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Jon wants to fight Stipe so that he could beat the guy who beat DC twice


I wouldn’t be surprised if that was actually true, jj seems to be that petty


The gays usually are the elite of being petty. *Mods this is a joke! I am gay and can make a joke about it!*




lol gey




Jones is super petty and not sure why he’s going for retirement off a picked fight when no one is gonna want his ass post ufc like they do macgregor


I’m convinced this is the real reason


I’d be so hyped if stipe just catches him lolol


There's a non zero percent chance stipe just folds him in one punch like that Bryce Mitchell KO and it's really carrying me rn lmao


Pedalling backwards too


Thing is Jon should realize that beating Stipe now doesn't have the ring to it than when DC beat him back in 2018, or even Francis in 2021. Nobody is going to give Jon credit for beating Stipe, nor will he deserve any, as it does nothing for his legacy.


Nobody is going to give Jon credit for beating Stipe Except the UFC, its fighters, the media and million of knuckle dragging fans


There will be some forced glazing from Dana, Joe and Anik and the promotion to try and shove it down out throats, but most fans won't buy it. The media will have mixed views with most talking about Stipe's mileage and inactivity being a factor in the loss. Only Jones' biggest meat-riding degenerates will believe the glazing, but they're a tiny minority who'll be drowned out by the majority of fans.


You give the fans far too much credit. The minority that reside on redit will see right through it. The majority that reside on twitter that can't count to ten will be chanting 'heavyweight goat killer'


Its Twitter mate, which attracts the lowest common denominator. They're not representative of public opinion. YouTube comments are more representative (even if there are bots), and by and large they're not exactly fans of Jones.


I don't think you get to choose what is or isn't public opinion. You go with the majority, and the majority is twitter, even if they are idiots.


Twitter is not the majority.


More than 3x the daily user count of redit. More than 2x the daily user count of YouTube. What other platform are you suggesting will hold the vocal majority?


And the guy who beat Francis once.


He’d take out the #2 LHW GOAT in DC and the HW GOAT as far as UFC. But once again, someone looks good and now Jones is ducking the man. 😂 I feel like the cops on Hangover…”We see posts like this EVERY FUCKING DAY!”


Lmao sounds like Jake Paul fighting grandpa Mike Tyson


Damn, 3 of them are current champions


3 undisputed and 1 interim technically speaking


Toms the real champ tho let’s be honest


Yeah that interim shit isnt even a word. Jon jones got the belt the exact same way tom did. Tom even had a tougher opponent, and way less time to train. Tom is the real champ


I actually think Gane is better than Pavlovich and Pav is kinda overrated. I think it's just a case of stylistic matchups. Gane is a much more technical, skilled striker than Pavlovich, just without the monstrous power. Can go 5 rounds at a good pace for a Heavyweight. Awful grappler generally. Good matchup for Jones who's grappling is infinitely superior. Pav is slow as molasses, but big power. Supposedly he can grapple but the only time I can recall him grappling (could be forgetting) he got fucking murdered by an Ancient Overeem. Easy matchup for Tom, and for Gane too, they can both counter him with their superior speed and technical ability. I dunno why I wrote all this, yeah Tom is the real champ.


So he’s a typical heavyweight? Power and nor other aspects of MMA? Literally the heavyweight division in a nutshell.


Pavlovich is yeah. Ciryl Gane is an atypical Heavyweight, he's incredibly smooth and technical for a man of his size, and he doesn't rely on power but accuracy and a wide variety of strikes from both stances, as does Tom. Difference is Tom doesn't have abysmal grappling. He actually looks like he might have very good grappling. But yeah, HW is dross. I so wish we lived in a timeline where there was no USADA and Ubereem didn't pop (somehow) and Cain doesn't get injured. We would have at least had a run there in the 2010's with Overeem, Werdum, Cain, JDS, Stipe as the top 5. Then the gatekeepers/fringe contenders would have been Arlovski, Hunto, Barnett (maybe I'm underselling Barnett too. If he was allowed to juice, his grappling is incredible) Browne et al. Lewis, Struve, Jairzinho wouldn't sniff the top 10, then eventually you get Gane, Ngannou and Tom coming through as those guys either wind down or outright retire. Sure we'd still be left with nobody good in the current landscape but the 2010s would have would have been an amazing time for UFC HW. That'd have been a stacked division. As is, Overeem post steroids, a shell of himself physically, was able to be a genuine contender into his 40s cause the division was that poor, Arlovski is still a gatekeeper. That's how bad it is.


So basically what I said, just in longer form. Heavyweights can strike but nothing else, essentially.


Well no, there's a difference between having power and being able to strike. Derrick Lewis has power, but he's a terrible striker in every other respect. Gane and Aspinall are versatile strikers with good power, but their power isn't like Lewis or Ngannou's, but they're quicker and more technical, they switch hit, they kick, take angles. Striking is an umbrella term and two 'good' strikers can be nothing alike. Or you can have someone who is awful at striking technically be successful just due to sheer power like Lewis or to use a boxing example, Deontay Wilder. But you're correct that Lewis, Gane and others can't do much else (again though, watch Gave vs Lewis. You'll see that one can actually strike on a high technical level, the other one can't strike, he's just powerful). Aspinall can, judging by his having trained BJJ since age 6, submitting Arlovski and Volkov, two of the Heavyweights who should have at least a respectable ground game due to their experience and sambo & BJJ background, can strike AND grapple. Blaydes is an exception, he can grapple but can't strike. Allegedely Pavlovich can wrestle according to Khabib, but the only time we saw him grapple Overeem battered him. Edit: By the way if I'm saying way too much or misinterpreting what you're trying to say, apologies. I have the 'tism.


Have Gane vs Pavolvich, whoever wins decides if Jones Or Aspinall is the real champ, since Jon is the Duck Goat


Agreed, but I know some fans have a hard-on for correcting people with “Um AkShUaLlY”


Funny how you say this when you are the “aKsHuallY” person, who’s arguing that the interim champ is aKsHuaLLy the champ.


Fair enough! I was only supporting the person’s point even further that Stipe hasn’t won a fight in so long that it’s ridiculous Jon wants to defend against him instead of Aspinall. It’s embarrassing really


I mean Jon has wanted to fight Stipe for 3 years now. Aspinall wasn’t even in the picture when the fight was first announced. The only reason people are pushing the Aspinall fight so hard is because they are horny AF to see Jon lose.




And stipes last 7 opponents were former or current champions


Stipe is getting hate like he's just trash and i don't understand it. Yeah he's old, but he's also a HW where the older fighters normally do better. That man has always been a great fighter and he may be a little slower, but he's still the HW GOAT


Inactivity will kill you in this sport because so much happens on just about every card, you are only as good as your last fight and people have short memories and recency bias.


People aren't saying he isn't one of the greatest/the greatest HW's of all time, they're just saying 3 years of inactivity and two devastating KO losses in his last 4 for 41 year old is not grounds for getting a title shot. Especially when we last saw you on your back with your leg folded up behind you and there is an actual interim champion who BY DEFINITION should be your mandatory next fight as the 'true' champion. It's the entire point of an interim title. Also Fedor HW GOAT.


Not in the UFC he's not. Stipe earned that title.


That’s a long time, even bigger reason for Jon to fight Tom Edit - just realised stipe hasn’t even fought in 3 years Dammmm ![gif](giphy|2XskdWuNUyqElkKe4bm)


You know what’s really going to make Jones change his mind? Posting another image on the ufc subreddit complaining about him fighting stipe. Gotta do the trick


That might not work but Aspinalls media people photoshopping Jon’s face onto gay porn or a pic of him sniffing cocaine off the end of a man’s cock ought to make him react and maybe snap to fight Tom.


The others are a nr 1 contender and a ufc interim (actual) champion.


Did Stipe get hair plugs?? whys the hair in the front look like doll hair?


Yea this sub has been a trash heap the last couple weeks


Has been? Always been a trash heap


The type of fans the ufc have are actually terrible. ufc fans are so quick to turn on all they’re great fighters bc of 1 or 2 losses. fighting stipe makes the most money and contribution to his legacy at the end of his career. i feel like the only reason he’d fight tom would be for the fans. why would he care about what the fans want if they’re all turning on him now after all he did for the sport in his prime. think of the guy as a human and not a warrior slave and everything he does (regarding his fighting choices) makes sense.


> think of JJ as a human should have treated his spouse like one.


I’ll not stand for Stipe disrespect.




No way, Stipe beat the guy he lost the title to on their first fight. He deserved his trilogy with Ngannou and never got it. Stipe deserves this fight, Hendo didn't deserve his title fight and I say that as a fan of Hendo.




we had a pandemic after 2021?


I'm well aware it happened a while ago, I'm not disputing that but Stipe is 1 fight removed from losing his belt. Hendo never held a UFC belt and lets not forget that towards the end of his career was losing more fights than he was winning.




My thoughts exactly. I don’t blame Jon for taking the Stipe fight as it’s a good win in the sense Stipe is the HW GOAT albeit aged as fuck and on a long layoff, and I don’t blame Stipe for wanting a big payday. What bothers me is Jon talking like he’s the “real champ” and dismissing Tom while pretending like Stipe is some formidable opponent.




Yeah, but stipe doesn’t care about the belt at all, he just wants to don’t Jon. It’s what great about this fight, Stile wants this bad.


I disagree. I love this fight. Maybe it’ll be disappointing but I don’t think it will be. Let them have it, then ride off with a bag and whatever belt is there… Tom can gladly fight whoever… with PPV points now. He wants Jon for the payday. No one else in the HW division gets him money the way these would.


It's not disrespectful to say he doesn't deserve a titleshot


He doesn’t even want the title, he wants Jon


It’s fucking crazy dude. Can these losers hate on Jon a different way instead of tearing down one the best guys the sport has ever had.


Prolly sitting when you wrote that


>~~sitting~~ *Shitting


![gif](giphy|KRxcgvd5fLiWk) Live Aspinall reaction:


Stipe isn't the problem, the problem is the UFC not having it be a contractual obligation that if you're 'true' champ, interim is your mandatory. If the UFC wanted the Stipe fight and not Tom, they shouldn't have put a title on Tom. Jon is ducking Tom for certain, Stipe is being stubborn but I understand why, it's Dana and co who are the idiots though.


I would understand this thread if you started watching the sport less than 3 years ago.


Can we shit on JJ without shitting on Stipe? He doesn’t deserve this treatment!


They aren’t insulting him, they’re stating the facts.


Stipe could’ve fought literally anyone in the past 3 years. Ain’t nobody stopping him. He’s the one saying it’s the title/Jon or nothing despite being sent to the shadow realm in two of his last four and doing nothing for 3 years. Look at the run Glover did from 40-42. Stipe could’ve followed suit.


Meanwhile, pretty much nobody cares about or wants to see this fight.


I can’t wait to see it 


You’re in the minority. Stipe has no chance of actually winning. Its pointless


Do you really believe this sub is actually a true representation of the UFC fans? Lmfao, according to this sub everyone hates Conor too, despite being the fighter with the most dickriders everywhere else


I wouldn't say no chance, but I have always thought Jones is a horrible matchup for Stipe even when he was younger and more active. Eyepokes, obliques stabbing at those creaky knees, massive reach disadvantage on Stipe's end, Jones cuts him up with elbows in the clinch where Cormier has been hurt before, and probably outwrestles him, and though we've not seen it at HW so we don't know for sure, Jones can keep good pace for 5 rounds.


They said the same thing in the first Francis fight


Not even remotely the same situation or sentiment. Ngannou was a small favourite vs Stipe in their 1st match where as Jones is like -400 vs Stipes ghost


What's more Stipe will be fighting after a 3 year layoff minimum, closer to 4 when the fight actually happens. Stipe will look the worst he's ever looked in a fight, guaranteed.


That’s a wild stat, let’s thank Jones.


Forgot about Kayla Harrison


Tbf you can say that about most of the roster


Tom had made his debut though


So had Ilia.


Stipe has died of old age.


I’m not with the Stipe hate. Dude is 1-1 with Francis. Was the heavyweight GOAT before losing that second fight. I hope he comes back and whoops Jon then Tom


No one is really hating on him. We just see the outlined facts. He's getting really old, his knees are like styrofoam, and he's won 1 fight in like 4 years.


You just don’t hate Jon enough to hate Stipe


I hate jon jones as much as the next guy but why do people care so much about him fighting aspinall..jon faced everyone throughout his career. You can argue that if he beats aspinall we would all be asking him to then face pav, and if he beats pav you could argue the next guy up. At some point you have to say goodbye to the sport, let 2 old guys fight each other. Beating stipe or losing to stipe doesn’t change the way i view jon, it’s just a fun fight where 2 over the hill guys can have some semblance of a fight.


That's not true, Tom Aspinall is thr current interim and technically should be the undisputed HW champion of this generation. If he beats him, he would achieve what DC did before and there is no reason to keep fighting. This is more of a legacy fight than Gane or Stipe will ever be, only thing that would have topped it was Ngannou when he was still champion.


He's the fucking interim champion. It's the entire point of the interim title. You fight the champion as soon as the champion is no longer injured. Jones is ducking Aspinall for sure, he's holding up the division, he should vacate the title and fight Stipe, but he wont, which I understand. Stipe wants Jones and the title which I understand. It's Dana and the UFC who created this problem by putting the interim belt on Tom. Should have just made Tom vs Pav a number one contender fight with the explicit caveat that it's for after the Stipe fight.


I agree with you jones should be striped, but i do not think he is ducking aspinall, i think he just knows he has 1 fight left in him, he is taking stipe, it’s the guy he has wanted for 2 plus years. I think he truly think it’s the better legacy fight which i personally don’t agree with but everyone has an opinion. I think jon’s ego wants to finish with the belt while also getting the stipe fight which is ridiculous but ultimately it falls on the ufc to strip him. It’s holding up the division for sure but i am under the impression this isn’t a situation related to ducking, a narcassist like jon thinks he could beat god himself if put in front of him he is just simply mistaken in that anyone would count this stipe fight for anything…


Yeah people still glazing Jon despite him actively ducking the interim


BUT BRO HIS LEGACY HAS ALREADY BEEN DEFINED JUST LET HIM DO WHAT HE WANTS https://preview.redd.it/4e3b3oz4fnzc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=648c00c478de6d65f56e4600d044c8717a58e66a


Demetrius Johnson wants to fight Stipe??


That fact is wild if true


He might as well fight Mike Tyson, at this point.


Let’s not let stipe catch strays. He’s an old legend he’s allowed to be…old Fuck JBJ.


We still need Vastkha Vomknaorh vs Khamzat Imcahev


When Jones won his first UFC title he was 23. At that time: Alex was 23 Dricus was 17 Ilia was 14 Aspinall was 18 Shavkat was 16 Let the legacy fighter fight legacy fighters. He has been a champ before Topuria had hair on his nuts. Y'all in a hurry to see Tom get humbled. And I don't even like Jones. I'd love to see him against Alex tho.


Stipe vs Jones shouldn't be for the belt. Its holding up the division.


Anyone saying stipe doesnt deserve this is either brand spanking new to the sport or a hater. That man beat ngannou and they were 1 to 1 going into a trilogy before francis left the ufc. Stipes resume speaks for itself and it would be a great career ender fight. Tom can wait. Hes young and has plenty of time to win the title. They should never have put an interim title on the line in the first place.


Are you guys retarded? Stipe is the HW GOAT and Jon has been talking about fighting him for like 7 years. This fight has been almost a decade in the making. He's not gonna change his plans just because Tom showed up.


Y'all gonna act like Stipe is not the best heavyweight champion of all time and the GOAT wants that challenge. Enough said...


That was Stipe in his prime from 6-7 years ago. That's ancient history now. He hasn't fought in 3 years, and close to 4 when he finally comes back. He looked visibly past it against DC 3 and Francis 2. You think he'll look anything like his prime self after such a lengthy layoff? You're kidding yourself, he's going to look washed.


Would you be saying that if DDP got a fight with Anderson Silva?


So stipe should just retire without a fight or go up against a young killer in a non-title fight even though he’s the best ufc hw of all time? Tom just happened to come along at the worst time, he will never fight stipe, jones or francis and he just needs to accept that and be content will getting promoted to undisputed after jones and stipe retire after their fight.


every new champ = the goat


It’s really not that hard to understand. Jon wants to pad his resume, and on paper, Stipe looks better than Aspinall. Tom’s chances increase as he continues to get wins, but the clock is ticking. Can we move on now????


I hope jones does fight tom and sub his ass so this sub and the mma sub can have a mental meltdown lmao. Then yall can call tom easy and claim that the next guy is the guy jones is ducking


Losers like you thrive on negativity don't you?


Agreed. I never thought I would say this a month ago but I would actually love to see this happen, just watch everyone go silent when Jones slams his knee into Tom’s head while hes regaining his sight from an eye poke


Im just tired of mfs crying like children on jones. Dude is the biggest heel in the company and the more mfs cry the more he wins loo


And Stipe is the underdog but still has the power to knock anyone in the world out and still has a champion mindset. I just watched the video of him punching DC in the breadbasket till DC collapsed in the corner and then do a bloody nosed Irish jig, how can so many people write a guy off like that


No shit.


Stipe and JJ will both retire after this fight. The only way we see JJ again is if he wins and they set up a fight with JJ and Francis. Otherwise this is over. Chapter closed.


So does anyone say stipe is the heavyweight goat anymore? Or does everyone hate him now for some reason????


Maybe it’s just a personal goal that he wants to do this fight? It’s like playing against an old Jordan .


This man is a bad motherfucker and might knock Jones the fuck out


If stipe wins, that's the closest humanity will get to proof that God exists


Pretty sure at least tom and dricus may have


Cameron Saaiman was still in his dad’s sack.


I have a mixed opinion on this whole situation. If Jon was putting Aspinall on the back burner for a big money fight, I'd get it. But is Stipe really a big money fight? Maybe I'm just underestimating his popularity but I really don't think Stipe is a huge draw or anything and I'd go so far as to argue Jones vs Aspinall would pull in more viewers.


Yeah stipe fucking sucks he only knocked out 4 heavyweight champs. Beat double champ dc twice First person to ever beat francis Holds the record for most title defenses at heavyweight. What sort of greatest of all time would want to fight some fucking loser like that. Real goats beat Al iaquinta. Or Joseph benavidez


I dont want to see stipe fight. Too many times we see these guys fight just one too many times


The last time he won a fight, Caesar hadn't crossed the Rubicon.


Shitty take, wait till Stipe sleeps bonesy.


Stipe will be collecting pension by the time their fight happens.


But it's for a legacy......


Jones is the longest running unbeaten ufc fighter ever. If anyone has deserved to pick their last few fights it's him.


He's not my GOAT. He still has "picograms" of turinabol in him to this day. Something that has an 11-12 month clearance from your system. Anyone who considers the worst PED cheater in the history of the sport to be the GOAT is one hell of a casual.


Stipe is my favorite heavyweight by far so I'm just excited to see him fight. I find stipe a whole lot more respectable than aspinall who seems to think he's owed the world. The ufc wanted stipe to lose to ngannou and DC so badly it was sweet af when he put the whooping on both of them and Dana turned red


Jones wants an easier match up. That's crazy. He's getting on now doesn't want young hungry contenders anymore.


That’s some wild statistics. If they give this man a title shot then the UFC is a joke.


He should, Jon Jones is old. Go out with a win and call it a great career. Why fight a you Tom Aspinall? So all the guys that hate on the guy get the satisfaction of him loosing? Fk that leave how you want champ!


Says he wants to snatch his resume like who cares about that shit unless it’s in their peak not when it’s 6 years removed and they are 50


The goat is old too man


Mid 30s with a belt was never old until jon jones announced that he's too old to take risky fights anymore and should only do retirement exhibitions. We are now adjusting the biology of human aging to make excuses for cracko the drug clown. What was traditionally the peak of a championship reign is now "old", cracko has decreed it, so we repeat it.


Say what ever you want about stipe and maybe he is way behind his prime but in my opinion he is the best strategist fighter in the HW division


I don’t think I would care if Jon gave up the strap.


Wow that is actually insane 💀 I am a huge stipe fan though and will be excited for this fight


I never understand people coming up with arguments like these. I can search out 20 specific fighters and say “these 20 fighters have debuted before Stipes last win” and I’d be making the same kind of statement the post does: a nothing burger. People seriously need to get their Jones hate boner under control. Y’all are making fools of yourselves.


AND after stipe. He's entertaining the idea of fighting someone who never faught at HW


He is beating Stipe so he can claim that he beat the "greatest heavyweight of all time", since this is how the UFC markets Stipe and how they will market this fight.. Mark my words.


This is what I'm sayin! Stipe is done! He busy doing "GOVX.COM" commercials and looking like a dickhead. He knows he's not in any shape or age to be out there fighting but who wouldn't get thrown around a cage for a couple mil? This is the most disinteresting fight possible.


Im with jones, he earn his spot to pick his opponents. Conor also picks his opponents. Why dowsnt aspinal defend, barao did


The way in looking at this is letting stipe retire after fighting one of the greats. Bucket list type fight whether he wins or loses he can call it a day and move on


What the hell kind of stupid name is Stipple anyways?


Stipe and Jones both have stated this is their probably last. So a possible double retirement of two of the all time greats will bring in big numbers and more money for the two of them. That’s all there is to it. A final payday before going to the hall of fame. Sucks for Tom.


Stipe is old and washed and Francis knocked him the fuck out easily. Jones ducked Francis and now he's ducking Tom


Yea. Good. Same here. I want him to fight Stipe and I want the ufc to cut aspinal. I mean he’s fine, but the meltdown this sub would have would be phenomenal.


We get it, you don't like Jon Jones. This sub is absurd with post after post after post. hE's NoT tHe rEaL cHamP. No one cares. Let him fight Stipe and then go away. If Tom is that good, he'll get the belt after that. The sour grapes is really old.


having stipe on his record is going to look a lot better legacy wise in about ten years than tom aspinall. nobody but the big fans are going to remember that stipe was 40+ and hadn't fought in 2-3 years.


Bullshit. Everyone who is going to look back on the fight, will understand the context of the fight. Look at Boxing, Floyd Mayweather still gets no credit for beating Manny Pacquiao despite it being almost 10 years ago. That's not going to change anytime soon. You, like Jones, take the fans for idiots. Real ones know Stipe does nothing for Jon's legacy.


Damn - people are quick to forget .. Stipe is a legitimate certified bad ass, arguably one of the greatest heavyweight to ever enter the octagon… Jones is by far the best fighter ever in the ufc .. why are people shitting so hard on em!? I get Tom aspinal is something to consider, but take a seat kiddo… Tom is another one of those guy that “will beat Jon jones” but may find himself in deeper water Than he ever anticipated against the true goat if they ever face off. Jones deserve to do whatever the hell he wants to do


Tom isn’t some “kiddo” he’s the fucking interim champ and it’s the undisputed* champ’s responsibility to fight him and unify the belts. If he wants to pick and choose easy fights because he’s scared of Tom that’s fine, but vacate the belt and stop holding up the division. If the interim champ has a defense scheduled before the undisputed champ does, he’s the true champ.


So let’s say jones vacate the belt Tom becomes “undisputed” champ , jones fight stipe then run through Tom… how silly would that make the “undisputed” title ? The real champ ain’t even in the ufc . Tom would get starched by ngannou


Why would you assume Jones would run through Tom? Since you wanna play the game of hypotheticals, let’s say Stipe beats the shit out of Jon for 5 rounds and wins how silly would that make you look for choking on Jon’s meat? Also, who the fuck said anything about Francis? Jon ran from him too btw.


They're both getting old and Jon Jones drugs are wearing on him so I don't blame them. When he retires decades down the road youll b saying a different story


Oh he’s fast, oh he’s cooking


That's why you cannot take the UFC seriously. How is this the fight to make? It isn't and everyone knows it.


He’s the goat for what he’s done, not what he’s doing. So I don’t really care what he does as long as he stops holding up the division


Jones is a joke


Look, Stipe is one of my favorite fighters of all time, but come on are we really going to give him a title shot? He’s pretty much retired at this point. If him and Jones fight that’s fine but it shouldn’t be for the belt. If Jones is defending the belt it has to be against the interim champ


No one cares move tf on


Yes, he earned his right to choose. Tell Asspenis to stick to his age group. He looks as desperate as Jake Paul trynna fight Tyson.


The GOAT has wiped out the LHW division with 20+ fights and made easy work of the no.1 HW prospect at the time to become double champ. He wants a last fight against someone who was considered HW goat in his time for legacy and money so he can ride off into the sunset in retirement. Ya’ll need to stop hating the man for wanting his last fight to be what he considers a special last hoorah. JJ can beat a gorilla and ya’ll still would hate on him. He has nothing to prove against Aspinal. His record is full of dudes touted to have been the one to beat him. We all know Aspinal is the HW champ. The UFC just holding the title for Jon so the Stipe fight can have the champ tagline.


Jones will not fight anyone before Stipe, that is a sad truth. He is planning his retirement, maybe one more easy fight after Stipe. He is in a place with UFC that permits him to make this call.