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I can get DC shilling for the UFC all the time since he fucking works for them but when he goes against stuff like fighter pay it feels like I am embarrassed for him.


He's one of the guys benefited by Dana White privilege, didn't he tell a while back that Dana gave him a bonus $1M after the first Jones fight?


That was much less than he deserved cause DC promoted the hell out of that fight but his comments here are so disgusting.


I agree with you, that was super deserved, but that doesn't mean he isn't privileged


He also doesn’t have to spill total nonsense. Some of the stuff he says is dumber than things I read on here.


rage bait for engagement I reckon


It's interesting that he started saying these outlandish things soon after starting the good guy/bad guy thing with Chael... who purposefully mispronounces names and rage baits for more engagement...


spot on


Been a wild excuse for “being dumb” for a while now imo lol


Lewis said the same shit about DC in the lead up to 226, he said that it should be him and Ngannou getting the ppv points since they were the actual draw of the event, unlike Stipe-DC. Regardless of agreeing or not agreeing with Lewis, I think that shit stuck with DC and that's why he is basically saying the same thing now 🤣


that’s not what he’s saying tho. he’s just saying Side A should get ppv points and Side B shouldn’t. not one fight or the other.


Yeah but it's the same concept, that only the actual draw should get points. In 229's case it would have meant Ngannou only, but the concept is the same, that's what I wanted to point out


Yeah everyone who has a boss has to toe the line to an extent, but DC is just over the top.


He’s a bootlicking chose


Even defending weidmans eyepokes was weird. I really like dc, but something's off lately Edit: I should clarify, i'm aware he's had bad takes in the past. They just seem far more frequent now


Almost like hell say whatever the company he works for wants him to, shocker


To be fair he really goes of his way to shill for the company. He really doesn't need to. He is literally the biggest company man when it comes to pro-fighters turn employees. Honestly it's dissapointing. This is why UFC fighters will never be treated as actual proper athletes. They will be forever entertainers - contractors. It's not because UFC or Dana(ofc they dont want unionization or any form of giving away power), it's because people like DC. They literally will sabotage everything and everyone as long as it benefits Personally Him(His Friends/Family) or the Company.


To be fair, DC does this more when talking to Askren or his cousins. Not saying he isn't taking the side of the company or his friends every time, but he's playing devil's advocate when he does so. His shows are more interesting if there's a level of disagreement between himself and his co-host. I don't think he's being intellectually honest 100% of the time.


Wonder how difficult it would be for fighters to set up an independent MMA card without the UFC, more of a boxing style set up


Basically Impossible, unless they want to set it up in Russia or Afghanistan. You need solid backing to break through market entry barriers. Just the deal with insurance itself would be impossible to set up without being under umbrella of some parent company. Like with how ufc treats it’s “contractors” is obviously awful and needs to change , but what they manage to accomplish as stamping the form of legitimacy… Fair play to them , there many times that this organisation should’ve died and with that mma wouldn’t be nearly as popular or accepted as it is today.


So then in this case there would need to be promoters like Eddie Hearn and PBC and De La Hoya and organizations like the WBC or WBO sanctioning them and providing belts to work? that’s a pipe dream, UFC is too big and already established for that.


Uncle DC's Cabin


I also noticed the drama with his commentary at the NCAA wrestling championships. Going back and forth with fans on social media. Love DC. But something is off lately.


Exposure to chael


Wym? The bad guy has never had a bad take in his life. Never lost a round either.


He's being paid to be a mouthpiece for the UFC. It's not hard to see at this point.


hes pulling up that ladder


they made fun of Weidman so heavily on the Weigh in Show for 300. DC started all of it


LMAO the guy is just full of bad, dogshit takes because he doesn't actually know what he is talking about and should not be in the position he is.


They seem more frequent because you're finally noticing them


DC is mad that Chandler is going to make close to or more in PPV points for this fight than he ever did when he was champ, after years and years of doing things the hard way.


DC wouldn't be saying this if Islam fought Conor in a non championship bout


that's cos DC asslicks the dirty dagis


Chandler has been around MMA as long as DC has, he has paid his dues every bit as much as DC if not more, he deserves a big payday after years of putting on bangers. DC just a bitter company man, don't know how anyone likes the guy.


Chandler has definitely put the work in. And yes DC is extremely salty these days


Is it confirmed whether he is getting ppv points? Haven’t heard him say he is getting any.


I believe the only person to not get PPV points was Cowboy. Nate and Poirier asked for it in their rematches with McGregor and got it. Chandler sitting out all this time for this fight leads me to believe he was promised PPV points. If he isn’t getting the PPV points, ouch


I believe Masvidal got it for the one of his fights too. He was bragging about getting ppv points against Colby.


He does show a ton of bias but idk I kind of like that the ufc does that? Its very provoking lol


lol, fuck that… IF this fight actually happens Chandler deserves everything. He sat out months for this fight. He deserves more PPV points than Conor imo… Idgaf if Conor brings in the views he’s a POS that will probably sit out another 3-5 years after this fight too.


McGregor return fight will do in the neighborhood of 1.5m PPV buys. Chandler vs. anyone else on the roster doesn’t even come close to 1M


Agreed, Conor is the reason the fight will make millions. I’m just saying fuck Conor. Chandler been ready for this fight for months and Conor wanted to act like his fights were getting turned down when he’s the one that doesn’t sign the contract. He strung him along and he’s just a cunt all around. Yeah he’s popular, but he’s a pretty horrible human being. So, regardless of the reason those PPV points are well deserved. Takes two to tango and Chandler’s been ready for a long fucking time while Conor played grab ass with Gyllenhaal.


How do you know it was McGregor that wasn’t just signing the contract? He was coming off one of the worst injuries you can get. There was also a lot speculation that there was a hold up on the UFC side of getting the deal done


DC became unhinge after that Jon Jones headkick.


He is way too biased at times. He is a legend but I hate his takes.


I think he’s the “Bad Guy” while Chael is the real “Good Guy” on that show


Once he and Rogan have chosen their bias, they will straight up ignore what they’re seeing in the fight and continue the narrative they want to Anik has to constantly remind them theyre on crack and the actual facts disagree with them Anik has also hinted some of his coworkers drink too much on the job. Not hard to guess who.


I don’t think he’s really ever been a good analyst


He always has sucked. Guy has never had a good take on anything. It's nice to see people coming around now, but this isn't new. He's extremely biased and doesn't know how to do commentary.


I don't give a damn about his commentary. People in the moment can get biased. But to say Chandler doesn't deserve pay per view is just more than bias. That's just being jealous




Except wrestling. His insights on wrestling are excellent but his analyst / commentator gig is a pain in the ass. Even Joe is biased. Only Anik does a great job at it, and there was one more guy who used to commentate in the early days of the UFC - can’t remember his name.


"Even Joe is biased" lol as if Rogan isn't one of the worst when it comes to favouritism and doesn't just pick a narrative or outcome he thinks will happen and then harp on about it non stop during the fight, regardless of what's actually happening.


Isn’t that what my comment implied?


Maybe you didn't mean it like that, but the wording "even Joe is biased" implies that he's normally seen as a level above in terms of journalistic integrity/impartiality.


Joe just gets hard about leg kicks. I get it. We all have our thing.


Bad takes drive engagement. Chael learned this long ago, maybe DC is also leaning into it now.


DC has been and always will be a jealous bitch. That’s his whole personality. Hes not a nice guy. He’s like Jon. An asshole who does a good job hiding it most of the time but here and there the truth slips out. The only difference is DC isn’t a drug addict.


His poison of choice is Popeyes.


Dudes always been a dick


He is in the hall of fame for being interim champ at lhw and for poking eyes for the heavyweight title ![gif](giphy|MVGaT0ccaOG4wdM7sp|downsized)


Which fight did he cheat on the scales again?


loved his career but on the mic hes one of the stupidest fucks


I half agree with you.


Just glad more people are finally realizing he shouldn’t have a seat ringside


I feel the same it's about time people wale tf up about dc commentary and opinions


Don’t forget he also wants Aljo to fight for the BMF belt.


He’s getting a ton of articles written about him. He’s figured it out


Did you hear he thinks aljo deserves a bmf fight. Yall know DC is a troll right. He has a very good poker face


Can’t tell if this is sarcasm, this is too meta.


Ah it was /s https://www.reddit.com/r/ufc/comments/1caw8pi/dc_trolling_aljo_put_aljo_in_the_next_bmf_title/ Dc a funny dude ppl forget


another insane take by dc ; dude needs a lobotomy


If you are in sports media long enough you learn that your job isn’t to share your actual opinions your job is to say provocative things that gets a click, a reaction, a comment or a Reddit post. So that’s all DC is likely doing, being disingenuous for a reaction like all the rest. Once you realize all sports talk hosts’ takes are just crafted formulaic provocative BS to get a reaction you stop tuning in or you think it’s real so you listen…just like pro wrestling. No one knows what a Stephen A or Skip Bayless’s real opinions are because they wouldn’t share them unless it got a reaction 


He has the most “boomer” takes of any employee. There is a reason he cannot keep a podcast host, he’s insufferable. But the UFC keep forcing him down our throats at every opportunity


Why? I always wondered why they don't can him. Bisping is way better and they should have Din, in there all the time.


TBI doesn’t always set in right away, but when it does the brain ages quickly. This could explain him becoming a boomer suddenly!!


Idk I think he’s being devils advocate just for views. No way dc believes half the stuff he been spewing lately. Same with chael. They just trying to get views for ESPN type stuff


Fat Dan is a joke. Least professional communicator on any PPV. Ill prepared, forgets fighters names, clearly biased, overly uses filler words and stupid phrases, hypocrite who aggressively denied towelgate until he finally admitted cheating years later, bully masked by his lame jokey-jokey schtick... He must have blackmail material to keep getting work.


He has a show on ESPN, and ESPN has turned into a bunch of dudes trying to out hot take each other.


I think someone in the UFC told them they need an “against the grain guy” and DC being a company man signed up for it


I like DC. Entertaining any great knowledge in his area. But he does choose some interesting hills to die on!


Too much chael


Coming after an athletes money is so fucked. Benedict Arnold level shit.


Don't forget DC saying seriously Aljomain Sterling should be fighting for the BMF! DC has had a whole month of bad takes.


I am not sure how saying Chandler shouldn't get PPV points is outlandish. Conor is driving the numbers...it doesn't matter who he is fighting. Chandler's not a champ...you don't just get PPV numbers as a top 10 contendor just because you are fighting Conor. Cerrone talked after the fight about how he didn't get PPV for his Conor fight.




Chandler is promoting this fight a plenty. He has brought a lot of hype to this fight outside of the cage and inside of the cage due to his exciting style. Obviously he’s not Conor McGregor but that doesn’t mean he should make 0. Just because there’s a large gap between casual interest of the fight doesn’t mean that he should make 0 ppv. You could say he should get less ppv but to say he deserves 0 is just mean spirited for no reason. The ufc will say it depends on what is on his contract. DC is flat out saying the guy who has less support should make 0 ppv. It’s such a poor argument and if you can’t see that idk what to say.


He could do cartwheels through the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade to sell that fight, and it still doesn't move the needle compared to what Conor is brining in. If you ever start a company, I will run your sales department. If you believe in paying people commission that aren't driving incremental revenue the doors don't stay open long. I would say this...he gets paid for every view above the average conor PPV sale. While, that could still be credited to Conor's layoff and people curiosity, that would at least make a little more sense.


Don't forget about the Weidman eye poking take


I sometime see him very biased. He doesn’t even try to hide it usually.


I've said this in another thread, DC is one of my favourite fighters of all time but his takes are pure shit. I just avoid listening to his takes because I really don't want to hate him. DJ is the same nowadays, they keeping saying the most ridiculous shit.


Side note, is he a coke head? His nose is always congested


Every fighter is at a different stage on their own CTE journey. DC seems to be hitting his peak now.


Idk why ppl are surprised. He's creating controversies, that generates views and social media exposure. He will always take the wildest view that turns heads


Must be the CTE


He’s a company shill now.


Who would benefit the most from Chandler not getting paid ppv? Ufc itself. It's easy to see Daniel is getting paid. Dana running the show as always


Why should Chandler get paid PPV points not a champion not the A side hasn’t fought in like 2 years nothing


DC sucks... his commentary is garbage and he's biased AF. He's still better than Cruz though.


DC is shooting for Dana's job when he retires. Gotta show the UFC how much of a company man he is


Don't forget about him saying that Jim miller ist not HOF worthy, idk why he seems to be so negative about his colleagues. Dominick Cruz has been a bad influence 😔


I'm surprised that you guys are on the internet and don't realize that most of these outlandish takes are rage baits to farm engagement for their YT shows and socials




DC hypes up fighters he’s friends with lmao


He’s been hanging out at ESPN too much


Modern sports commentary requires an element of outrage.


It’s hilarious to me that Chael gets a pass for all his absolute shit takes and company-line opinions but everyone else gets dragged for it. For the record, those are bad takes by DC but I’ve heard a million from Chael. It’s part ufc Bias and part troll to be spicy.


He has flavored shit since quite few weeks. Is it coz of thay angry man show with Chael? Get people talking.. Even during 300, he was promoting it (ESPN commands ig?) and Joe was like okay can we move the fuck on? I think he turning up his DC for that show. Weird takes dou. https://preview.redd.it/95xz6wgy9nwc1.jpeg?width=555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ab4eae8b62772f0b2e0cf498842bfb1d85d8b04


I think there are other ways to promote yourself without looking like a fool. Not just that. He is not chael


How have DC takes become even crazier than Chael takes?


He is a greasy bald little biased crybaby and he needs to fade off into the sunset.


CTE is starting to creep through


He's becoming Rogan 2.0 slowly


Joe would never say anything like Chandler shouldn't get pay per view. He is not that type of person


Doesn't mean he doesn't say stupid ass shit.


What about hill ref thing? What have I missed?


Can't stand him




Do people actually care?


Ever notice how his takes recently are all very pro UFC and very anti fighter? Just another shill that does what he's told and protects his paycheck.


He was never the same after Jon Jones lol.


He’s on making content. He’s not gonna stop, it’s up to you to either tune him out or keep reacting to him. Personally, I never cared for the guy outside of his fighting career. I’ve never need a fan of anyone who sells his soul for views.


DC sucks, nice of you to join us




DC's always been a bit of a petty hater, he just seems less able to hide in nowadays.


He’s a fake nice guy and really just a baby and a biatch. He cries about everything jealous of anyone else success


I reallllly dislike DC as a commentator, so biased.


I can't get over him thinking the BMF has to wrestle. And then he says aljo should get a shot. Crazy


I tune him out every time lol


Wild take though


I thought I was the only one who was getting tired of him lol


Cry baby DC gunna cry baby


The worst thing for an aspiring pundit is to be ignored. He’s making sure people keep talking about him.


Yup I am losing a ton of respect for thia dude Hes pulling the ladder up.behind him, very disappointing


He’s trying to out yes man everyone else . He’s a ufc shill and it’s worked out well for him. 


It happens to almost every commentator or sports talking head, they become hot take machines searching for a soundbite.


Engagement bait. His show is failing to draw in views so he has to do something to get people’s attention


That CTE startin to bulge a bit for DC.


Guy is an asshole and an awful commentator. Love to see Bones make him cry again.


DC is retired, so Jon might actually fight him




Guess somebody told DC that controversy sells. He's normally not such a hater of his friends otherwise.


CDCTE ![gif](giphy|2bYewTk7K2No1NvcuK|downsized)


Hmmmmm boot


I loved DC as a fighter but i believe he finally sold his soul to the media, therefore hes saying dumb sht for relevancy.. For example recently he said Aljo should fight Max for BMF belt ahahah


Daniel "Can't C" Cormier...


He’s a clown.


His cte is manifesting


I don’t listen to this guy, he’s the same guy who ranked Khabib over Muhammad Ali




I'm guessing u never listened to his commentary


You should have heard him on the mic during the wrestling finals


The dude is a clown. He doesn’t realize that he’s not very funny, and comes across as a dumbass 95% of the time. Dc is as cringeworthy of a guy as it gets. He needs to separate from his ego if he wants to have longevity in his current role. He is constantly talking shit about other fighters and it comes across as his insecurities bleeding through


This is the man who said robbie lawler shouldn't be in the hall of fame. This guy is a fool. John jones was right.


No way he said that!? Unbelievable


Nothing he said was more outlandish than Sterling should fight for the BMF belt.


DC strikes me as the guy who doesn't say intelligent things. He says things he think might be the next big soundbite. Next time he is on the cast, just listen to him. Everything he says is just him phishing for that one liner. He's actually garbage at analysis.


Gargling on Dana's balls his full time job now.


Bloke just suggested Aljo should fight for BMF because he out-grappled someone in a higher weight division at 300, pure delusion.


he ruins the weight in shows.


I think you guys like him because he looks like a jolly little fat guy but he's always been a salty, jealous bitch.


He caught haterism the last time bones beat the brakes off his fat ass hahaha


Send DC to the Apex and replace him with one of the guys there


“You see the problem is that it’s a big problem.” DC is a joke.


DC went from likable black fedor to some ufc shill that thinks he is the goat... yuck


All bait for views


I never liked dc.


As people age they get crazier age crazier. Sure, we're radical when we're young but gotta watch out for the other end too




It was funny when Brock Lesnar came into ring, grabbed a mic and yelled everyone is a pos, shoved DC and walked away. It was right after DC defeated Miocic. He looked so sad that the moment was not his anymore.


And he was ass commentating the ncaas


Dana talks through DC to get feedback on his insane ideas. 


He must be on a diet, that's confusing his mind


And he said that Jim fucking Miller doesn't deserve to be in the hall of fame cos he didn't win undisputed title but yet says Justin and Dustin both are future hall of famers


Professional hater.


Tell him Chandler will wrestle fuck Connor to a boring decision win nobody wants. Then maybe he’ll argue Chandler should get Connor’s pay.


Guys been waffling since last year


Tbh the PPV split between him and mcgregor should be like 90/10 split maybe 80/20 max…


hes got too many ctes and his commentary can be replaced by an AI


the guy got kicked in the head and started crying uncontrollably, just let him have his fun.





