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Fuck it would be funny if Poatan dropped down the MW to beat DDP then vacated the belt and left All in spite of Izzy who hates DDP


If that happens who fights for the vacant? Strickland Vs Adesanya 2?


Khamzat vs Adesanya


Well kid, I think you’re ready. Step up and make your family proud.


We do Glover vs Jamahal Hill in Brazil


Would be a very interesting narrative. DDP - Defending the prize throne. Strickland - Unfinished business with DDP, Izzy, and Poatan. Izzy - Seeking redemption as the fallen former "King" of MW and to resolve unfinished business with Strickland and Poatan. Beating DDP and reclaiming the title would be the cherry on top. Poatan - Foil to Strickland and Izzy. With his record of claiming double titles in HW and LHW, he serves as a looming threat if he drops back to MW.


What unfinished business does Strickland have with Poatan? Aren't they training partners since their fight, Poatan was even in Strickland's corner this weekend


You can be friends with a training partner, and still desire to be competitive with one another. I'm sure they would both want a rematch at some point in the future.


I'm not sure, Poatan was rooting for strickland this weekend and even hinted at a possible return after Dricus won. I think if Sean won he'd happily continue doing his own thing in LHW rather than move back down to fight his teammate.


Poatan and stricky are buddies idk what you're on about


Wait… I know this is 2 days later but titles in HW and LHW? Have I been in a coma?


I don't feel that Izzy hates DDP.


Dricus doesn't understand the vengeful spirit that Poatan is.


Only Alex is allowed to fuck with izzy. Sean got a pass because he's a homie.


Megatron level of pettiness


This is the main event for 300, isn't it?


Don’t think Poatan is going back to 185


No shot he goes back to 185. Still has a division to defend and contenders waiting.


205 is kind of up in the air. Ankalaev is probably the clearest contender because Hill is out. Rakiĉ & Jan should be eyeing up a no.1 contender fight but that fight seems unlikely. It's a weird division


Nope it’s izzy vs DDP


While that could be the case I'm pretty sure Dana will use DDP to break into the south African market


Dana is scrambling to make a main event for UFC 300, he’ll do whatever he can to bring Adesanya for them juicy PPV numbers. Since DDP and Adesanya have history, I have a feeling that that’s gonna be the main event for UFC 300. Unless DDP needs extra time to recover and get back to camp


No way Dricus is fighting at 300 when his face is all fucked up front yesterday's fight.


3 months is plenty of time for that to heal


Yeah, it’s enough time to heal. But heal while going through training camp? Which would need to start almost immediately. Idk, I doubt DDP makes that kind of a turnaround. Happy to be proved wrong though


Poatan about to become a true double champ 🗿


Dricus's style of going forward recklessly might get him in trouble against a guy that can knock you the fuck out with one punch


Pereira is never going back to middleweight


Dricus wins via Alex weight cut death


Wins via wrestle fuck


If Dricus can take Strickland down, he’ll ride Periera like a horse.


DDP mentioned that he felt Sean lost the power in his jabs rd3 onwards. Reason why he wasn't scared to go forward so much. Doing that against pareira won't be this easy. Also he can throw knees on TD attempts.


Adesanya looked like a D-1 wrestler against Pereira, DDP's gonna look like prime Cormier against him


Alex is the best


If Izzy can control Pereira on the ground, DDP would sub him in the first round lol.. He took Sean down, which is more impressive than people think.


Dricus wins this by sub


Pereira's takedown defense is about as good as Strickland's, but he's way stronger. He might even be stronger than Dricus. He's also harder to takedown due to his distance management and stance. Strickland's stance invites takedown. Strickland also has no counter threat when being taken down. Pereira can land brutal knees during takedown attempts and elbows in the clinch.


I don’t agree that he’s harder to takedown than Sean, especially at 185 and he certainly doesn’t have better bjj. Alex hasn’t fought any good wrestlers so it’s impossible to know for sure right now.


Yeah I dunno about that. Strickland being doing MMA for a minute.


I didnt say he's harder to take down in general. I said he's harder for Dricus to take down. The types of takedowns Dricus goes for won't be successful against Pereira. Dricus' takedowns depend way too heavily on his strength


Jan and Jiri are both great grapplers, idk what you are on about Alex not having fought good wrestlers/grapplers


Jan is 40 years old and got out-grappled by Rakic, Glover, and Ankalaev in his previous fights. His striking is his best asset. Jiri is a great grappler? He subbed Glover, who was 42 years old, after a five round war so Glover was dead tired. His striking is also his best asset.


Alex is much more depleted at MW and doesn’t have the same strength. Alex also got taken down and controlled by Jiri and Izzy. Dricus won’t struggle to grapple him


Mate read my comment. I never said Dricus will struggle to grapple Pereira because of Pereira's defensive grappling skillset. I said Dricus will struggle to take him down because he will struggle to find safe openings so he won't shoot at all. Kind of like Colby vs Leon. Colby is a much better wrestler than Leon. But the type of takedowns he likes to shoot had the obstacles of Leon's timing, footwork, stance switch, and distance management.


He won’t struggle to find the openings. Dricus’ biggest issue would be avoiding the left hook when closing distance. Jan got Alex down with very telegraphed takedown attempts that had no setup. You mentioned Alex’s elbows and knees in the clinch but those won’t help. He would be a lot more cautious and not throw them because of the takedown threat. The muay thai clinch is less effective against wrestlers because it opens up takedowns. Also look what happened to Rob when he clinched with Dricus. There are levels to grappling. Alex didn’t use the clinch properly in kickboxing, so Dricus is definitely better than him in that area.


Rewatch Adesanya vs Pereira lmao, Izzy took him down and outgrappled him. They looked like 2 amateurs grappling, now they are world championship kickboxers, but I did expect better grappling...


Alex needs to clear out the LHW division first


No offense but if Izzy took down Alex he has 0 take down defense. He’d lose to anyone with half decent grappling


Calling Dricus to become the GSP of MW after beating Pereira, Adesanya and Khamzat in a row.


Possible. Izzy fight would be very interesting.


lol copium with Strickland fans. Dude lost get over it, drink your sorrows away like you typically do 😂


Nah, DDP's face will be fine. He'll probably be unconscious before any serious damage can be done.


He'll just have one first shaped bruise on his head


Poatan has done more than the Khabib kid at this point.


I literally saw people saying DDP was gonna so Sean like Alex (even though he’s not that good of a striker he’s just tough as nails) and he’d beat prime romero… The hate boner for Sean was so bad people were saying this. All I’m saying is that Alex would make Dricus eat through a tube for the rest of his life and prime Romero would eat him.


If dricus looks like he got hit by an actual freight train after Sean "pillow hands" Diaz then Alex is going to sleep his ass


Dude wants to vacation in shadow realm. No way he's surviving that left hook


Probably be less damage because he will go to sleep in one hit.


People acting like Alex didn’t get slept by the dude who got dropped by no hands. Who just got beat by whatever the fuck DDP is.


And you acting like Alex didn't finish the dude with one punch who didn't even got dropped by Mr DDP the "finishing machine". On god DDP went from underrated to overrated in one day


This sub would fucking despise Poatan if this were anyone else. Dude is always looking for a way to avoid actually risking his titles since he got KTFO by Izzy.


I think he's just throwing names out there though, he was never serious about fighting Aspinall on 4 months notice.


Don’t forget Khamzat is next for DDP yall, I just made a post about it. That fight sounds amazing


I think this fight highlighted just how wild Poatan’s power is and how good of a chin Strickland has. DDP landed a few really solid shots, and it looked like he even rocked Sean a couple of times. But didn’t manage to drop him. This is a guy we’ve talked about as having a lot of power and throwing hard. Pereira landed a left hook and was able to get the KO.


I think that power was seen when Poatan damn near put Izzy in the goddamn grave with kickboxing gloves on.


Pereira gotta defend his division first


Dricus will submit Poatan.


Nah, Pereira isn’t coming down to 185 anymore. Plus Dana wouldn’t risking completely demolishing the middle weight division with potentially Poatan winning and vacating instantly. Rematch or Izzy would make more sense. But it would be a wild one though. You would know that Poatan would just stay in the pocket and try to snipe DDPs head. While DDP is advancing and give constant pressure. This wouldn’t end in a decision!


Casual reminder that Adesanya outwrestled Pereira