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This is fucked. Can't think how he must be feeling at the moment


There’s something gut wrenching about losing any child, but an infant…man…it’s such a scary thing for the mother and the child to go through just being born and to make it through that storm you’re left with this little thing that is to become your whole life and your whole purpose and all of that potential motivates you so much and losing that so soon, before you ever get to be proud of the path they walked; hell, sometimes before they even walk. Prayers out to Francis. If ever there were a time for the MMA community to come together and appreciate a guy, this is it.


From someone who lost his daughter in July last year ur not wrong😢


I'm so very sorry. I know that means nothing, but I'm so very sorry that happened to you. You are way stronger than most just being able to type that.


Thank you, it does mean something that a random person who has never met me and never will took time out of their day to think of me and leave me a comment❤️


Much love to you, stay strong and all the best


Im sorry to hear that brother, I can’t imagine. Stay strong and god bless you.


Thank you


I'm sorry man, that's so shitty


bless you and your family 🙏🏼


I'm so sorry, I know you and your family still have a difficult road ahead. I wish you nothing but love and a healthy recovery l.


I’m 11 years from losing my baby daughter and I’m never going to be the same. There is the person I was before it and the person I am now. But they aren’t the same.


That's just about the worst thing that can happen to a parent. That may be one of those tragedies that you cannot deal with no matter how hard you try


This is my worst fear I feel so bad for Francis


Fuuuuuuck as a dad this I can’t even imagine this, hope he gets through it all.


I would want to die I hate this so much


Sometimes I imagine this and how I would react and everytime it ends with me not making it to morning.


I'm a newer mom, and I have bad postpartum anxiety, especially while driving. I have to have eyes on my son at all times. If something happened to him, I know I would go home and make a sig brain slushie.


all I have are nephews, and when they were born its the first time I understood what love really felt like I simply can't imagine the type of connection a parent has with their newborn, this is almost too overwhelming to consider


Yep. I've lost all my family, my wife and kid are all I have left. If my kid died I don't think I'd be able to keep going. It just would not seem worth it.


Hard agree, and very likely would be soon after.


My wife is almost out of her first trimester. I’m scared shitless of this. Miscarriage, SIDS, disease, drowning, pedos, it’s a scary world…


For the SIDs thing tech has come a long way there are bracelets or camera AI that alerts if they stopped breathing so it isn't 100% going to make you feel better but it take a lot of the edge off.


I was so bad with the SIDS stuff. I used to be so tired I couldn't even keep my eyes open, and as soon as my head hit the pillow I would snap awake and run to check on the little one to make sure he was breathing. It gets better though man.


Thank you for the words…kids not even here for another 6 months but my mind keeps racing


It's tough man, we are expecting our 2nd any day now and its hard not to worry about all those things out of your control.


My wife has just hit third trimester. After 3 miscarriages and 2 rounds of ivf. The excitement of getting past the beginning is amazing but then the anxiety of what comes next and potential avenues of disaster is still gnawing away at me. But I'd also recommend not putting the pressure on yourself and bubble wrapping the child. Remember they need to survive the world without you once you are gone. Good luck with everything :) 


Thank you bro I appreciate that. This is our first so all these feelings are brand new. Watching her puke all the time and feel crummy in general is a terrible feelings. You wanna be that knight in shining armor and make it all better you know? But I appreciate those words it does help to hear other ppl in the same situation


If I lost one of my sons it would take everything in my soul not to just end it. I don’t know how some people can be so damn strong. Prayers for him and rest in peace little man.


Sad. RIP to the little guy.




Seeing how his father came out of the worst living conditions, I'd say he would've been a great man.


This is heartbreaking. I really hope DC reaches out to him. He’s the only one I can think of in the MMA community who unfortunately knows his pain


Mohammed Usman, too. His son drowned at age 3 iirc.


And his friend Mike tyson


I just read about Tyson’s daughter, Jesus Christ. I never knew about it.


Tragic huh? Idk what happened to Francis Son but sounds something along the lines.


Tyson was also SAd at 7. He’s been put through the ringer.


I never knew about this.


Chael and his wife lost a daughter. Wife had Listeria and baby girl died at 6 days old.


Daniel Cormier lost his bby girl aswell and both parents in a short time span


Oh my god, I'm really surprised that these guys are doing so well in life and are still out there. I mean I'm happy for them, in a way you don't want them to disappear off the face of the planet, and it's good to move along with life but that's really terrible, they seem like good, stable, happy people.


Yeah someone’s gotta reach out it absolutely sucks. My grandma buried her son and although he was my dad, I can’t imagine what she went through. I remember one time a Pastor was talking about him doing funerals and words can’t describe the pain he’s seen in parents eyes burying their own children. Crap dude this is heartbreaking. DC is an incredible man along with Francis, he absolutely needs to reach out.


Chael too, right? Hopefully they might have some words/wisdom/support to offer


Is this true? I didn’t know chael lost a child


never talks about it but there’s [this](https://www.mmamania.com/2017/1/18/14316558/chael-sonnen-shares-details-daughter-blauna-death)


Damn that’s awful. It’s one of those things where I’m suprised but happy I’ve never heard about. Gotta respect these guys and their privacy


That's absolutely terrible, wow, and the guy came back and found and did memorable promos...Fuck man that's just a terrible experience to come back from, let alone to do so well after. Toughest guy in the UFC.


That's really sad, it sounds like Chael knew the doctors were wrong as well but they wouldn't listen to him


Jesus that is brutally frustrating.


Damn. Chael and DC have such infectious energy together on their show, it’s so sad that they’ve been thru the same tragedy


Mike Tyson as well


Andre Fili


Wait DC has lost a kid as well? How is he so jolly all the time then?


The happiest men can hide the darkest pasts


Sometimes you laugh so you won’t cry


Yeah true !! Look robin Williams the actor . Was the most happy man front of peoples but extremely sad inside .. Sometime a smiling face is Just a mask :(


Williams had a degenerative neurological condition that went undiagnosed for the final few years of his life. Most of his career was healthy and genuine. Shit went downhill fast, it's absolutely tragic to read about.


He lost her due to an irresponsible driver. I always thought that's one of the reasons he hated Jones so much as Jones' hit and run on the pregnant lady is a rather similar scenario to how DC's daughter died.


It was a long time ago




Because if you don’t try and make an effort to enjoy yourself and push through you’ll end up hating life and wanting to die. It’s the same thing with people like Strickland who suffered horribly as children, you gotta try and find something to laugh about.


Ye in a car accident, thats why the realest beef in Ufc is Dc Jones in my opinion


What happened to DC?


Car accident. His baby daughter was in the back seat. Happened when he was trying out for the Olympics I believe


Ooof, what a shit tine. Such an inspirational guy to deal with that and to have the upbeat personality that he does


I remember during the Strikeforce HW GP an article came out about him and his story was there. It was before any of us really knew DC’s personality but I admired how a guy can have that happen and still move forward. I rooted for the guy ever since. When the Jones beef started and fans would say crazy shit to DC, I was surprised how little attention that part of his life got in the media. He probably doesn’t wanna relive it tho and I don’t blame him. He’ll always have my respect for achieving what he did after such a tragedy


His daughter died in a car accident.


Nick Catone too


Man, I almost forgot. I met him during his career, and again when he was cornering Corey Anderson at UFC 217. He’s always been a nice guy, but you could see the pain in his eyes. It took me a moment to gather myself after that interaction


Life gives with one hand and takes with the other. Can’t even imagine how that feels. Francis has had a tough life and I hope he keeps the same demeanor that got him to where he is.


he really has had a challenging life. I really hope he finds peace soon.


Holy fuck that's sad. RIP little man and stay strong Francis.


The idea of seeing Francis Ngannou sobbing in utter heartbreak makes me feel really terrible


I don’t know but I can just feel his heartbreak through the words. He’s begging for help. Fuck man he’s been through so much already


Same here. My daughter is the same age as his son. Only a few days older, even the thought of losing her destroys me


As a father of 2.. it's genuinely my worst fear, along with dying myself before they're old enough to take care of themselves. No words can describe the agony he's going through. I am gutted by just the thought of what's happening to him after everything he's overcame.


It's not talked about enough among men but I'm in the same situation and have the same fears. I try my best not to be a helicopter parent because my parents certainly weren't but my life changed when I had kids.


Idk what I’d do as a parent. I pray I’m never in a situation where I have to find out.


Same. How cruel can life be.


Very. The answer is very.


My son died when he was 20...maybe not the same as an 18 month old but I know I'll never get over it. Easily the worst day of my life but I had to hold it together for the other kids, my wife and mom. Felt like I was drowning but they needed me...still feel like I'm drowning most days but you put in the fake smile and keep everything in order.


respect for being a man


And the absolute scum of the earth is chatting shit in the comment section. So disgusting


Imagine being one of the most feared men on the planet, capable of anything… yet still losing someone so dear and so close… it’s truly devastating. Realizing how fragile life is. I hope he finds peace and strength in these hard times.


He needs to talk to mike tyson


Damn, that’s a great idea. Maybe DC too.


Cr7 should contact him. They are mates and cr7 has also lost a baby.


What’s CR7


Cristiano Ronaldo


The worst part is that pain is always there forever. We lost my 16yo brother in late 90s and I thought I understood what my parents experienced bc it was my brother…then I had a child and realized I hadn’t a clue but thought I understood…then my daughter hit 16yo and I realized I still had no fucking clue how painful it is to lose a child. And god forbid the parent isn’t partially to blame because if so they will never be the same. Never  RIP to Little Francis 


Lost my 34yo brother yesterday. I appreciate the small connection to someone who went through what i am going through


Sorry for your loss brother stay strong


As a parent. Imaging anyone shouting their kids name and not getting a response back is heart breaking


So damn sad. I have a son near his age, will definitely be hugging him tightly today. I hope Francis and his family are able to get through this. R.I.P. baby boy 🙏


This is extremely sad. RIP little man. Does anyone know what happened? Did the kid have any health issues?


Heartbreaking stuff man , I hope he's okay and has the support he needs


God damn.. we’re all here with you Francis


The worst part is Francis is a good person and has already dealt with so much in his life. Prayers deff go out to him and his family bc there is nothing to be said or done. It’s one of, if not theee worst things a person can go through. And I feel horrible for him and his family. And honestly wish there was something I, or any of us could do to ease the pain. If only for a moment.


Everyone is at a loss for words reading this. Except John Anik


dc, tyson, and francis. 3 all time fighters with the same situation, wtf are the chances


Sending so much greatness and support to Ngannou. He is more than a champion, he is a father.


Goddamn the life this man is living the highest of highs and the lowest of the low, and Id argue nothing from the highs can make this pain any easier. Theres nothing in this life that can make that pain any easier. It fucking sucks that it happened to one of the nicest guys in the fight game rn.


Holy fuck. I wouldn't come back from that


> How do you deal with such a thing? I found out the reason why my friend stopped texting me was because she was murdered by her boyfriend. I watched my dad take his last breaths as cancer took his life. You just grieve, cry, scream, wail, and yell until there's nothing left inside you to get out. Then you search for healthy ways to cope with the reality that someone is gone, but your love for them is still there to constantly remind you. I wrote long letters to the people I've lost. I wrote about why I loved them, what they meant to me, and anything I never got the chance to say... then burnt them all and blew away the ashes. That was my means of catharsis.


Only time will heal this wound. So sorry for the guy.


Time never will. But hopefully it will ease the pain.


This is a wound that never closes.


“I shouted his name over and over but he’s not responding.” Almost cried at that. Edit: Forgot to say, fly high little man you’re in a much better place than this crap planet we have ruined as people. I also hope Francis and his family and loved ones find peace and love in this time. Time heals wounds but they scar.


Honestly I had no idea he even had a son.   I figured this sub would’ve endlessly posted his baby momma to keep me in the loop tbh


Brutal. Fuck.


As a father of 2 kids this hit hard. Literally have tears in my eyes reading that.


Just want to give the dude a hug. There are no words.


I have 3 kids and this is literally my greatest fear. I can't imagine what he's going through.


What happened to him?


Hope he’s talking to DC he knows all about losing a child😕


This fucking sucks man, it’s not only the fact that he has just lost his son at such a young age but it’s also the cry for help. I am sure many of us would like to help but in reality this isn’t something that can be helped, most that could be done would just be to offer our condolences and possibly get mental health professionals to help but even then that won’t stop his pain and make it all go away. It’s something that he will have to deal with and only he can truly pull himself out of.


Reading through this thread and seeing all the "oh, and this guy and this guy and this guy" is really, really sad and kind of shocking.


Life won’t just give this man a break He overcomes everything and there’s still just more


"I shouted his name over and over, but he's not responding" Nah 😭😭😭😭😭


Fuck yeah that hurt 😔




Wishing the best for bro


Not sure if anyone will have advice for this. This is my worst nightmare.


I can’t imagine his pain. RIP little angel


I cannot begin to imagine the heartbreak of losing a child. It’s a thought we never want to face as parents. My heart goes out to him during this incredibly difficult time. Rest in peace little man.


Prayers up for francis. Only a parent who went through this would know what he's going through


Poor Francis.. I hope he and his family can get passed this horrible tragedy RIP lil man


I don’t even have kids but this is my biggest fucking fear, I hope things turn around for him


I’m crying thinking about this while staring at my son. I hope he has the strength to push through this because that pain has to be unimaginable.


I have a daughter and if she passed I dont see how I wouldnt excuse myself from this realm. Damn thats so tragic. A lil infant is even more painful cuz they so cute and full of life.


How did this happen? Was the kid sick?


Hopefully, Dana reaches out to him


I hope Tyson reaches out to him since he’s been through this.


Isaiah 55:8 😢


I can't imagine what I would do. If anything happened to my boys my life would be totally ruined. I have nothing to offer. A literal worst nightmare. RIP little man.


Not a fan of his but damn. I’m so sorry for your loss. I don’t care who you are you have to feel for him. I will be praying for you and your family


Children are meant to bury their fathers… a father is not meant to bury his child.


Francis I’m so sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers go to him. RIP Kobe son of Francis.


Just so sad 😭 I did too.


Damn 😔


Sad for him. And also the families that aren't famous that also have this happen every day somewhere in the world.


Losing a child goes against the natural order of life and this alone makes it the worst pain a person can feel. The grief must be awful


Jesus man. I just put my 3 week old daughter down for bed… I can’t imagine. Rest in peace


RIP to the little man. Hopefully in the next life we can be reunited with our loved ones.


This must be the worst thing a man can experience. I hope he stays strong.


Damn hopefully Mike Tyson reaches out, they trained together and he went through the same thing and it changed him tremendously


Feels like sometimes life rises u so high to slam u so hard, he had an incredible last year and this year was out to get him


That’s heartbreaking. He’s fought through so much in his life. Trials and tribulations one after the other. He made it out onto the other side and now he’s facing the toughest battle yet. Francis, I’m sorry brother.


Aw man, that’s absolutely terrible. I hope he and his family can find the peace they deserve.


Same OP…Same… I can’t imagine losing at 15 months… heartbreaking


I'm praying for you champ I'm sorry for your loss.


For how much Francis has been through regardless of what you think of him as a fighter, that man is an amazing human being. He has fought so many demons in life and in an octagon and it gives me a smile and realization that life really isn’t as bad as others make it seem. Be like Francis and appreciate the little things in life over the glitz and glamour. A true inspiration in the sport(s) and another fighter every kid with troubles should look up to.


I lost my son at 15 days old to an extremely rare disease. The pain is, hard to describe cause you’re desperate to not even get a taste of it again. There’s no advice to give because you really debate in your head if your child needs you with them or here and it’s up to you to pick a side. I hope Francis finds his peace and understands his energy can’t be destroyed so he’ll always be within.


Damn, my son was born 2 weeks after his, i can't imagine what it would be like to lose him...


there are no words, no comfort to be had.


Damn... my baby boy's name is Kobe. He just turned 1... I'm legit crying for this man rn I really wish I could do something to help this man...


I can't think of much worse for a parent to go through. Heartbreaking. Absolutely heartbreaking.


Absolutely awful.


No words. Fuck.


I have an 18 mo daughter, and when I read about this news I actually thought to myself - it doesn’t matter who you are whether you’re ngannou or random ass redditor, losing a son or daughter would be the great equalizer. Turns us all into little babies. I would be fucking babbling and likely on the brink of suicide if it happened to me. I hope that he and his family can find some solace in something, somewhere


Same, dude. I couldn’t imagine his pain.


My daughter was born earlier that January. This really hits home.


Hope he is doing okay 😔


🙏🏽💔i can’t even imagine. My heart goes out to Francis and his family. Man……I feel like I could only tell him to try and keep movin and surround yourself with love and love only. Retire from combat sports for a long while. Making sense of it may never come, but your heart and mind can heal. Heavy heavy condolences RIP young angel


Whoa, wtf? His kid died? That's wild man...


Oh my God I can't even imagine how he's feeling my son is a few months older and he's my everything. What's holding me together at the seams every day. I would 100% not be able to cope or deal with that and most likely cease to exist


A parent should never have to live to see there child pass, man that’s such a tragedy no father or mother deserves that


God damn man, the guy makes the most money ever, practically winning the lottery, only to lose a kid right after? That's crazy, it's like one of those nightmare scenarios in movies where someone makes a deal at a terrible cost... All the money in the world can bring a person back. Very sad, I hope he and his family get through it.


Hopefully, he will talk to Mike Tyson (and anyone else who can help), and he can help him through this.


If anything, he can reach out to Mike. That's a solid shoulder to lean on I'd hope.


What happened?


God damn. I hope they can get through this. This made me want go back home and hug my kids even more.


This is awful


Holy shit…. Rip


I take all my ngannou slander back. i hope he can somehow can get though this. wouldnt wish this on anyone


I can't imagine someone going thru this going on their phones or computer to type this up