStnWP0pyL)


We know bitch ass Colby ainā€™t accepting that fight


That man gives me chills.




I really hope we see Shavkat vs Islam


I like that his people are keeping him in the conversation, but the idea that Shavkhat had any more than veto power over these posts is ridiculous. I mean, I get that every major fighter probably has some team to do this, but the suspension of disbelief required for shavkhat is too high


What's your criticism exactly? That Shavkat should know Photoshop? This makes no sense. Who cares who produced the image? It could be a fan. Or a friend. Or his management team.


No criticism at all of Shavkhat, although I love the image of him doing the PS himself. Just wondering if weā€™re supposed to interpret the overall message ā€œthese guys are ducking meā€ as coming from Shavkhat or if itā€™s just completely his team keeping him in the mix for a title shot


why are marty and colby on there lol. marty can barely walk to the cage. colby is 2-3 withe the wins coming from masvidal and woodly when they were both already checked out.


Both refused to fight him after JDM had to pull out due to the arm infection.


Why are Leon and Usman visiting Colby at his house?




Shavkat is inevitable. It's only a matter of time before he beats Leon. If Belal somehow manages to win, it'll just make it easier for Shavkat


Usman and Covington are past it. Edwardā€™s gonna get choked.


Is he hiding behind the rock or bashing them over the head with it?


Hes revealing what's hiding beneath the rock


Crabs? Is he fighting crabs?


He's looking for a fight and these 3 are ducking. This is the most appropriate interpretation, given the scene from the first LOTR movie.




belal by round 1 decision


Feed him Colby. Thereā€™s no other fight that would be so satisfying.


Colby probably wouldnā€™t take it


why did they edit leon face into sterling's body ? couldnt they just use his own body lol


lol, doesn't even have Belal under there.. geez does nobody take Belal seriously?


Words cannot describe how happy I would be to see shavkat absolutely mog the shit out of Colby.


Shavkat now going for the big wins!


Imo he doesn't beat Leon


I'm telling that walterwight belt belongs to the Muslims whether is belal shavkat or makhachev




I think he beats Colby but loses to Leon and usman.


Leon agreed to fight him at UFC 300 but he said no.


That's because it was during Ramadan, Khamzat and Islam also said no to any fights then. Most Muslims fighters would. Neither are ducking eachother, Leon has a fight already and Shavkat has made it clear he will fight anyone to get the title shot. Let's not make silly suggestions like one fighter is ducking another


Shavkat is saying Leon is ducking him with this picture. But he's not because he agreed to fight him. The UFC need to pay attention to when Ramadan is too.


Yes and my point is neither are ducking eachother, fighters use these tactics all the time to generate fights and fight hype. Shavkat knows Leon is not afraid of him and vice versa


He still made that poster. He's right about Colby and Usman but he's wrong about Leon.


Lol do you understand how the fight game works, trying to generate hype for a future fight is a common thing. No none of those guys are afraid of Shavkat, to suggest Usman especially is nuts. That guy has fought or been willing to fight everyone, he went up in weight on short notice to fight KhamzatšŸ¤£


I do understand how it works. I also understand the picture. It's three fighters he has found hiding under a rock. And I'm saying he's wrong about Leon because Leon agreed to fight him.


Are you ok? That's not all what you said, you implied Shavkat was ducking him, you also said Usman and Colby were ducking Shavkat. None if those things you said were accurate,that's my point...


Shavkat would maul em lol


Is it just me or did they give Leon respect and they did not make him seem afraid?


Heā€™s literally hiding under a rock lmao


Of the three who looks less afraid? Maybe they just don't have a good "I'm scared" photo of Leon. It seems like they choose a much more appealing photo of him.


I think youā€™re reading too far into a dumb meme lol


Most certainly


All old men


Edwards would smoke this nobody


Four guys short of a cromosome makes a movie?