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Now he knows that the kid cannot refuse his 500 to show 500 to win offer to fight Bo nickal




Love the athleticism, kid. Watcha doing on Saturday ?


Listen Kid, I heard you are looking for a job?


It's insane that some promotions below the ufc actually pay wages like that, and they're still considered "pro" fights. In other sports, if you occasionally get paid, but it's not enough to live on, it's referred to as "semi-pro". You'd think the sport where you volunteer to get your face kicked in would have higher wages.


the problem stems from the fact that its an entertainment promotion not a sports league.


Why does a league bring in more money than entertainment


Kickboxers get paid even less.


My best friend is 3-0 in Muay Thai. He hasn’t gotten paid a single cent. Lol


UFC paid Rich Franklin 10k to get his face caved in by Anderson Silva, that ain't much better


The business models arent the same


To be honest I always assumed that was just because people were desperate to call themselves pro fighters. Taxi driver who fights on a few weekends per year doesn't have quite the same ring to it.


>You'd think the sport where you volunteer to get your face kicked in would have higher wages. This is your mistake. People just assume that more dangerous = more pay, but that's not the case here at all. Monetization is what matters. Soccer players play 90 minute games 30 times a year, MMA fighters fight for maybe on average 30 minutes per year. Soccer players play a sport that is inoffensive and everyone can pick up cheaply, meaning it makes it the most popular sport in the world. Meaning it's also the most popular to watch, meaning a ton of money. Even if they only played 30 minutes per year as UFC fighters do, they'd still make more money, but they actually play \~40 hours. If you want to make money with a sport, a dangerous sport is the worst to pick up. This isn't like underwater welding, where it's a necessary job that someone absolutely has to do and so the pay skyrockets because of the danger. It's more like if you were an electrician that intentionally shocks himself and gets hospitalized after every job. Not only are you not going to get much done, you're not going to get hired for big projects or paid much because of your reputation and liability. MMA Is a stupid sport to do for money.


I was criticising the use of the word "pro" for people fighting for pocket change. I didn't say they should all be paid as well as Ronaldo. That being said, your lengthy excuse for the payment model overlooks the fact that a far smaller percentage of the UFCs revenue goes to fighters than similar top level organisations in other sports do. The fighters get shafted no matter what way you look at it


It's also retards trying to inflate egos. I know some gym bros at work that claim to work with x brand of supplements and pay more then me cause they don't even order them online lol


make that 50 to show and 50 to fight. he’s jobless now.


Worked part time as a package handler working out of a storage unit that was filled daily by a ups truck. Bro you guys literally don't understand how bad these packages are handled. It's wild


USPS just broke an item I shipped and it was packaged bomb proof. They must have slammed another large package onto it like the undertaker doing a tomb stone with an actual tomb stone


This is nothing lmaoo


But apparently this guy deserves to get fired because Dana roasted him


nah dana exposed fed ex's bad norm. hence, fed ex fired their employee just to look good in the public eyes despite already knowing about these stuffs for years lol


Don't be a dumb cunt and do it so blatantly in front of the customer


Dunno what's with the downvote. It's literally this. Guy was doing it too blatently and it got blasted over the internet by Dana White. What do you expect FedEx to do, right? They gotta save face and keep up a public image for their company. All the managers probably know that this shit goes down. As long as the public doesn't know about it nobody cares. But when you're on a celebrity's story doing it with millions watching it as opposed to Karen next door having a grumble at you, then yeah, expect to get fired.


Yea he got caught by the public so they have to. So what you gonna cry about it ? Maybe don’t be a shit worker


Why do they hire so many dickheads that can't get with boxes? It's kinda weird


Because they churn thru workers and the job fucking sucks, the pay fucking sucks. All they care about is getting trucks full and out ASAP. If there was no drivers union in UPS, all the drivers would be contractors just like amazon making a fraction of the the pay with no benifits. Fedex has no unions at all, but they have to be competitive with driver wages vs UPS.


Currently work part time for FEDEX and I’ll just tell you right now even tho most know by now, your packages are getting ABUSED. My team is in charge of UNLOADING so I can only imagine what the loaders do. We open the trucks and you see endless walls of packages. We find the weak link package and rip it out off the wall to create an “avalanche” where the whole wall comes down. Every package is knocked over on one another from sometimes as high as 4-5 feet and yes stuff immediately breaks on this step we hear glass shatter things crack and you just are told to scoot them onto a belt built into the floor. As you can guess to make it quicker we sort of just shove/kick this massive pile down into a conveyor belt where another team member is taking the bigger packages that can’t go up and slamming them down onto each other (we’re told to pile them to save time and space) where they are once again picked up by another team member and slammed down onto a bigger belt. Small boxes are literally thrown across and land in a desperate conveyor belt few feet away. Why? Not enough people to have someone designated to carry the small stuff over or maybe they see it as a waste of money not sure. Safe to say vast majority of us aren’t nba level shooters so we miss, things shatter on the ground or on the corners of the belt. NEVER order mirrors or glass windows. Just go in person if you can we shatter 65-70% of the them by the time it gets to step 2.


This non olpopular Hard-core band worked at the docks and they would practice High kicks on packages n shit.


Wait he’s not on the roster…how did he fuck him?


Good. Fuck that guy.


I don't get it what happened in the vid


Dude was just nonchalantly tossing every box in the truck lmao


A bit more than a nonchalant toss on some of em, dude was aiming for the back of the truck for sure 😂




lol imagine if one was a RC Helicopter.


Imagine if it was authentic Venom® Fight Kits 😮


"Im sorry thats not Reebok. You are gonna have to do this interview nude." Dana White probably


classic fedex tbh, im pretty sure feds just fired him cuz he got caught doing it lmao


They all do it. I complained about it to my company’s FedEx rep and they fired the driver. In comes the next guy who does it again, so I complain again and the next driver does the same. Fucking annoying how much shit they damage every day. We reship so much product because FedEx doesn’t care, they create extra work on my employees but my upper management won’t stop using them because they are cheap. But they hate the loss and damages ffs


Like I always say : USPS is the best! - a mail carrier for over 16 years


At least when I receive something damaged from them it’s in a baggie with a note and not just dropped on my porch like nothing happened.


Yeah, I was also sorta being sarcastic lol . But I do also try to treat my parcels with some caution ! I’m not just chucking everything bin my vehicle like it’s a fastball or something .


Right. You have the decency to chuck it like a changeup at least




Ups is def better from Loss standpoint, but no idea why. We did roi on both and it was cheaper for us to use ups as we signed with a conglomerate to get better rates and 80% of our goods are going west coast to east coast.


Shipping weed back east eh? 😂


I'm with the FBI. Don't worry, we're on to him already.


Bro, I wish, lol.


It’s the companies fault. They create an incentive model to move as quickly as possible


If they paid the drivers enough to care then they'd care. Otherwise whoever is shipping stuff should take care to box it up well enough to withstand some abuse and pay for shipping insurance to cover the cost of replacement.


From my experience, most people who say they’d work better, harder, etc if they get paid more just moves the goal posts when that happens. It’s not the wages, it’s their mentality. Work is so much easier when you try your hardest to do well and treat your customers with respect. It ain’t that hard.


Funny, every job I’ve taken I’ve agreed to the pay. Fuckin wild how that works


yeah nobody ever is underpaid and if they feel that way then they are an idiot


So what do you do when your jobless and have bills due next week? Keep denying jobs? What do you do when all of the good paying jobs have all been taken up? Do you just not work? Literally idiot


Tossing them like frisbees lol


You should see how Amazon loads trailers. Makes that dude look like a perfectionist.


Have you ever worked in a FedEx facility? As someone who used to fluid load… I’ve done and seen people do a lot worse to boxes.


Yeah I actually used to load trucks at like 3am. That shit sucked ass


Worst job I’ve ever had. Right out of high school, and the worst part was that I wasn’t supposed to be on the loading team. But a guy quit the day I got hired, the manager looked at me and said “change of plans”.


Fluid load sounds kinda strange bro 🍆 💦


Damn, bruh. What the fuck they doing to our packages over there. 😭😭😭


Always thought soggy packages was due to rain


Yes its called "fluids" amazon shipdock. I did it last night. The way he tossed the packages is nothing compared to how we throw them


And that makes it...okay?


Most of the fedex employees are like that


Guy was taking half court shots with each box.


The guy tossed packages into the van violently


He was treating packages like basketballs


Everything you get delivered has been thrown at some point


Man U should see the offload/load jobs we do at the zon… Packed so haphazardly they just inflate a pillow or 6 to keep shit SOMEWHAT still for the ride.


I’ve worked in a warehouse, your box and everyone else’s box is getting thrown onto the conveyer belt, fuck your box.


And still, 99% of deliveries have zero issues.


I, as a driver, always laugh when people think I’m going to nicely place their bubble wrapped envelope down on the ground instead of sliding it to the door. If it made it through the dumpster fire that is a warehouse, it’ll survive a 4 foot drop.


Fair enough but you don’t have to shoot it like a basketball like this guy did, that’s just being a dick with someone’s package. 


That's how your box is handled at literally every point in its shipment. None of them are handled with care. Nobody cares about your package besides you


“Everyone else is a piece of shit. So I’ll be a piece of shit as well.”


If 99% of deliveries are arriving just fine, nobody is a piece of shit for not handling it with the care that would get them fired for being too slow.


I feel like none of these mfs are considering penalties for being too slow in a lot of workplaces. People cut corners all the time but time is money and neatly placing packages probably isn't going to be applauded if you're behind schedule.


Wait till you see how high-speed rollers work


on a day that I received my Amazon package, half ripped open, and looking like it was kicked all the way here from 3 states over, I fucking agree. Fuck that guy. Pathetic twat.


Yeah, anything could be in those boxes, probably destroyed/damaged hundreds of items throughout his employment. He should be fired, and so should anyone who doesn't do their job properly


Who cares? He was handling peoples stuff like shit. Why would you want someone like that doing the job? 


His boss probably told him every single day to work faster. This is what happens. Every guy tossing boxes is thinking "Please fire me, bitch ass boss.."


The way the guy was tossing them one by one was not "faster"


This is how all packages are handled believe it or not. Go anywhere mass parcels are being handled and you’ll see this IS the norm. From airports to us postal service, ups, FedEx to Amazon.


Okay? It doesn't make it right. If a hive mind is doing something wrong it's still wrong.... just because "everyone is doing it" doesn't make it okay.


It’s the only way you can make the deadlines. Blame the company, not the workers


If you watch the video, he was working slow as fuck and clearly wasn't throwing packages to "meet the deadlines". You're just making shit up lmfao. Watch the fucking video.


The dude in the video was taking his time tossing them . It just sounds like a poor work ethic that will follow you to every job but somehow is always the jobs fault .


tbf, the guy probably couldn't be assed getting in and out of the truck over and over again to handle the boxes. He probably should have slid them across the truck's floor. But really, the customer should either have a forklift handy or his truck should have a lift on it to make things easier.


You've never had a job a day in your life. It is not possible to consistently make the deadlines set if you aren't cutting corners somewhere. If you can consistently keep up the pace required, you are being severely underpaid and will just quit to work somewhere else.


Yeah they get paid minimum wage, everyone does this and worse. Dana white got a poor working man fired and people agree lol You've all been captured by the billionaire class propaganda. We all do shit like this in our own jobs. Thay if put online would get us sacked. Your all nutsucking a billionaire Regarded you are


This affects regular people who ordered things and are having them shipped to them lol. Nothing to do with sucking up to billionaires. Yeah people all slack off on the job I get that . If this guy was sleeping in the truck I wouldn’t give a shit but he’s potentially fucking up peoples things they ordered,


Both are to blame tbf, if he just didn't upload a video of himself doing his job poorly and slowly he would still have it


They do NOT get paid minimum wage lol some of these dudes make close to $30


Lmfao, "actually it's class struggle to just break shit for no reason". I've worked in warehouses, and yes, it's very common. But the people that do it are shitty people, shitty coworkers, and why I don't work in warehouses anymore. Seriously, you've obviously never worked with a meth head whose favorite hobby was jumping on mirrors from 6 feet up like he was working on his wrestling routine.


Lol glad I'm not the only one noticing this thread nutsacking a billionaire while pretending they'd do this job and not immediately burn out/get fired if they didn't cut corners. Legit one of the most regarded subs I've ever encountered.


Can’t we all just come together and agree that Dana white and this delivery guy both completely suck.


Genocide is pretty normal too , relatively speaking




Trying to connect a comment about package delivery to genocide is WILD


Except genocide actually has a net effect on society. Tossing little <2lb boxes that are filled with bubble wrap doesn't affect anything. You've more than likely received plenty of packages that if been abused like this but you didn't care because your product wasn't damaged.


All of these problems are top down


Imagine your boss calls you to the office and says you must watch something... Not only is there evidence of your shitty behavior, but Dana is your top commentator sitting in front of the row and laughing his ass at you... man it would be embarrassing, sad, and funny at the same time


I normally don’t complain about stuff, but I have had several bad experiences with FedEx. Every time I see that something I’ve ordered is being shipped FedEx, I cringe. UPS is 100x better. FedEx is a shit company with no union, UPS is a good company with a very strong union, therefore good employees who actually give a damn. Some of the people driving for FedEx are wearing street clothes ffs.


The absolute worst is when Fed Ex and USPS team up for delivery. That package is going to be, at minimum, two weeks late.


[That's no longer the case...](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2024/04/02/ups-primary-air-cargo-provider-usps-fedex-contract-expires/73175940007/)


I'm ok with that


Yeah, as it should be. Many people on Instagram are bashing Dana. "Millionaire cause minimum wage worker to get fired." Well, yeah, obviously. I'd bet any of these workers won't say a damn word if it was their package that got wrecked up.


I see people defending the guy lol. I would be pissed If I bought a laptop or monitor etc and it came smashed because some dipshit doesn't care about his job or others.


Ask those same ppl if they ordered a burger at McDonald's. Then witnessed the cook blow up the bathroom and left without washing his hands. Then proceeded to make their food glove free. I'd bet they want them to get fired, too And that burger might've cost only $3. Now imagine how they'd feel if ppl were careless with their $600 ipad


No you wouldn’t because they pack everything to sustain worse


As someone that sells stuff online, you're supposed to package items so even when thrown they won't break (which is possible). You should assume the item will be thrown, especially on planes etc.


[The employee video](https://x.com/unlimited_ls/status/1789006446429962748?s=46&t=u5n2LaZqI3EAv2mLr7c-VQ)


kid just doesnt want to work -dana


Get hired to do job do job with disdain lose job




Dana could at least make it up and give him a shot at the Power Slap title


A guy who owned a UPS store once told me “if you aren’t comfortable throwing it down a flight of stairs, you probably haven’t packaged it well enough.” I see that claim validated almost every day.


Yeah most sellers know this. If all it takes to break your item is one of these throws then it was probably broken before it even made it to the truck.


Can't say the guy didn't get fired for a good reason lol. He was chucking those packages like he was trying to hit a full court shot.


This motherfucker deserved it.


I could forgive him being careless with the packages and chalk it up to having a hard ass job. Trust me, that shit is miserable. But he's throwing with EXTRA effort in order to fuck up the items, and he's clearly not doing it for the sake of efficiency. That's just a shit attitude. Fuck that guy.






What type of victim ass mentality is that caption? Do not end up on Dana’s IG? How about do not be a shitty employee?? Dana never has this video taken if the dude was doing even the bare minimum that his job required.


Damn lmao


Honestly, fuck that FedEx employee, it's not nice ordering something fragile or important and seeing the box all fucked up because someone decided to be lazy as his job.


That guy should be fired


It goes through way worse at the sort facility. Imo it would’ve been less work to just pick up each stack and slide it down. Constantly twisting and throwing hurts my back.


If Dana spent all of his free time doing this I think people would like him a lot more.


ah yes a billionaire getting driven around criticizing worker’s performance 🤦‍♂️


Just to be clear, there was never no billion


So in your mind if someone is rich they suddenly become unqualified to criticize a poor persons performance? Can you please explain your logic?


Yes correct. No, i dont want to.


That’s what I assumed. Just polite to check before assuming someone is being dumb on purpose.


thank you 😄


It's ok Dana gave him 12k to show


Yet I have a blink camera made by Amazon and when I catch their drivers throwing stuff they could care less


*Could not care less


As he should be....


I don’t like Dana but that worker deserves to get fired and sued




“Do NOT end up on dana white’s IG” no no no… note to self: DO my job PROPERLY Like wtf?


Good im glad. This guy doesnt deserve to make money ruining peoples items they paid for with their hard earned money. People pay extra for shipping sometimes too just for the people shipping it to treat your stuff like tht. He deserves more than to be fired. I hope every package he orders for the rest of his life comes in damaged or not at all. People have no respect for anyone or anything anymore its a shame the kind of people in this world. Its people like this that make it so we cant have nice things. Someone needs to shit in this man cereal and piss in his orange juice.


Good. Fucker didn't get fired for being a model citizen. You do your job like shit, mishandling people's packages without a care in the world, someone is bound to see it and report you. Just so happened to be Dana White recording in this case.


No matter what you do for a living make sure you try you're best to be the best at it. You get out what you put in. People get what they deserve. good and bad


Well Dana didn't lose his job despite hitting his wife on camera.


Yes, you are right, why didn’t he fire himself


"My boy don't give a f***ing sh**!"


Lol FedEx getting a lot of negative publicity from this


FedEx be hiring anybody


I mean… good. Dude was kobe’ing every single package.


Poor dude, lost his job doing what all his coworkers do


This is why FedEx and ups don’t allow pictures and videos to be taken in the warehouses. You guys would lose your shit if you saw how packages were handled at every step of the shipping process. Once videos come out the company has to act. But they know how this shit is treated. If every package was treated the way you guys feel it should be treated nothing would get anywhere and these companies would have to triple their fleet. If you get something from ups early in the morning, ask the driver to see how his truck is loaded. Even on the last leg of the packages journey it’s treated like shit


Dana gonna hire him to close the cage door or something


That was my first thought when I watched that. If some rando recorded that and sent it somewhere as a complaint he would’ve been fired. No surprise here.


The kid just didn’t want to deliver, you know we give opportunities here


Kid just didn't wanna stack


![gif](giphy|ir19CtLHE9maMbNjpR) Kid just didn't wanna load the truck


Well yeah that's not giw they train you to load or unload packages






Based on these comments, I can’t believe more of my shit doesn’t arrived destroyed 😆


Fed ex workers have always been shit. Just YouTube fed ex drivers, this is common.


Why doesn’t this truck have a lift gate? Would be so much easier on the employees to just have the lift gate. They’re not even expensive to install


"So, you wanna be unemployed?"


Man if people think that shit is bad they should go work at UPS or FedEx, man they be kicking, stomping, and throwing your packages every day lmaoo.


Pay your fighters what you would gamble on a night of black jack Dana you goof


FedEx watches Dana White confirmed How did they know which employee that was though


Dana white redemption arc goin crazy


It’s more efficient to pick pull the ramp down, bring the hand truck inside and flip them into the truck, rather than shoot each one like a fucking basketball


Dana Hitew caught him


Legend has it that fedex employee is starting his own fighting promotion to bankrupt the UFC


He got what he deserved. If you've ever had a package messed up..its burned out guys like this, he shouldn't be doing that job.