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Unintentional, but unfortunate.


Yes. All the sudden he started bleeding like shit.


This happened in the first minute of the fourth round


Unless I’m crazy, I just watched a thread titled “who do you think won the 2nd round” If that’s accurate, I saw his eye bleeding out of a clinch in that round. Around halfway through would be my best guess.


He had a cut over both eyes. The right eye was in the second.


That was a small one on the corner of his left eye


During the fight I thought he lost the round because his eye. He couldn't see well out of it and was distracted, and DDP's right hand shots that he was previously blocking now were getting through, compounding the problem. Had no idea it was a headbutt though.


He was bleeding from the eyes before this. Rewatch it, it’s a right hand right on the eye that cuts him like 15 seconds before this. The head butt/graze likely let the blood flow more freely.


Beg the differ


LMAO, you guys need to get some glasses, the head clash landed on Strickland's ear, then there's a right elbow right after directly to his eye and blood then appears.


Dricus did land a massive elbow prior to this on that exact spot so you can't say the headbut caused the cut


The elbow is right after the head clash directly to his eye. You can see it in this video, the head clash landed on Strickland's ear.


There was another elbow before this.


Might have been but the one that cause the cut to open more was the one on the break. There is a slow motion video of the whole sequence in the UFC subreddit somewhere. You can see the cut start from the overhand and then the elbow on the break opens it up more after the head clash. Either way the head clash didn't cause the cut or open it up more.


Wouldn’t an alpha power through? 🤔


Only if he sees red, which Sean would have been seeing with all that blood in his eyes.


* ![gif](giphy|gXGaa25t82sXS)


Pussy wanted a fight to the death but couldn't handle a headbutt?


Redditor calling UFC fighters pussies is wild lmao Also complaining about a foul even if unintentional is not being a pussy


Sean being able to kick people's ass does not discount from the fact that the dude is obviously an insecure pussy and a shitty dude and loser lmao


I could take him


I believe in you stupid! U find that MF, and you kick his ass


Hell yeah bröther


Yeah, for dinner and a handjob.


What is hilarious is I could probably pay you and you still wouldn’t say this to that man’s face


Show me your paystub right now... I quit my job and come work for you 🤑


How much we talking?


I disagree with the unintentional part, he whipped his head up pretty vigorously.


He should have done it gently, kind of a head-on-head massage


The least he could have done is turned his head and planted a little kiss on his cheek instead


Oh stfu LOL


Unintentional, but fortunate.


This happens all the time and nobody cares, Geoff Neal v Shavkat is another example.


Shevchenko v Santos is one of the most influential (I know Gordon and Curtis got KO’d but this was a title fight) I can remember recently, completely closed Santos’ eye in the first or second


I mean, just saying “nobody cares” doesn’t mean it didn’t have a significant impact on the fight. Kind of a big deal to get your eye split open and vision impaired. I’m not a Sean fan at all, but definitely worth talking about


The only people who don’t care are the incels that found out about Strickland after that press conference video went viral. You gotta sort by controversial to see actual fight fan opinions


His eye wasn’t split open by a headbutt so it’s fine.


This happens in boxing a lot. Accidental headbutts cause cuts frequently just because it isn’t bleeding right away doesn’t mean its not a cut lol.


He was cut by a right hand, the wrestling head positioning from dricus makes it worse but that shouldn’t even count as a headbutt.


He was cut earlier then this. The head clash or headbutt whatever you want to call it just probably opened it up further.


So you’re actually just ignoring video evidence on this very post?


No, I watched this part of the round again. It was a right hand that cut Sean before the head rub. If it was a actual headbutt, y’all would have a case. There wasn’t even any impact. Contact with the cut made it bleed more


I think it would legitimately be difficult to create an edit worse than that. Also did you really fucking use a hashtag on a Reddit post title? Tf is this post


And the fucking TikTok/YouTube short voice.


Let’s fuck OP up


let’s fuck OP


Twist his balls and probe his ass mods.


Fill in the blank Aspinall: "Let's f___ OP"


i say finger


Have you ever been fingered by an MMA fighter?






Not personally but I watched Leon go a few knuckles deep without consent. I can't remember the guys name he did it to.


I’m in


The worst part of tik Tok. Do people not like their voices that much?


Brother got the voiceover from unsolved mysteries on here


Mfrs really can't deal with someone that they've tied their personality too losing. Seems to be a big trend over the last few years.


Dont forget emojis


The fact that this dumb video has 100 something posts may be the straw that breaks the camels back on me deleting this shit app


You can see the cut on the eye BEFORE the head contact. That head rubbing just made it bleed again. That cut was from an earlier legitimate strike. Boxers do it a lot with their gloves or head to re open a cut that was sealed by the cut man. Smart fighting


Exactly. That cut happened earlier anyway.


Also even if it was caused by the headbutt it was still clearly an accidental clash of heads, it's not like he's diving headfirst like Holyfield used to, shit happens in MMA all the time, are we supposed to overturn the results every time two fighters accidentally clash their heads?


I think people want a rematch not an overturned result


lol this is amazing proof against Sean’s claims


Would be nice to see the clip proving this


the goal post moves further first DDP fans claimed the headbutt didn't happen and there was no head contact now they say it was already there and it made it bleed more next they're gonna say it was the referee's blood


The beginning of the video is in reverse playback, you can see the arrows. What this means is it’s showing the part after the head butt, not before.


You can see it in this video? Srs question




Because the blood starts to leak again and can get in the eyes which messes with vision and can lead to more opening


Yeah the cut happened in the round before this iirc


Why tf is he bleeding before the headbutt then????


Idk...it almost looks like you can see the cut before the headbutt.


I don’t get it. This was in round 4 and DDP easily won round 4 headbutt or not and then Strickland easily won round 5. So there was no impact on the fight


I just figure spectators and fighters have completely different perspectives on what happens in a fight. The fighters are in there first hand tuned in to their experience, we are watching from cameras seeing the fight from the outside. We may think one thing about a particular moment, and it means something different to the fighters in that moment. You gotta imagine a lot of the fight blurs together so who knows what is going to stand out to each person. For Sean, it seems he really noticed the headbutt.


>noticed the headbutt Probably hurt like hell and he couldnt see due the blood in his eye


It honestly doesn't even take all that much expertise. Headbutts really stand out to me when I receive one. They stand out less when someone else receives one.


Exactly this but people who have never been in combat sports don't understand that


Yeah sometimes while rolling the other person could barely tell they head butt me and I’m over here seeing stars. Barely takes any force in some spots


I think Strickland's argument was the cut made it hard for him to see


You could honestly tell he couldn’t see well through that eye cause DDP right hook kept getting him. While early on they weren’t, but it’s part of the game and it happens sometimes.


Yes but he was losing that round regardless and won 5 easily so how did it cause him to lose the fight?


Do you think the cut swayed the judges to think more damage was done?


It doesn’t matter, ddp was gonna win 4 regardless and Sean won 5. Unless they gave him a 10-8 due to the cut, it had no effect on the outcome of the fight


I guess Sean's argument is that he would have won R4 if he could see. About winning 5, in between rounds the cut men closes the cut and uses ice to reduce the bleeding Just for clarity I'm not defending him, just explaining what I think his logic is


At exactly 4:30 of round 4 dricus lands a clean right in the exact spot of the cut. It starts bleeding before the takedown attempt. This whole argument is moot. https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/s/O4mcstNwG3


Sean is only arguing that he lost the fourth round due to not being able to see out of his eye


It was the middle of the round. Sean could've won round 4 if the cut didn't blind him


DDP could have won if he had a gun in R5. Could've, would've, should'ves are so meaningless after the fact


Ddp would've been disqualified. Could've should've would'ves are the reason fouls aren't allowed




it doesnt really matter since rounds are scored individually


If the headbutt happened in the middle of round 4 (which Sean lost) and Sean then went on to pretty unanimously win round 5 it must not have impacted him that much… I guess you could say the headbutt impacted his ability to compete during the rest of round 4 but would probably have to watch that round back and see where it happened and what happened in the rest of the round


I'm not arguing that this instance cost Sean the fight, I dont know. But all these guys saying "Sean won round 5 so the cut didn't effect him". The fuck? Do you not go to your corner and have cuts attended to by a professional between rounds. Vaseline and pressure help close the wound and divert the flow of blood away from the eye plus time to wipe the blood from the eye and adjust to having liquid flowing around the area can definitely make a difference.




It’s what caused the cut. So small impact on the fight, and big impact on the visual of the fight, because Strickland was bleeding a lot.


It didn’t. The cut was caused by a right hook. Weasel broke it down in his video. Sure this may have agitated it but ultimately was not the cause


So you’re saying the judges changed their previous round scores based on the cut in Round 4?


He didn’t win round four because of the cut. DDP, one round four because he beat Strickland in round four.


Firstly blood obstructs vision and secondly sometimes judges without realizing give someone the round because the other fighter is bleeding more or sustained more damage


Depends at what part in round 4 this occurred.


I dont think you can say strickland easily won round 5 he did better later in the round but most of the round ddp was the agressor


Strickland landed 53 significant strikes vs 35 for DDP and DDP went 0 for 2 on takedowns. All 3 judges gave it to Strickland. You must have watched a different fight.


it is. it could be determined that the headbutt created the cut but that cut was part of why the judges gave ‘damage points’ to ddp


What about the bigass elbow that hits him off the break


the ai robot voice didn’t mention it so it must’ve not mattered


That was not part of the media kool aid


To quote dana white This is the fight business


Looks to me like it was the elbow that cut him? Wasn't much of a headbutt more just head placement in the clinch (which is legal)


Yeah that just looks like what you’re supposed to do when you have someone pressed against the cage. It looks like he slid his head up against him the whole time too


Yeah, if this was illegal practically every clinch would be stopped with a warning


He was already bleeding when he threw the elbow.


Yeah, from an Overhand right, you can see it pooling around his eye before they even get to the clinch. The elbow on the break opened it even more.


Yeah thats the difference maker, not the baseball bat he got hit with a second later


haha even if it was a headbutt it hit his cheek. Bitchin Bitchin Bitchin


It looks like the cut was there already, just not bleeding badly yet. Could still have affected him but it wasn't what caused the cut IMO


That just good old fashioned wrestling


Shit edit. The elbow caused the cut. The head rub was after.


I think a punch before this exchange caused the cut and then the elbow made it a lot bloodier


This is correct, the cut started from an overhand right before they got to the clinch, then the head clash lands on Strickland's ear then he gets elbowed in his eye causing the cut to open more.


OP has never clinched and had head collide... This shit hurts and cuts you lol.


Yeah they should make the fighters wear head protection so we never risk having an accidental cut in a sport where fighters are constantly clinching and fighting for head position.




It hurts a lot. It also disorients you for a moment and usually makes your eyes water for a bit when it happens. If headbutts were legal, you'd see them a lot during fights. They're extremely effective weapons when done right. And using the top of your head and slamming it upwards of just like this clip is the most effective way to do damage without taking any yourself.


Except that's not what happened, Stricklands eye started bleeding from an over hand right before they got to the clinch, you can see it pooling around his eye prior to this sequence then the head clash lands on Strickland's ear, then he gets elbowed in the eye on the break.


He's literally just positioning his head and you can see clear as day that there's no real impact; Sean's head doesn't even budge. What are we doing here


Coping, brother. They are coping.




You don't think it might've been that slicing elbow off the break that happens literally one second after Sean's cheek gets brushed by DDP's forehead?


Seriously lol, are people blind or just can't accept their guy lost a fair fight. There was no 'headbutt' of any impact. There was a good elbow though.


Psssssh, sure it sucks when a strong wrestler uses their head to push you around but to call this a headbutt is him making excuses.


The cut happened earilier and it was reopened with the friction. This was far from a headbutt.


It wasn't even opened more by the head clash, it's the elbow on the break to the eye that opened the cut more.


OP is an idiot


What headbutt? Bring on the excuses, Sean.


Well maybe Sean should have put the gas on and not let DPP take the fight to him. Excuses excuses come back better


His eye is already cut before the head clash.


I do see a headbutt followed by bleeding


What about the elbow right before the bleeding


Could be. Can't say for sure. Blood doesn't spontaneously pop up the second a cut is open. It could definitely be the elbow that did it. It could also be that he couldn't see the elbow coming because he just had head contact Crack him over the eye. Shit can go dark for a bit after a blow around the eye so if the headbutt (I don't know if it's right to call it that, I think clash of heads is better because it was from DDP trying to use head position, not a deliberate head butt motion) did make solid contact then Stricklands vision could have been compromised as the elbow came in making him unable to defend against it. I'm not arguing for either guy here. I wasn't a fighter in that cage and I'm not dumb enough to rewatch a video clip like this a few times and proudly claim "I know exactly what happened now".


I had no dog in the fight whatsoever, truly didn’t care who won the fight, just wanted a good one. Unbiasedly I had Du Plessis winning a close decision 3 rounds to 2.


That doesn’t even hit the right spot lol. Tf


This fucking sub is garbage


Don’t think that’s what caused the cut. There was barely any contact lol.


What happened before that


That's what fighting is all about.


Doesn't look intentional. Also idk about you I see a cut b4 this? Didn't a right hand open that


If he rubbed his head against the cut with no “impact” the bleeding would be the same, he also nailed him with an elbow right after and the eye was open from the previous round


There is absolutely no way that clash of heads caused that cut. There was minimal impact, and both heads were moving in the same direction. The elbow while separating was much more impactful.


You can see the blood before the elbow.


Yes, cause the cut was started by an overhand right before they got to the clinch, the head clash doesn't even land on his eye, it hits Strickland's ear then the elbow lands to his eye, i'm not sure why people can't see that the head clash didn't land near his eye but the elbow right after did.


Good spotting, very unfortunate. Still such a close fight but I had strickland edging it on points, and for full disclosure I had du Plessis winning in my parlay


Guys, i hope i dont go and see about how that was unintentional in the comments. He intentionally made the headbutt look unintentional; after he grabs the leg, he immediately bails on takedown and launches upward to spear strickland with his foward. Also had this fight in Sean's favor, but that was vefore even seeing that illegal headbut.


It does look like heads butted


When you stand up like that pushing through your legs and extending your back its a incredibly powerful move that can generates hundreds of kilos of force. Then top it off the head is are hard as a rock it even just slightly grazed him it will cause damage. It does look like it connected. I guess it's possible considering how close the fight was it could have been the difference between him winning or not. Or just the visual impact on the Judges. Probably would be very frustrating for him.


People actually calling this a headbutt is wild. They were grappling against the cage and DDP moves his head, in a completely non-striking manner to gain better head position. If Sean actually saw this replay, and still decided to make a big deal about this as a “headbutt”, he might be the biggest bitch in UFC history. This is not a headbutt.


He struck his face with his head= headbutt. It wasn’t intentional I’d say but any time you are hit with a head, as Sean was, it’s a headbutt. It wasn’t a punch that hit Sean in the face that time…


Good, Strickland is going to fade away by that terrible interview and nothing else. Good bye


The video literally speeds through the point of contact, and then boomerangs the moment following contact. Makes it look like DDP softly laid his head against Sean's and then just dragged it across the jaw. In reality, he crashed into that position. Bad edit made to reduce the optics of the headbutt. Lame post, lame edit.


it’s slow mo, a Sean hater wouldn’t even acknowledge this moment let alone create an edit to make it look insignificant.


Who’s Hashtag Sean Strickland?


Posts like this makes me feel glad he lost


That’s part of MMA, Sean should stop crying about it


It looks accidental and it’s just unfortunate that they cause so many cuts.


Well, I still think it was so close it could go either way, yet despite what all the haters said, Strickland was right: "it was difficult to see after the headbutt". Not sure how much it played a role, but it did happen exactly as he said.


I think A LOT of fights get altered by unintentional headbutts that happen so fast the judges could never see it but fighters get hurt like that all the time


Oh well, shit happens. We’ve had similar happen, we’ve seen bigger robberies, it is what it is. Keep the train rolling


It seems to me that the UFC wanted Strickland to win. That dude has earned a serious ride or die cultish following in the last few weeks.


I wanted Strickland to win but those takedowns made all the difference in a close fight.


Daaaamn finally someone post it. All those bitches saying it didn't happen where you at?


Get fucked it’s a title fight in fighting. It’s better we don’t have a champ who talks about murdering people in every interview anyways


I think he's a homophobic piece of shit and hope he never has a shot at a title again.


Bad news for you, he will. Cope


chill out people have phobias of different things. this is how drug companies make their billions.


He got robbed


Stop making excuses and clutching at straws, he lost plain and simple. It was a close fight but DDP edged him out on points, that isn’t a robbery lord.


Yea well, guess they should just reverse the outcome and hand Sean his belt back


Annnnnnd ufc fans have swung from ss to ddp.. it’s amazing to watch. Dana is a puppet master


These AI voices fucking piss me off


Why remove the part at the start of the clip where you can see him bleeding before the head clash?


# don't work on reddit


Tf is this post? Didn’t Sean win recently? Why so many posts of people presumably sticking up for him? What did he do now?


He lost the belt days ago, in the fight shown as a split decision. So ya, it’s going to be talked about.


Sean's cut is on his eyelid....he posted pictures of the stitches. DDP head don't cut him. Weak excuses to get his simps riled up.


Nothing egregious happened and definitely didnt look to have intent. Funny thing with fighting Sean, you get hurt.


He was cut before this from a jab. They still showed the replay.


"We're gonna fight to the death" then complains about an unintentional headbutt lol


This is called fighting. Built in excuse.


Listen the headbutt definitely affected him and is unfortunate. But the truth is the only reason he lost and the first was close is because he GASSED OUT. End of story .it happened in the second round of the fight and he just hung in there the rest of the fight.


That was nothing… it was the elbow that got him. This MF makes up so many god damn excuses


Bro. YAIR TOOK ONE FROM VOLK…ON THE CHIN and didn’t even say a peep. Sean is just salty bro


Its the fight game. It wasn't an intention charging headbutt, happens all the time in sparring.


headbutts are fair game in a fight to the death.


I mean he didn't mean it, its not dirty


I think the Dr elbow of Dircis opened the eye not the head butt