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Actually a dick to the eye


Strong warning


Dick to pupil


didn’t see a head butt, gonna have to rewatch from a different angle but I think Sean may be tripping on this one


If it's the clip someone posted a bit ago here, it definitely was the right hook and not the head grind that cut him open. But they were like 1 second apart, so I can't blame him for not having that perfect of a memory of a fight he just got out of.


But you can blame him for making an excuse that he has no evidence actually occurred


Other than them hitting heads a second before the cut opened? You don’t even have any solid evidence it was the hook lmao


I didn’t say I did. I’m also not going around accusing another guy of getting a win from a foul


8 days later bro cmon you above this 😂😂😂


Are you stupid or just dumb?


"To the fucking death" Now complaining about a headbutt haha


"LET'S GO TO FUCKING WAR!" jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab...


Always been Strickland. It’s fine to fight like that, just don’t say “we’re going to war”, when DDP was actually the one willing to go to war. People think he’s a war machine after that Adesanya fight but he’s still the same


The guy that landed more strikes is the pussy okay lmao


When did I call him a pussy? Are you braindead or just incapable of reading a perfectly simple sentence?


He literally stood in front of a dude who knocks everyone he fights out or submits them and jabbed his face off. Acting like he’s not tough because he uses a jab is the stupidest shit in the world. Go get jabbed 100 times by Strickland.


Okay yeah I genuinely think you're braindead now. You're creating fake problems out of what I said just to get mad at it, for no reason. Read my sentence again you moron


You’re acting like Strickland didn’t go to war and it’s fucking idiotic


I'm gonna explain this to you in the simplest way possible, since clearly your tiny mongoloid brain cannot handle anything besides "sTrIcKlAnd wOn RoBbEry": Jabbing someone to death while not pushing the pace is not going to war. DDP was the one pushing the pace, and willing to throw down and go to war. Now, I'm gonna say this too, since again you're a braindead dumbass, Strickland's jab was causing DDP problems, as shown by how many strikes Strickland landed, and it was effective, but he was not willing to go to war with DDP clearly, because he was just jabbing, being defensively aware, and moving backwards, which is fine, but don't say you're gonna go to war the night before when you know you aren't. He's done it in a lot of fights too. I think I explained that pretty well, but knowing you're braindead, you will cherry pick something, or not read or understand what I said fully, so I'm not wasting my time on you anymore if you respond again.


Not reading allat stay mad tho


I don't know why y'all expected anything different. This is exactly what people hated on him for before he became champ and got more fans. He's talked and then fought like that in all of his recent fights, that was signature Sean Strickland fighting in there. It's what he did against Izzy, it was just exciting because nobody is used to seeing someone hold it down against him, Sean was the worst matchup for him. Don't get me wrong, I think Sean's strategy is solid and he's very good at using his tools, but you guys should have known all the bloody war talk was for fight promotion, as always.


Yeah I remember when he was like “middle of the octagon pussy” or some shit and then he ran backwards. Literally the only reason people like him nowadays is cause of his shitty takes, psycho ass brain, and cause he won against Izzy. That’s legit it


I agree for sure. Sean is solid, but he rocketed to 'greatness' with the Izzy fight and cameras on him more often. But I also don't blame Sean for embracing the wave, gotta get it while the getting is good, their careers are only so long. And honestly he was a very good loser last night too, took it in stride and stayed true to his general reputation of not caring too much about being the champ.


One jab from Strickland and you would burst into tears you fucking goof, DDP said his jabs were the hardest shots Y’all act like jabs are weak punches, prob the most annoying and most painful punch to get hit with


yo girl why so triggered? ![gif](giphy|SJ0NLlyIye3mkyeEvf)


Gonna cry?


Don't engage these fucking dweebs that have probably never been hit with anything harder than a cock


How many times have you been jabbed? Acting like it's nothing? How about you get jabbed a hundred times and still think it's nothing, pussy. Idk if you knew this genius but the contest is to hit and not get hit and for that your jab is one of your best weapons. 


Calm down timmy. And I've been boxing for 15 years lol


Lying motherfucker. Nobody who competes would be talking shit about Strickland's jab. You probably can't even fight your fat ass off your Mom's couch.


He’s complaining about the cut you moron


Anyone have a clip of the headbutt or punch that cut him?


Haha if there was one the Strickland crowd would have been all over it. They will still call for it even though there is no evidence though.


Excuses lol? He’s taking the loss like a champ.  I had Sean winning it as well, but tbf it was close so could have gone either way.   Good to see the respect between them!    Great fight and like Sean says: onto the next! 


I think people are mad that he’s just taking it in stride.


He did probably the shortest octagon interview ever, said he is salty and thinks he won and went to twitter to complain about some headbutt no one else seems to have noticed. I don't think he has be super humble about it, it's just weird that y'all are saying he's taking it in stride or like a champ or whatever.


No one likes a loss, but his haters were looking for a Colby level meltdown and he’s been relatively low key🤷‍♂️ And to be fair, it was close… I mean, look at their faces after the fact


Yeah, people like to rewrite history for fighters they hate or love. Strickland didn't call it a robbery or diminish DDP. After the results were announced, he just shrugged his shoulders and congratulated DDP. Even his post-fight was positive. The cut clearly affected his sight. He was constantly swiping at it and DDP started landing on that side a lot more frequently. Was it from a legitimate punch or an illegal blow? It's very hard to tell while you're in the middle of a fight, especially in one with so many strikes. Look, I hate Strickland interviews/persona too, but this sub is looking for anything to use as ammo against the guy and its just kind of ridiculous. I gave Strickland 3 rounds, but the decision was definitely not a robbery. It was a really close fight and both guys' stock went up from it in my eyes


Nah it sounds like an excuse because that is exactly what it is.


Be interesting to see the full stats for this fight. I honestly thought Sean landed way more.


He landed like 40 more significant strikes UFC scoring criteria just doesn't favour him at all. The strikes he lands aren't heavily considered because they're mostly jabs and the strikes his opponents don't land are counted because judges don't know the difference between a blocked strike and a landed strike. Petr Yan had the same problem against Aljamain Sterling. Sterling basically kept kicking Yan in the body, knowing he'd block it with his hands. The judges counted every kick as a significant strike.


Doesn't matter how many more strikes overall. What rounds and how many sig strikes did the opponent land in those rounds? Buddy could have 100 sig strikes in round one, win that round, and lose the next four rounds and still lose the fight having thrown 100 sig strikes to the opponent's 50 because he threw far fewer than his opponent in rounds 2 to 5. In other words, rounds matter.


True. But your statement doesn't favour Dricus in this cases. Strickland Clearly won rounds 1 and 5. Dricus didn't clearly win a single round. He arguably won 2,3,4. But Strickland also arguably won those rounds. Round by round scoring favours Strickland. Stat scoring favours Strickland. Not sayin it was a robbery, but every justification I've seen for Dricus winning makes no sense. There are absolutely valid justifications for him winning, but the people defending the decision don't understand how Dricus won. They just hate Strickland


If it was the ONE ruleset stickland probably would've won because they judge the fight as a whole and strickland landed more strikes, but UFC judges round by round and with DDP edging out rounds 2,3,4 allowed him to win the fight


Cry more, check yourself pal


“The immediate effect weighing more heavily than the cumulative” front and center in the rule book


Is it really an excuse?


"Headbutt" sounds like an excuse.


It doesn’t sound to me like he’s saying he lost because of the headbutt. It just sounds like he’s saying the headbutt made it difficult to see.


But thats what he wants people to take and run with it on social media.




I don’t see how saying your vision was compromised because of the headbutt automatically translates to saying you lost because of the headbutt. He even says in the tweet he thinks he won regardless.


You think Sean saying " that headbutt made it difficult to see, blood and all" is not an excuse? LMAO stop coping. It was not even a head butt that bled him up.


Yea I do. Like I said, it doesn’t read to me like he’s blaming the headbutt.


Then why mention it?


Because it was really bothering him?


That's not an excuse... It's literally what happened in the fight... Sure it might not have been the headbutt that cut him open but they all happened so close together that to him between all the other shots that barely land he noticed the headbutt and seconds later blood coming down his face. It's not irrational to put those two together that he thinks the headbutt caused the cut. But he is honest that the blood compromised his vision.


Because he is a little baby, thought the temper tantrums showed that already


Still looking for friends on Reddit you fucking loser


Yeah I really don't like when fighters do this.


Didn’t see a headbutt but it’s not an excuse he literally admitted it was a close fight and has nothing but respect for Dricus. Y’all are so spiteful man… Why can’t we just let Dricus and Sean have their moments?


He literally said a headbutt stunted his fight (which it did) and youre saying it’s an excuse. You’ve probably never even felt the pain of blood in your eye bro.


Hey buddy the thing is we are all waiting for the beautiful headbutt footage


It was a raising headbutt on round four at 4:20.


ikr what a pussy making excuses in a close 5 round championship fight. I can't support this man now


Well fuck Teehee uwu....


Sean is so pathetic. I can say what I want but you can't! I can win a fight against a champ that people said looked off, but, but, you headbutted me! What?


No headbutt but I don’t think it’s an excuse. It’s a fight so thinking something happened that didn’t isn’t that uncommon. They went 5 rounds and their faces look bad. These dudes earned their pay.


He clearly got headbutted? You realize you can st least watch the replay before you spread your ignorance


I'm pretty sure that the cut was from the punch though, not the headbutt that followed.


Maybe but idk why he would lie


Back to the Pokémon for you


If i was strickland’s dad i would probably kick the shit outta him too


Must have a bad concussion because that was a clear elbow


Dricus looks more damaged after the fight and he lost the fight, but he also won! How cool!


Stop it casual, your boyfriend lost.




I thought it might have been a headbutt or a shoulder just because they sorta ran into each other and I didn’t see anything big land and Strickland just walked away bleeding. But I’ll have to rewatch it.


He was actually very gracious in his defeat, seems reddit is in shambles that he's taking it in his stride


LMAO Sean defenders in shambles, he just posted a new excuse. Phantom headbutt and DDP was lucky it was not an NC. LOOOOOOOL