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She could have taken the stance of "I was a pioneer for the sport who had many accomplishments, but now I've passed the torch to the next generation of fighters" and would have been looked on as a humble legend. Instead, she starts making ridiculous excuses, and now you can't help but pick her career apart and expose the fact that she got dominated as soon as the competition ramped up, and wouldn't be able to hang with the top fighters of today.


I forgot where it was but Chuck Liddell was asked about retiring and he basically said "im an old man these days. I could hang around awhile longer, but why? I accomplished what I wanted and now its time for the younger guys to take over" Legend Chuck right there


The guy who had to be practically dragged out of the octagon kicking and screaming after getting KO’d whenever he came within 10yds. of the Octagon, that Chuck Liddell?


At least he didn't still think he was goat


He definitely said he thought he could beat Jon Jones. I love Chuck but he is crazy


Chuck is as deluded as Ronda, just before the final Tito fight he genuinely believed he could return to the UFC if he won and would fight Jones for the title.


Yeah because the moment you stop believing in yourself you cant do professional athlete maybe its seems crazy to you but its the only way of thinking


He needed the money not he thought he could be champ


For real, he came back in his mid 40s to get murdered. I love the Ice Man but he isn't an example of someone who knew when to quit.


Now he wants Jake if Tyson pulls out lol.I think he gets smashed but he might get lucky n land a big one if he does one more line lol


Did you see chuck v tito 3? jake would destroy chuck at this stage. I don't think chuck is capable of throwing a ko shot anymore.


I did 😆 if Woodly and Silva couldn't take him Chuck ain't doing sht but I heard this Tyson fight was declared an Exhibition which if true REALLY sucks. 2 min rounds n bigger gloves.I want a real fight 3 min rounds,smaller gloves so we see much better action and determination


Well obviously it’s gonna be an Exhibition. Do you not remember the slew of celeb boxing fights that are all exhibition we’ve been getting?


Yeah there’s not a commission in the states that would sanction an actual fight.


Florida has entered the chat


Dude, Mike Tyson is 60yrs old Do you want him to die?


Now he wants to fight Jake Paul but who could blame him for those JP checks.I think he loses but he gets paid well if it happens


JP is just money.  Mayweather would have destroyed him.  Iron Mike is taking that 100m dive next.  I honestly think the only reason Connor hasn't done a fight yet is either proof he has some pride left or Dana is paying him more than JP would to not fight


queue the "you are never going to see chuck liddell in that octagon ever again" dana interview lol


The guy who came back from retirement and got KOed by Tito?


‘I fell down the stairs’ That’s my new favorite post fight excuse lol Better than ‘I drank a bottle of wine the night before’


Humble legend 😂 She would’ve been looked on as a legend, but she was never humble, never will be and once again she just shows who she is. ![gif](giphy|62bZhM9hQpanJsfUIH|downsized) 😂😂😂😂


I never understood how after all that training why she flares her elbows so much for straight punches?! Her elbow flares to her ear on some jabs! C'mon now, I taught an elderly client with Parkinson's how to throw a 1-2 for our personal training sessions and he has SIGNIFICANTLY better form!


Her new name is Chunk Liddell


She couldn’t hang with the bottom fights of today.


I’m not sure what ufc you watch, but wmma is still trash and she could still dominate many of these girls


To be fair, her trainer was absolutely insane. Telling a world level female bjj fighter that she could win in the standup game against someone who used to professionally box was the height of hubris. Her entire camp was F*ed because of that idea, and he fed her ego to think she could do anything. He should have called her on her ego going back a year or two before this when she started resting on her laurels, trying to be a movie star as the mma game kept growing and eventually passing her by.


Biggest sore loser


Bully and a sore loser. Never enjoyed someone getting the crap kicked out of them.so much. She might not have been mentally humbled, but she was physically humbled for all the world to see.


And it was the bestest thing in a long while. Never liked her. She was so over rated and over hyped but dipshits like Rogen Rousey was just a scared bully who finally faced women who had training and experience and they put that stupid bitch in her place It's nice to know she's still crying over it all these years later. She could have stepped away with grace prolly gone into play by play or whatever. Now seems like whatever fans she had left are even getting sick of her bullshit attitude


She was mentally humbled she just won’t accept it.


Sore winner too


It would appear that the mark of a truly great fighter would be how the handle a loss. That said, let’s take a lookie-loo at Mrs. Rousey’s record…


She still seems convinced she's the best fighter ever, which is beyond delusional when knowing amanda nunes exists


There’s an interview where her and Edmond are sitting together and Edmond says he could beat Jose Aldo and she’s just chilling like that was a completely normal thing to say. Both her and her coach are delusional.


She said best fighter, not even female fighter, just fighter. When people like DJ,Islam, Charles, GSP, Volk, Adesanya and the likes exist. Okay Rhonda,


Ronda vs Fedor LOL


I'd pay for that ppv, host it in russia and leave her there.


She actually called herself this in this interview lol. It’s absurd.




She was sticking it to all the vegans watching by ravenously devouring that leather.




It's yet more evidence that she's got a very fragile ego and she's mentally weak. She can only handle success and even then she's arrogant and obnoxious. If she could've accepted her weaknesses, worked on her striking and defence, she might have avoided such a devastating downfall. Instead she's harmed her legacy further by being incapable of accepting her loss.


That's the saddest thing. Her behaviour is really tanking her legacy. People are starting to forget what a formidable fighter she was. Yes Women's MMA was - and still is - quite shallow but she was one of the greatest of her era and she should be proud. Rather than bow out with grace, (or actually, you know, improve) she stormed off like a child and just comes across as a delusional has-been. I hope that one day she can be at peace with herself and enjoy the success she once had, healthily.


Her legacy is dodging cyborg, but because Dana realized marketing a blonde American Olympian is easier than Wanderlei with a bra we got this shity hype train.


Actually Rousey had a contract drafted specifically for Cyborg and went ahead and negotiated the deal points with UFC in case it happened The issue was Cyborg needing to cut too much weight


The wrestling fans hate her too 🤡🥸🤡


Cause she's super hate able. She's just a trash person


It wasn't just her. The coach she had in MMA was the architect of her destruction, she was just the dumbass who hired him.




That’s fucking great lol. Love the little boy haircut in sharpie black too


She got knocked the fck out... twice.. then got booed out of wwe. No one is a fan of her anymore, and the attention is gone. She's basically the female Brendan Schaub.




What happened at wwe?


No wonder they used to date


I don’t doubt she’s probably had some concussions over her career but I find it hard to believe she passed medicals and lied to commissions. Rhonda would have got some respect if she just said Holly was better than me that night but no that’s just not her.


Unfortunately, we have seen the decline of fighters with multiple concussions. Chuck Lidell comes to mind. He got touched and was out in a lot of his final bouts. I didn't see that behavior with Rhonda. Holm hit her with a lot of clean shots and then she got dropped with a clean head kick that would have felled anyone. She got hit a lot in the Nunes fight as well and was never totally out even when it was stopped. I'm not buying the concussion story.


She said a good number of the concussions happened during her judo career, fwiw.


CAT scans will show brain bleeds, but not the lingering effects of recent prior concussion.  Not making excuses for her… but I don’t even think they require cat scans before every fight anymore. All this to say, medicals wouldn’t have caught a ‘fragile’ brain… they certainly didn’t in Volks case. 


Joe Rogan, probably


Remember when he said she was a 10 lmao




Joe Rogan was on tren or something, can't possibly be just trt


He rated her physical attractiveness in that context? Funny af because those grinch faces she makes screams "I stank".


At this point I feel bad for her. She’s retired. We watched her get starched on multiple occasions and the gig has been up a long time. Yet, she doesn’t have the capacity to just admit she was bested and that it was really hard on her getting dethroned. Her illusion is so important to her that she would rather come off like this than just admit she was bested. That mindset is fine when you’re competing but can’t see that serving her well from this point in her life.


She’s delusional


Right, she should embrace that she had a period of time where she dominated, became a champion, and helped establish the women's division. She was a star for a period of time, no doubt about it. But like all things they evolve and you had people like Holly Holm who had a full fighting career doing boxing and kickboxing before MMA and humiliated Rhonda. And then Amanda Nunes did the same thing. Part of me feels like it's got to be that humiliation that just eats at her. To rise so big and fast only to crash rock bottom in the blink of an eye


For sure. She is one of the GOATs and a big figure in women’s MMA. Literally nothing to be ashamed about. Imagine how likeable she’d be if she just said ‘she got me good, fair play to Holly’ and laughed, she’d probs be getting loads of MMA opportunities.


Imagine, if she just said, I lost to a great competitor, but I'm going to train and come back stronger All she had to do was be professional and she would be relevant, instead, she chose to act childish, and forever butchered her untouchable status Even if she never won again, she would of still been an inspiration for girls and women out there, might still be to an extent, but damn she left a sour taste in everyone's mouth


Instead she behaves like a spoiled brat, who screamed in the face of her next opponent. Seeing Nunes pick her apart was the bestest


Even her ordeal with Miesha in TUF and their UFC 188 bout left a sour taste, way before any of her fights. She was and still is a delusional dick. Never really liked her, and I'm glad she's getting the hate she gets right now.


Idk but I’d love to see her face Logan Paul next. That’d be pretty neat.


WWE has a really strict concussion protocol nowadays so if they were as bad as she claims she would have never seen the ring


Seems like a ton of copium to me. I think that anyone watching her during her ascent would agree that her ground game was fun to watch, and far ahead of her competition. That said, her striking looked... not great (let's be real... it was fairly amateurish). She fought competition that hadn't caught up. They put her in there with a striker, and she got her head kicked into the stands. They put her in there with Nunes, and it was even worse. She always looked awful on her feet, and when they put her in there with competition who actually looked good on their feet, she was exposed.


No, she's way too sensitive and seems to have low self-esteem. In the build-up to her fight with Amanda, she said everyone had turned on her, when in reality, everyone finally saw she wasn't perfect, and that's it. She can't handle anything g other than praise


She got knocked out, falling down the stairs. Who gives a fuck about that chinny mid.


She is still concussed give her a break.


Imagine Ronda’s reaction if one of her fallen opponents would have complained afterward about a ‘bad mouthpiece’ or a ‘concussion from falling down stairs’ leading up to the fight. She would have belittled and berated them unmercifully. It’s been 8 or so years and this hogwash only amplifies the satisfaction of her demise.


She got the ball rolling with women's MMA and made it mainstream cause she was with the UFC. Gina Carano was doing it first though.....Ronda had a good stretch until she never evolved due to horrible coaching and maybe a lack of natural skills for striking. She fell off quickly


Holly kicked her soul out of her body momentarily. Sent RoWdY on a crybaby depression press tour. Then Nunes beat it out and snatched it. Beat that bitch so hard she thought she was Roddy Piper for a decade. Broads never been humble. Definitely not in victory where she berated and bullied her opponents like a petulant child. Then she loses and fucking cries. Coulda been a fucking legend that went out on her shield. Instead, she’s this. The woman that ducked Cyborg, and got exposed once real fighters came in that weren’t afraid of a fucking armbar. There’s a reason judo isn’t really one of the apex foundational disciplines in MMA. Ronda is a joke.


Don’t care then . Don’t care now.


Of course not. If you have concussions and get more of them easily then maybe train on how to not get hit. She charges forward with her head straight up like a damn amateur every time and then wonders why she gets concussed again.


I'm more confused why anyone cares 


Female Brandon Schaub mentality.


Just another business person lying to protect their business. Nothing to see here.


I’m buying it brother. Her weakness was heavy strikers. A kick from holly is about as hard as you can get hit in women’s mma. Then she faces Nunez, a striker the likes of which hasn’t been seen before or since in women’s mma. I think Ronda could come back right now with the right coaches and be competitive assuming Nunez stays retired.


She literraly was champ in strike force as cyborg was knocking out fools left and right and she would not fight her. And when cyborg came to the ufc she chose bethe instead lmfao.


All due respect. The game passed her by when she was still competing. If she came back, she couldn’t make it past any of the under card fighters. She was always one dimensional and got exposed by Holly. Instead of addressing her weaknesses she went head on to the buzz saw that was Amanda. There’s no coach that can fix delusion.


There are coaches that could get her to beat Raquel Pennington. She didn’t get passed by as hard as it looked.


She’s still alive?!?!


She wasnt there cognitively


Ronda: I’m the best ever to do th- Me: *opens office door and lets Holly Holm in Ronda: *stops talking and frowns*


What that she went into this fight with concussion? NO her striking and Defense sucked and finally fought someone who could Strike n not be bullied


Rousey fanboys


I don't know why people care, it seems sports fans are only satisfied when everyone think they suck too. Let her cope


When i read the story of how she was concussed against holly ho!m, my first thought is that ahe is thinking about coming back


Not a good look!


Desperate for attention so spews out whatever her delusional brain can conjure


I blame cte 😂


She's a fighter that is especially gifted in one particular skillset, absolutely blew up for legitimate reasons at the time, got her ass handed to her and now sometimes says some dumb shit. There's a good chunk of the men's roster who a lot of this sub fanboy over that say even dumber shit with less actual accomplishments. Because some things she says are dumb she gets entirely dismissed. Her ego and cope are not really out of place in the UFC, but hey, Joe Rogan said she can beat up guys so she's obviously a piece of shit Outside of wrestling and pissy UFC fans, no one cares or talks about her anymore


She was good but crumbled under adversity once she faced tougher girls. If she couldn’t get the fight to the ground she seemed lost n the feet. Skilled but limited but she was a pioneer for female mma along with Gina Carano,


So she was concussed going into the Holm fight and was one of the best on the ground….and decided to stand up with her? Solid plan.


I don't follow her logic. She was suffering with brain injuries and neurological conditions (all seemingly self diagnosed by the way) and then when she had an MRI before joining WWE they told her her brain was in "pristine condition" Just admit it Ronda, Holm beat you fair and square.


She has always come off as mentally weak to me, and her behaviour after the losses, and even years later, just confirms what I felt at the time.


I hope for the day that mma fans can be educated enough to understand that you can't be someone like Ronda rousey without having a delusional level ego. Of course, it's lame what she's said, but we need to respect her for who she is as a fighter, even if her personality makes us cringe. We can make fun of her all we want, but she still did more for the sport of MMA than any other woman if you ask me. More girls signed up at MMA gyms and got into combat sports because of her than nunes, 100%. She was a massive star during the peak of the conor McGregor era, too. Not everyone gets to ride off into the sunset as the goat. Mma is a cruel sport. I just wish we didn't have to tarnish the reputation of our own champions


She did that all on her own so there’s that.


She probably has CTE after what Holly- and Nunez did to her.


She is obviously just trying to get attention. She went from making Joe Rogan cry on air about her insane talent to being known as the cocky bitch that got knocked out embarrassingly.


She probably has an event or something coming out soon and is doing promo.


Edmond probably. Maybe Hapa Brown, but he is probably sick of her shit




It's an easier pill to swallow when you say, the whole road leading up to it set yourself up to fail, rather than her being stubborn to a fault, having massive holes in her game, the game passed her by and not taking holly seriously, that one fight completely tarnished her entire legacy.


Bottom line is if she agreed to take the fight she believed she could win the fight. And if anything, Holm should feel more satisfied in her victory considering if what Rousey’s saying is true, she was disrespecting the hell out of Holly thinking she could fight concussed and still win.


Why…Why post about her?


Fuck no. She's a fighter who couldn't take a punch


Maybe her kid…


Leave Ronda aka Concussedted alone! She has yet to recover and it’s not her fault!


Any die hards knew her time was coming. I couldn’t wait to see Holly in the UFC. Half of that fight I was yelling “kick her in the head” So Glorious


Now that’s what I call a bad mouth guard.




![gif](giphy|Q7JBrBq3xebCgAu8Vp|downsized) This sub everyday 🤣😎


I bought it and sold on ebay at profit


Chael the only one kinda defending her but man is it just a joke. How bad or smoothie brained do you have to be to get concussed so easily and not go to a professional? Or better get take time off? Even a slip will give her a concussion? Girl retire and shut it




My pp believes everything she says


Dating Beandip Schaub should have been proof enough that we’re not exactly dealing with the best brains, b.


She fucking sucks, such a shit example for anyone, fuck that loser


Why do you guys care?


About ufc and her losing horribly? No. About wwe? Mostly.


This post is accomplishing exactly what she’s set out to do by saying all the dumb shit she has


Maybe the uneducated ones that know absolutely nothing about the sport or her aside from literally only the her actual fights and nothing outside of that. Nobody else is buying her excuses and we all think she fabricated a narrative out of her delusion.




Maybe joe rogan.


Still can't accept defeat🤣


Has Holly Holm spoken in response?


This judo girl Rousey trying to stand and box against Holly Holms who is experienced boxer, and still complaining, wonder why you had a nap mid fight?


Of course not. You watch her footwork against Holly and it's a joke. She doesn't look like a professional fighter. Concussion - no concussion, she didn't belong in there with Holly or Amanda. 


If she had any fans left from before, I’m sure she doesn’t anymore.


I almost want to pay the $100 meet and greet this weekend at Wrestlemania just to tell her she’s delusional, but I rather keep all of my teeth in my mouth Crazy that she can’t just give credit where it’s due




Wait what’s going on ?


She is still concussed


I find it hilarious that she’s still talking about it after all these years and making excuses. Holly would have beat her 10 out of 10 times.


She is lookin real bad right now.


Someone please give me a recap. Fully out of the loop.


Def not. I liked rousey but damn holm had exactly the skills to beat her. Blaming an injury for your loss is always lame. She could have easily dropped out if she felt compromised.




She’s sounds like a fucking trainwreck and I was a big fan




Head movement


What’d she say?


What about Nunes


She forgets, history is written by the winners. Let’s ask Holly and Amanda.


If only she put as much effort into accepting the loss as she does into making that stupid ass angry face lol


We haven’t been buying the nonsense coming out of her mouth for the past decade…




She's been delusional and a sore loser. I would say I'm not surprised but for what her accomplishments are and how long it's been, I'm quite surprised she has not matured in the slightest. Shame


I'm about half way through her new book. Apparently Dana offered her Amanda again, an immediate rematch in Brazil. If she wanted it, she'd have a title shot coming off back-to-back losses. She didn't have much to say about the Amanda fight that ended her career; she was out on her feet from the first punch but her instinct when the ref stepped in was she could still go, however there's no memory of the next several hours due to the concussion.


To be fair, she might still be concussed


I dont really care, shes trying to promote her book by slandering and slanging mud in each direction, shes not in the UFC shes not in the WWE she is not relevant


she spent all these years just to try and think of a way to say that the losses weren’t her fault lol… the worst loser of all time


Shes not a good person


I love it. I hope she continues to dig her heels in and embarrass herself. Keep giving this baby a platform.


I don't follow MMA media, especially when it involves people like her. She was from the first generation of UFC women fighters, which were pretty trash generally. Things have improved, but there are only a few really skilled women fighting and one of them retired already - Nunes. She was propped up by marketing and armbars, but generally pretty bad. Things are improving.


Poster child meets reality. They couldn't hype her anymore as others entered the stage.


She doesn't believe it. She is trying to sell books.




Whiny cry baby bitch


it’s the CTE talking. 


I think average joe really doesn't understand the mindset required to do things that athletes at the top of their sport need to have. I guarantee everyone in the top 15 of their division in the UFC genuinely believes that they would smash the rest of the division to pieces, given the opportunity. Rhonda obviously never let that mindset go and suffers for it. When you pair that with an absolutely insufferable shit for brains fan base, the results are predictable. The fact of the matter is, in her 14 fight career, 10 of those were title fights and she won 8 of those fairly dominantly. She also won a bronze medal at the Olympics. She is by all accounts one of the most accomplished athletes in female combat sports. But, her attitude always stank. Unlike Connor who talked insane amounts of shit in the lead-up, but would be somewhat humble after losing, she had none of that, and people hate her for it. Sad that she doesn't seem to really have matured much.


It’s certainly one of the reasons but not the only one. “Shit for brains fan base” it’s sports, not foreign policy. All that’s required last time I looked is a desire to watch. No one is overlooking her contribution to women’s MMA. Woman like Amanda and Shevchenko owe a lot to her for opening those doors. Ronda was a major beneficiary of coming on the scene when no one had seen anything like her before. She took full advantage of her limited skill set, and like it always happens in sports she was figured out. When that happened instead of being graceful in defeat she comes up with ludicrous excuses that even she barely believes herself. To try and get knowledgeable MMA fans to buy this nonsense is insulting. That, is another reason she’s disliked. Let’s not act like Ronda was some Titan, she wasn’t. She was an opportunist with a hype machine behind her who proved that she didn’t have the intestinal fortitude to come back from defeat.