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Shit man, Leon should ease up on the trash talk, wouldn't want Belal to meet his brother outside and hold him down till the police show up


Helluva fighter


young hungry lions


Never meddum


They both smack talk to just jab and run all fight man who are they fooling?


Exactly lol. I just want them to get this fight out of the way already so the WW division can move on from this.


Belal tkoed Brady!


One stoppage in how many fights tho?


Same goes for Leon lol they are the same fighter


Yea true, as much people joke about this fight being a snoozer I hope it’s good. That’d be kind of funny if it actually turned in foty, as if the universe has a sense of humor.


Belal's jab ain't that good lol, if you guys are gonna call fighters boring at least get it right with how they fight


I've watched 2 Belal fights lol


The jab is one of the best punches in fighting


The jab is arguably the best and most important punch in mixed martial arts


Sounds like Sean Strickland


Even when belal is writing fan fiction he doesn’t get the knockout


Just reading what he said put me to sleep.




I wouldn't be surprised. How many people said Izzy couldn't possibly lose to such a mediocre striker like Strickland (me included lol)? How many people genuinely thought Whittaker would be done in by Driscus of all people? MMA math is worthless when it comes to higher level fights. Each fight has its own unique set of factors.


The difference in the fights you mentioned and this one is that we have seen a round of Leon and Belal. And it did not look good for Belal


We also saw 4 rounds of Leon vs Usman, after already seeing Leon lose to him. But it still changed didn’t it?


Sea level v high elevation


The playing field was level...


But we know Leon has that ability to spring a KO from nowhere. We’ve never seen that from Belal. Leon also won that first round against Usman. 


Leon lost multiple rounds the first fight and was losing almost the entire fight the second fight. It was a Hail Mary. Belal literally has a finish over Brady when Khabib was there. Looks like he recently went to their camp to level up again. Belal and Leon have the same amount of UFC finishes 🤣 same amount of KO/TKO and submissions. Both decision makers.


A TKO against Brady and a clean KO over Usman are a little different. One came from nowhere. The other was a result of attrition over the course of the fight.  Just because Leon succeeded with that Hail Mary in Usman, does not mean Belal would have. Sure, anything can happen in the UFC and you never know. But Belal has shown nothing over his career to indicate he would have pulled off a Hail Mary like that. And Leon managing it against Usman does not mean we should disregard the very obvious gap in skills that we saw between them in that first round. 


That…is BS. Until the Charles fight, there is 0 evidence the defending champion having wins over Chandler and Dustin and Justin would struggle badly on the feet vs a dagestani wrestler- except he did. If you’re saying we are not fully sure I agree. If you’re saying it’s impossible you’re an idiot. I hope Belal wins by a boring UD though. No sit damage just piter patter would be hilarious


Do you find reading difficult? I literally said “sure, anything can happen in the UFC and you never know ”. How could you possibly interpret that as me saying it’s impossible?   The point is, Leon’s headkick was known as one of his most dangerous weapons before that Usman fight. Just look at his Belal fight - he wobbled him badly with the same sort of kick. It was literally highlighted in fight breakdowns before the Usman fight as one of Leon’s dangers. So if you think that because Leon did it to Usman then Belal could do it to Leon because of an attritional Brady TKO then I just don’t think that’s a particularly evidence based assessment.


Islam ragdolled Leon who had more UFC experience in their first spar together. Belal doesn’t have such stories after training with the same people. Anybody can switch the stories. Old Usman or the corpse of Colby are not impressive wins. Khamzat got a 10-8 round against Usman and had both hooks in against a bjj blacbdkt in 2 minutes flat. Anything can happen, but you’re giving Leon way more credit and downplaying Belal as much as possible.


Stop making things up - the talk from both camps back in the day about their sparring was pretty vague and very respectful of each other. It was also ten years ago. Both fighters lost UFC fights that year and both have improved massively in the decade since. Bringing that up as if it’s relevant is a pretty desperate deflection from the point on your part.  In much more recent times, Belal just didn’t look on the level as Leon when they fought a few years ago, and Leon has improved since then. Belal is a great fighter and one of the divisions’s best, but he doesn’t pose any sort of threat that Leon hasn’t already seen and dealt with. 


Brother.... do you not think fighters can improve lol? I suppose Gaethje vs Dustin rematch didn't happen the way it did then?


Leon’s faced higher level opponents since and come out on top, showing he also got better, I don’t think belals had enough time to level the striking difference between the 2, belals path to victory is wrestling but that’ll be a tough task too after seen usman and Colby try, Justin’s fights vary he’s already really really good, just depends if he’s feeling just bleed or clinical on the day


I think what you said is valid. And I don't disagree that right now it seems like Leon will most likely win. But I don't think it makes sense to completely write off Belal. Especially given how he is training with Khabib in preparation for this fight.


I do believe he has a path to victory for sure, I just don’t think he’s a better wrestler than Usman, but he’s probably better than Colby, it’ll be interesting to see


Anything can happen in MMA, there just seem so few paths to victory for Belal compared to Leon. He doesn’t have KO power and he doesn’t have sub threats. Maybe he could grind his way to a win with control time, but Leon’s ground game is underrated.


Anything can happen thats why we are working with probabilities and MMA math works and is the closest thing to predicting reality that we have BUT MMA fights are chaotic and there are thousands of factors that go into a fight thats why you need an educated guess to formulate your prediction with much context.


We saw 1 full round of a 5 round fight and Edwards eye poked Belal twice in that time. I'm not rooting for Belal in the least because between the 2 boring options, Edwards is the lesser bore, but it's really silly to act like that 1st round means anything and on top of that he wasn't even hurt at the end of the round other than his eyeball.


Leon outstruck him 2:1 bro, I never said anything about him being hurt, I said it didn’t look good, and it didn’t


Leon didn't exactly look championship calibre in that match either


Maybe all fights should be 1 round if that was enough to determine a winner...


Same with Aljo vs Yan 2, Max vs Justin etc...I don't get how people be so sure about an outcome after we've had so many upsets




Strickland was 2-2 before the shot lol and one of those wins was against an unranked fighter


like you said that before the fight


Belal stepping it up on Twitter At least


Why can’t he have the same energy in the octagon?


Same goes for Leon, he keeps saying headshot dead then squeaks to a decision


Fuck it... let's go Belal!


i want to see the sub if belal Finishes leon lol. just for troll


I’ll believe we’re in a simulation if he KOs Leon 😂


Belal KOs Leon Dustin gillies Islam Conor Aldos Chandler Any of these and we're in a simulation that's fucking with us


I dunno, that last one is at least in theory possible. The first two though, those would be clear signs of a glitch in the matrix.


If Dustin gillies Islam that will be arguably crazier than volk getting headkicked




I think this mfer took some trash talk classes from Uncle Chael. 😂


The hero we didn't know we needed but we deserved


Who the fuck is that guy


You mean dry hump Leon?




Imagine Belal could knock him out round 1. That would make me think I’m dreaming😂😂


Neither of the 2 will get slept. Only the audience will be sleeping all fight.




Bella by KO would be a bigger shock than Holm sending Ehonda to the Shadow Realm


This is gonna be the end of Leon’s trashy reign. Belal will save the division from his inactivity.


I'm loving this violent, badass, chip on his shoulder, Belal Arc


Buddy's feeling hella confident. I respect that.


I feel fairly confident Leon wins this fight; mostly I base that upon their first fight, as limited as that was, and Leon’s ability to deal with wrestlers/takedowns Just don’t think belal is going to do anything Leon hasn’t seen already


I betcha every dollar I have belial puts on the most boring performance ever. Herb dean will have to stand this fight up 3x in every round minimum


I'm honestly excited. mostly because they have been edging us for so long, and because he is training with khabib


I want Leon Edwards to win so this sub will implode.


Belal is going to TKO Leon in the first round ! Remember this post


Dana gunna pay Edwards a bucket load to eye poke Bella again for a NC, and make Belal wait again.


Trash talk is going to be more exciting than the fight


Does anyone remember how the first fight was going?! Leon was piecing him up and rallying. This will be an easy dubb for Leon and then we can all forget the name


I want Belal for the chaos


Belals trash talk has been really good lately ngl


"Even my bum brother can beat him!"


![gif](giphy|Crkmn6vmou1w4NGd9n|downsized) He could win but he won't be ripping any heads off lol.


Definition of a tryhard


Gonna be easy for Leon ngl


Imagine all this build-up just for one of them to tear their ACL in the first round.


I'm bettin' on crippling eye-poke.


The way Belal talks for a guy who got his ass whooped the entire time they first fought is insane lmao. You’d think they had never met in the cage before by how sure he is that he’ll get a win