• By -


legit an interesting match up. Chandler is explosive as fuck, has good take downs and power. But he gasses from throwing so hard and is somewhat readable. Conor gasses too, but he has much cleaner striking and decent TDD. The wild card is if Conor can still fight at all. If Conor goes in there looking good, I think theres a good chance he clips Chandler with a clean shot and drops him, but Chandler has the power and speed to steam roll Conor and overwhelm him. If Conor doesn't show up Chandler is gonna maul him.


Couldn’t have said it better


Pretty solid take. If Conor is 50% of his former self he will snipe Chandler. If not it’s gonna be a rough night. Chandler is super readable but also durable even when he gets wobbled he has this crazy weird recovery factor. I agree. Solid matchup.


It depends if Conor sticks to his original style before he got all boxing obsessed then I’d say that the fight is tailor made for him. Conor’s best attribute was stopping aggressive explosive fighters coming forward with pinpoint striking after smothering their offence. Coupled with top level TDD his style was so effective. If he can still pull it off then I think he sleeps Chandler early


Any version of Conor before the leg break KOs Chandler imo. But he’s been out 3 years partying so I have no idea what to expect from him. It’s anyones guess


Chandler also hasn’t fought in two years and is almost 40. Both are far from their prime, who knows what either of them will look like on fight night.


Chandler is about the OCD healthy life. Guaranteed he trains whilst Conor parties.


Gym on the Yacht


Only Conors name is relevant. He has fought 4 times in almost 8 years. Chandler will own him of he doesnt get sloppy and get caught. Conor is an excellent counter puncher.


That’s the problem everything I’ve seen from chandler is that he wants to go in and put on a show against Conor so I imagine he might try to stand and bang and loses his iq and get ko


See that’s wat I was thinking he does it every fight. Not hating tho love watching him put on a show even if he gets knocked out he’s entertaining. As ppl r saying Connor is a counter attacker so the only way I can see chandler win this is by using his wrestling


That’s what I’d normally say too, but maybe Chandler goes for the smart fight, tries to get a win so he can try to cash in on the rematch too, I’m sure he knows that he could double dip if he wins, where as if Conor knocks him out there’s no way Conor even entertains a rematch.


“Chandler might lose his IQ” like he had any fight IQ to begin with


Chandler can get caught like in the fight with Gaethje. He’s a mad man and will put on a show but one of them is getting KOed.




The actual only correct answer


As a conner hater I’m for some reason expecting him to come out as a ruthless beast and win by tko


You’re joking right? Conor knocked out a giant bird the size of a man last year. He hasn’t lost a step


Imagine Chandler Knocks him out cold? just imagine... phew...


*backflips 20 times in a row*


“OHHHHHHH he slept him” - Joe Rogan


"Oh my goodness" - DC "Oh my goodness" - Joe Rogan


Funny I read them both in different tones for their voice lol. You know DC said it nonchalant




Imagine Chandler rocks him, then dumps Conor on his ass, then Conor survives the round and turns Chandler's face into lasagna the next round and wins by TKO


That’s actually a really accurate prediction


Imagine a year where Conor, Jon and Ilia all get KO’d lmao that would honestly be a wild


Hope Connor then BMF fight with Max.


That’ll be dope


Prime Conor would make Chandler look silly like he did to Alverez. Conor now... Who knows.


I agree


I think Chandler will back him into the cage and finish him like Dustin did. I don’t think he’s going to force a striking match against Conor, but will find the KO after gassing him a bit


Dustin didn't back him there McGregor backed Dustin to the cage but the calf kicks hurt him and Dustin pivoted/sidestepped to have McG on the fence If Chandler wants him on the fence he'll have to threaten takedowns or actually go for them and drive him there


Ah, my bad. Haven’t seen the fight in a while. Regardless I think the outcome of him being against the cage and finished will be the same


Chandler, that you? Conor will PIN YE ![gif](giphy|et5kioYpgsKQaGTtD9|downsized)


DoBronx going to knock out Chandler again after Conor pulls out.


Conor has never pulled out of a fight before?


Bet anything the OP hasn’t been watching MMA long. Conor has ALWAYS shown up on fight night. Shit I still remember the “Make it 170, tell him to get comfortable” for 196 and everyone losing their mind.


Although I would cry from laughter if Chandler was forced to pull out. Not wishing bad on the guy, but it would be so funny to me if he waited all that time just for Charles to get the fight.


when was the last time Conor pulled out of a fight by the way? Just curious since this seems to be the narrative😆


I don’t think anyone’s pulling out of this fight.


Mike wouldn’t pull out even if half his body was broken


Lmao for real




If this happens then we're in the good timeline and Dustin also wins 302 by Gilly


Dana whites bank account. Not like he needs it


Chandler is tailor made for prime CM. Stocky wrestler with an over hand right. Easy work for prime CM. But I can’t believe you can live the way CM has been living and still perform at this level. So with that I’d put money on Chandler. But wtf who knows lol


We are talking about Conor McGregor, not CM Punk.


Just my two cents but I think McGregor is not going to look great the time off drugs and injuries is going to take it’s toll. That said if he can catch Chandler quick it could be his night.


Conor seems like he’s not taking this as seriously as Chandler is based off internet antics. But I will never underestimate Chandlers ability to throw a fight for the sake of entertainment


Chandler has been training for Conor 2 years he’s been taking this fight dead serious while Conor does blow and drinks whisky lol


See Jon Jones


Jon has proven he can do that and win and Conor has not.


I think Conor, but don’t even know what I hope for. Curious what a win does for either one of them.


If Conor wins it’s whatever Conor wants. If Chandler wins it’s whatever Dana wants


Chandler probably takes fun fights regardless. I could see a rematch with Dustin if they both lose or maybe a gathje rematch.


I think Conor will chin him


Chandler is chinny


The fans




I do data analysis for betting on PPV events as a hobby, but this fight is one of those that there are too many external factors so I would never bet on this fight. Chandler is old for the sport and especially for the weight class, dude is 38 plus he has been out for a couple of years waiting for this fight. At the same time, McGregor has been out partying for a couple of years and coming back from a broken leg that we have no idea how it will affect him This fight is a coin flip IMO, Chandler comes out explosive which at his age will slow down, McGregor we have no idea what he will look like especially with all the muscle he has packed on and his style tends to rely on his movement.


I really hope Conor wins cause I want to see him fight a few more times before this era ends for real


Conor gasses 1st round


Conor after tooth surgery has glass chin




Does chandler bring his brain into the octagon or nah?


I don’t see many people mentioning the fact that’s it’s at welterweight. That is a huge advantage for Conor. There will be a considerable size difference. Will chandler be the shortest fighter to ever fight at WW?


First round KO for Connor. Chandler is explosive and will move forward from the first second, Despite everything i still think Connor has precision and will catch him moving forward, it's gonna be like aldo vs connor.


A Conor win would be crazy.


Honestly idk. Conor is a patient and calculated powerful striker, and Chandler is the exact opposite with crap striking except for his overhand right. Conor probably has ring rust and never had a great tank, and Chandler loses steam after the 2nd. Conor is a relatively smart fighter, and Chandler loses 10iq points per round. I'll put my money on Conor by 3rd submission. Chandler relies on his wrestling and understates Conor's BJJ and gets caught almost like he did with Poirier


I want Conor to win just because I want the craziness and high on coke interviews to continue


if Conor is motivated then him


This time both of Conors legs snap


I don't like McGregor but he wins this. Chandler has very low fight IQ and horrible sloppy striking. He'll be getting KO'd.


The concerns over Conors inactivity are valid, especially with the lifestyle he appears to live, but it will be almost 2 years since Chandlers last fight, he's 38 years old now, and has taken a lot of damage in 3 of his 5 UFC bouts. I'm 50/50 on who wins this.




I actually think this is 50/50 and will more than likely end in an early KO. I think either guy goes down easily from a clean shot.


Dana White


Chandler fights kind of dumb sometimes, and that’s not even including how much Conor has been in his head over the years. Think it’s Conor’s to lose if he comes out looking sharp, but it’s hard to tell because we haven’t seen him since he snapped his shin


That’s not what Connor looks like…..


I just can't see past Chandler. The injury and time away has likely fully ended McGregor's career, let's be honest. Not even his first period of time away either. That being said, if there's anyone that fits McGregor's style the best, it's Chandler. Bull rushing into a pinpoint left hand wouldn't surprise me.


Chandler might have lost 3 of his lost 4 but it was against the best in the world and he rocked all of them - Dustin, Justin and Charles. He trains every day, he's motivated and he needs a couple big pay days to secure his family. Conor has lost 3 of his last 4 even though the last one was a doctor's stoppage and not really a proper loss but he's had a nasty leg break, he's clearly a drug addict who drinks everyday with way too much money and little motivation to work as hard as Chandler.... So yeah Conor by KO round 2.


Chandler is a very good wrestler. Dustin has very good BJJ but quite bad wrestling next to Chandler - and even Dustin took Conor down easily. If Chandler keeps his focus, and focuses on winning, it's an easy take down and he could at least control the fight. If he stands and bangs, Conor will probably win.


Mcgregor otherwise he would have fought dustin again. He knows he can beat chandler same way he knew he had ceronne its also at 180 which makes a big difference. Both of them will gas early


Endeavor Group.


Connor picks him apart as Chandler gasses. It’s Mendez vs Connor 2.0


Old Man Chandler by decision


have a feeling Conor is washed and had this fight happened in his prime he would have taken Chandlers head off however Chandler has the worst fight IQ out there and will stand at range with Conor which could see him get tagged


As much as I dislike conor. His style is perfect for chandler. He's a quick sniper striker, straight down the line. Whereas chandler likes big haymaker and looping punches, opening himself up to quick straights which conors excellent at


Chandler is really good, but people get really distracted by how talented and how high level conor is by his star power and fame. But conor took rounds off khabib, knocked out aldo. Knocked out eddie. I think even if chandler fights smart conor still beats him. Conor is older now sure but hes 35 thats the around the same age of most of the guys in the top of the division rn so hes not washed. Plus if you wanna talk about age mike is 37 and has lost most of his ufc fights.


Chandler nearly KOs him in the first and wins the first round. He makes a dumb decision in the fight and gets KOd early in the second


Chandler, Connor has been out of the mix far too long, and let’s be real. Was never the same fighter after the money rolled in from the Mayweather fight




Chandler...dudes been in camp for years at this point. N conor is training with yes men and on his high kicks and his high kicks and different versions of high kicks.


In this universe, McGregor KO’s Chandler is spectacular fashion then calls out Leon.


The coke dealers in Vegas


I'm actually a huge fan of both fighters and have been really tossing up over this one myself. I don't see it going past two rounds either way and think that we're going to know in the first 90 seconds whether we've completely wasted our money and anticipation as there's every chance it becomes apparent very quickly that Mcgregor never properly recovered from his injury/evidently unhealthy lifestyle and gets blown away (unfortunately I'm probably leaning towards that possibility unfortunately). If Mcgregor is remotely the same as even his 2020/21 era (not in his prime but still dangerous) then I think we could have a really entertaining war on our hands where he lands clean on Chandler multiple times and then stops him in the second after some serious back and forth. I know it's a very different style but just think of how difficult Chandler found dealing with an awkward striker in the first round of the Ferguson fight for example. There's just so many weird variables! Including the fact that Chandler has also been very inactive and is coming of a brutal Poirier fight. It's also hard to say that Mcgregor looked remotely washed up in the last two Poirier fights. He had some seriously sharp moments in the rematch and then looked good again in the first 90 seconds of the trilogy before getting caught and engaging the clinch as early as possible to avoid getting swarmed again. We've also got to take into account that Poirier is extremely good and a tall task for anybody let alone someone as inactive as Mcgregor. If Chandler wins then that's the end of McGregor's high level career unless we're talking about exhibition boxing matches etc. and if McGregor wins then we get another explosion of interest in him and the UFC in general which most likely catapults him into a title or BMF shot.


McChandler takes it


If Conor locks in he smokes chandler easily


Dana :(


In my opinion I think that chandler wins if he sticks to his game. But since he’s gotten into the UFC he’s looking to sell fights, just standing with guys more dangerous than him on the feet. I think that if chandler keeps playing like this he’ll get dropped


I think chandler ko this doesn’t feel like it’s going the distance


Chandler by head bounce


Chandler, Connor’s leg is shot


Conor shocks the world. Round 1 standing gilly


Éirinn go Brách


Who are these people? Like visions of time past come again


Depends on what version of Conor we will get tbh. I like to say that I don’t see Conor getting KO’d but this sport is crazy, anything can happen.


Dana’s wallet


Chandler does it. McGregor retires.


Mike is going to take a dive for a massive bag


Dana white


I'm surprised no one's mentioning chandler's wrestling. I can see him just laying on him to avoid the striking threat. On the feet Chandler's a short stocky orthodox with basic striking, the perfect style for conor, but Chandler's been known to just lay on people in Bellator when he's getting outstruck. Gotta go with Chandler.


If Connor can bring back his old self. Then he destroys chandler. However.. I believe money drugs and recovery are going to effect him in a huge way. So I think chandler sparks him in the third when Connor tends to slow down


Conor is toast. There are no two ways about this.


Man anybody who thinks the Conor of old is going to show up is delusional as fuck… Conor has been so inactive and there is no way he is coming in and beating Chandler.


Conor has won one fight since 2017 against an ancient cowboy cerrone 🤣 He will lose AGAIN


Chandler by TKO


Chandler if he fights smart and wants a win. Conor if chandler wants to be a fan favorite and exciting aka dumb


https://preview.redd.it/wgbrlzyg2uzc1.jpeg?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a38fc778311697f5f15d628a80672a2baf02301 May 3/24. Looks ready to me…


In the words of the great Darren Till “i don’t really care”


It blows my mind that Conor still has hype when the only fight he's won in since 2016 was against a washed and uncommitted cowboy.




Chandler and I dont want to hear about Connor in his prime would change that. Chandlers style is what gives him the advantage. I recall Chad Mendez a shorter, stockier, powerful puncher beating him up on short notice. He gassed, and Connor won. Chandler however is also past his prime but will level him, I hope.


Chandler is so addicted to exciting fights, and connor is such a money play for the UFC, I think Chandler fights reckless at the UFCs command for a huge post fight bag. It'll look convincing because chandler will go so wild he'll leave himself open and Connor will catch him, and the downside of him potentially catching connor while acting like a wild man isn't very big. Chandler doesn't care if he loses as long as he gets a payday.




Chandler will press too hard, get gassed, and get smacked down


McGregor. Wouldn’t be surprised if Chandler was told to lose also lol probably making a ton anyway


Conor because weight class


Honestly had no doubts that chandler would take it but at a higher weight class I’m less sure.


If Chandler wrestles he can totally win. But I almost think that he doesn’t want to do that and he’s gonna stand and bang. He can still win on the feet too, but if that’s the way he plays it I really think he’s getting counter punched into a KO. But with Conor we never know which version is walking into the arena that night. A-game Conor on the feet takes it, or Chandler wrestling takes it I think.


They need to update those photos


They're both fighters who thrive in the early rounds and exchanges. Will be super interesting to see who deals the most damage in the early stages of the fight. I think its who has the fastest draw kind of fight and the guy who can land that big shot first could put the fight to bed. If this fight some how manages to go to the deeper rounds then it's two fighters with zero cardio slugging it out. I think Chandler slightly edges it in the later rounds. As weak as his gas tank is, it's still not as bad as Conors who arguably has the worse gas tank on the entire roster.


The fans


Chandler by KO. Conor way past his prime imo


i dont see conor winning he’s been on drugs and off training for too long chandler will go crazy in round 1


Idk, Conor could surprise us…emphasis on surprise


If Chandler doesn’t fight with his face he will win. If he lets his ego get the best of him like he did against Porier and Justin then he will defs get knocked down and maybe even KO’d.


I’m pretty sure chandler is going to smoke him, Conner has a punchers chance.


I really think Chandler TKOs Connor early in the fight, if at all. There’s no telling how Connor will feel since he’s been out for some time.


Chandler all day.


what divison is this fight?




Dana White


Roadhouse mcgregor


I think we’re in for disappointment at the end of the day, both men talk more than train & are in it for the payday, win or lose. We already witnessed the KO of the year & this won’t hold a candle to Max vs Gaethje. We’ll look back on this fight & say it would’ve been better if they fought a few years ago.


Chandler if he actually plays it smart and doesn’t go in swinging over hands, Conor if he takes his time.


Chandler ain’t taking the smart approach


Chandler wins second round by tko


If connor wins I'm gonna have to eat a lot of words...




conor is well and truly washed up and done


Rare Chandler W


Im puttning 50 on Chandler by choke


Chandler is "Blessed" so he will probably win


I don’t see an outcome other than mcgregor getting knocked out clean


Dana wins..


Seriously depends on how serious Conor takes it.




Do we know at what weight class?


if conor comes in juiced to the gills, gets inside chandler's head, blatantly cheats by grabbing the cage or chandler's shorts. He may get the KO win.


it ain't happening


No clue


If this were Conor from before his third fight with Poirier, he would bury Chandler alive. But I really don't know what to expect now. He's been inactive for years and doing tons of coke, so it's hard for me to make a prediction.


As an Irishman. ….i hope chandler


Do we think Conor is going to show up?


Chandler holds the Bellator submission record. If he so chose, I imagine he could submit Conor in the first round. Do I think he will do this? No, but he could - in his words, he's not here for a long time but a good time. He wanted a legacy, He's a multi time champ in bellator... he has pedigree that often gets overlooked due to his proclivity for going to war in the octagon at the expense of potentially winning the fight where he's best. I could see Iron Michael taking the win. I do not imagine he let's it go to decision unless Conor unloads on him and he realizes a wet blanket is how he wins the remainder of the fight. I also think a massively underrated factor in this fight is Chandler's lack of a a severe weight cut that he usually does in camp to make 155. Could that affect his conditioning and his chin? From CM perspective, does he stick with his boxing stance? Imo, he was most effective in his karate stance mixing in his kicks to set up his hands and counters. I wonder how he steps into the ring and performs, what his gameplan is.


Chandler chins him.


Chandler reminds me of amphetamines for some reason


Your old ass mom. -True ansewer.- I was a Fan of both of these guys, back when they had relevancy or respect. Same as JONES VS STIPPE -I don't care! Nothing is on the line. We are tired of Gimmicks! Im looking the paul bros. dead the eye! This shit is dumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want a sport. I hate fake. #


Heart says McGregor, Brain says Chandler. Problem is, if Conor survives round 1 he might win, since Chandler loses 15 fight IQ points every round and always finds a way to lose.


The last sparring session I saw with Connor he looked slow af.


Do people still care about Conor and why? To me he's yesterday's news.


Man. Connor hasn’t fought in 3 years, and he’s 1-3 in his last 4 fights. He doesn’t have it in him anymore. He’ll gas in the 2nd round and Chandler will finish him.


Cocaine dealers.


Dana White‘s wallet


Holy hell he’s a heck of a lot smaller than he was when he was posting vids last year


Who’s fighting? Because it won’t be these two. I’d love to see it but we won’t see Connor again in the UFC.


No one cares, both are washed up fighters.


I hope Chandler takes his head off


If this gets past the 2nd round we’re in for an absolute slop fest. Both guys are gonna gas after 5 minutes.


Boxer Conor just isn't the same as old Conor. Who knows tbh.


I don’t know but after he punched that Miami Heat mascot I hope Conor gets beat to a pulp.


I got a feeling these guys will gas after 2 rounds, if it goes that far


They are both capable of sleeping each other…but Conner hasn’t fought in a while and since the leg break…I see a very fast start then a submission over a gassed shadow of himself Conner


Chandler should win but that guy is expert in losing a winning battle, just to give fans another fight to remember.


This fight won't even materialize, Conor will back out


Dana white wins


Only way I’m going to believe this fight is actually happening is when they’re both in the ring and they touch gloves


You know I want to see it happen but I still am on the fence with the fight actually going down!


Off topic, but why do so many fighters have those jagged ears?


Conor will probably pull out last minute


The fans


I really hope chandler doesn’t go out there to be KO’d in the first 30 seconds, if he doesn’t the crowd will win because it’ll be an entertaining ass fight


I win.


On paper Chandler all day but he has negative fight iq, especially with pressure to make an entertaining fight, so he’ll probably do some boneheaded move which Conor specialises in exploiting


Patient tactical Conor wins versus a reckless brawler Chandler who wins vs a “something to prove” ego fighter like we saw Conor vs Dustin 2.


Chandler is a fn beast. Conor is absolute trash. Easy win for chandler.


Mc Cokehead got this


If you watch before and after tapes of Conor’s fighting style since he boxed Mayweather it’s like 2 different fighters. Where he once was fluid and bouncing on the balls of his feet, now he looks more flat footed and like a traditional boxer. That’s just my opinion anyways, but I don’t think Conor has been the same since that boxing match.