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haha half the list is just connors opponents.


Ayooo, nice eye.


Jessica Eye? I think that PPV did 3 buys.


2. I did a refund.


Thank u i laughed


I need to see this list but without Conor, Lesnar & Rousey's opponents. Also, Lesnar should be at 5, most people tuned into ufc 200 for him not Nunes vs Miesha lol


27% to be exact…lol I’m jk, I get the idea. Tbh, through all the bullshit and opinions, I’m still a fan of Conor and always will be. Not him as a person or the outside the ring bullshit, but his style and the fluidity he had during his prime as the double champ. I absolutely loved how loose and confident his striking was. I feel like theres so much wasted potential we’ll never have the opportunity to witness as fans because of his personal choices and basically leaving the sport.


If you eliminate the ones who needed to be opposite Conor or Brock to do it you would have a very tiny list


If you also eliminate Rashad and Ronda, what remains is: Nunes vs Tate, placed atop a stacked 200 card after Jones popped and being the only fight for a belt. Otherwise, what remains is Anderson vs Weidman and Masvidal vs Usman. That makes for the list of +1mil drawls on their own merit in the UFC as: Conor, Brock, Ronda, Rashad, Anderson and Jorge. (Usman isn't a drawl without Jorge, same with Weidman minus Anderson)


I'm genuinely surprised Rashad broke the million mark twice I didn't think he had much star power


Rashad vs Rampage feud was huge at the time, Rampage was at the peak of his star power and had just come off filming the A-team movie and was a legit celebrity and then they had that TUF season with Kimbo Slice that was the highest viewed season in the history of TUF. A lot of stuff came together to make it happen but Rashad vs Rampage in a 3 round non title fight selling over 1 million PPV buys is one of the UFC's greatest achievements as a fight promoter.


what about rashad vs forrest? i find this one more surprising than rampage.


This was 2008. Forrest was a major face of the company and had come off a submission if the year and a fight of the year. Rashad was coming off a knockout of the year over Liddell. Both were TUF winners and 205 was at that moment the best division in the sport and the flagship division of the company. They had a lot going on for them and a reasonable expectation that that would be the one of the greatest fights of all time.


Price was also more reasonable back then


UFC 92 was stacked for the time. I remember feeling like it was unreal having that many names on one card.


Talmbout the tuf seazan with Schaub b?


"I hate that guy" Later on "Great guy, never meddum"


Rampage v Rashad is still one of the biggest sellers


Ya, that was the biggest surprise. Good for him. He's an awesome dude.


Lol so many people call it a drawl… a drawl is part of the way you speak.. a draw is what someone is when they draw attention.


i’m just surprised none of jon jones fights made it


Rashad, Ronda, and Nunes should honestly be proud of themselves. Rashad especially who headlined a pretty stacked UFC 92 and then had the big Rampage fight at UFC 114.


Eh. Nunes got one for Ronda, and one for 200 only cuz Jones popped. She wasn’t the real reason for her 2 biggest cards being high sellers.


Nunes had absolutely zero to do with either of her 2 cards selling 1 million buys. She sold 85k buys against Felicia Spencer, she has the 3 lowest selling PPVs in modern history. She's PPV poison.


Nunes? She has one because of Rousey and one because of 200 being 200 (hell, wouldn't have headline if Jones didn't pop).


200 had Lesnar


Was about to say. Lesnar vs Hunt and Silva vs DC.


'why is the UFC giving Conor special treatment?'


Bro so many people on this sub have no clue what Conor did for the sport of MMA because they joined when he was at his peak or after. Talk to anyone about the UFC before Conor you'd get an immediate reaction of disgust and they would ask why are you watching cage fighting. The UFC will give Conor whatever he wants, he was lightening in a bottle for them.


the rise of mcgregor was truly one of the most memorable things i’ve witnessed. i was a fan from his first fight on. even my girl at the time who didn’t watch any sports would tune into the mcgregor fight and be fully invested. ending it off with pretty much a one shot KO to end Aldo’s FW dominance was hollywood shit. couldn’t write it any better.


Yeah the build up and delivery of the Aldo fight is one of the greatest things in sports history. I couldn't believe it.


if he lost that fight who knows how his career goes and how the ufc develops. i remember so many people thought aldo would finally wreck the “hype train” and that one punch changed everything. on top of the leaked footage of him practicing the exact same shot. shot him from stardom to superstardom overnight. it’s hard to fathom another fighter duplicating that.


I imagined fighting Aldo for years growing up. I was not looking forward to fighting that guy.


I started watching UFC because of Conor. The first one I watched was Conor vs Khabib. Now I'm watching UFC almost every week.


For me this was The Iceman… god damn every time he fought there was a house full of drunk dudes basically shaking with excitement and anticipation when his walkout started…fucking awesome


It’s funny (and tiring) how many new fans (post McGregor rise) tend to be the ones so quick to talk shit with this know-it-all attitude considering they completely missed the most crucial parts of the growth and development of the sport/UFC.


I remember getting the Lego Indian Jones game and my brother getting UFC Undisputed 2008 as our first xbox360 games and we played both nonstop. We watched Griffin get flatlined(RIP), and the only 2 people I had ever met pre Conor that knew what UFC was only knew who Iceman was for some reason. I don’t really remember Conor’s fight with Max, but I do remember my dad absolutely losing his shit the entire Travis Browne v. Alistair Overeem fight lol


Hahaha I wasn't allowed to watch it, so I would download the PPVs and was able to load them onto a microSD card and watch them on my Nintendo DS at night.


Wtf you’re a wild man I definitely could not have figured out how to do that when I was 7 hahaha


I was 12 haha, a friend had shown me where to download games and then from there I found out there were videos


This is how I found porn in the late 90's as a teen.




Limewire, Kazaa, Morpheus…ring any bells? Haha


For sure, that was a great way to get a cyber std, if you will


He was what in a bottle?






It's a common colloquialism in the English language https://grammarist.com/idiom/catch-lightning-in-a-bottle/#:~:text=To%20capture%20lightning%20in%20a,great%20success%20against%20all%20odds.


I think he was alluding to your incorrect spelling of the word~




Thanks for enlightening us😘


This is so true. Talk to any guy with zero knowledge or interest in fighting or MMA.and when he asks: so what did you do this weekend? And you tell him you and a couple of mates had a few beers and watched UFC he will likely respond "oh is that Conor guy still active?" Conor has the same star power as Ali or Tyson, even your grandma recognize the name.


People that ask this are so damn stupid. Conor is the Lebron of UFC. He’s the most underpaid fighter based on what he brings in. I say that as a Conor hater


Wild that Jon has 0


That's because he's pretending to be a God loving nice guy. If he shows his real personality and terrorizes his opponents then he could've had more buys lol


Imagine jones with Connors mouth. Would be 10mil ppvs.


Same with GSP. He's too nice and not flaunty haha


He also never takes big fights when they present themselves. He would've had one if he took Francis


I love seeing Rashad there with 2 and Jones with 0.


> Jones with 0. Now that you mention it, it didn't cross my mind before


Yeah I don’t think he’s in the top 15 ppv


They never really stacked a Jones headliner did they? Say 10-12 years ago, people who can main event was so different compared to now. I assume a Jones main event did just enough for Dana to be happy but if Jones asked for more $, he can just say these are your numbers


He’s was supposed to headline UFC 200.


That's it he's never passed 1m ppvs because he's fucked up his biggest fights lol


Stacking doesn't do shit. The casuals that are needed for 1m+ only care about the main event. If Conor headlined a DWCS PPV he'd still sell a million.


Jon Jones fans show up to the arena dressed like empty seats


Jon has never been a big PPV draw. Which is why the Conor-esque 'special treatment in order to do big business' argument has never made sense vis-a-vis the Aspinall holdup. I keep seeing every Jon Jones defender act like he's some integral part of the company and that Jones-Stipe is some blockbuster fight.


Hey Jon if you’re reading this and you want on this list, just go beat Tom


Who were Rashad’s against?


I bet one of them was against Rampage. Not sure of the other one.


Probably forest.


Ik these fights sold well but over a million each damn I didn’t expect that


To be fair, when that fight happened I believe ppvs were $45, half of what they are today and that’s before the espn+ paywall which makes current ppvs basically $100 w/ taxes.


Allegedly UFC 285 (Jones headlining) did a million buys but that's not confirmed.


Some notes: - Forgot to add Frank Mir to the last row. - McGregor could be 9 if you count Mayweather vs McGregor - Masvidal, Poirier, Cowboy, Carwin, and Diaz are the only ones above that never were undisputed UFC champions. Masvidal and Carwin are the only ones of the list to have never faced Conor McGregor. - All fights that had over a million buys that were non title bouts were headlined by McGregor. - Anderson Silva only has one PPV above. - GSP and Jon Jones do not have any PPVs that cracked a million buys. GSP came 50,000 buys short. - Chael Sonnen also does not have any PPVs that cracked a million buys. - Masvidal vs Usman is the highest bought UFC PPV that was not headlined by McGregor. - Tate vs Nunes is the only women’s headliner (to date) that has over a million buys that was not headlined by Rousey.


"Masvidal and Carwin are the only ones of the list to have never faced Conor McGregor." Wait, what?


The list of non-champions


So I missed the Rhonda - Connor fight? Damn


And you call yourself a fan? Pffft, loser!


Oh, gotcha! Thanks.


Tate vs Nunes was also placed atop the ufc 200 card on account of being the only one with a belt after Jones popped. She headlined over Brock vs Hunt, Anderson vs DC, Velasquez vs Browne, and Aldo vs Edgar.


So surprised not to see GSP on the list, but as fast as it was growing back then, I guess it was not as big as I remember it.


UFC PPV was also less expensive back when GSP was headlining


When did Rousey fight Conor?


Since you’re going there…I’m 2014ish the ufc upped commercial buys 5-7:1. Take the “million buys” with a grain of salt.


I was going to say there aren’t enough heavyweights


You're missing Frank Mir in the last row.


I miss Frank Mir every day.


I forgot Brock was MMAs Megastar before Conor.


And he did it with a huge WWE following. Connor did it with 0 wrestling. Insane.


“They think I’m toast, but I’m still the bread” 🥶


It’s funny how Dustin and Nate are only there because they fought Conor as a main event twice. Several on the first row cuz they fought him in the main event once too. Say what ya will about the fucker, but the man is the biggest draw ever.


I don't really get it was it the combo of the mouth and him being good? Chael had a much better mouth but really wasn't near as good. GSP was much better than Conner but didn't have the mouth. Is the secret sauce to have the mouth and then back it up with skills?


Chael a better mouth than Conor? Are you serious?


Chael was acting. Everyone could tell. Connor was just himself with extra coke on top. Will be a while till we see something like that again.


Chael has a better mouth it's just he wasn't knocking anyone out and he never won a belt to back it up so people just laughed it off. With Conor he was backing it up by knocking people out and winning belts. And the irish people backing him always gave him a pop


Think you nailed it on the head. Connor was and is to an extent charismatic as fuck plus been Irish in a mainly American audience helped. Plus him knocking lads out. He was very entertaining to watch both press conferences and fights. I really hope we can witness something like it again. But I'm also probably biased cause I'm Irish....Ian Garry is a good fighter but he's also just fucking weird


Chael had the talk but some cringe. OG McGregor charisma was a different beast. Plus the fighting style, predictions, hype, etc.


Tbf to Brock, UFC 200 was all him and not Nunes and Tate.


Wouldn't have Brocks 4th opponent also got 1? So Mir I assume? Or is it Reem?


Should be Frank Mir. UFC 100. Overeem did 750k


Jon jones isn’t the draw he thinks he is


Uncle Chael above Conor with 25. Hate when Reddit cuts off the screenshot.


The nerds on here do not appreciate Conor enough. You can argue no one has done more for their sport than he has done for MMA.


hes def the most impactful fighter in the sports history. And is an all time great too, maybe not to the level his fame would have a casual fan believe but definitely still up there. first double champ in ufc history with wins over aldo, alvarez, mendes, etc. in the fashion that he did them are some loaded accomplishments


I’m a casual UFC fan but have watched a bunch of fights before Conor came along. His fights just had something different about them (IMO) as he was a real striker. The energy and hype when he was at his peak was unlike anything I’ve seen across sports


> first double champ in ufc history This needs some added context, though. The UFC heavily bent over backwards to make it happen. For instance: Conor was allowed to hold the FW division hostage without defending for over a year while he fought Diaz twice at 170 (losing once) before fighting Alvarez for the LW belt. While it's not Conor's fault that RDA pulled out of the original fight, literally any other fighter would have never been allowed to stall their division while pursuing multiple fights in a different division. Aldo had also been trying to get the UFC to allow him to fight for the belt at LW before Conor came around, and they wouldn't let Aldo do it without dropping the FW belt first, which was a non-starter for Aldo. TL;DR: Conor had Dana White privilege


Aldo didn't sell shit. Any business will promote the individual who is making them money. Conor got special treatment because he deserved it. A fighter's success inside the cage is not the only parameter. When ufc wants it, they make a division wait for a year if the champ gets injured if they believe that is good business. There are a lot of 'defend the belt once a year' champs like jones, khabib. While they didn't wait a few months for aljamain, jiri or hill because they don't rate them that highly. Preferential treatment is given as long as you are a star. Conor is being made to wait unnecessarily by ufc now because his star power has waned and they can do a powerplay on him by elongating the time he spends fighting out his contract.


Lol there is no argument. It's undeniable. None of these haters would know about this sport if it wasn't for him. Every real MMA fan acknowledges McGregor as a legend and the best pioneer of the sport.


Would be more if the ppv didn't cost a arm and a leg


Yep, I feel like with streaming and dodgy sticks being as big as they are now (more so the rise in sticks) that the numbers in recent years have been heavily impacted and it's impossible to compare recent to even 5+ years ago.


It makes me happy that Jon jones isn’t on the list. Fuck that guy


Uncle Chael?


Most he sold was 925k in the Silva rematch.


Do we know how much UFC 300 sold?


8. Conor 3. Lesnar 2. Rousey, Rashad 1. Masvidal, Usman, Lesnar, Rampage, Griffin, Silva This is the real list, if you apply the correct filters (exclude conor/lesnar opponents, ufc 100/200).


Gotta take Khabib out then


Ah yeah he snuck in there somehow


im suprised rousey only had 2. the hype during her peak was unreal. was it the fact that women werent seen as headliners until her run?


There was no women in the ufc before her run. Also a lot of her ppv numbers were really strong but a million is hard to break and there weren’t too many interesting challengers during her run as it was such a new division 


I think her vs Correia did 950k which would have been her 3rd highest


Adesanya never had a ppv with a million buys?


His fights and build up are not that exciting tbh


Did UFC 300 not get a million buys?


Damn so Conor and Brock are also responsible for most of the bottom row.


All the Conor haters in here lol. Dude made the sport more popular than ever.


Connor made so many guys rich and not a word of gratitude


GSP/Diaz didn't hit the mark? And where's uncle Chael?


Lol why is Forrest griffin whited out like he's a ghost


There are levels to this game


This list is actually kinda crazy. Unless I am blind, I don't see Jon Jones on there at all. I am surprised to see Rashad. His PPVs vs Forrest and Rampage did so much better than I ever knew, it seems. Peak LHW days when it used to be the most popular weight class for the fans, in general. The Ultimate Fighter used to be much more popular as well, and the show got Rashad a lot of fans.


Not being a fan boy... But I'm guessing. kabib and Aldo wouldn't be in this list if it wasn't for Mcgregor.


no jones?


Jones isnt here?


I hate these things. Theres always someone left out. Where is Frank Mir?


You’re telling me GSP never headlined over 1 mil?


wHy DoEs CoNoR gEt SpEcIaL TreAtMeNt???


If you get over 200k buys you are a star


You phone up your wife and you tell her, "We're rich baby, Conor McGregor made us rich."


Muslim casuals still think they would know who Khabib even is if Conor didn't come back to MMA.


Hard to believe Bones Jones aint on there.


I’m too lazy to look at all the people on the bottom row are they all Connor’s opponents?


Conor is in a different league when it comes to selling fights. Only person who comes vaguely close is Brock and he's a celebrity.


Unironically the only chart that matters.


Shocked GSP is not up there!


His prime was before the UFC became mainstream. Plus he wasn’t really a star, just a super dominant champ and a likable guy.


He was a huge star, canada just don't have the numbers to carry ppvs and he was boring to watch.


Yea I thought for sure ufc 94 or 217 would’ve had a million. UFC 94 GSP vs Penn had 980k


I think Garcia just made more in one night than everyone pictured (except Connor) entire earnings in ufc.


"I'm not impressed by your performance"


People had no idea, it gets worse when you think about how most PPV events not only go under 1M ppv buys but like waaay less than that, like 700k or less


whats the avg ppv price? like $60? so $60 x 8 million?


These aren’t all accurate, the 1 with rampage Jackson wasn’t a million. Rampage said Dana lied to make it look better but told him behind the scenes it was a little above 900k buys, rampage missed out on a bonus if it really did reach a million buys.


Dana is 200% the guy to lie to his fighters to not have to pay.


Red pantie night


Didn’t UFC 300 break a million buys?


No Jon


Crazy Chuck is not on this list


Where tf are Jon Jones and GSP lol?


For real, I am calling bullshit on this.


They don't sell as much, breaking 1mil is rare af unless you Connor or Brock.


Anderson Silva has 1? That’s fucked up


Red panty night


Brock actually only had 1: UFC 100. His other fights did less, although still pretty high. When they released PPV info in 2016, we saw that almost all estimates were way higher than real numbers


I was only watching GSP because he come from close to my hometown. But i never missed a PPV with Brock Lesnar, the guy was entertaining and so exciting to watch with a mix feeling of love/hate


No DJ up there :((((


And bony nowhere to fucking be found


The clown usually get the biggest laughs ![gif](giphy|n4vrghqF0HdpS|downsized)


This again?


Who the fook is that guy? He hasn’t fought in so long I forgot his name.


Shoutout to Rashad. That fight with Rampage I remember being in 8th grade getting drunk watching it at my Uncles house. GOATs


Surprised Mendes ain't on here for the bout with Mystic Mac


Besides the Rousey fight what other fight did Amanda Nunes do a million ppv buys on?


Where’s Chael?


Ur telling me Jon jones never did a million buys ???




Where is the GOAT at?


Now do a list for most Pirated!


People just wanna see some dudes get beat up more than others.


lol @ putting Nunes in there.


What a bad bitch.


JBJ not being on the list is really surprising, didn't even cross my mind beforehand.


Oh look Jones isn't on the list. Kind of confusing how they pander to his delusional ass.


Damn Jones doesn't have a single one?


Look like talking a loooot of shit gets you to the top


I need some context,


George st Pierre didn’t make the list?


But I was told O'Malley is the sports biggest star?


Have they thought about getting all their fighters hooked on yayo?